738 Questions 5K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dariusz Prokopowicz
Searching for information on the Internet was and is one of the most important internet services. The techniques and functions of search engines since the 1990s have constantly changed in the...
28 December 2018 7,127 6 View
In my opinion, technologies for processing large data sets in Big Data database systems and other information technologies, information processing services on the Internet or data obtained from...
28 December 2018 8,179 12 View
The Research Gate portal has the functions of both a typical communication medium for researchers and scientists as well as some functions of the social media portal but profiled to the world of...
28 December 2018 1,245 16 View
Do multinational corporations and financial institutions, including banks and investment funds, play a significant role in generating globalization processes? In recent years, the importance of...
27 December 2018 2,255 7 View
Locally operating business entities should be promoted by chambers of commerce. Entrepreneurship and innovation should be supported by central and local government units of public administration....
27 December 2018 2,189 8 View
Do you know any aphorisms, old sayings, parables, folk proverbs, etc. on science, wisdom and knowledge, ...? Please, quote. Best wishes
27 December 2018 7,767 93 View
Agriculture is the basic sector of national economies. The technological progress that has been taking place over the millennia, including mechanization and the chemization of agriculture...
27 December 2018 9,819 15 View
Money provides a certain level of living in consumption and existential terms. Money allows you to undertake investment projects, organize business operations. However, not everything can be...
27 December 2018 3,191 94 View
Barriers to the development of entrepreneurship and innovation can be many. In particular countries this issue looks different. For example, in some developing countries the main barrier is the...
27 December 2018 1,872 21 View
Creativity is linked to innovation and is essential for the development of knowledge-based economies. Creativity can also be a source of rationalizing improvements in production processes, but...
27 December 2018 9,417 6 View
In recent years, the importance of the problems of scientific attempts to verify and justify for formulated forecasts of the potential emergence of another global financial crisis is growing. The...
27 December 2018 3,917 17 View
Currently, sent probes to the planet Mars can provide valuable information. Based on these new information, it will be possible to get answers to particularly important questions. The most...
27 December 2018 3,686 13 View
The level and organization of the financing system for research and development is one of the most important development-related issues in contemporary knowledge-based economies. (The...
27 December 2018 3,271 7 View
Existing tax havens, to which many companies from different countries transfer their fictitious or real offices to avoid tax system functioning in a given country is now a seriously global...
26 December 2018 6,599 15 View
The private sector offering services, private goods usually implements this process more economically in terms of costs and expectations of customers compared to the offer of the public sector. In...
25 December 2018 7,160 16 View
Will the technologies of electric motors and the new generation of batteries installed in cars and other motor vehicles be developed in the scope of the main directions of development of...
24 December 2018 6,428 7 View
What is the role of particular social groups in disseminating the concept of sustainable pro-ecological development based on the concept of a new, green economy? The role of engineers is...
21 December 2018 5,564 35 View
The question of the accuracy of prognostic research carried out on the basis of an analysis of the sentiment of verifying the comments of Internet users archived in Big Data systems? Currently,...
21 December 2018 4,794 24 View
How behavioral economics can be used to study investor behavior in capital markets, including securities markets? How is it that in these markets every several or a dozen or so years, there is a...
21 December 2018 9,420 10 View
In the area of electronic banking, including mobile banking, commercial banks improve technological solutions for the use of smartphones for the purpose of conducting financial transactions by...
20 December 2018 5,413 50 View
In my opinion, scientific research is the most important source of emerging innovations, new technological solutions and improvements in production processes that contribute to civilization...
20 December 2018 4,334 13 View
I believe that it is necessary to apply appropriate waste management techniques due to the need to develop a new green economy, ie to implement the principles of sustainable development. It is...
20 December 2018 2,806 19 View
The visions of the future, in which global sustainable pro-ecological development is dominating, actually looks like a dream. But it would be nice if it happened. Unfortunately, currently, too...
19 December 2018 8,800 14 View
Probably the future of humanity depends on the next decade. If, over the next few years, renewable energy sources replacing traditional energy based on the burning of minerals are developed on a...
18 December 2018 5,755 17 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of credit risk management? The most important issue is the credit risk management for loans granted to commercial banks and the adjustment...
11 December 2018 8,814 50 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of New ideas, new concepts in science, in art, in business? The new idea often contains something innovative in relation to what was...
09 December 2018 3,417 12 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Futurology, forecasting, future, technologies of the future? Please reply. I invite you to the discussion
08 December 2018 8,504 25 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of The role of education in the economy? Education is one of the most important determinants of ensuring the country's economic development....
07 December 2018 7,017 18 View
The issue of reducing greenhouse gas emissions is currently one of the most important problems for urgent solutions in connection with the accelerating process of global warming. The fact that the...
04 December 2018 9,273 22 View
In my opinion, in the future the most important proecological technologies that should be improved and implemented are renewable energy technologies based on solar energy. Solar power plants...
04 December 2018 1,767 19 View
The report of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shows that greenhouse gas levels on the globe are the highest in 800,000 years. Further emission, which arises according to the...
03 December 2018 1,161 28 View
This is probably the most important problem to explore and solve in the 21st century. Unfortunately, many people, including politicians and entrepreneurs managing large industrial corporations...
01 December 2018 8,198 62 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of globalization? In developed countries, knowledge-based economies are characterized by the development of information services, and...
30 November 2018 590 48 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of artificial intelligence? The current fourth technological revelation, known as Industry 4.0, is motivated by the development of the...
30 November 2018 8,672 25 View
Many studies show that the most effective organic farming consists in cultivating forest stands in a formula referring to natural, complex, biologically multispecies ecosystems. The ecological...
29 November 2018 6,274 8 View
Is it time to change the civilization development strategy globally and focus on sustainable socio-economic development? Will "ECONOMY" help in this, will "NEW ECONOMY" help in the 21st...
28 November 2018 6,342 31 View
At present, the economies of developed countries are entering the period of the fourth technological revolution known as Industry 4.0. The previous three technological revolutions: 1. The...
26 November 2018 6,565 9 View
The technological revolution Industry 4.0 is currently one of the major determinants of the economic development of highly developed and developing countries. Therefore, the issue of Industry 4.0...
24 November 2018 2,821 30 View
These tools include Google Analytics. However, in addition to this type of the most popular tools created by the largest group of Internet information and marketing services for specialist...
22 November 2018 7,347 12 View
An interesting thing is the algorithm according to which specific search results appear in a Google search engine based on a given password. Formulas of this type of algorithms can be variously...
22 November 2018 2,899 7 View
Has the upgraded computerized Business Intelligence analytical platforms been implemented in the credit risk management systems of financial institutions? Please reply.
22 November 2018 9,956 9 View
The resources of clean water are shrinking in many countries and the exploitation of water is growing rapidly due to the development of industry and urbanization. What technologies should be...
20 November 2018 9,586 22 View
The field of research and business applications in the field of obtaining, archiving, analyzing and processing data in Big Data database systems has been developing strongly for several...
19 November 2018 9,599 11 View
If someone in your country thinks about innovative new types of products or services, technological innovation, and innovation in the field of Pre-idea 4.0, is there no problem with finding...
19 November 2018 10,068 11 View
Is the synergy and interdependence between the development of analytics conducted in Business Intelligence applications and the processing of data in the cloud in the Big Data database systems...
19 November 2018 5,533 9 View
Does deepening the liberalization of the rules of conducting transactions in financial markets, banking lobbying in rating agencies, moral hazard in investment banking, failure to observe...
19 November 2018 1,393 10 View
Social media can affect the personal lives of individual people. The sociological behavior of people is changing. Some people exchange traditional contacts with other people for contacts via...
18 November 2018 2,783 5 View
Some of the developing countries, such as China, are generating large financial surpluses. Chinese banks place their large financial surpluses in, among others, US Treasury bonds, thus financing...
18 November 2018 4,407 5 View
Pupils and students use social media portals to exchange information useful for education. In addition, Facebook and students create group profiles where they put together teaching materials. In...
17 November 2018 6,989 32 View
How can the process of managing financial risk, eg credit risk, be associated with the risk management process of IT systems, including the risk of cybercrime in online banking? Please...
17 November 2018 1,511 9 View
Didactic methods based on computer games are included in the new education 4.0. Therefore, education systems should be improved in such a way as to make the most of the techniques known for the...
15 November 2018 9,460 7 View
I propose an analysis of changes in behavioral behavior of consumers, business entities and other participants of individual markets, which can be observed on the basis of the analysis of entries,...
15 November 2018 8,947 10 View
An important topic in the area of finance is the management of financial risk in the context of the analysis of sources of economic, financial, debt and other crises. The financial systems still...
15 November 2018 6,600 15 View
In the field of technological fields that are developing strongly and co-create the current technological revolution referred to as Industry 4.0, data processing in the cloud computing information...
13 November 2018 1,938 4 View
In order to effectively promote the issue of natural ecosystems in the context of developing models of sustainable development, it is first necessary to develop an information program that will...
13 November 2018 3,156 10 View
In my opinion, hydrogen fuel cell technology and electromobility should become economical and safe in the future. However, currently hydrogen production is not cheap. The storage of hydrogen, e.g....
13 November 2018 1,297 12 View
In developed countries, knowledge-based economies are characterized by the development of information services, and production processes are increasingly determined by the quality of such factors...
13 November 2018 1,793 82 View
The sector of micro enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, i.e. SMEs in contemporary economies of developed countries, usually has a particularly important role for the effective...
13 November 2018 6,737 4 View
The improvement of specific risk management systems is particularly important in many areas of functioning of commercial business entities, financial institutions, public institutions as well as...
13 November 2018 5,233 3 View
Activating critical thinking of students and students is a particularly important determinant of effective education. Modern education instruments are important in this area, thanks to which...
12 November 2018 3,503 7 View
Large amounts of information downloaded from comments, entries, posts from social media portals are processed in Big Data database systems to determine, for example, consumers' awareness of the...
10 November 2018 9,385 7 View
When the depletion of minerals, classic energy sources such as oil, hard coal and lignite, natural gas will generate market high increases in prices of these commodities on commodity...
09 November 2018 2,622 10 View
The basic data used to determine the effectiveness of commercial banks are included in the banks' financial statements. these data relate to the bank's involvement in specific active transactions,...
09 November 2018 2,425 21 View
In the situation of classic deposit and loan banking, the bank's equity translates into the bank's ability to engage in active operations, which include, above all, loans, paracrine instruments...
09 November 2018 8,170 9 View
In some countries, rumors of cybercriminals with Ransomware are reportedly again being reported again. These viruses spread via e-mails, which automatically send themselves out from infected...
08 November 2018 9,088 22 View
Dear Colleagues and Friends from RG, In order to answer this question, the concept of happiness should first be precisely defined, because in different cultures, in different communities of...
08 November 2018 3,193 52 View
Large companies, corporations and financial institutions, including banks, are technologically and financially prepared to develop applications for analyzing large data sets collected in Big Data...
08 November 2018 6,792 9 View
In a knowledge-based economy, the important areas of knowledge and technologies that are developed are primarily the development of data processing analytics in Business Intelligence enterprises,...
08 November 2018 1,761 8 View
Innovation itself is not easy to measure but innovation in research, implementation and investment projects is measured instrumentally. The simplest method in the absence of advanced measurement...
08 November 2018 2,749 15 View
Commercial banking has several hundred years of development history. Fintechs have been developing only since the end of the 20th century, but the development of some fintechs is many times faster...
08 November 2018 4,271 21 View
Does the development of data processing technology in Big Data database systems and other technologies developed in the field of technological revolution Industry 4.0 generate new business...
07 November 2018 1,183 8 View
In my opinion, information contained in posts, posts, comments on social media portals can be used as research material, which can be used for scientific research if appropriate standards of...
07 November 2018 6,720 17 View
The most important issue is the credit risk management for loans granted to commercial banks and the adjustment of credit policy to the quality of the loan portfolio, the clients' economic and...
07 November 2018 6,561 12 View
In my opinion, the fastest-growing business projects are primarily those that are the subject of innovative startups developing dynamically for a minimum period of several years. Startups develop...
06 November 2018 9,043 23 View
The warming climate of the Earth causes a multitude of secondary effects, usually adverse weather anomalies and climatic disasters. As a result of these weather anomalies and climatic...
06 November 2018 3,552 7 View
Many business companies in internet marketing collect and analyze comments, posts, entries, etc. from social media portals. It is also done by some financial institutions, banks acquiring...
05 November 2018 4,891 5 View
More and more research centers operating in different countries and investigating climate change state that the progressing greenhouse effect on Earth is already a fact. As a result, the risk of...
05 November 2018 2,023 35 View
In recent years, the field of research and business applications in the field of obtaining, archiving, analyzing and processing data in Big Data database systems has been developing strongly. In...
04 November 2018 982 3 View
In which sectors of the economy, in which types of companies and corporations will develop the most dynamic technologies for analyzing large collections of information in Big Data database...
02 November 2018 3,721 3 View
Are there any ongoing work to implement artificial intelligence for the analysis processes of large collections of information collected in Big Data database systems? Business entity management...
01 November 2018 1,657 11 View
Will artificial intelligence combined with the analysis of data collected in Big Data database systems be used in automated forecasting of valuations of securities and other assets on capital...
31 October 2018 3,792 5 View
Are there research and development programs in your countries for cooperation between territorial self-governments and enterprises to activate entrepreneurship and innovation of business...
29 October 2018 8,844 6 View
Has the relocation of large factories from highly developed countries to countries with cheaper labor costs caused unfavorable situations of rising unemployment in some regions in your...
29 October 2018 7,339 5 View
In my opinion, digital marketing is currently developing faster compared to classic marketing. This is related to the development of new online media. In these new media, social media portals in...
27 October 2018 584 8 View
Will the new generation of astronomical instruments ever reach the farthest corners of the Universe, reach the edge of the universe and explain the essence of the boundlessness of what is possibly...
27 October 2018 4,567 57 View
Internet technology companies that created and developed social media portals have built their business model on specific forms of online marketing. One of these forms is online viral marketing....
26 October 2018 7,115 2 View
In order to analyze the sentiment on downloaded data from social media portals (such as Facebook, Tweeter, LinkedIn, but also YouTube, Instagram ...) and aggregated in Big Data database systems,...
26 October 2018 6,307 13 View
Some researchers in the field of artificial intelligence indicate that in the future many professions, including work done by people, will be replaced with artificial intelligence. For example,...
26 October 2018 9,027 8 View
In the second half of the twentieth century, new neoclassical trends dominated in the history of economic thought, partly referring to the foundations of classical economics. However, at the end...
26 October 2018 1,852 9 View
If so, when will new telescopes be constructed, thanks to which you will be able to see what is on the planets of other planetary systems in other constellations? Every now and then more and more...
26 October 2018 9,067 10 View
In many countries formal rules have been adopted or guidelines have been included in key national legal regulations according to which public debt in the amount of 50%. Gross Domestic Product is...
25 October 2018 9,094 25 View
The analysis of banking Trojans consists in researching methods of cybercrime in the field of infecting the bank's information systems, both those which are intra-bank and those that serve bank...
25 October 2018 8,979 6 View
In some companies, managers increasingly take into account the expectations of employees, including the needs of employees in the development and identification of their self-realization with the...
25 October 2018 2,524 7 View
According to expert opinions, the IT technology virtual reality and augmented reality will be implemented to information services offered on online information portals and in technological...
25 October 2018 839 9 View
In developed countries, where technology and information are included in significant production factors, innovative startups are created, inter alia, in the technology sectors. Some of the big...
24 October 2018 4,195 14 View
The Amazon rain forest produces about 60 percent. global oxygen production necessary for the life of many different life forms on Earth, including humans and animals. However, for several dozen...
23 October 2018 2,493 11 View
I believe that the development of social media portals may contribute to many positive social aspects in, for example, the dissemination of information about socially important social problems as...
23 October 2018 5,412 10 View
New ideas, new concepts in science and art arise as a result of human creativity, innovation, emotional intelligence, the need for self-realization, the need to be appreciated by other...
23 October 2018 717 8 View
Why do consumers, when shopping for specific products and services often accept a limited range of information regarding, for example, production technology and composition in terms of the raw...
23 October 2018 9,557 6 View
Currently, it is difficult to define this type of analytic problem. The key issue is forecasting future global problems. It is necessary to collect additional analytical data over the next years...
22 October 2018 6,856 2 View
New ideas in art and science contain something of innovation, artistry, creativity, emotional intelligence, higher human needs, etc. On the other hand, the answer to this question will probably...
22 October 2018 7,552 31 View
The greenhouse effect is gradually progressing on Earth. Consequently, the risk of new climate disasters increases every year. Currently, technologies are being developed with the help of which...
21 October 2018 1,301 29 View
The market of information and marketing services on the Internet is developing dynamically. First of all, large technology companies, owners of information portals and social media prevailing on...
21 October 2018 5,599 4 View
Relationship between conducted scientific research and innovations Innovations can be the result of conducted research and scientific research. Research work may concern, for example, defining,...
20 October 2018 4,878 2 View
Will the concept of science-fiction genetic experiments to recreate the long-extinct dinosaur species used in the plot of the film "Jurassic Park" ever be possible? The plot of the film "Jurassic...
20 October 2018 8,361 7 View
Supposedly Pioneer 10 will fly to the nearest Alfa Centauri constellation for about 10,000 years. Will humanity manage to build a new generation of space ships that will be able to overcome such...
20 October 2018 1,706 31 View
Why in the age of science and technology development, research on the development of modern ecosystems still neodarwninian concepts of evolution are not fully consistent? In the history of the...
16 October 2018 2,623 4 View
Business cycles continue to last longer. They are increasingly being extended through active interventionist monetary and socio-economic policies. Implementations of large infrastructure and...
16 October 2018 10,023 3 View
The future of blockchain-based internet solutions Blockchain is defined as a decentralized and distributed database in the open source model in a peer-to-peer internet network without central...
15 October 2018 5,391 10 View
I believe that efficiently conducted marketing online campaigns in social media can already increase the insensitivity of new online media, including social media to traditional communication...
12 October 2018 875 9 View
Some economists say that it is enough for China to open up US Treasury bonds on the open market. Then a sharp drop in the US dollar to other currencies would trigger a new global financial crisis....
12 October 2018 6,996 70 View
I believe that the risk continues to grow in financial systems. This means that another global crisis can not be ruled out in the next few years. The financial system has not been repaired, and...
12 October 2018 1,967 27 View
Will changing the entire energy, communication and industry to renewable energy sources and ecological technologies significantly slow down the greenhouse effect on Earth? Does any of you conduct...
11 October 2018 260 63 View
Commercial banks are increasingly worried about competition from fintechs, including online technology companies that expand the range of financial and pre-financial services. Commercial banks are...
07 October 2018 756 10 View
Will the development of data processing technology accumulated in the Big Data banking database systems improve the credit risk management process or will it contribute to the development of...
03 October 2018 2,699 7 View
Astronomers estimate that there are a lot of galaxies in space, in which there are millions of planetary systems similar to the best known Solar System, ie the planetary system containing the...
28 September 2018 9,790 67 View
Ecological innovations and sustainable development Power engineering, communication, and motorization are among the key branches of the national economy. The economic situation of the domestic...
24 September 2018 6,243 69 View
Does the influence, type, scope of economic and economic information on the current situation on the financial markets and the condition of macroeconomic determinants describing the entire economy...
21 September 2018 1,291 22 View
Is it possible to heal the banking banking supervision of corporate investment banking to significantly reduce the dramatic effects of the next global financial crisis for the national economy and...
18 September 2018 1,100 9 View
Will the development of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic causing Covid-19 disease change human awareness of the need to take measures to restore the balance in the natural environment, actions...
01 January 1970 8,793 75 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Protection of biodiversity and natural ecosystems? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the...
01 January 1970 4,431 18 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Improving credit risk management? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Improving...
01 January 1970 2,805 16 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Popularization of science on the Internet? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues:...
01 January 1970 2,056 15 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Functionality and applications of smartphones? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues:...
01 January 1970 2,404 16 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Computerization of conducting economic and financial analyzes of enterprises? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or...
01 January 1970 7,893 10 View
According to what methodological assumptions should ethics principles shaping advertising activity on the Internet be developed? Certain principles of the ethics of advertising on the Internet...
01 January 1970 5,006 11 View
How can the development of new online media improve communication between collaborating researchers on an international scale? The involvement of Internet information technologies, new media for...
01 January 1970 2,606 16 View
Does the development of online information technologies and the Internet of Things contribute to the popularization of art and culture in society? More and more museums present their collections...
01 January 1970 10,033 18 View
Will the social and psychological aspects of interpersonal contacts and customer needs in this matter be a barrier to the creation of fully automated electronic banks without staff? Will one of...
01 January 1970 5,096 9 View
If artificial intelligence is implemented for the online mobile banking, can this banking segment be deprived of employing human capital altogether? Please reply Best wishes
01 January 1970 4,001 9 View
Videoconferencing is one of the Internet services that are currently developing intensively. The progress in the field of data teletransmission in the Internet allows for the gradual improvement...
01 January 1970 2,684 40 View
In recent years, in financial institutions, but also others, more and more funds are spent on building information security systems and improving IT risk management processes and information...
01 January 1970 8,239 10 View
Will cybercrime in the coming years affect hacker attacks aimed at technology devices of the Internet of Things? Will cybercrime in the future mainly concern the technology of the Internet of...
01 January 1970 5,055 6 View
Theoretically, there should be as few restrictions as possible in such matters in the world of science. Science should develop in an unhampered way. Whether less restrictions and regulations can...
01 January 1970 591 61 View
Is writing your scientific publications your passion? If so, why? Please reply Best wishes
01 January 1970 9,393 30 View
What are the main differences between publishing in high-scoring scientific journals and low-scoring or no points? The scientist tries to publish in high-ranked places but he is not always able...
01 January 1970 7,812 46 View
Are new concepts of pro-development, anti-crisis, Keynesian socio-economic policy proposed in recent years in scientific publications used to improve the country's economic growth? Do you know...
01 January 1970 5,354 13 View
Yes, this is a very important issue. The issue of communication with the use of new online media is very important in the context of an efficiently run education process. We are currently...
01 January 1970 9,530 14 View
If in the process of technological and technical progress new kinds of products and services are created that improve the lives of people, it can be assumed that at certain times people may seem...
01 January 1970 5,541 32 View
In the near future some non-biodegradable materials will be replaced in production processes for other, biodegradable. For example, plastics in the European Union until 2021 are to be withdrawn...
01 January 1970 7,894 29 View
What in your opinion will the applications of the technology of analyzing big information collections in Big Data database systems be developed in the future? In which areas of industry, science,...
01 January 1970 2,615 10 View
How to obtain currently necessary information from Big Data database systems for the needs of specific scientific research and necessary to carry out economic, business and other analyzes? Of...
01 January 1970 2,140 24 View
Will it be possible to build an artificial consciousness similar to human consciousness in digitized structures of artificial intelligence if in specific structures of artificial intelligence will...
01 January 1970 874 100 View
Whether in the context of the need to develop pro-ecological reforms, ecological innovations, sustainable pro-ecological development, etc., will the social market economy model change into a model...
01 January 1970 7,074 16 View
In which large pro-ecological investment projects many new jobs can be created and in the long-term, new economic added value will be generated, and revenue will be increased and economic growth...
01 January 1970 3,059 7 View
Biodiversity is diverse in virtually unlimited degree, which results from the essence of processes of evolution of species, filet lines and entire ecosystems. It is thanks to the millions of years...
01 January 1970 3,631 76 View
In your opinion, what are the biggest barriers and limitations for the global dissemination in the business processes of sustainable green economy based on the concept of green economy? Please...
01 January 1970 6,407 29 View
Unfortunately, more and more results of climatologists' research confirm the thesis that human civilization activity is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions and a progressive global...
01 January 1970 8,604 10 View
Do you think that artificial intelligence will be implemented in the control systems of driving and orientation in the field in autonomous cars? What are the effects of artificial intelligence...
01 January 1970 3,388 19 View
Which markets change the fastest or should change as part of the transformation of the classical economy to green economy? In my opinion, these processes mostly concern or rather concern the...
01 January 1970 3,359 18 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Renewable energy sources? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Renewable energy...
01 January 1970 1,495 30 View
The environmental policy should be synchronized internationally. There should be greater compliance and transnational cooperation on the implementation of pro-ecological reforms in the energy...
01 January 1970 6,282 21 View
Do you agree with my opinion that protection of the natural environment, biodiversity is one of the greatest civilization challenges of the 21st century? Please reply Best wishes
01 January 1970 4,523 47 View
The progressive global warming process in many ways adversely affects the ecosystems of the seas and oceans. In addition, the growing scale of pollution, waste, including plastic waste and many...
01 January 1970 9,855 14 View
Yes, in my opinion, sustainable pro-ecological economic development should be an important determinant of shaping economic policy. Do you agree with my opinion? For many centuries, the economies...
01 January 1970 1,879 12 View
In the region where you live, do local government authorities run an active pro-ecological policy? Is sorting of waste required? Are subsidies granted for the development of household mini-power...
01 January 1970 5,861 30 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Security of the financial system? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Security of...
01 January 1970 7,373 18 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Research Gate knowledge and science portal? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues:...
01 January 1970 9,242 7 View
Applications of bioinformatics in medicine is a key factor in technological advancement in the field of modern medical technologies. In which areas of medical technology are the technological...
01 January 1970 5,097 21 View
Dear Friends and Colleagues from RG, I wish You all the best in the New Year. I wish you a successful continuation and successes in scientific work, achieving interesting results of scientific...
01 January 1970 6,375 15 View
Many scientists suggest that a good way to analyze the level of innovation in action, generate innovation in financial institutions, eg in banks, is conducting surveys among managers and...
01 January 1970 7,618 4 View
What are the determinants of improving the marketing activities of enterprises through the use of advanced information, teleinformation, communication, Internet and advanced information processing...
01 January 1970 3,095 8 View
Are open innovations in the scope of free information services the main factor of business success of the largest online technology companies, which include such concerns as Google and social...
01 January 1970 3,910 7 View
Do you think artificial intelligence will be implemented in social media portals? What are the effects of artificial intelligence implemented on social media portals? Please, answer, comments. I...
01 January 1970 5,647 8 View
Why, despite the scientifically confirmed fact that the global warming process is progressing faster and faster in many countries, so little is done in terms of necessary proecological reforms and...
01 January 1970 9,310 24 View
Are there long-term risk management systems being developed, long-term projects, predicted over the next several decades, adverse climatic changes related to the global warming process? If so,...
01 January 1970 9,222 8 View
How should there be an active cooperation between business and science? How should the development of clusters and agreements between cooperating enterprises and science centers, scientific...
01 January 1970 7,640 39 View
Has the scale and instances of dissonance increased since the 1970s, and the disparity between the macroeconomic situation and the economic situation of a particular national or global economy,...
01 January 1970 6,129 29 View
Does the combination of Big Data database technologies and Business Intelligence analytics enable the improvement of conducting various economic, financial and other analyzes? In my opinion, the...
01 January 1970 6,334 17 View
Why is the importance of analyzing and conducting research on the correlation between the stock market valuation of securities (stocks, bonds, etc.) and the economic and financial situation of...
01 January 1970 737 19 View
In which economic conditions, active housing policy, under which new housing estates are being built on a large scale, can be an effective instrument for pro-development, Keynesian,...
01 January 1970 4,330 12 View
Analysis of guaranteed income as a key element of pro-development, anti-crisis, anti-cyclical socio-economic policy? Can guaranteed income be an effective instrument for pro-development,...
01 January 1970 3,015 10 View
What is the growing share of protectionism that limits cross-border trade between major economies in the projected slowdown in global economic growth? Do you agree with my opinion that in many...
01 January 1970 2,316 4 View
Does economic globalization have a significant impact on the development of international financial systems and on the operation of supranational capital markets? Is the globalization of...
01 January 1970 7,007 10 View
According to statistical data, on average 1 startup per 10 achieves spectacular success and develops dynamically for a minimum period of several years. 2-3 somehow manage, but without major...
01 January 1970 6,545 35 View
What features and new technologies will be used in smart homes in the future? Will intelligent homes in the future meet the objectives of environmentally-friendly sustainable development? Please,...
01 January 1970 4,431 32 View
What innovations have been used in recent years to help protect the environment? Please reply Best wishes
01 January 1970 2,949 9 View
Banks are reluctant to provide investment loans to newly established startups based on their development on innovative technologies. In such a situation, innovative startups are created and...
01 January 1970 6,487 23 View
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG Please provide links to the results of the study, which will answer the following question: How strong is the correlation between the change in the economic and...
01 January 1970 5,862 3 View
The analytics conducted on computerized Business Intelligence platforms is one of the key advanced information technology technologies of the fourth technological revolution, known as Industry...
01 January 1970 3,795 4 View
Does the development of online open databases of scientific publications and scientific materials increase the potential for the development of research and scientific discoveries? Please...
01 January 1970 408 8 View
Do the results of conducted analyzes using Big Data database technologies and Business Intelligence analytics enable improving the accuracy of conducted economic and financial analyzes and other...
01 January 1970 8,311 14 View
Security of data collected in Big Data database systems is currently a priority issue for the development of this technology of gathering and advanced information processing. Taking into account...
01 January 1970 6,437 19 View
What are the methodological differences in the processes of examining economic effectiveness or specific selected issues, aspects in the scope of analyzing the effectiveness of a given business...
01 January 1970 6,507 6 View
For many years, the consumption of clean water and minerals of energy resources and strategic industrial raw materials, such as metal ores necessary for various branches of the manufacturing...
01 January 1970 3,702 16 View
Sunrises that occur usually every 11 years cause specific climate changes and weather anomalies on Earth. The effect of these solar suns is also the emerging effect of El Ninio in the oceans,...
01 January 1970 9,893 8 View
Free access to information should prevail on the Internet. This is the main factor in the dynamic development of many websites, new internet services, the growth of users of social media portals...
01 January 1970 4,300 16 View
Is technology corporations strengthening their dominance over entire communities of users of technological devices through technology development? Will the risk of hackers taking control of...
01 January 1970 7,082 10 View
The database of a social media portal such as Facebbok is already a powerful collection of information. Some research centers specializing in the use of Big Data datasets downloaded from social...
01 January 1970 5,912 22 View
Do you think that the new media coverage increases the objectivity of the media and information provided to the public? However, in recent years, on the basis of the development of behavioral...
01 January 1970 10,268 42 View
How can the media image of the current and prospective situation of companies of issuers of securities, whose shares and bonds are valued on capital markets, be improved? How should the reporting...
01 January 1970 4,128 8 View
It is important that there is a social media control so that the media objectively present information about the world around us. That in the media it was a reference to the truth, to facts...
01 January 1970 6,342 21 View
In many countries, energy based on renewable energy sources is being developed. This development is determined by many economic, ecological and geographical factors. This development results from...
01 January 1970 7,093 19 View
Do you agree with my opinion that in the context of the projected acceleration of the global warming process, humanity in order to avoid a global climate catastrophe should take as a priority in...
01 January 1970 9,296 58 View
What do you notice changes in behavior, sociological changes in societies in connection with the advancement of telecommunications technologies? More and more information is contained in our...
01 January 1970 1,962 13 View
It happens that some buildings often designed in an innovative way, according to innovative concepts, which were later found to be crucial for the development of a specific era in the history of...
01 January 1970 8,503 7 View
The development of information processing technology in the era of the current technological revolution defined by Industry 4.0 is determined by the application of new information technologies in...
01 January 1970 9,807 3 View
The value of pollination of crop flowers (without cultivars) is estimated at 500 billion dollars. USA annually. Due to the intensification of production of agricultural products, including the use...
01 January 1970 7,761 20 View
The use of computer games at work and education is growing and will grow. Computer game technologies are distributed in parallel to applications in simulators of various means of transport and...
01 January 1970 2,619 15 View
In many cosmological theories, astronomers try to explain the essence of the unlimitedness of the Universe. But how can this unlimitedness be presented and defined in the most concise and clear...
01 January 1970 8,298 17 View
Yes, the 21st century can be called the age of photography, graphics, image, etc. because this form of transmission begins to dominate the Internet. In addition, photography can be cultivated and...
01 January 1970 4,116 95 View
Mathematics is the basis of exact sciences. The development of mathematics consists in the fact that, among others, new phenomena of the surrounding world, which until recently were only described...
01 January 1970 1,667 3 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Socio-economic policy improving the economic, housing and social situation of citizens? Please, provide your suggestions for a question,...
01 January 1970 3,960 11 View
In the period March-May 2020, in many countries due to the development of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic causing Covid-19 disease, a significant part of didactic processes have been converted...
01 January 1970 824 48 View
Should the world of science be fully independent of other organizations, autonomous with respect to various pressure groups and lobbies, apolitical and thus fully objective in the conducted...
01 January 1970 8,867 23 View
Currently, higher education plays an important role in developing entrepreneurship among students. However, there are various didactic methods, thanks to which the entrepreneurship among students...
01 January 1970 7,489 48 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Education and pedagogy? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Education and...
01 January 1970 9,907 98 View
What are the determinants of the development of vocational education, training of people working professionally and e-learning? In my opinion, education, including adult education, university and...
01 January 1970 2,466 11 View
How should the use of modern technology develop pro-ecological education regarding the promotion of the need to develop the green economy concept, including sustainable ecological...
01 January 1970 8,528 23 View
The current technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0, is determined by the development of the following technologies of advanced information processing: Big Data database technologies,...
01 January 1970 8,507 17 View
Dissemination of the principles of sustainable pro-ecological development of the global economy through education and social campaigns in the mass media The aim of promoting the principles of...
01 January 1970 5,732 18 View
How can the level and importance of the psychology of financial markets be measured on the situation on the stock exchange market? How to measure the level of positive emotions (euphoria of...
01 January 1970 1,399 26 View
Are you superstitious? If the scientist can be superstitious or can he have respect for superstitions? Can a scientist completely ignore superstitions if he does not research them...
01 January 1970 1,574 83 View
How to describe the process of analyzing statistical data carried out with the help of Business Intelligence in Big Data database systems? How to describe the main models of statistical data...
01 January 1970 375 4 View
Climate change, i.e. the ongoing global warmin process, causes the drainage of many areas of the tropical and subtropical zones, and therefore freshwater resources are falling. This will probably...
01 January 1970 8,065 22 View
Some banks conducting an analysis of the creditworthiness of an enterprise applying for a long-term investment or mortgage loan take into account the issues of climate change, if these changes may...
01 January 1970 2,635 16 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Global warming? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Global warming. Please reply....
01 January 1970 4,265 19 View
In connection with the warming of the Earth's climate, progressive global warming, some areas located in the sub-tropical zone in the future will not be fit for existence, and the migration...
01 January 1970 7,098 18 View
Are there banks that take into account the forecasted climate changes related to the ongoing global warming process in the creditworthiness assessment process? Are there banks that in lending in...
01 January 1970 6,272 11 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Big Data database systems? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Big Data database...
01 January 1970 7,053 24 View
Apparently, in some countries, they are founded, usually somewhere underground, in specially created bunkers capable of surviving climatic disasters and other banks of large collections of...
01 January 1970 7,680 10 View
01 January 1970 2,278 13 View
Is it possible to develop sustainable environment-friendly construction with the concept of smart city, green building and social and housing policy, ie building housing available for citizens...
01 January 1970 3,189 24 View
How can the effectiveness of the environmental policy of the state be increased in order to achieve sustainable ecological development based on the concept of green economy in the shortest...
01 January 1970 5,572 29 View
The rate of economic growth varies from country to country. In developing countries it is usually faster than in developed countries, but despite this new economic goods no more is created....
01 January 1970 6,855 14 View
Global warming + Green agriculture + Sustainable development = Sustainable organic farming as a solution to the diet of the population in the future The ecological farming itself can be difficult...
01 January 1970 2,864 45 View
By 2040, a deficit of clear water will appear in most countries in the world. On the one hand, the use of water in the production industry of various technical and automotive goods is growing, but...
01 January 1970 7,056 15 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Scientific research in the era of Industry 4.0? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the...
01 January 1970 8,141 14 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Ethics of banking procedures, Corporate social responsibility? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research...
01 January 1970 1,401 22 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of The development of internet marketing? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: The...
01 January 1970 5,576 18 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Importance of agriculture in the context of the ongoing global warming process? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem...
01 January 1970 5,294 13 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Protection of the natural environment, natural biological ecosystems and biodiversity? Please, provide your suggestions for a question,...
01 January 1970 6,339 50 View
Protection of the environment, natural ecosystems and biodiversity should be an integral part of the concept of sustainable pro-ecological economic development? In the context of growing and...
01 January 1970 3,887 24 View
Biodiversity is a very important issue in the context of the analysis of ecology, sustainable development and the protection of the natural environment, including, above all, the natural sites of...
01 January 1970 5,908 95 View
01 January 1970 3,951 6 View
In the multi-million year history of life on Earth there have been 5 great extinctions of species of fauna and flora. In the context of human civilization activity and the rapidly progressing...
01 January 1970 2,181 13 View
In your country, do banks cease to finance investment projects related to traditional energy based on the burning of minerals? Do banks start to finance environmentally friendly investment...
01 January 1970 540 20 View
In connection with the development of technology, the current technological revolution, which Industry 4.0 information processing technologies find application in the development of...
01 January 1970 2,604 3 View
In your opinion, what are the most effective instruments for activating innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of economic activity? What are the instruments used to activate innovation and...
01 January 1970 9,785 11 View
In modern economies, various instruments of budgetary and fiscal policy are used, supporting the activities of business entities, and also instruments of socio-economic policy, including housing,...
01 January 1970 5,013 59 View
There is probably no other science portal that would offer all the same functions for researchers as the Research Gate portal. Do you agree with me on the above matter? In the context of the...
01 January 1970 4,296 14 View
What are the most effective marketing innovations currently used in connection with the development of new information technologies of the current Industry 4.0 technological revolution? Please,...
01 January 1970 1,281 18 View
In my opinion, the information posted on social media portals are not 100 percent. safe. There have been cases of hacking and stealing information from thousands of records, user profiles of...
01 January 1970 9,840 18 View
Is technological progress in agriculture based on the application of scientific discoveries in the field of biotechnology, genetics, automation and robotics of field works, implementation of...
01 January 1970 2,117 41 View
What do you think about the role of international financial institutions in the process of reducing development disparities between countries and in the issue of supporting sustainable...
01 January 1970 7,539 21 View
Improvement of waste segregation carried out by citizens is an important issue that is an important element of sustainable pro-ecological development. For some time, specific waste segregation and...
01 January 1970 5,968 7 View
In recent years ecological innovations have been created mainly in the field of renewable energy sources, improvement of waste segregation techniques, recycling, treatment of polluted water,...
01 January 1970 7,445 21 View
Is one of the products of the integration of Information Technology Industry 4.0 will be the creation of fully autonomous robots capable of self-improvement? Is the combination of artificial...
01 January 1970 3,828 8 View
Are there futurological estimates when mass autonomous humanoid robots will be manufactured in series? When mass-produced autonomous humanoid robots will be produced in series, that is,...
01 January 1970 6,559 12 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of The development of automation and robotics? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues:...
01 January 1970 6,061 10 View
The current technological revolution known as Industry 4.0 is motivated by the development of the following technologies of advanced information processing: Big Data database technologies, cloud...
01 January 1970 6,121 4 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Global financial crisis? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Global financial...
01 January 1970 6,994 25 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Artificial intelligence? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Artificial...
01 January 1970 4,885 15 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Analysis of the effectiveness of stock exchange markets? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in...
01 January 1970 956 14 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Behavioral economics? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Behavioral...
01 January 1970 2,922 8 View
Can you use Business Intelligence analytics for research into any type of business, including those run by innovative, technological startups? Can Business Intelligence analytics be used to...
01 January 1970 338 5 View
Post-Keynesian economics is the basis of the current anti-cyclical, anti-crisis, pro-development socio-economic policies. I described these issues in my publications below. In the context of the...
01 January 1970 7,095 12 View
Can value judgments in normative economics generate abuses of unreliable use of economic knowledge for the purposes of designing socio-economic policies? In my opinion, economics is a neutral...
01 January 1970 2,629 6 View
What are the applications of advanced computerized information processing techniques, eg in the cloud, on Business Intelligence analytical platforms and using information collected in Big Data...
01 January 1970 3,805 7 View
What do you think about the possibility of forecasting economic processes based on the analysis of large data sets in Big Data database systems? Will Big Data help in precisely forecasting future...
01 January 1970 1,356 10 View
From the history of science development, many examples of scientific discoveries can be given, which gave humanity significant for the development of civilization and prosperity, various...
01 January 1970 9,603 18 View
Activation of innovativeness and entrepreneurship of economic processes, especially in the field of stimulating the business activity of enterprises from the SME sector is the key issue of...
01 January 1970 4,365 22 View
Commercial banks are interested in financing pro-ecological projects, also referred to as green projects, if they are profitable projects. In many countries, commercial banks provide commercial...
01 January 1970 8,124 11 View
Yes, colors matter. For example, the red color often means activity and action, the blue color is gentleness and peaceful disposition, while the green color rests our eyes to the greatest degree....
01 January 1970 6,887 13 View
Should the instruments of motivating scientists and employees of companies to come up with new ideas, research concepts and innovations be improved in management processes? Yes, in my opinion...
01 January 1970 685 6 View
Innovations in energy technologies are being developed, technologies for renewable energy sources, electromobility, waste segregation, purification of contaminated water in rivers, ecological...
01 January 1970 7,597 20 View
How can entrepreneurship and innovation be stimulated to develop in the framework of improvement of pro-development socio-economic policy? What are the main barriers to the development of...
01 January 1970 2,840 11 View
What instruments of activating innovation and entrepreneurship are used in your country and what is the effectiveness of using these instruments? Are innovation and entrepreneurship significantly...
01 January 1970 5,309 33 View
Do sentiment analyzes carried out on large collections of information downloaded from the Internet and collected in Big Data database systems help in predicting the future? In the prediction of...
01 January 1970 5,198 17 View
Are Big Data database technologies already used to improve fundamental and technical analysis for capital companies whose securities issued by these companies are traded on the stock exchange...
01 January 1970 3,102 13 View
Considering the specifics of the increasingly common IT systems and computerized advanced data processing in Internet information systems, connected to the internet database systems, data...
01 January 1970 8,475 14 View
What will be the future applications of analytics of large data sets conducted in the computing cloud on computerized Business Intelligence analytical platforms in Big Data database systems in...
01 January 1970 8,135 3 View
What are the topics of research and analysis carried out on large information collections using Big Data database systems? Exchange the topics of research and analysis carried out on you with...
01 January 1970 8,938 22 View
Yes, the processing of large data sets in Big Data database systems can support the analysis of data from the company's accounting, including conducting Business Intelligence analytics, including...
01 January 1970 4,527 5 View
Will the development of computerized business analytics of large collections of economic information collected in Big Data database systems improve the forecasting of future economic processes?...
01 January 1970 3,007 4 View
How do you know examples of business analytics connected to computerized Business Intelligence platforms with other advanced data processing technologies such as: Big Data database technologies,...
01 January 1970 9,918 3 View
In what way should it develop and disseminate the concept of sustainable ecological development in accordance with the green economy formula in the 21st century? In my opinion, additional...
01 January 1970 6,246 17 View
Ecological innovations should contribute to accelerating the process of a global change in the strategy of civilization development towards sustainable ecological and socio-economic development....
01 January 1970 1,165 10 View
Sustainable pro-ecological industry development based on the concept of green economy consists in changing the business model that takes into account the following issues: - reduction of...
01 January 1970 2,870 6 View
Is the minimum and guaranteed income introduced in some countries a good instrument of pro-development socio-economic policy? Are such instruments of socio-economic policy an effective anti-crisis...
01 January 1970 3,483 24 View
Do you think that man will ever leave our solar system? Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion. Best wishes
01 January 1970 4,307 72 View
Taking into account the specific nature of financial activities, including the lending activities of banks and other financial institutions and the growing importance of online banking security...
01 January 1970 2,540 2 View
How will the technique of building infrastructure of cities and metropolises change due to the ongoing global warming process? Does the development of smart city technology and ecological...
01 January 1970 5,281 28 View
Apparently it is already possible to produce in laboratory conditions photochemical systems capable of conducting processes of artificial photosynthesis? Will the construction of photochemical...
01 January 1970 5,085 7 View
What pro-ecological activities can and should be implemented by The World Bank to inspire and effectively act on the issue of the sustainable pro-ecological development of the World? According to...
01 January 1970 3,135 7 View
Due to the current civilization progress in recent decades, acceleration of the development of industry, automotive, urban agglomerations, intensification of agricultural production, etc. and...
01 January 1970 5,051 94 View
What can a populist social and fiscal policy based on subsidies and handouts lead to with the money of the public finance system in a situation of economic downturn, falling state budget revenues...
01 January 1970 789 6 View
Artificial intelligence will find application in many fields of services and industries. Currently, among scientists studying AI, the dominating opinion is that the development of artificial...
01 January 1970 4,808 37 View
Dear Colleagues and Friends from RG, When the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus pandemic enters the extinction phase, the global economy will begin to recover from a strong decline in economic growth....
01 January 1970 7,234 50 View
What do you think are the most important sources of financial and economic crises? Which sources contributed to the generation of financial and economic crises in the past? What do you think...
01 January 1970 7,282 94 View
Dear Colleagues and Friends from RG, At present (mid-March 2020), capital markets continue to dominate emotions, i.e. psychology of financial markets over cool, fundamental analysis. Due to the...
01 January 1970 744 90 View
How do you assess the processes of globalization of financial and banking systems in the context of the analysis of the sources of the global financial crisis of 2008? Please reply Best wishes
01 January 1970 7,380 21 View
Are the supra-national investment investments in investment banking an important factor in the ongoing process of economic globalization? If the increase in the scale of transnational investment...
01 January 1970 4,859 7 View
In the past, globalization processes were determined by various factors. In my opinion, the processes of information, cultural, technological, financial, economic, political globalization are...
01 January 1970 9,935 97 View
In my opinion, important issues in the issues of international project management are as follows: - The impact of economic, information globalization etc on international management projects. -...
01 January 1970 7,305 16 View
In the context of the development of large capital markets, the development of stock exchanges, increasingly globalized and related, the importance of globalization of financial markets, including...
01 January 1970 3,152 7 View
Perhaps in the future the development of electronic, online banks and technology companies developing financial services as fintechs will be implemented in parallel and will lead in many respects...
01 January 1970 4,442 30 View
In connection with the development of cybercrime, should the surveillance of citizens by national security services be developed, expanded, increased? To what extent can the developed range of...
01 January 1970 851 5 View
In some countries, the costs of banking services are significant for citizens and reach 0.2-0.3 percent average level of remuneration. For several years, financial services have been developed...
01 January 1970 4,908 12 View
Which types of electromobility or alternative solutions for the environmentally-friendly supply of motor vehicles are being developed in your countries? Are they based mainly on purely...
01 January 1970 2,074 24 View
Do the significant revaluation of stock quotes on stock exchanges occurring every few or a dozen years is an objective specific feature of this type of financial market or rather it is...
01 January 1970 8,739 14 View
Knowledge is what distinguishes human species from others, but how we use this knowledge depends only on man. Man can use his intelligence and knowledge wisely, ie according to the innate need for...
01 January 1970 4,882 96 View
In a situation of a balanced state budget, a low level of indebtedness of the state finances and current economic realities, can a large-scale state-supported housing policy and social policy be...
01 January 1970 675 16 View
In many countries, a strong correlation was found between the change in the economic and financial situation of enterprises and the credit policy of banks. The research shows that there is a...
01 January 1970 4,351 13 View
Is the role of strategic management changing in the context of current economic processes and the development of new information technologies typical of the current fourth technological...
01 January 1970 3,730 38 View
When the global financial crisis began in the autumn of 2008, the central banks of some countries, primarily the Federal Reserve Bank in the USA and the European Central Bank in the European...
01 January 1970 3,828 10 View
How should the national, pro-development housing policy be shaped as one of the key factors of the state's economic development? In my opinion, construction is such a booming and developing...
01 January 1970 5,861 15 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Fundamental and technical analysis carried out for the purpose of making investment decisions? Please, provide your suggestions for a...
01 January 1970 9,179 18 View
What types of restructuring processes are used to implement improvements in production logistics or other logistics areas, such as distribution logistics, supply logistics, transport logistics,...
01 January 1970 1,436 13 View
Will the share of transactions made with traditional money issued by central banks decline successively due to the development of cryptocurrencies? What are the consequences of this process in a...
01 January 1970 3,849 52 View
What instruments of state intervention are applied in your country as part of a pro-development, anti-crisis, counter-cyclical, Keynesian socio-economic policy and pro-social housing policy? In...
01 January 1970 7,534 18 View
Does housing policy, including the policy of activating the development of the real estate market, housing, including the construction of new housing, housing estates, do you think is an important...
01 January 1970 283 40 View
Do you think that the Family 500 Plus and Mieszkanie Plus programs as key social and host policy programs significantly increase the country's GDP? Do you think that these programs are mainly...
01 January 1970 9,091 16 View
Trade wars can lead to a decline in revenues in the state budget if the country developed exports and obtained high income from the state budget. In this situation, trade wars can lead to a public...
01 January 1970 6,840 31 View
Is economic cooperation and trade between the world's largest economies developing or is this cooperation diminishing due to the current trade wars? Does the current policy of limiting trade by...
01 January 1970 624 88 View
How and to what extent are risk management systems being improved through the use of new ICT information technologies, internet and Industry 4.0? Business analytics, financial analysis,...
01 January 1970 6,295 4 View
From which materials should biodegradable plastic substitutes be created? Environmental pollution from microplastic particles is growing rapidly. Consequently, the importance of improving waste...
01 January 1970 2,471 8 View
After the global financial crisis of 2008, did investment banking properly and reliably improve its banking procedures and credit risk management systems so that a similar crisis would not happen...
01 January 1970 3,426 4 View
What are the scientifically confirmed examples of changes in marine and ocean ecosystems caused by the probably faster global warming process and the increasing pollution of sea water toxic waste...
01 January 1970 6,223 43 View
How should an efficient and high-tech monitoring of environmental pollution levels be built? In July 2022, one of the largest rivers in Poland was polluted by a discharge of warm, saline, highly...
01 January 1970 8,520 4 View
Is green finance conducted under green banking, green lending by commercial banks truly green, i.e. pro-climate, pro-environment and sustainable? To what extent does green lending by banks...
01 January 1970 476 3 View
In the context of climate change predicted for the 21st century, which is a derivative of the ever-faster global warming process, is the conservation of biodiversity of entire biological...
01 January 1970 9,284 41 View
Marketing on the Internet is growing dynamically. More and more companies are expanding their business using new online media, mainly to the promotional activities of their offer and to improve...
01 January 1970 2,997 48 View
Will as a result of the continuation of technological progress in the twenty-first century more perfect telescopes or other astronomical instruments that will allow to know what is on the surface...
01 January 1970 1,751 41 View
Are today's financial markets over-regulated, optimally normatively regulated or overly deregulated and liberalised in their functioning? Since the commodity crisis of the 1970s, financial...
01 January 1970 3,612 2 View
If you were managing a startup fund and had USD 1 billion to invest, what kind of business ventures would you fund? What kind of startups would you co-found? What types of industries, themes,...
01 January 1970 7,698 14 View
Can ChatGPT be used in conducting market and other analyses that are helpful in managing a business entity? What could be other applications of generative artificial intelligence, the ChatGPT...
01 January 1970 9,575 8 View
Which crisis turns out to be more negative for citizens and for the economy in many countries: rising inflation, energy crisis or economic recession? All of these crises can be interconnected....
01 January 1970 7,836 7 View
How can the application of new Industry 4.0 technologies, including new generations of artificial intelligence and computerised analytical Big Data Analytics platforms, improve the scale of...
01 January 1970 4,950 2 View
What are the possibilities for applications of artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics in carrying out multi-criteria economic and financial analyses of business entities, analyses carried...
01 January 1970 9,039 6 View
Has the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic caused a reduction or increase in remote online communication, business cooperation, co-operation, clustering, etc. between companies,...
01 January 1970 5,529 4 View
How can the implementation of artificial intelligence, Big Data Analytics and other Industry 4.0 technologies help in the process of automated generation of marketing innovations applied on online...
01 January 1970 6,750 15 View
What is your experience of talking to a Chatboot that acts as a call centre adviser on the hotline of a company, institution whose offer you sometimes or permanently use? Do you like talking to a...
01 January 1970 1,899 1 View
For several years, scientists have been perfecting the technology of artificial intelligence to think like a human thinks. Is it possible? Will it be possible to teach artificial intelligence to...
01 January 1970 4,964 4 View
How to create a system of digital, universal tagging of various kinds of works, texts, photos, publications, graphics, videos, etc. made by artificial intelligence and not by humans? How to...
01 January 1970 5,715 2 View
How should the learning algorithms contained in ChatGPT technology be improved so that the answers to questions generated by this form of artificial intelligence are free of factual errors and...
01 January 1970 7,205 5 View
To what extent does the ChatGPT technology independently learn to improve the answers given to the questions asked? To what extent does the ChatGPT consistently and successively improve its...
01 January 1970 4,760 16 View
What is the role of green non-refundable financial subsidies provided from the state's public finance system in the context of green financing, green lending by commercial banks, etc.? If there...
01 January 1970 3,469 5 View
Could the failure of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank be the start of a domino effect of failing financial system entities and the beginning of a new financial crisis? Have credit...
01 January 1970 10,022 3 View
Why did the governments of many countries, despite a good economic situation, not reduce the debt of public finances of the state and budget deficits in the state budgets? Unfortunately, for...
01 January 1970 5,999 17 View
In your opinion, is creativity and innovation important in conducting scientific research? It is a widely held opinion that creativity and innovation is important in various aspects of people's...
01 January 1970 3,747 14 View
How should schools, colleges and universities take advantage of new technologies so that they do not lag behind technological progress? In recent years, the world has been increasingly influenced...
01 January 1970 606 4 View
How can we develop a system to analyse and control advertising campaigns that mislead the public through greenwashing? How can we improve the factual quality of advertising campaigns, so that...
01 January 1970 8,006 23 View
Does the application of Industry 4.0 technology facilitate a green transformation in agriculture and increase the opportunities for sustainable agriculture, taking into account the pro-climate and...
01 January 1970 8,308 4 View
When will large passenger drones powered by hydrogen engines and controlled by artificial intelligence be developed, mass produced and available to the public? As part of the rapid technological...
01 January 1970 1,477 1 View
In view of continued high inflation but a deepening downturn, falling consumption, declining investment, a potential increase in systemic credit risk and the emerging risk of a kind of domino...
01 January 1970 7,110 3 View
Can artificial intelligence help optimize remote communication and information flow in a corporation, in a large company characterized by a multi-level, complex organizational structure? Are...
01 January 1970 1,658 5 View
What are the new eco-innovations and green energy technologies that can be implemented by citizens in the upcoming heating season in homes and apartments to reduce heating and electricity supply...
01 January 1970 1,217 5 View
With which Industry 4.0 technologies it is possible to improve system solutions for saving electricity in order to increase the scale of energy security? Technologies typical of the current...
01 January 1970 3,654 3 View
Does the application of artificial intelligence to automate credit scoring processes of potential borrowers allow to improve credit risk management processes and increase profitability of...
01 January 1970 7,876 5 View
How can new Industry 4.0 technologies, including artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics, be helpful in the credit risk management process of cryptocurrency lending? Some commercial and...
01 January 1970 489 2 View
As part of ongoing technological advances and continually improving, could artificial intelligence equipped with new Big Data analytics solutions and full access to data on the Internet be...
01 January 1970 1,795 40 View
In your opinion, does the development of new online media, including online social media and the new technologies Industry 4.0 implemented into these media, including the use of artificial...
01 January 1970 7,638 6 View
Will the black scenarios of the futurological visions known from scence fiction films, in which autonomous robots equipped with artificial intelligence will be able to reproduce and self-improve,...
01 January 1970 6,892 6 View
In your opinion, does it make sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of continuously updated data, information,...
01 January 1970 9,919 39 View
In your opinion, is the development of artificial intelligence, which consists, among other things, of new generations of this technology creating ever more perfect generative artificial...
01 January 1970 9,505 8 View
In your opinion, will a thinking artificial intelligence without human feelings be a more effective 'employee' in a company or a more effective and dangerous tool employed by a competing...
01 January 1970 10,001 8 View
Can ChatGPT be helpful to computer scientists in programming and creating new applications, complex models based on multi-criteria algorithms and computer science formulas? When ChatGPT recently...
01 January 1970 8,961 100 View
With the development of artificial intelligence and the increase in the scale of its applications in the production of goods and the provision of services, is it the working time of people that...
01 January 1970 4,098 22 View
How to solve the problem of illegal toxic waste dumps, which contribute greatly to environmental pollution, threaten the biosphere and the health of people, local residents? In some countries,...
01 January 1970 3,550 5 View
Can ChatGPT be used in educational processes in schools and universities, but in such a way that this is ethical and compatible with the principles of respect for copyright and the educational and...
01 January 1970 238 4 View
01 January 1970 8,120 7 View
In the not-too-distant future, will it be possible to merge human consciousness with a computer, or to transfer human consciousness and knowledge to a computer system equipped with sufficiently...
01 January 1970 1,106 24 View
In your opinion, can the new technologies of Industry 4.0, including, above all, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning applied in combination with large sets of data,...
01 January 1970 4,916 4 View
Can autonomous robots equipped with artificial intelligence that process significantly larger amounts of data and information faster than humans pose a significant threat to humans? Will...
01 January 1970 7,608 9 View
By combining the technologies of quantum computers, Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence and other Industry 4.0 technologies, is it possible to significantly improve the predictive analyses...
01 January 1970 7,362 2 View
From the announcements of politicians, it appears that in a few years manned expeditions to the Moon will resume. On the Earth's moon, bases will be established for the preparation of a man's...
01 January 1970 824 17 View
How can machine learning technology, deep learning and a specific generation of artificial intelligence applied to Big Data Analytics platforms help in the processes of managing the effective...
01 January 1970 761 1 View
Is it already highly safe to drive a car in driverless mode, i.e. driven, guided by an artificial intelligence system? More and more car companies are conducting tests and some have already...
01 January 1970 3,518 5 View
What are the differences in taxation of companies and employees vis-à-vis analogous entities in which all employed workers have been replaced by artificial intelligence? How does the system of...
01 January 1970 2,498 2 View
What should regulations for the ethical and good practice use of ChatGPT-type technology in the context of the use of this technology in schools, colleges and universities contain? One technology...
01 January 1970 5,933 3 View
Are we prepared for a possible encounter with an extraterrestrial civilization that may have much more advanced technology than we do? It is possible that we are being watched by an...
01 January 1970 1,025 7 View
In the context of the economic downturn, the government is now faced with a dilemma in terms of shaping interventionist, pre-election economic policy: continue subsidies to energy prices, continue...
01 January 1970 8,960 13 View
In your opinion, could a civilisation built within the framework of full sustainability with the surrounding biosphere emerge on certain colonised exoplanets millions of light years distant? built...
01 January 1970 8,363 10 View
Will man, thanks to technological progress, colonize the orbit of outer space in the 21st century? Please reply Best wishes
01 January 1970 1,367 13 View
How can artificial intelligence technologies be used effectively in universities so that the development of artificial intelligence technologies exemplified by ChatGPT does not pose a threat to...
01 January 1970 2,085 3 View
How should anti-crisis housing support programmes be structured that could significantly reduce the scale of the 2023 economic crisis? Inflation is rising. Central banks are raising interest...
01 January 1970 7,062 1 View
Can the installation of heat pumps powered by renewable energy sources significantly reduce the scale of the increase in the cost of generating heat and power or completely solve the energy crisis...
01 January 1970 8,658 14 View
Can artificial intelligence already predict our consumer behaviour and in a short while will it be able to predict which shop we will go to and what we will buy tomorrow? With the help of...
01 January 1970 8,620 7 View
What socio-economic policy is appropriate for reducing poverty and social exclusion in contemporary social market economies? Please answer Best wishes Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG, The...
01 January 1970 3,553 29 View
What is the risk of air quality deterioration during the next heating season, which will be the result of the energy crisis and the fact that due to energy poverty, some citizens may throw various...
01 January 1970 904 0 View
The fourth technological revolution currently underway is characterised by rapidly advancing ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0, including but not limited to machine learning, deep...
01 January 1970 4,216 7 View
How can an effective investment strategy involving a combination of fundamental analysis and technical analysis be built in the analysis of stock markets or other investment assets priced in the...
01 January 1970 2,764 11 View
In your opinion, will the addition of mandatory sustainability reporting according to the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) to company and corporate reporting motivate business...
01 January 1970 3,602 10 View
Will the manned space mission to Mars planned for the 2030s be mainly a technological race between superpowers, like the manned mission to the Moon in the 1970s, or will it rather be an...
01 January 1970 6,277 1 View
In your opinion, what are the main aspects of the consideration of the impact of the development of artificial intelligence, including such solutions of advanced language models built using...
01 January 1970 2,768 5 View
Can a generative artificial intelligence refined by learning processes o be as creative as a human? Can a generative artificial intelligence refined by learning processes be as creative as human...
01 January 1970 8,722 8 View
What are examples of social policy programmes that have increased the fertility rate in society, reduced the scale of family poverty and effectively acted and slowed down significantly the...
01 January 1970 1,488 14 View
To what extent can rooftop gardens and flower meadows in cities increase the biodiversity of natural ecosystems in cities? Given the ongoing climate change, including global warming, air...
01 January 1970 9,188 4 View
In your opinion, can vertical farming become the agriculture of the future in sustainable, green, smart, food self-sufficient cities? In your opinion, in the context of the ongoing process of...
01 January 1970 1,146 10 View
Will cryptocurrencies return to dynamic growth after the current energy crisis, the downturn in the economy caused by high inflation and the stock market slump? Will the currently developing...
01 January 1970 3,453 2 View
How should ChatGPT technology be improved and how should copyright legal norms be revised so that the continued development of different solutions, generations etc. of artificial intelligence...
01 January 1970 9,658 4 View
Taking into account the situation on financial markets, including capital markets, i.e. high valuations of securities quoted on these markets and factors of production, globally occurring economic...
01 January 1970 1,603 9 View
Are credit rating agencies currently reliably assessing the creditworthiness of national economies, enterprises and financial institutions, including issuers of securities? One of the factors...
01 January 1970 9,279 8 View
What are the main determinants of the process of integrated risk management of cybercrime and the security of information transferred on the Internet? In my opinion, the processes of integrated...
01 January 1970 2,958 6 View
The research shows that there is a dependency, correlation between the change in the rate of economic growth of the country, economic and financial situation of economic entities, citizens...
01 January 1970 1,169 15 View
How can the implementation of artificial intelligence help in terms of the automated process of analysing the sentiment of the content of posts, posts, banners, etc. posted by Internet users on...
01 January 1970 8,836 3 View
In connection with the development of cybercrime on the Internet, the security systems for transfer and processing of data, financial transactions, electronic banking, etc. carried out on the...
01 January 1970 5,704 11 View
What kind of art do you like best? Which direction, trend, epoch, etc. of art do you like? For example, what direction, trend in painting do you like? My favorite trend in painting is impresonism,...
01 January 1970 1,311 7 View
What are examples of housing policy programmes that have worked effectively and have significantly increased the availability of housing for citizens, including young people starting families? In...
01 January 1970 9,946 10 View
Why does raising interest rates by central banks have more of a slowing effect on the growth of the economy and a limited anti-inflationary effect? Have central banks started a race to raise...
01 January 1970 4,074 9 View
How to build a Big Data Analytics system based on artificial intelligence more perfect than ChatGPT that learns but only real information and data? How to build a Big Data Analytics system, a Big...
01 January 1970 5,424 3 View
What are the key determinants of building and developing an energy sector that will provide the national economy with a high level of energy security, a high level of multi-year energy...
01 January 1970 1,857 2 View
In your opinion, could a new generation of generative artificial intelligence be created in the future, whereby a highly sophisticated language model capable of simulating the consciousness of a...
01 January 1970 9,151 3 View
In your opinion, what issues concerning the development of artificial intelligence should be regulated by law? In your opinion, should regulations be introduced to oblige people to report that a...
01 January 1970 4,507 6 View
What, in your opinion, are the negative effects of the low level of economic knowledge of society and what can the low level of economic knowledge of a significant part of citizens in society lead...
01 January 1970 2,672 6 View
What are the technologies for binding CO2 to rock in order to decarbonise the burning of fossil fuels, reduce the greenhouse effect on the planet's atmosphere, slow down the progressive process of...
01 January 1970 5,808 4 View
How can new ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0 help improve systems for monitoring the state of environmental pollution, the state of biodiversity of natural ecosystems, the state of...
01 January 1970 6,464 2 View
What was the pandemic and post-pandemic impact of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic on globalisation processes? Increase in the scale of international scientific cooperation on...
01 January 1970 2,930 5 View
On the surface of the planet Mars are the basic components, organic elements and chemical compounds necessary for the cultivation of terrestrial plants on Mars. There is water on Mars (saline, it...
01 January 1970 5,180 32 View
In spite of constantly improved waste segregation systems and recycling, the problem of growing garbage dumps on which waste is not biodegradable and polluting is still growing. In view of the...
01 January 1970 1,191 50 View
What, in your opinion, are the methods, ways, legal solutions, new material and other technologies to reduce paper consumption, save wood and trees? What, in your opinion, are the actions and...
01 January 1970 148 4 View
In your opinion, can the new technologies of Industry 4.0, including above all artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning applied in combination with large sets of data, information...
01 January 1970 6,573 3 View
What are the key determinants of the possibility of building new high-tech microchip manufacturing companies? What are the key determinants of the possibility of building new high-tech microchip...
01 January 1970 1,950 6 View
What are the key determinants of building a risk management system for investing in cryptocurrencies conducted in speculative financial operations and investment transactions carried out on online...
01 January 1970 8,305 4 View
How do you encourage, motivate your students to formulate an interesting, current, future-oriented, out-of-the-box, novel, creative, innovative thesis topic with what words, etc.? What are your...
01 January 1970 5,671 3 View
Is analytics based on Big Data and artificial intelligence already capable of predicting what we will think about tomorrow, that we need something, that we should perhaps buy something we think we...
01 January 1970 9,031 3 View
How do the new ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0 contribute to improving the efficiency of the functioning of business entities? The functioning of which areas of economic activity of...
01 January 1970 1,717 5 View
What role in the development of scientific cooperation is the application of ethics, culture and respect towards other people, other cultures, other value systems, etc.? What role does the...
01 January 1970 9,515 4 View
Can Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics help in the development of sustainable organic agriculture based on planning, arranging and managing biodiverse, multi-species crop...
01 January 1970 1,931 9 View
Will the recent economic crises, i.e. the 2020 pandemic economic crisis and the 2022 energy crisis, soon be followed by a financial crisis in the banking sector and/or a debt crisis in the public...
01 January 1970 1,951 7 View
Already at least several commercial banks have created their own cryptocurrencies. Some investment funds invest part of their assets in selected cryptocurrencies. Recently, the investment bank JP...
01 January 1970 9,804 39 View
How do local government units in your country inspire citizens to save electricity and/or heat, conserve water sparingly, segregate waste, and other pro-environmental daily practices and...
01 January 1970 770 5 View
Will the use of Blockchain technology improve the security of information transfer on the Internet? Will the development of Blockchain technologies reduce the scale of cybercrime on the...
01 January 1970 8,384 24 View
How can artificial intelligence help improve cyber security systems and techniques in online and mobile banking? In recent years, technologies that play an important role in the field of Industry...
01 January 1970 6,791 18 View
What kind of innovative startups do you think can be created using a new generation of smart tools similar to ChatGPT and/or whose business activities would be helped by such smart tools and/or...
01 January 1970 9,819 3 View
How should a system of institutional control over the development of advanced artificial intelligence models and algorithms be built so that this development does not get out of hand and lead to...
01 January 1970 8,811 4 View
If ChatGPT is merged into search engines developed by internet technology companies, will search results be shaped by algorithms to a greater extent than before, and what risks might be...
01 January 1970 1,208 3 View
How should international economic aid from developed countries to developing countries on the continent of Africa be developed so that, at the same time, the scale of international cooperation is...
01 January 1970 7,086 4 View
In a social market economy, is the concentration of capital and monopolization of markets through the development of large corporations a manifestation of the imperfection of realistically...
01 January 1970 5,741 8 View
Will the energy crisis accelerate the pro-climate energy transition and affect the declarations made by countries on this issue at the UN Climate Summit COP27? Rising fossil fuel and energy...
01 January 1970 9,422 4 View
How can the drying up of natural lakes be stopped in order to reduce the negative effects of this process? How can the drying up of natural lakes caused by the progressive process of global...
01 January 1970 8,706 8 View
Is 12 years to switch the entire automotive sector to electromobility a long or short time, considering both the currently available green technologies and eco-innovations in electromobility,...
01 January 1970 2,182 6 View
When, in a situation of high inflation, the number of companies and enterprises going bankrupt is increasing, the level of real income of economic entities and citizens is decreasing, the scale of...
01 January 1970 827 8 View
Is the independence of the central bank from the government full and real now? What is your opinion about the central bank's independence from the government? Is it full and real independence?...
01 January 1970 7,022 37 View
What systemic measures are necessary and should be taken to protect bees from massive bee poisoning in the framework of intensive, unsustainable, profit-maximising agriculture without taking into...
01 January 1970 5,170 5 View
Is it appropriate for the development of financial markets and the economy that above-average profits can be made by inducing financial and/or economic crises through speculative transactions...
01 January 1970 6,138 1 View
Would you like to use a completely new generation of ChatGPT-type tool that would be based on those online databases you would choose yourself? What do you think about such a business concept for...
01 January 1970 5,087 2 View
Has the current monetary policy of central banking brought inflation growth to a halt and/or is it effectively limiting inflation growth? The following analysis of the situation applies to the...
01 January 1970 8,638 19 View
How can artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT and Big Data Analytics be used to analyse the level of innovation of new economic projects that new startups that are planning to develop...
01 January 1970 8,521 12 View
How did the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic increase the level of digitization and Internetization of economic processes, increase the scale of remote communication carried out between...
01 January 1970 7,137 4 View
Did the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic potentially increase opportunities to accelerate processes of pro-climate and pro-environmental transformation of the economy, but unfortunately...
01 January 1970 6,426 5 View
Is the ongoing global warming process or the rivers flowing into the seas and oceans pollution are the main factors generating threats to the biodiversity of the oceans and ecosystems? Are there...
01 January 1970 5,729 41 View
What needs to change for the deforestation of the Amazon tropical rainforests to be converted to aforestation? The Amazon Tropical Rainforests are referred to as the 'lungs of our planet'. The...
01 January 1970 9,227 3 View
What is the likelihood of another pandemic in the future as estimated by the predictive analyses carried out, based on computerised, multi-faceted, big data mathematical modelling? To what extent...
01 January 1970 908 8 View
What role do schools, colleges, universities, research institutions and other institutions in the education, research and science sector play in the green economy transformation process? The...
01 January 1970 7,927 2 View
In your opinion, will an incipient global climate catastrophe also generate a global biodiversity catastrophe and, therefore, should the two catastrophes be studied simultaneously as closely...
01 January 1970 6,146 16 View
What are examples of not yet fully discovered, explored and described unique natural ecosystems and species of flora, fauna and fungi, unique organic compounds produced by particular species of...
01 January 1970 2,666 8 View
What are the applications of digital twins in conjunction with artificial intelligence, Big Data Analytics and other Industry 4.0 technologies in creating simulations of digital models of complex...
01 January 1970 3,671 2 View
What is the level of importance of analyzing current public sentiment and shaping citizens' awareness through political marketing and government-controlled media in the context of economic policy...
01 January 1970 2,365 8 View
What child social development support programmes, child psychological support programmes are being developed in relation to the increasing scale of psychological problems in children, which have...
01 January 1970 9,017 6 View
Is it possible to effectively pursue a growth-activating (medium-term) and development-activating (long-term) economic policy that is anti-crisis, counter-cyclical, pro-development, Keynsian and...
01 January 1970 4,001 10 View
In your opinion, will the macroeconomic outlook for the global economy in the long term be dominated by optimistic or pessimistic factors? What are the key determinants of pessimistic and/or...
01 January 1970 9,172 28 View
How can cryptocurrency trading be formalised, institutionalised and made more secure? How to build formalised and high-security transaction institutionalised cryptocurrency trading markets? In...
01 January 1970 3,770 6 View
Why are the results of scientific research, including the UN IPCC reports on the role of humans on the sources of the accelerating global warming process, being ignored under populist,...
01 January 1970 4,594 3 View
What are the new eco-innovations and green technologies that, if implemented on a large scale, would significantly mitigate the negative impacts of the current energy crisis? Many new...
01 January 1970 6,309 4 View
How can entrepreneurship be activated through anti-crisis interventionist economic policy programmes in a situation of high inflation? In a situation of developing economic downturn, the...
01 January 1970 7,487 5 View
In your opinion, how should a realistically pro-social, pro-family and pro-development socio-economic policy be conducted, i.e. that it is a realistically pro-social, pro-family and...
01 January 1970 3,628 5 View
What is the scale of the decline in the cost of servicing public debt generated by sustained high inflation over the long term? In what relations of the level of debt of the system of state...
01 January 1970 4,958 5 View
In the context of accelerating the development of industry, global production, exploitation of raw materials, pollutants and waste emissions, increasing greenhouse gas emissions, accelerating the...
01 January 1970 3,885 99 View
In my opinion, the monetary policy coordinated by central banks can not be objectively assessed without taking into account many specific, current determinations describing the condition of...
01 January 1970 9,094 42 View
Do the local authorities of your municipality efficiently implement pro-environmental and pro-climate social and economic projects and effectively conduct pro-environmental and pro-climate...
01 January 1970 2,362 0 View
What state of a country's public finances makes it possible to carry out government-financed investment programs on the basis of money printing carried out through direct purchase of Treasury...
01 January 1970 4,022 3 View
If you had the opportunity, what artificial intelligence would you design and create to be helpful in the research, analytical, editorial, other work you do in conducting your scientific research...
01 January 1970 2,532 3 View
How should credit risk management systems and procedures be improved at investment banks investing clients' money in securities so as to significantly reduce the levels of potential systemic...
01 January 1970 845 3 View
List the three categories of information that you think are the most important in fundamental analysis for the valuation of capital companies, issuers of securities and for investing in securities...
01 January 1970 7,165 9 View
Do the ongoing processes of economic globalisation foster, increase the impact and importance of sustainability or rather reduce the scope for the realisation of sustainable international economic...
01 January 1970 314 2 View
Have the credit risk management processes been improved in banks to the extent that the probability of the emergence and scale of the next financial crisis are low? Please reply I invite you to...
01 January 1970 4,643 22 View
Do you think that there is life beyond our Solar System? Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion. Best wishes
01 January 1970 6,793 61 View
Does the collapse of one of the largest banks in the USA, the collapse of First Republic Bank, at the very beginning of May 2023 mean that the panic withdrawal of deposits by bank customers...
01 January 1970 1,502 2 View
What is your opinion about the concept of helicopter money invented by Milton Friedman as an idea for one-time activation of consumption, economic activity and improvement of economic growth in a...
01 January 1970 6,629 16 View
Could the central bank's historical record net loss for 2022, in the context of its monetary policy and speculative transactions in international financial markets, mean a decrease in security in...
01 January 1970 3,014 4 View
What are the key differences between banking credit risk management and banking cyber risk management in the context of the development of online and mobile banking? Improving bank credit risk...
01 January 1970 9,064 6 View
In my opinion, interesting questions and research thesis may concern the following issues: Are fishing, malware (spyware, trojans, ransomware, keyloggers, ...) sending cybercriminals false...
01 January 1970 9,494 33 View
Online mobile banking is dynamically developing because pro-development factors continue to outweigh the factors limiting this development. The main development factors are the reduction of...
01 January 1970 4,727 20 View
What incentives do banks use in attracting new individual and insttuional customers, including SME businesses to their online and mobile banking offerings using new ICT information technologies...
01 January 1970 8,988 4 View
What new, innovative features are being added to bank cards where banks are taking advantage of new Big Data Analytics and other new Industry 4.0 technologies? Commercial banks, in an effort to...
01 January 1970 7,553 3 View
What is the most important thing for the development of good scientific cooperation in terms of, among other things, conducting exchanges on scientific research, joint team research, joint team...
01 January 1970 3,536 4 View
After 30 years, much will change. 30 years is a long period for the continuation of the current fourth technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0. The current technological revolution known...
01 January 1970 9,500 11 View
How much more perfect will the Bing Internet search engine be than existing solutions once it has been integrated with ChatGPT's artificial intelligence? What new capabilities will emerge for...
01 January 1970 3,202 0 View
Will the current energy crisis accelerate the pro-environmental transformation of tourism and increase the scale of development of green, sustainable tourism? Rising fossil fuel prices, energy...
01 January 1970 3,940 3 View
What were the various investment objectives financed by the additional off-budget money introduced into the economy since the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic? What...
01 January 1970 7,715 6 View
In your opinion, what is the essence of life in the context of the Universe, i.e. in the context of other life forms potentially occurring on many distant exoplanets relative to the known life...
01 January 1970 2,194 2 View
What do you think are the biggest negative social and economic impacts of double-digit and currently rising inflation? Central banks are raising interest rates in an attempt to contain rising...
01 January 1970 611 6 View
How can we reduce the scale of predatory forestry, improve forest management processes and plans, systematically improve forest management so as to simultaneously preserve natural forest...
01 January 1970 3,294 2 View
Why do you think that in the context of the progressive process of global warming, deforestation, logging, cutting down of old-growth forests in natural forests and even in areas that should be...
01 January 1970 4,872 2 View
In your opinion, how can the institutional system of control and maintenance of certain standards of advertising real estate for sale be improved, so that the scale of misleading customers, the...
01 January 1970 7,247 1 View
How can the development of cooperation developed between local governments and economic actors activate the development of green entrepreneurship and eco-innovation? How can the development of...
01 January 1970 395 5 View
If, due to the current energy crisis, the local government lifts anti-smog restrictions, reauthorizes the burning of brown coal and waste in stoves, and thereby contributes to the deterioration of...
01 January 1970 9,069 3 View
How are urban agglomerations coping with water shortages and increasingly frequent periods of drought caused by progressive global warming? The effects of progressive global warming include...
01 January 1970 890 3 View
What do you think about involving artificial intelligence in the shaping and control of the implementation of the current and prospective socio-economic policy of the country and/or a local...
01 January 1970 6,220 0 View
What eco-innovations and green energy technologies can be developed and implemented to help build backyard power plants and mini-generation plants that can be built quickly within the framework of...
01 January 1970 1,386 2 View
In my opinion, the development of the necessary infrastructure and security stabilities is of key importance for the development of autonomous cars technology, so that the development of...
01 January 1970 7,316 38 View
In your opinion, how to build an IT anti-plagiarism system that will verify essays written by students in schools and credit and diploma theses written by students in universities, taking into...
01 January 1970 7,980 5 View
What are the applications of machine learning, deep learning and/or artificial intelligence technologies to securities market analysis, including stock market analysis, bonds, derivatives? ICT...
01 January 1970 4,127 1 View
What technologies dominate in the development of urban agglomerations according to the concept of smart-ecology sustainable development cities? I invite you to the discussion Best wishes
01 January 1970 8,199 18 View
Do financial, banking and capital markets supervisory institutions, including stock exchanges, investment funds, brokerage houses and offices, insurance companies, etc. effectively reduce the...
01 January 1970 6,442 11 View
Works of art are an important element of culture in the social and cultural heritage. The achievements of culture, including works of art, should be cherished for future generations, they can not...
01 January 1970 6,644 11 View
To solve, first of all, what problems of the development of civilisation in the 21st century it is necessary to develop international cooperation, jointly solve global problems, develop economic...
01 January 1970 9,682 5 View
With the James Webb Telescope, will we learn the answer to age-old questions about the existence of extraterrestrial life forms, other life forms, intelligent other living beings, other...
01 January 1970 9,334 1 View
Life in space is very likely but millions of light years outside our solar system. On Mars, it may have existed once when there was water on Mars. However, currently, according to current data,...
01 January 1970 5,635 95 View
When are the first manned trips to Mars planned? Considering technological development, when will it be possible to establish the first permanent research bases and residential colonies on...
01 January 1970 2,916 42 View
Will the upcoming UN COP27 Climate Summit finally see groundbreaking and meaningful declarations from individual countries on significantly accelerating the processes of carrying out a...
01 January 1970 6,282 3 View
With the smooth green transformation of the economy, building a green, sustainable, zero-carbon closed-loop economy, and with the large-scale implementation of new green technologies and...
01 January 1970 3,076 11 View
Would learning about other life forms on distant exoplanets make it easier to answer the question regarding the possible purposefulness or randomness of the origin/emergence of life in the...
01 January 1970 6,004 7 View
What if it were scientifically confirmed that there are other life forms in the Universe on distant exoplanets, including other intelligent life forms? What if it were scientifically confirmed...
01 January 1970 1,008 1 View
Will the development of autonomous cars be correlated with the development of electric cars? Will these technologies be developed in parallel? In the future, will a significant part of...
01 January 1970 9,100 16 View
Many people live in urban agglomerations, in large or small towns or in the countryside. If you function in a city, I address the following question to you: Is zero-emission urban public transport...
01 January 1970 8,980 5 View
What are the state-of-the-art technological solutions to ensure a high level of nuclear power safety, including those new technologies that should have been applied from the beginning of the...
01 January 1970 6,792 13 View
70 percent intensified production of agricultural products is absorbed by the production of livestock, above all for the purpose of meat production. If this production would be burdened with the...
01 January 1970 6,398 51 View
How can corruption in the national system of awarding non-refundable financial grants for innovative business ventures undermine the development of innovation and science? In what way can...
01 January 1970 7,096 3 View
What forms of external financing of pro-climate and pro-environmental economic ventures within the framework of green finance dominate now and will dominate in the future? In recent years,...
01 January 1970 3,803 4 View
In which sectors of the economy, types of economic activity should be used development-oriented socio-economic policy to stimulate the economic processes of the entire economy? This issue is...
01 January 1970 8,946 11 View
Does lending denominated in a foreign currency, taking into account currency risk, generate a significantly higher overall level of credit risk compared to lending in domestic currency? For...
01 January 1970 9,819 4 View
How would you rate the activation of commercial banking loans, i.e. an attempt to stimulate economic activity and economic growth of the country through the policy of low central bank interest...
01 January 1970 10,010 9 View
In the context of the currently developing energy crisis and the prospectively developing climate crisis, the following questions arise: What should be the structure of a diversified energy...
01 January 1970 9,754 1 View
Is the increasing scale of populist short-sighted economic state interventionism and the growing influence of the state in the economy generating emerging economic and/or financial and social...
01 January 1970 9,378 4 View
Is an economics model based on the concept of sharing economy an essential element of a sustainable circular economy? Is the sharing economy model an essential element of a sustainable circular...
01 January 1970 2,084 5 View
For what energy, climate, environmental or other policy purposes should tax money from the excess profits of companies in the mining, energy and fuel sectors made in 2022 be used in connection...
01 January 1970 610 3 View
What are the differences in the origins and development of the currently developing 2022 energy crisis compared to the energy crisis of the 1970s? Increase in the price of fossil fuels (in the...
01 January 1970 6,901 4 View
What is the relationship between sustainability and the green transformation of the economy to build a sustainable, zero-carbon, green circular economy? The essence of sustainability derives from...
01 January 1970 3,504 7 View
In your opinion, in a country with a democratic system of government, should the main, dominant, meanstream, public news media be independent, private or state-owned, under government control? I...
01 January 1970 2,746 9 View
In your opinion, what new provisions and declarations made at the UN Climate Summit COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, will prove fundamentally helpful for the implementation of the Sustainable...
01 January 1970 2,907 8 View
Are economic crises mainly triggered by external objective factors or rather by government misguided state interventionism? In the context of the specific measures, instruments and programmes of...
01 January 1970 4,631 6 View
In the context of the human-induced accelerating process of global warming, the increasing scale of environmental degradation, the extinction of many species of flora and fauna, the decline in the...
01 January 1970 1,882 18 View
In your opinion, should one invest in companies that promote the idea of a closed-loop economy, pursue sustainable development goals, act in a socially and environmentally responsible manner,...
01 January 1970 1,275 6 View
How can the processes of thermal modernisation of buildings be accelerated in order to significantly reduce the level of emissivity of buildings, reduce energy consumption, increase energy...
01 January 1970 2,654 2 View
Does the information policy of the public relations department of a capital company issuing securities (shares, bonds, ...) may affect the market valuation of these securities on the stock...
01 January 1970 6,866 12 View
Has the current energy crisis, including rising fossil fuel and energy prices, increased the scale of public acceptance for building a nuclear power plant? Nuclear power can be an important...
01 January 1970 6,906 6 View
What are examples of social ecological entrepreneurship undertaken from the bottom up, implemented from the bottom up by the local community of your region, city district, urban agglomeration,...
01 January 1970 6,725 7 View
What is the scale of development of online green finance, online green micropayments, online green crowdfunding, green equity crowdfunding? Have any of you conducted research on these issues? If...
01 January 1970 8,062 2 View
In your opinion, is the issue of better management of water consumption and conservation correlated with running a sustainable organic farm or agritourism farm? 97 percent of the water on the...
01 January 1970 8,386 7 View
What role can biogas plants play in the development of sustainable, emission-free organic agriculture as an important element in the green transformation of the economy and the decarbonisation of...
01 January 1970 1,478 3 View
What has been missing from the open-source availability of ChatGPT-type artificial intelligence on the Internet? What is missing in order to make it possible to comply with the norms of text...
01 January 1970 4,247 3 View
What are the links between the climate crisis and the ecological crisis, i.e. the unfolding crises and human-induced acceleration of civilisation in the ongoing Anthropocene epoch? The era of...
01 January 1970 1,190 3 View
What are the new technologies for desalination and purification of seawater without the consumption of electricity that can already be applied in areas with freshwater scarcity? But the scarcity...
01 January 1970 8,395 5 View
Should the projected impact of the global warming process on the future performance of the analysed business entity already be added to the fundamental analysis of listed companies'...
01 January 1970 8,274 2 View
In some activities it is possible and robots are already produced, which replace people in specific repetitive activities. However, will robots replace people in future in all activities and...
01 January 1970 415 10 View
In your opinion, are so-called "carbon credits" consisting of some corporation taking a specific patch of natural forest cover, including, for example, a patch of natural Amazon Rainforest, for an...
01 January 1970 9,096 24 View
What is the rate of progressive loss of biodiversity of natural ecosystems as a result of the progressive process of global warming and other negative externalities of the development of...
01 January 1970 5,588 0 View
In the era of information globalization, the technological revolution known as Industry 4.0 and the growing importance of implementation to business models of the principles of sustainable...
01 January 1970 3,832 13 View
What are the different, alternative pathways to effectively achieve full climate neutrality of the energy sector, including pathways taking into account the intermediate steps of the green...
01 January 1970 7,469 6 View
What are the differences in terms of the declarations introduced by commercial banks regarding sustainability goal programmes, the bank's participation in the reduction of CO2 and other greenhouse...
01 January 1970 4,100 1 View
Which green technologies and eco-innovations will make it possible to achieve significant energy savings and zero-emission buildings still in this decade? Which green technologies and...
01 January 1970 8,030 2 View
Improvement of credit risk management systems can currently be significantly determined, among others, by the implementation of new information technologies for banking. Are the processes of...
01 January 1970 7,852 7 View
What are the key determinants of building and improving a computerised, modern energy crisis risk management system as an important factor in the strategic energy policy of the state or the...
01 January 1970 5,135 0 View
To what extent, nature and direction will the current energy crisis accelerate the processes of pro-climate and pro-environmental transformation of the economy, including the implementation of...
01 January 1970 8,283 3 View
How can new ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0 help in environmental monitoring and conservation of the tropical Amazon Rainforest and other areas of forests, green spaces? The...
01 January 1970 3,806 2 View
Is the risk of online banking systems currently treated in banks as more important than the classic categories of banking risk, such as credit risk? Do the IT risk management processes of online...
01 January 1970 5,975 11 View
In my opinion, some banks and corporations develop systems of integrated, multi-faceted, based on improving advanced analytical models of risk management supported by analytics based on data...
01 January 1970 8,887 7 View
What are the most common investment objectives, financing what type of green business ventures can be implemented in the formula of green financing offered by banks? What investment purposes,...
01 January 1970 6,429 3 View
Is it possible to build a highly effective forecasting system for future financial and economic crises based on artificial intelligence technology in combination with Data Science analytics, Big...
01 January 1970 7,562 5 View
What, in your opinion, is a reliable, objective, professional and thus really contributing to the effective development of science reviewing of scientific papers, diploma theses, dissertations...
01 January 1970 6,648 3 View
How can the housing construction market be stimulated as part of a housing policy that is an important segment of a counter-cyclical, anti-crisis, Keynsian, pro-growth, investment but also green...
01 January 1970 3,864 3 View
If a new piece of music is created, but created by an artificial intelligence, how is the question of creativity to be assessed and how will copyright work, what part of the resulting artistic...
01 January 1970 9,013 2 View
What are the research results that support the thesis that as a result of human civilization, as a result of still increasing greenhouse gas emissions, the process of global warming in recent...
01 January 1970 8,185 2 View
Does analytics based on sentiment analysis of changes in Internet user opinion using Big Data Analytics help detect fakenews spread as part of the deliberate spread of disinformation on social...
01 January 1970 6,103 3 View
What is the impact of the current energy crisis, which is developing simultaneously in many countries, on the processes of globalization? Internationally and globally operating social, economic,...
01 January 1970 7,558 5 View
Has the development of artificial intelligence, including especially the current and prospective development of generative artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence technologies,...
01 January 1970 9,479 5 View
What are the possibilities of applying generative AI in terms of conducting sentiment analysis of changes in Internet users' opinions on specific topics? What are the possibilities of applying...
01 January 1970 6,355 1 View
Are there already available technologies for producing paper from other forms of flora, plants other than trees, such as shrubs, grasses, perennials, fallen leaves, straw, waste from crop...
01 January 1970 3,093 3 View
How should agriculture be developed so that the production of agricultural crops does not cause a continuation of the decline in the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems? How should...
01 January 1970 6,015 5 View
Can socially run citizen-led independent local energy cooperatives running small renewable energy power plants in wind, solar, hydro, geothermal etc. significantly increase energy...
01 January 1970 6,315 3 View
Why are the commitments made by governments and corporations at the UN COP Climate Summits not being implemented? Why are the pledges made by governments and corporations at the UN COP Climate...
01 January 1970 1,734 9 View
How should ChatGPT and other intelligent chatbots be used so that it is ethical, socially responsible and does not break copyright? How should intelligent chatbots that are generative language...
01 January 1970 3,085 20 View
How can the development of artificial intelligence technologies and applications help the development of science, the conduct of scientific research, the processing of results obtained from...
01 January 1970 226 6 View
Has the rivalry among leading technology companies in perfecting generative artificial intelligence technology already entered a path of no return and could inevitably lead to the creation of a...
01 January 1970 5,919 4 View
What are the main sources of the significant decline in economic growth and recession of the economy in 2023? In Poland, during the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, the government...
01 January 1970 2,126 6 View
Can the digitization and Internetization of the tax settlement system, tax settlements and online data transfer between business entities and tax office institutions increase the tightness of the...
01 January 1970 1,757 7 View
Can the conduct of analysis and scientific research be significantly improved through the use of Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence and quantum computers? Can the possibilities of Big...
01 January 1970 5,217 3 View
Will a monetary policy conducted in this way, in which economic factors are less important than political factors, not soon cause mistakes to be made again when conducting this policy and lead to...
01 January 1970 4,142 2 View
On what does the significantly differentiated level of energy prices across countries currently depend? What are the key determinants of the widely varying level of energy prices across...
01 January 1970 3,236 3 View
How should artificial intelligence technologies be implemented in education, so as not to deprive students of development and critical thinking in this way, so as to continue to develop critical...
01 January 1970 9,478 12 View
Could a thinking generative artificial intelligence independently make decisions contrary to human expectations which could lead to the annihilation of humanity? Recently, the technology of...
01 January 1970 5,163 6 View
How to protect the biodiverse ecosystems of the Amazon Rainforest and other natural biodiverse forests, the unique old-growth trees that occur in them from logging, and also protect other...
01 January 1970 1,256 15 View
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Futurology in literature and film? Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Futurology...
01 January 1970 9,171 74 View
What are the opportunities for creating and improving sustainable business models, sustainable economic development strategies developed and implemented in business entities through the use of...
01 January 1970 1,470 3 View
How can urban green areas be developed, turn large areas of concrete and asphalt into urban parks, implement new ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies into computerized urban...
01 January 1970 4,923 2 View
During the thawing of the subpolar permafrost, triggered by accelerating global warming, could viruses and bacteria from many thousands of years ago, which are dangerous to humans, emerge and...
01 January 1970 2,228 1 View
Will ESG and sustainability reporting motivate business entities to realistically accelerate green business transformation and reduce the scale of greenwashing used by many companies and...
01 January 1970 672 1 View
If an imitation of human consciousness called artificial consciousness is built on the basis of AI technology in the future, will it be built by mapping the functioning of human consciousness or...
01 January 1970 3,713 3 View
What are the possibilities for integrating an intelligent chatbot into web-based video conferencing platforms used to date for remote conferences, symposia, training, webinars and remote education...
01 January 1970 1,967 3 View
What new occupations, professional professions, specialties in the workforce are being created or will soon be created in connection with the development of generative artificial intelligence...
01 January 1970 4,877 3 View
How will the rivalry between IT professionals operating on two sides of the barricade, i.e. in the sphere of cybercrime and cyber security, change after the implementation of generative artificial...
01 January 1970 8,187 6 View
Do local government officials, including mayors and city presidents, act ethically if they treat local government newspapers that are published in print form and/or in electronic form on a website...
01 January 1970 6,029 17 View
What are the main barriers and constraints to the effective and efficient implementation of the green transformation of the energy sector, including what are the key systemic errors of energy...
01 January 1970 7,810 6 View
What is the current impact of Financial Technology (Fintech) backed by ICT information technology and Industry 4.0/5.0 on commercial banking? The influence of Financial Technology (Fintech)...
01 January 1970 1,233 1 View
In your opinion, will the development of artificial intelligence applications be associated mainly with opportunities, positive aspects, or rather threats, negative aspects? Recently, accelerated...
01 January 1970 6,116 4 View
How does the cooperation of colleges and universities with commercially functioning economic entities, including companies and businesses, contribute to increasing innovation in the...
01 January 1970 9,966 3 View
In the region where you live, do local government authorities, local government unit authorities in the framework of the local government economy carried out take into account the implementation...
01 January 1970 8,829 7 View
In your opinion, what is the greatest role, function, importance, etc. of the development of international scientific cooperation? International scientific cooperation plays an important role in...
01 January 1970 5,169 3 View
Are there technologies available to produce biofuels based on organic compost, from organic crop waste, that could serve as engine fuel to power tractors and other agricultural machinery in...
01 January 1970 8,525 4 View
Can increasing the scale of biodiversity in the agroecological concept of sustainable farm or agro-tourism practicing organic farming increase the productivity of crop production under the...
01 January 1970 5,648 6 View
How can highly biodiverse forest ecosystems be restored in logged areas, post-industrial areas, degraded natural environments? How can highly biodiverse, floristically and faunistically...
01 January 1970 5,207 8 View
What still needs to change, how many more natural and climatic disasters need to happen, How many more red lines need to be crossed for people to take seriously the need to urgently carry out a...
01 January 1970 8,515 4 View
Should the central bank's monetary policy be closely coordinated with the government's fiscal, budgetary, social, etc. policies? In other words, we can ask in the following way: should the...
01 January 1970 6,762 6 View
How should AI-assisted Big Data centers be developed so that they fit in with the Sustainable Development Goals? How should Big Data centers aided by AI technology be developed so that they fit...
01 January 1970 4,075 1 View
Can the applicability of Big Data Analytics backed by artificial intelligence technology in the field be significantly enhanced when the aforementioned technologies are applied to the processing...
01 January 1970 8,132 2 View
Why do some people, questioning the results of scientific research, continue to claim that humans are not responsible for the increase in greenhouse gas emissions and the accelerating process of...
01 January 1970 2,198 0 View
Should the protection of the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems as a key factor in humanity's security be included in basic human rights? In connection with...
01 January 1970 5,945 8 View
Can the application of artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics technologies help improve system energy security management processes and enhance this security? Probably yes if the issue of...
01 January 1970 5,647 3 View
With the rapid development of online banking, including mobile banking, are commercial banks increasing spending on improving cyber risk management processes to a greater extent than on credit...
01 January 1970 2,501 4 View
Will generative artificial intelligence taught various activities performed so far only by humans, solving complex tasks, self-improving in performing specific tasks, taught in the process of deep...
01 January 1970 9,706 3 View
In your opinion, should the issue of ensuring climate and environmental security for people become part of basic human rights? Should adherence to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the...
01 January 1970 6,035 7 View
Developing knowledge is one of the most important factors in the development of civilization, including technical progress, technology development, etc. Knowledge is one of the most important...
01 January 1970 4,957 16 View
How can the application of generative artificial intelligence improve the existing applications of Big Data Analytics and increase the scale of application of these technologies in carrying out...
01 January 1970 8,120 1 View
When will the green transformation include avionics? When will hydrogen-oxygen-fueled aircraft be developed? When will emission-free aviation based on hydrogen-oxygen jet technology be developed?...
01 January 1970 9,871 3 View
How to combine the concept of a social market economy with commercially operating private companies and enterprises, public institutions and the government pursuing certain socio-economic policies...
01 January 1970 1,385 1 View
Should the intelligent chatbots created by technology companies available on the Internet be connected to the resources of the Internet to its full extent? As part of the development of the...
01 January 1970 8,152 3 View
What are the possibilities of applying AI-based tools, including ChatGPT and other AI applications in the field of predictive analytics in the context of forecasting economic processes, trends,...
01 January 1970 4,193 7 View
In the situation of failure within the framework of human efforts to stop the increase in the temperature of the planet's atmosphere and, therefore, in the perspective of the next few decades of...
01 January 1970 4,943 4 View
What are the main determinants of obtaining a prestigious grant to fund an innovative and necessary for the development of civilization research project? What are the main determinants of the...
01 January 1970 6,924 1 View
Is subsidizing mortgage loans installments by the state from the state's public finance system a good instrument for increasing the availability of housing for citizens? By granting loans,...
01 January 1970 1,992 3 View
How should a progressive carbon tax be introduced, which should be fairly charged to, among other things, individual economic entities, taking into account the level of carbon intensity? How...
01 January 1970 9,042 2 View
Should the ongoing logging in the Amazon forest, including other natural highly biodiverse forests, be recognized as a crime of destroying the planet's strategic natural resources generating an...
01 January 1970 5,152 8 View
As part of the green transformation of maritime transport, should maritime sailing transport be restored due to the high carbon intensity of large transport ships? 100 large internal combustion...
01 January 1970 2,487 2 View
Why was 2023 the warmest year in 130,000 years? Do you agree with the thesis, confirmed by the results of many scientific studies, that 2023 was the warmest year on record due to the accelerating...
01 January 1970 6,396 6 View
What is the future of generative artificial intelligence technology applications in finance and banking? The banking sector is among those sectors where the implementation of new ICT, Internet...
01 January 1970 7,637 3 View
What fuel will transport ships be powered by in the future that will be an important part of green, zero-emission transport and an important factor in a sustainable, green economy? Will sailing...
01 January 1970 2,519 4 View
Given the issue of copyright of source publications, does the use of ChatGPT for the automated creation of new texts used in specific practical and commercial applications raise specific ethical...
01 January 1970 1,094 4 View
How should central banking monetary policy be conducted so that it is realistically anti-crisis, i.e., so that it does not lead to further and even greater financial and economic crises than...
01 January 1970 3,763 6 View
Already, can the application of a combination of artificial intelligence technology, Big Data Analytics and quantum computers assist in the strategic management of an enterprise? Already today,...
01 January 1970 727 5 View
In the context of rising energy prices and the current energy crisis, how can the state, as part of a frugal energy policy, encourage and/or motivate citizens to manage the heating of their homes...
01 January 1970 8,439 6 View
How can new technologies including Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies Industry 4.0/5.0 help restore biodiverse natural forest ecosystems? The restoration...
01 January 1970 9,024 5 View
How to protect the Amazon's biodiverse natural Rainforests from the worst particularly severe drought in 120 years, record drops in river levels, and animal extinctions due to lack of water? Due...
01 January 1970 3,571 1 View
What eco-innovations of sustainable tourism should be developed so that tourism does not generate environmental pollution, so that tourism does not cause damage to the sites visited and so that...
01 January 1970 4,300 1 View
Among other things, is the new sustainable construction a return to the old, first construction techniques based on the use of natural building materials like wood, straw and clay? Among other...
01 January 1970 6,900 7 View
During the Covid-19 pandemic, was there an opportunity to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy, and was this opportunity unfortunately not taken advantage of in some...
01 January 1970 6,853 2 View
Which new ICT information technologies are most helpful in protecting the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems? What are examples of new technologies typical of the current fourth...
01 January 1970 7,243 4 View
How to build an intelligent computerized Big Data Analytics system that would retrieve real-time data and information from specific online databases, scientific knowledge indexing databases,...
01 January 1970 8,156 2 View
You are invited to jointly develop a SWOT analysis for generative artificial intelligence technology: What are the strengths and weaknesses of the development of AI technology so far? What are the...
01 January 1970 9,237 1 View
How does the central bank combine taking care of the value of money by anti-inflationary tightening of monetary policy, including raising interest rates, with anti-crisis measures in a situation...
01 January 1970 9,239 4 View
What are the possibilities for creating vegetable, fruit and flower gardens in urban areas and using generative artificial intelligence technology in their planning and management? The...
01 January 1970 9,076 5 View
Which types of plant agricultural crops will decline production most rapidly in the future as a result of the increasingly rapid process of global warming? Which types, varieties, species of...
01 January 1970 9,165 3 View
In the current year, what are the effects of the progressive process of global warming in your region, in your country, in your environment, in terms of local microclimate, etc.? In the current...
01 January 1970 6,518 21 View
Is agriculture prepared for the effects of climate change, including, in particular, the negative effects on agricultural crops of the ongoing process of global warming, the scale of which will...
01 January 1970 5,932 5 View
Imagine the situation that a new different but much more perfect version of something similar to ChatGPT is built, for which each person can ask only one question, what would that question sound...
01 January 1970 5,293 3 View
How to fill the growing gap in energy production in a situation where combustion energy dominates, RES are little developed and nuclear energy is still not developed? With what to fill the...
01 January 1970 3,066 2 View
Does the application of generative artificial intelligence technology and Big Data Analytics enable the improvement of computerized Business Intelligence business management support systems? The...
01 January 1970 6,914 1 View
Can artificial intelligence combined with Big Data Analytics help to reconstruct the genomes of recently extinct due to humans of various species of flora and/or fauna and thus restore the former...
01 January 1970 444 4 View
Finally, will oil companies and combustion energy companies realistically join the green transformation of the energy sector after many years? Finally, will oil companies and energy companies...
01 January 1970 9,987 3 View
How to build an effective system of rainwater harvesting in floodplains with river flooding, local flooding and waterlogging occurring after winter or violent storms in a situation of successively...
01 January 1970 2,531 2 View
What investments, including pro-environmental and pro-social projects that increase safety and living conditions for residents can be implemented by urban agglomerations within the framework of...
01 January 1970 9,513 5 View
Is it moral, socially and environmentally ethical for large dominant power companies generating energy mainly from burning coal and lignite to turn off other RES-based energy sources, is it...
01 January 1970 2,162 3 View
To what extent has the scale of disinformation generated with the use of applications available on the Internet based on generative artificial intelligence technology increased? To what extent...
01 January 1970 6,141 3 View
Is it ethical for someone on social media to offer for sale access to selected AI applications, i.e. applications based on artificial intelligence technology offered in the form of links, plug-ins...
01 January 1970 7,365 1 View
How to curb the growing scale of disinformation, including social media-generated factoids, deepfakey through the use of generative artificial intelligence technology? In order to reduce the...
01 January 1970 7,798 1 View
How to build an effective system of activating the innovativeness of business entities financed with the use of subsidies from the system of public finances of the state? What are the most...
01 January 1970 5,717 3 View
To what extent can the creation of urban pocket parks improve the microclimate, improve living conditions for residents in cities, and can be part of the realization of pro-environmental,...
01 January 1970 7,552 2 View
How should a system be built to verify the level of “greenness” of companies and enterprises in order to effectively systemically limit the development of greenwashing? How should a system be...
01 January 1970 9,182 1 View
Can the non-implementation of electoral promises on the issues of sustainable economic development, green transformation of the economy, increasing pro-climate and pro-environmental policy...
01 January 1970 9,856 1 View
What are the applications of Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including Big Data Analytics and generative artificial intelligence to business entities to improve business entity management...
01 January 1970 9,038 3 View
Why don't the companies running social networking sites that make money from ads posted on their social media bear full responsibility for the content of the ads posted and for the financial,...
01 January 1970 437 2 View
How to reduce the risk of leakage of sensitive data of companies, enterprises and institutions that previously employees of these entities enter into ChatGPT? How to reduce the risk of leakage of...
01 January 1970 642 3 View
Can misguided monetary policy be a significant source factor for financial and/or economic crises and a source of loss of public confidence in institutionalized financial systems? A key function...
01 January 1970 7,462 4 View
What is mainly determined by the issue of the possible introduction or non-introduction of the euro currency in Poland? Do the media debates on the issue of the possible introduction of the euro...
01 January 1970 4,900 1 View
Will artificial intelligence help analyze images taken by space supertelescopes and help identify other life forms on distant exoplanets? Will generative artificial intelligence technology help...
01 January 1970 2,250 1 View
In what aspects, carried out through the implementation of the principles of sustainable, green closed-loop economics, does climate protection connect with the protection of the biosphere and...
01 January 1970 6,063 3 View
Why is the restoration of the natural environment of biodiverse ecosystems not recognized everywhere as one of the priority elements of the green transformation of the economy? Should the...
01 January 1970 3,770 4 View
Is the climate crisis progressing faster than the changing state of public awareness regarding the issue of the importance of the green transformation of the economy? Is the climate crisis, the...
01 January 1970 2,131 4 View
How to maintain agriculture in the situation of the progressive process of global warming and the resulting water resources that are rapidly decreasing from year to year? How to maintain...
01 January 1970 5,036 2 View
How to increase the efficiency of the use of financial subsidies from the state's public finance system so that they effectively activate entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities? How...
01 January 1970 906 4 View
What are the instruments for activating entrepreneurship and innovation of companies, enterprises and other business entities beyond financial grants, low-interest loans and other external...
01 January 1970 5,560 1 View
Can the issue of the efficiency of a tax system correlate significantly with the issue of a socially just tax system? How can a tax system that operates efficiently and generates high revenues...
01 January 1970 4,169 6 View
Does the applied creative accounting in the design and implementation of the central, financial state budget, government-run public finances of the state, the formation of the level of tax...
01 January 1970 8,471 7 View
What should be the structure of the energy mix of various energy sources in order for the national energy system to be safe and emission-free, i.e. in line with the green transformation of the...
01 January 1970 3,971 3 View
Is it safe to apply generative artificial intelligence technology in conjunction with Big Data and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies to support the development of nuclear technology? On the one...
01 January 1970 9,270 2 View
How can artificial intelligence technology combined with Big Data Analytics help in the development of sustainable organic farming as an important part of the green transformation of the...
01 January 1970 8,235 3 View
Are the texts, graphics, photos, animations, videos, etc. generated by AI applications fully unique, unrepeatable, and the creator using them has full copyright to them? Are the texts, graphics,...
01 January 1970 6,859 2 View
Assuming that in the future - as a result of the rapid technological progress that is currently taking place and the competition of leading technology companies developing AI technologies -...
01 January 1970 7,003 4 View
If man succeeds in building a general artificial intelligence, will this mean that man has become better acquainted with the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness? If man succeeds in...
01 January 1970 2,555 30 View
Can generative artificial intelligence technology help design a nice, backyard, home, ecological, biodiverse, naturalistic, floral and/or fruit and vegetable garden and thus effectively increase...
01 January 1970 7,244 13 View
Why does the political lobbying by large fossil fuel burning energy companies to maintain the status quo continue to limit or block the possibility of rapid development of green, clean, prosumer...
01 January 1970 1,084 1 View
How can new technologies of artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics help optimize the production and use of energy generated from different energy sources within the existing specific...
01 January 1970 4,829 3 View
Why is it that still in some countries the development of dirty combustion energy is supported instead of developing clean, emission-free renewable energy and the process of green transformation...
01 January 1970 3,174 9 View
What are the business success factors of fast-growing startups rapidly building their manufacturing potential, conquering new markets, effectively occupying new market niches, achieving...
01 January 1970 3,939 7 View
Is strongly developed economic state interventionism more of an anti-crisis measure reducing the scale, levels and probability of financial and economic crises or does it rather generate and...
01 January 1970 990 6 View
How to develop investments in renewable energy sources, so that clean, emission-free, energy from RES does not go to waste, and so that the funds invested in the development of energy based on RES...
01 January 1970 3,417 3 View
What could be the potential consequences of the steadily perennially growing indebtedness of the state's public finance system, including the steadily growing budget deficit and public debt both...
01 January 1970 7,304 10 View
Why aren't central banks currently lowering interest rates, which they had previously raised anti-inflationarily and for several months the inflation level has already been close to the inflation...
What role in protecting the biodiversity of the natural ecosystems of the planet is played by the implementation of the process of green transformation of the economy? What role in protecting the...
01 January 1970 6,967 2 View
What could be the factors for the decline in the overall level of investment in the economy despite the available various instruments for external financing of economic activity, low inflation,...
01 January 1970 8,940 6 View
Will the development of intelligent chatbots available on the Internet based on generative artificial intelligence negatively or rather positively affect the development of science, the...
01 January 1970 2,661 2 View
How can artificial intelligence technology and Big Data Analytics help design and model the development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources? How can artificial intelligence technology...
01 January 1970 8,080 3 View
What are the features of the current processes of globalization or deglobalization? Are processes of economic globalization or rather processes of deglobalization still taking place after the...
01 January 1970 3,659 1 View
Could the use of generative artificial intelligence technology to detect cybercrime attacks carried out using ransomware viruses significantly increase the level of cyber security in many...
01 January 1970 9,489 5 View
How does generative artificial intelligence technology combined with Big Data Analytics and other Industry 4.0 technologies help in planning and improving production logistics management processes...
01 January 1970 4,866 3 View
Do you agree that the green business transformation of business entities, including companies, enterprises, financial and public institutions should be a key element of corporate social...
01 January 1970 9,401 2 View
In your opinion, will autonomous robots equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology, embedded intelligent chatbots, able to perform many activities that only humans have done so...
01 January 1970 9,344 1 View
Can Big Data Analytics technology be helpful in forecasting complex multi-faceted climate, natural, social, economic, pandemic, etc. processes? Industry 4.0 technologies, including Big Data...
01 January 1970 3,133 3 View
Will companies in the future compete with applied increasingly perfect intelligent analytical systems developing predictive analytics for economic processes? In the future, will companies compete...
01 January 1970 9,643 1 View
Can artificial intelligence help improve sentiment analysis of changes in Internet user awareness conducted using Big Data Analytics as relevant additional market research conducted on large...
01 January 1970 9,978 3 View
Is it ethical and copyrightable to post ebooks created by ChatGPT on the Internet that lack citation references and commonly plagiarize entire sentences, paragraphs, chapters from other...
01 January 1970 2,007 3 View
How should ChatGPT and other similar intelligent chatbots be improved so that they do not generate plagiarism of other publications that their authors have previously posted online? This issue is...
01 January 1970 2,195 3 View
Does the application of Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence technologies in the credit scoring processes of potential borrowers increase the profitability of commercial banks' lending...
01 January 1970 4,299 2 View
Can the supervisory institutions of the banking system allow the generative artificial intelligence used in the lending business to make a decision on whether or not to extend credit? Can the...
01 January 1970 5,884 1 View
Is the issue of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) still in the realm of concepts likely to be introduced in the future or has this solution already been implemented in some countries? The...
01 January 1970 2,197 1 View
What are the possibilities for the applications of Big Data Analytics backed by artificial intelligence technology in terms of improving research techniques, in terms of increasing the efficiency...
01 January 1970 4,486 4 View
To what extent do artificial intelligence technology, Big Data Analytics, Business intelligence and other ICT information technology solutions typical of the current Fourth Technological...
01 January 1970 4,556 1 View
How can artificial intelligence help conduct economic and financial analysis, sectoral and macroeconomic analysis, fundamental and technical analysis ...? How should one carry out the process of...
01 January 1970 3,393 10 View
Does the application of generative artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics technologies enable the improvement of computerized Business Continuity Management support systems? BCM systems,...
01 January 1970 8,936 2 View
To what extent can computing and/or data processing power be increased through the use of quantum computers, and what applications of quantum computers are already being developed? What could be...
01 January 1970 3,209 5 View
How to develop sustainable modern urban agglomerations according to the green smart city model with the application of Industry 4.0 technologies, including Big Data and artificial intelligence...
01 January 1970 7,922 1 View
01 January 1970 506 2 View
How to use artificial intelligence technology and Big Data to help develop critical thinking in young people and the goal of reducing disinformation that targets children and young people through...
01 January 1970 4,250 6 View
Do companies running social media portals consciously shape the general social awareness of citizens, Internet users through the specific information policies applied? In recent years, there have...
01 January 1970 4,163 8 View
Will the combination of AI technology, Big Data Analytics and the high power of quantum computers allow the prediction of multi-faceted, complex macroprocesses? Will the combination of generative...
01 January 1970 3,853 4 View
Is AI emotional intelligence already being developed? Is artificial emotional intelligence already being created that can simulate human emotions and/or artificial consciousness generated by the...
01 January 1970 1,840 3 View
How can artificial intelligence technology help in the development and deployment of innovative renewable and zero-carbon energy sources, i.e. hydrogen power, hydrogen fusion power, spent nuclear...
01 January 1970 6,593 3 View
How should the development of AI technology be regulated so that this development and its applications are realized in accordance with ethics? How should the development of AI technology be...
01 January 1970 3,879 6 View
Taking into account the available technological solutions and applications offered by ICT service providers, as well as the growing scale of psychological problems of children using smartphones...
01 January 1970 2,292 1 View
How should the architecture of an effective computerised platform for detecting fakenews and other forms of disinformation on the internet built using Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence...
01 January 1970 3,048 4 View
Is the granting of mortgages in foreign currency a deliberate exploitation by commercial banks of the information asymmetry present in their relations with borrowers? Is the granting of mortgages...
01 January 1970 2,135 2 View
What are the analytical tools supported by artificial intelligence technology, machine learning, deep learning, artificial neural networks available on the Internet that can be helpful in...
01 January 1970 1,719 2 View
Can the central bank's monetary policy be green, can it support the green transformation processes of the economy, can it promote the realization of sustainable development goals, can it support...
01 January 1970 6,544 6 View
After the Covid-19 pandemic, what do you think are the most serious potential sources of another economic and/or financial crisis that could occur in the future? In recent years, the scale of the...
01 January 1970 2,815 5 View
How to build a sustainable data center based on Big Data Analytics, AI, BI and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies and powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources? If a Big Data Analytics...
01 January 1970 5,793 2 View
What is the impact of the development of applications and information systems based on artificial intelligence technology on labor markets in specific industries and sectors of the economy? Since...
01 January 1970 6,448 4 View
How can artificial intelligence technology improve the process of organizational management of modern urban agglomerations developed operating according to the green smart city model? Industry...
01 January 1970 5,448 2 View
Is the design of new pharmaceutical formulations through the involvement of AI technology, including the creation of new drugs to treat various diseases by artificial intelligence, safe for...
01 January 1970 4,125 20 View
Can artificial intelligence technology and Big Data Analytics help decipher, read data and information encoded in the genomes of various forms of living organisms, including different species of...
01 January 1970 1,641 0 View
Do the shortening of life cycles of technical products, electronics, household appliances, IT equipment, etc. used by producers is a solution to the potential problem of overproduction? Please...
01 January 1970 5,947 25 View
How can and are Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence, be and help to restore, reconstruct and protect the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of...
01 January 1970 1,384 0 View
Why is there still no information on product packaging and advertisements about the level of CO2 emissions from the production process of a specific product? Why is there still no information on...
01 January 1970 6,073 2 View
How can green central banking motivating commercial banks to develop green banking involving the provision of green loans financing the implementation of green economic ventures develop? How can...
01 January 1970 8,560 2 View
Have the procedures for the development of reports and recommendations by the rating agencies already been improved compared to the situation before the global financial crisis of 2008? Are the...
01 January 1970 8,310 7 View
Did the money that was printed and introduced into the economy during the Covid-19 pandemic and went into the capital markets, among other things, cause asset inflation in those markets, including...
01 January 1970 6,444 3 View
Would you choose to participate in a manned mission, space expedition, tourist space trip to Mars in a situation where the spacecraft was controlled by a highly technologically advanced generative...
01 January 1970 6,929 3 View
On what determinants are based the credit risk management procedures applied to green loans that are granted by commercial banks to finance pro-environmental and/or pro-climate, sustainable, green...
01 January 1970 1,377 2 View
Are commercial banks practicing greenwashing by advertising so-called green loans, i.e. loans which they have been giving on a small scale for many years and have recently called green loans? Do...
01 January 1970 4,764 3 View
Can artificial intelligence create innovations with the help of artificial intelligence, since the knowledge bases of AI applications contain what humans have already created before? Can...
01 January 1970 4,603 8 View
What will be the impact of Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including generative artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics, on labor markets in the future? In recent years, the development of...
01 January 1970 3,943 5 View
Are you interested in interdisciplinary scientific cooperation, e.g., in various technologies of Industry 4.0/5.0, including generative artificial intelligence technology, Big Data Analytics,...
01 January 1970 383 2 View
With more energy generated from renewable energy sources than from fossil fuels in the European Union for the first time ever at the end of July 2024, what are the chances that the European Union...
01 January 1970 6,363 9 View
What is the impact of high energy prices on industrial production costs and, consequently, also on the competitiveness of domestic industrial production vis-à-vis analogous industries operating in...
01 January 1970 968 4 View
Can the application of generative artificial intelligence technology and Big Data Analytics improve the processes of predictive analytics performed as part of Business Intelligence? Can the...
01 January 1970 7,390 5 View
What are examples of applications of game theory supported by generative artificial intelligence technology and Big Data Analytics to improve risk management systems? One of the earliest...
01 January 1970 8,894 1 View
Are you interested in scientific cooperation conducted within the framework of team-based implementation of research projects and writing scientific papers that include the results of team-based...
01 January 1970 5,068 4 View