The database of a social media portal such as Facebbok is already a powerful collection of information. Some research centers specializing in the use of Big Data datasets downloaded from social media portals through sentiment analysis, develop reports that can help in forecasting phenomena and processes in the future.

Medicine is one of the areas in which there are great possibilities in this matter. For example, insurance companies and commercial banks granting loans may be interested in information shared by users on Facebook and, possibly, also on other social media portals.

Apparently, some insurance companies and commercial banks during the analysis of a submitted insurance or credit application review the information content of accounts, applicant profiles, potential customer, contractor posted on social media portals. Does anyone from you conduct research in this field? Does anyone of you have scientific publications with research results in this field?

In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:

Is the information about users on Facebook a source of data for companies, potential contractors?

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