What are the key determinants of building and improving a computerised, modern energy crisis risk management system as an important factor in the strategic energy policy of the state or the development strategy of an energy sector company pursuing a pro-climate, green transformation of its business?

Risk management processes are composed of several key component segments: Identification and analysis of risk factors, analysis of the specificity and volatility of risks, analysis of the probability of risk occurrence, determination of the level of impact of materialised risks on the business entity, determination of the optimal level of risk, quantification of the level of current and prospective risks, risk control, risk hedging, ongoing risk monitoring, risk register maintenance, improvement of early warning systems for risks, improvement of emergency action systems triggered when risks materialise, control of the operation of the risk management system, analysis of the efficiency of instruments for securing situations where optimal risk levels are exceeded, etc. In connection with the currently developing energy crisis, economically and speculatively increasing prices of fossil fuels and also the prospectively developing climate crisis, the accelerating process of global warming, the increasingly frequent occurrence of negative effects of a warming climate, the importance of urgent and efficient implementation of a green, pro-climate and pro-environmental transformation of the energy sector as an important factor in the green transformation of the economy, increasing the level of independence and security of the national energy sector is growing. There is also a growing importance of building a computerised system for managing the risk of the currently developing energy crisis and the prospectively developing climate crisis, which will be an important factor in the strategic energy and climate policy of the state moving towards a sustainable, green closed-cycle economy, an energy-secure economy and also long-term development strategies of economic entities implementing a pro-climate, green transformation of their business, which have added green transformation, the implementation of sustainable development goals to their missions and development strategies, companies and enterprises with their own sources of renewable and emission-free energy. It cannot be ruled out that analogous energy crises may occur in the future of the next years. Therefore, the topic of building and improving a computerised energy crisis risk management system will continue to be topical in the future.

In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:

What are the key determinants of building a computerised energy crisis risk management system as an important factor in the strategic energy policy of the state or the development strategy of an energy sector company pursuing a pro-climate, green transformation of its business?

What is your opinion on the subject?

Please respond,

I invite you all to discuss,

Thank you very much,

Best regards,

Dariusz Prokopowicz

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