Scientists' job is to find a new fact or law of nature and make it known to others. Thus, writing scientific publication is a joy and passion for scientists including myself.
Yes it is a passion for me, because it takes me through a journey from an intial idea generation, into reading previous resources and then analysis and making conclusions from all. This process itself is interesting to me, however time and energy consuming as well.
a scientific paper is a description of all of the efforts on what one has done or discovered in the world of science. So, there is absolutely a passion for the writer to report his/her discoveries.
For me writing scientific texts is a passion, especially when writing scientific texts describing research results I can develop intellectual, objective considerations on key scientific topics.
And why writing for you is a passion for you? Why do you like to write scientific texts?
writing a scientific publications is really my passion because it is extreme interest , really enjoy writing because unlike other subjects, where there is only one true answer, writing has no single answer! There are infinite interpretations to any subject matter, and you get to make what you write perfectly tailored to how you wish it to read.
I write to make sense of the thoughts in my head, to bring out parts of myself into something tangible.
Having ideas that come to your mind in order to solve a difficult problem (any problem that interests you) is a process that goes on for some time and for which you need to make a lot of mental effort, thinking, re-thinking and to be persistent. But once your ideas are clear and you determine the solution has already arrived, you feel great excitement because a new discovery has taken place. The next step, the one that is very important, is to express in writing your thinking. This part is sometimes difficult to carry through because you need lots of precision while you are trying to generalize, prove and finally conclude. The process is even harder when you need to write in a language that is not your first one. Finally, when it is written, the revision procedure comes to make sure everything is correct. So definitely writing scientific publications is an activity that requires not only passion, but patience, persistence and love for it.
I am glad that we have a similar opinion on this matter. Many researchers and scientists indicate that a passion for science, research and teaching is. Thanks to passion, we develop in interesting topics, we fulfill ourselves, we make our dreams come true, etc.
My passion was always to learn from others. In this sense, reading about science and life is primary for me. To keep up in this learning process, it is necessary to improve our writing skills, e.g. by studying the varied reader responses. Maths, logic and methodology can help up us to sharpen our understanding and communicative skills. Reading and writing about science and life is for me like breathing fresh air; a complete list of true statements in simple language and maths is still my dream.
Often the requirements of scientific journals for the text of articles are so formal and standard that it seems that articles are written not for scientists colleagues, but exclusively for reviewers. It seems to me that this sometimes reduces the passion for the dissemination of scientific ideas.
You have touched a very important point. It seems to me that what you are trying to say is that scientific journals are not very worried about the creation in science by itself, but they are more worried about having reviewers that make sure scientific articles comply with the formalisms of the specific journal as a compulsory requirement for a new article to be published. If that is correct, and it is really happening, definitely, many important scientific ideas are not being relevant and properly spread for the advancement of science and technology and lost forever, which worries me significantly.
Yes, it' s my passion to contribute a little to knowledge. Research exercises creativity, encourages learning, promotes curiosity and self-improvement.
When I was writing my thesis, I felt really grateful towards the researchers all over the world who have shared their knowledge, experiences and invaluable findings through scientific writing. I was thinking, I also must participate in this. I also must share my work publicly, so all the others can afford to read and I would myself get feedback to develop too. I started to write everything I do. Now, writing in any form have given me wings, I prefer to do scientific writing, sharing the findings in forums and conferences, talking to strangers on my research, following experts etc. One way, I am proud to contribute to the knowledge of the world. Even one day I am no more, I wish my work will help people and mother Earth. So, Yes, writing my scientific publications is my most valued passion.
And I hereby honor my mentor, supervisor and teacher Professor @Ranjana U K Piyadasa for guiding me and making me aware of the power of Scientific Writing.
Yes. It requires reading some sizeable number of scientific papers on the subject area, which broadens knowledge in the area of interest. From my experience, criticisms and opinions from reviewers and readers help understand the scientific industry's current trends.
Yes it is. But it is also difficult for me to complete and submit the manuscript to a good journal. May be because of working by myself or may be because of trying to avoid rejected...
Yes! I love writing articles. Writing increases my knowledge, improves my skill, increases eagerness to find out new things, enhance vocabulary skills, etc. But for writing also, one requires a peaceful mind, an aura and concentration. without a proper mood one cannot relate him/herself to writing.