258 Questions 1K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dennis Mazur
What are the characteristics of the researcher who is considered the "best and most helpful 'collaborator' on a research project, including writing up the final paper for...
06 June 2018 2,218 2 View
Does "language fit the human brain" or does "the human brain fit the language"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
04 April 2018 909 3 View
Where has "Augmented Reality" (AR) been found to have "positive benefits in patients in medicine". Dennis Dennis Mazur
04 April 2018 2,037 0 View
In what area of "medicine or surgery" has "Augmented Reality" been found to be of most use to patients and physicians?
04 April 2018 7,128 0 View
What does it mean to say that "children growing up learning two languages 'do better academically' than those growing up with one language only"? 1. What is the "range of "academics" being...
03 March 2018 9,186 3 View
Letter (Nature, 2018) Human hippocampal neurogenesis drops sharply in children to undetectable levels in adults Shawn F. Sorrells, Mercedes F. Paredes, Arantxa Cebrian-Silla, Kadellyn Sandoval,...
03 March 2018 8,813 0 View
Is any new set of data that is analyzed and published in a peer-reviewed medical journal or scientific journal become "a new science? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 5,893 3 View
How much "trust" goes into the publication of an "original research" article in a peer-reviewed scientific journal?
03 March 2018 9,681 1 View
How is a "false-knowledge claim" extracted from a knowledge-based economy once it is finally determined it is "false"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 5,583 0 View
Where does the "mistaken belief" that "humans use only a small percentage of their brain" have as its origins? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 5,066 8 View
What is the nature of the research endeavor(s) that generate the view that the human brain generates "new brain cells"?
03 March 2018 8,121 3 View
Does the human brain: 1. "Think" when sleeping? 2. "Weigh risk-benefit decisions" when sleeping? --If yes, what is the mechanism of action? --If no, why so many expressions like "I want to sleep...
03 March 2018 458 1 View
What diseases cause "brain inflammation"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 2,603 1 View
Does "persistent depression" (depression lasting greater than 10 years) result in "brain inflammation" similar to that found in Alzheimer disease and Parkinson's disease? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 1,887 2 View
What is the "outcome goal" ("outcome goals") of the Blue Brain Project, A Swiss Initiative, REGARDING BRAIN INTERCONNECTIVITY? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 4,930 0 View
How does one measure the "amount of the human brain" of a person is in use "over a particular time period"?
03 March 2018 4,479 1 View
What are "general ethical obligations"? Where do they originate from? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 2,929 2 View
In ethics, what is the best definition of "relational autonomy"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 8,373 5 View
In what types of decisions in medicine, do competent patients want to make decisions on their own without help from physicians or family? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 3,604 4 View
Does a patient want the doctor to (1) point out what treatment options are open to the patient or (2) to go further and recommend what the doctor thinks the patient should do? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 6,066 3 View
What diseases cause "inflammation" in the field of Medicine? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 511 5 View
How (mechanistically) do "plant-based oils" like olive oil or avacodo oil REDUCE premature cardiovascular death in humans? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 9,308 4 View
Why are "plant-based cooking oils" (like olive oil and avacado oil) considered "healthful" to the human heart? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 7,146 0 View
What are the similarities/differences in remodeling of "different tissues" in the human body? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 7,877 0 View
What "tissues" can be "remodeled" in the human body? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 9,564 5 View
Does "tissue remodeling" in humans involve "new tissues" or only "old tissues"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 9,502 2 View
What tips can you offer university students having difficulties in understanding scientific metjodology and its components? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 3,838 0 View
Do "carrots" of "different colors" have "different nutritional values"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 6,330 1 View
In a knowledge-based economy, does "rapid innovation" necessarily mean "rapid obsolescence"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 9,806 6 View
Who in society determines what is or is not an "innovation" in a knowledge-based economy? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 2,389 3 View
What are the qualities of a "reliable university teacher"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 6,497 0 View
What are the qualities of a "reliable researcher"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 9,085 9 View
Why do national dietary guidelines recommend "fish twice per week" instead of recommending "fish four times per week"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 5,674 0 View
Are "close ties" between the pharmaceutical industry and governments "helpful or hurtful" to society? Dennis Dennis Mazur
03 March 2018 4,372 1 View
Are there any puclished scientific research articles in the "peer-reviewed scientific literature" that shouldn't be there? If so, what is there nature? Dennis Dennis Mazur
02 February 2018 1,413 0 View
Why is it so difficult to keep track of "nanoparticles" injected into humans? Dennis Dennis Mazur
02 February 2018 7,442 7 View
What are the "purposes" of "ghost-writing" scientific research articles: --for submission to scientific research journals for consideration of publication; --for publication on...
02 February 2018 1,916 5 View
What was the longest time spent by a single scientist attempting to prove his or her "scientific hypotheses was/is correct? Dennis Dennis Mazur
02 February 2018 2,417 0 View
What is the "earliest manifestatiom of Vitamin D Deficiency in the "human brain"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
02 February 2018 5,561 4 View
What are "von Economo neurons" found in the "brains of SUPERAGERS"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
02 February 2018 7,337 0 View
What parts of the human brain sustain the most damage in Vitamin D deficiency? Dennis Dennis Mazur
02 February 2018 2,763 1 View
What is the function of the "BACE1 enzyme" in mice with amyloid plaquing of Alzheimer Disease in their brains? Does REMOVAL OF BACE1 ENZYME cause elimination of amyloid plaques already laid down...
02 February 2018 5,043 1 View
What is the mechanism action of using a "transmagnetic coil" to the brain in treatment of "depression" and "Parkinson's disease"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
02 February 2018 2,442 4 View
In psychosis, what physio-chemical reaction in the brain causes the sensation of "paranoia"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
02 February 2018 5,055 2 View
Does "alcohol" in any way, shape, or form, "benefit" the human brain?
02 February 2018 1,074 3 View
RISKINSCIENCEANDMEDICINE: Shouldn't the basic model of risk disclosure in science and medicine be to disclose all risks to citizens? Dennis Dennis Mazur
02 February 2018 8,420 0 View
In your country, how many physicians use "algorithms" in their daily practice of medicine? --Please specify your country. Dennis Dennis Mazur
02 February 2018 1,184 2 View
In your country, do you believe physicians are "for or against" the use of algorithms in the practice of medicine? Dennis Dennis Mazur
02 February 2018 3,746 2 View
How can algorithm-equipped robots best help scientists avoid plagiarizing aspects of another scientist's work, for example, when the scientists are writing a review article? Dennis Dennis Mazur
02 February 2018 6,104 1 View
Any scientific research claims supporting any positive health benefits to humans from "apple cider vinegar" (ACV)? Dennis Dennis Mazur
02 February 2018 3,486 2 View
What is a scientist testifying to when a scientist is called into court to testify? His or her opinion on what science can be interpreted as saying on the issue? Or his or personal opinion on...
02 February 2018 1,556 1 View
Has the "smartphone addiction scale" or equivalent been studied in professionals, e.g., scientists, university professors, teachers, physicians, business people? Dennis Dennis Mazur
02 February 2018 5,043 0 View
How will robots be as teachers? --of basketball? --of philosophy of science? Dennis Dennis Mazur
02 February 2018 4,234 3 View
BRAIN: What parts of the brain "receives and reacts to the novel publisher's rejection letter"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 2,158 2 View
BRAIN: How do mathematicians who can multiple two 6 or 7 digit numbers together and get the right answer do it? Can they multiple greater than two 7 digit numbers? Can they do it accurate...
01 January 2018 3,931 1 View
Shopper left the shop undecided, gave no further thought to the issue. Next morning, without diverting any energy to conscious thinking, went directly (nonrandomly) to one particular pair that...
01 January 2018 1,551 1 View
BRAIN: How does a "genius' brain" differ from the brain of a "normal human being"? Are certain components of the brain faster? Do certain components "better"? If so, which...
01 January 2018 6,324 5 View
BRAIN: What part of the brain "writes the novel"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 300 0 View
BRAIN: Is there a categorical schemata regarding how the human brain stores its memories? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 7,566 2 View
BRAIN: Can an "exceptional scientist" be an "exceptional writer of non-scientific fiction"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 8,721 0 View
STRESS: When humans are "stressed", do humans give off "pheromones"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 8,003 3 View
HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT: At what age of school should children be taught "how to develop a scientific hypothesis"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 3,233 0 View
AI: How successful will "robot decision making" be in "diagnosis" in medicine, where the diagnosis depends on perceptions of the patient and observations of patient behavior? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 2,556 2 View
COCONUT OIL: Is "coconut oil" an oil with "less risk to the human heart than other oils"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 8,410 2 View
OBESITY: How does "obesity" "scar" the fat tissue of a human? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 7,729 0 View
OBESITY: How does "fibrous tissue" develop through "fat tissue" in humans who are obese? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 672 1 View
BRAIN: What parts of the brain does the "writing of scientific theory" come from in a successful scientist? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 756 0 View
BRAIN: What parts of the brain are involved in "the writing of fiction" by a successful author? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 1,485 2 View
BRAIN: What parts of the brain are responsible for "writer's block", that is, an author's inability get ideas for writing? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 6,509 4 View
HIstory: Please provide examples of how humans (as individuals, groups, or populations) "have learned from their own history"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 6,613 5 View
KNOWLEDGE: What are the "origins" of common knowledge? --Is someone "born with" common knowledge"? --Is "common knowledge" only learned within a specific culture? --Other origins? Dennis Dennis...
01 January 2018 8,709 3 View
AD: A researcher doing research on diabetes treatment may instead yield a treatment for Alzheimer Disease, what is the scientific line of reasoning here? What is the connectedness of design of...
01 January 2018 748 3 View
TEACHING: How do you teach a university student aiming for a research career how to "summarize" a research project he or she is working on? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 5,234 2 View
HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT: How does a professor best teach' Hypothesis Development: in Scientific Research to university students? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 427 1 View
AI: What is a "hypothesis-testing robot"? --How can a robot be built to "test scientific hypotheses" one against the other? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 6,309 4 View
AI: How did the hypothesis-testing AI robot Eve "discover" that the anti-plaque toothpaste ingredient, triclosan, could be used to treat "malaria" in humans? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 8,088 1 View
AI: As "robot readers" beat "human readers" in Reading Comprehension in the Stanford test, what is the robot doing besides "fast pattern recognition"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 694 1 View
AI: What is an "algorithm" in artificial intelligence, robotic decision-making, and robotic surgery? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 3,339 2 View
AI: How do robots recognize "human emotions"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 9,506 7 View
AI: When given the task of finding the largest prime number, will a robot recognize that there is "no largest prime number" to be found? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 2,332 12 View
AI (Cardiology): An Oxford hospital cardiologist has developed an AI system to diagnose "heart disease" from a database of "1,000 'heart scan' over 5 years or so". Two questions: 1. What types...
01 January 2018 2,111 1 View
AI: Can a robot find the largest prime number using a computer powered by an off-the-shelf Intel processor? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 6,462 11 View
AI: In what areas of job performance in Cardiology, do you believe "artificial intelligence" will make changes in what Cardiologists do in day-to-day practice the future compared to the present?...
01 January 2018 3,897 2 View
RA: How does increased fiber in the gut, e.g., from muesli, cause gut bacteria to produce metabolites that are helpful in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 9,408 1 View
SCIENCE: What role(s) does "trust" play in science and scientific research? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 8,545 3 View
HISTORY OF SCIENCE: When was the first time a "statistic" was applied to scientific research data? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 5,934 1 View
BRAIN: How does "color" impact human perception of "taste"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 1,482 1 View
RECYCLING: Who "shares" in the responsibility of recycling of product containers? 1. Product manufacturer? 2. Advertisers of the product manufacturer? 3. Consumers? 4. Government on behalf...
01 January 2018 4,966 2 View
BRAIN: What is "repeated Negative Thinking (RNT)" in a human? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 4,733 1 View
BRAIN: In terms of the "human life span", during what "age range" does a human have the "highest number of functioning neurons and synapses"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 6,430 1 View
BRAIN: What are "gut feelings" that humans are purported to have? --What parts of the brain are involved in generating "gut feelings"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 6,389 2 View
BRAIN: What parts of the human brain are involved in the "consolidation of information into memories"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 1,073 4 View
BRAIN: Is it the case that "both sides" of the human brain "work together on every task" the brain is asked to perform? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 6,283 1 View
BRAIN: How true is it that the human brain stops developing at about age 25? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 8,523 2 View
BRAIN: What effect, if any, does the playing of "classical music" have on the "infant human brain"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 2,267 1 View
BRAIN: Where did the question "How much of the brain does a human actually use?" come from? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 1,007 3 View
BRAIN: What is "brain fog" in a human? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 5,298 5 View
BRAIN: Which "B vitamins" are most important for "human cognition"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 5,412 7 View
BRAIN: What parts of the brain are responsible for "hypothesis block". that is, a scientist's inability to generate new hypotheses? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 7,808 1 View
BRAIN: Why do humans "try to respond to questions" "before they think the answer through"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 1,494 6 View
BRAIN: How is "boredom" generated in the human brain? --What are the "brain mechanisms" that generate boredom in a human? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 1,713 3 View
BRAIN: What does "salt", as in high salt content of foods, due to the endothelial lining of blood vessels in humans? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 9,331 2 View
BRAIN: How does "salt", as in high salt content of food, decrease blood flow to the human brain? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 6,649 2 View
HALLUCINATION: What part of the brain produces hallucinations, e.g., in a psychotic break? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 8,061 2 View
BRAIN: What damage does "salt" due to a human brain when the human is normotensive (normal blood pressure)? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 6,228 0 View
Brain: What is a "benign hallucination"? --What medical/psychiatric conditions is it associated with? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 1,870 2 View
BRAIN: Can an "exceptional scientist" also be an "exceptional writer of fiction"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 2018 6,153 7 View
AI: Can a robot be taught to write its own "unique book of fiction"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 6,611 8 View
In philosophy of science, is the better philosopher one who has been a scientist and has done hands-on-research and published in scientific research journals, or not? If not, what is the aim of...
12 December 2017 3,207 16 View
As of December 1 2017, how many peer reviewers have given you comments on your "citations (Reference Section)" as part of the review of a research article you wrote or co-wrote with others and...
12 December 2017 4,637 1 View
AI: Why hasn't a robot solved one of the "unsolved mathematical questions"? Why shouldn't these "unsolved mathematical questions" be solved by "algorithmic approaches"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 8,661 5 View
AI: Can a robot solve one of the, as yet, "unsolved mathematical questions"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 1,549 4 View
What does this phrase mean: "descriptive phenomenological psychological analysis"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 8,992 3 View
What parts of the human brain are focused on "self-motivation" in work? How does one address this question methodologically?
12 December 2017 7,335 0 View
Most discussions about research on "human memory" never specify what "type of human memory" is being tested? What are the "different types" of human memory brain research test for to see if there...
12 December 2017 3,352 1 View
How does "drinking alcohol" damage "neurons" in the human brain? What is the mechanism of action? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 5,987 4 View
What are the "limits of neuroplasticity" of the aging human brain and how were these limits determined? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 6,861 3 View
How do researchers examine the human brain for "capacity of flow of information"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 6,003 3 View
STRESS: An argument can be made that people in general are "least stressed" at around the age of 45 years. Are researches "least stressed" at 45? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 8,923 2 View
STRESS: Do you agree with the thesis that humans "are least stressed at 45 years of age or older"? Why or Why not? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 4,279 0 View
AD: What are the "components" of "brain training" used to prevent Alzheimer Disease? --Do all experts agree on what these "components of brain training" are? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 1,234 2 View
AD: In the concept of "human brain training", what parts of the human brain are being selected to train by the authors of the "human brain games"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 4,391 1 View
AD: What is goal of "brain training" in Alzheimer Disease? --What is the "mechanism of action" by which "brain training" is to benefit in Alzheimer Disease? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 6,972 6 View
What is the difference between "law" and "ethics"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 2,645 2 View
SLEEP: Should "early start times" be eliminated at school and at work? Research on children suggests that starting school at 8:30 AM deprives children of needed sleep and can lead to depression...
12 December 2017 4,451 4 View
What is an N=1 study? Are N=1 studies important in medicine? If yes, why? If no, why not? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 2,308 15 View
When in terms of "historical developments" did "medicine" become "a science"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 5,856 2 View
Have any "large well-controlled research studies in medicine" shown a "benefit" of "Ginko Bilboa in the Human Brain"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 5,889 3 View
Is "curiosity" an all or nothing phenomenon, or can a human "learn to become curious"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 4,922 9 View
Is it reasonable for a university to ask its researchers to pay "a portion" of their salary to fund the researcher's own research projects? Why or why not? If the research is successful as a...
12 December 2017 734 1 View
Will robots be assigned the role of teaching "human morality" in the future? Why or why not? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 7,410 2 View
As "a peer-review reviewer of scientific journals", have you "always" conducted a systematic review of the citations in the reference section of papers you are asked to review by the journal...
12 December 2017 2,890 2 View
How will Artificial Intelligence (AI) change the way scientists hypothesize., conduct their research, choose their methods, work with their collected data, interpret their data, and draw...
12 December 2017 6,763 7 View
One way to stop robots from taking over humans in some possible future, how likely is it today that those engineering and developing these robots today and in the near future will "limit robot...
12 December 2017 7,490 4 View
AI: Would one say that a robot "processes thoughts subconsciously"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 2,464 4 View
AI: Would researchers who spend tons of time on line developing AI fall into WHO new mental health classification of "Gaming Disorder"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 7,515 3 View
AI: Who will serve as the "arbitration judge" when disputes between "robots" and "humans" arise? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 572 2 View
AI: After "robots" are "fully entrenched in societies", which human workers will be on top of the human work force? Will it be AI experts? Will it be philosophers, musicians, or other...
12 December 2017 1,957 3 View
What "human physical labor jobs" are robots performing in your country? In the US, two physical labor jobs performed by robots are: (1) flipping burgers in fast-food restaurants, and (2) security...
12 December 2017 780 3 View
AI: What are the "characteristics of human work" that will be "most difficult" to be performed "by robots or by robot decision making"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 7,273 13 View
AI: Can a robot be taught to "take off, fly, tactically maneuver, and land a 'jet aircraft'"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 5,299 0 View
Can "bacteria in the gums of the mouth of a human" cause "oral cancer"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 520 9 View
Gut Flora: What is there to the theory that one can "select bacteria in the human gut" (1) to reduce obesity or (2) to increase leanness of the human? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 4,079 4 View
Can a person be a "scientist" "without conducting scientific research" himself or herself? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 6,065 4 View
When one asks a question about "philosophy", how does one know what "aspect of philosophy" one is referring to? Take the example of the question, "Can philosophy help the future direction of...
12 December 2017 7,919 2 View
As a "peer reviewer" for a scientific journal, when reviewing citations (Reference Section) of a manuscript you are asked to review by the journal editor, 1. "How do you access the citations"...
12 December 2017 1,484 1 View
Given the importance of "citation number" to the future careers of researchers, the following question deserves careful consideration: How much "care" should a peer reviewer place on the "task of...
12 December 2017 8,981 6 View
When you are asked to review a scientific article in your research field by a peer-reviewed scientific journal, "how long" do you spend on the review of two areas: 1. Your review of the paper...
12 December 2017 1,778 1 View
Given the importance being placed on the "counting of citations" of a researcher, the following question deserves careful consideration: How much "care" should the researcher give to the...
12 December 2017 7,040 6 View
What is the role of "genetic mutation of neurons" in normal aging vs. the dementias? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 6,696 1 View
Brain: What constitutes "WHO new mental health classification" of "Gaming Disorder"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 6,716 1 View
When do "medical advertising and/or pharmaceutical advertising" exceed their societal usefulness? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 6,834 7 View
Human Brain: "Deep Brain Stimulation" (DBS) has had apparent success in (1) movement disorders and (2) neuropsychiatric conditions. --What are the "conditions/diseases" in which DBS is...
12 December 2017 7,070 2 View
Does the "human brain" have a subconscious tendency to favor seeing things in "a clock-wise direction"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 3,897 0 View
There is some evidence that consumption of alcohol is good for the " human heart". Is there any evidece that alcohol is good in any way for the "human brain"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 6,689 2 View
Human brain: Does the human mind "crave routine"? If so, what part of the human mind is responsible for this craving? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 9,927 1 View
AD: After a patient has gone from MCI (mild cognitive impairment) to Alzheimer Disease plaques forming in the brain, which parts of the brain are first impacted by the plaques that have...
12 December 2017 2,707 4 View
AD: Given that "navigation" is first impacted in AD, which parts of the brain are involved in "navigation"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 4,663 4 View
Who first used the concept of "cognitive load of the brain" and "what does the term mean"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 6,666 1 View
What is the "list of foods" that have been studied and found to "slow the aging process of the human brain"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 7,010 0 View
Human Brain: Is "melatonin" found in the brains of other animals? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 10,082 3 View
Human Brain: What is the difference in composition of "melatonin in the human brain" and "herbal melatonin"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 6,756 1 View
What are the functions of "melatonin" in the human brain? Dennis Dennis Mazur
12 December 2017 4,179 2 View
What is a "logic" being applied to in "a philosophy of science"? Is it being applied to: --a sentence? --an inference? --a text? --a book? --a theory? --a discourse or debate? --all of the...
11 November 2017 8,069 0 View
What are the benefits to the "brains and cognitive functioning" of children who begin aerobic exercising at the age of 8-12 years old? Dennis Dennis Mazur
11 November 2017 9,031 2 View
How (?mechanism of action) does "vitamin B12 deficiency" affect the human brain and cognition. Dennis Dennis Mazur
11 November 2017 2,754 2 View
Why are there so many "vitamin D receptors" in the human brain? Dennis Dennis Mazur
11 November 2017 6,652 3 View
How do "astrocytes" function in the human brain? Dennis Dennis Mazur
11 November 2017 2,337 2 View
How does 'increased serum calcium levels" cause depression in humans? What is the mechanism of increased serum calcium on the brain? Dennis Dennis Mazur
11 November 2017 9,681 1 View
What is the research evidence (mechanism of action) that the "human brain" keeps working after the "heart" dies? Dennis Dennis Mazur
11 November 2017 8,334 8 View
What is a "neurodegenerative injury" to the brain of a human? --What is happening in the cells of the brain due to a "neurodegenerative injury" to the human brain? --What are its causes? --To...
11 November 2017 2,345 2 View
Brain due to concussions to the head in humans (chronic traumatic encephalopathy): --What is the cause (mechanism of injury in the brain) of the brain injury in concussions in...
11 November 2017 7,834 3 View
The resection of a brain aneurysm of leaves a nidus in the brain at the point that the resection is sewn up (or otherwise closed) by the neurosurgeon. --What percentage of individuals--after...
11 November 2017 7,332 2 View
Are there any ethical research dilemmas in proceeding with "a human head to a human body transplant"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
11 November 2017 3,805 5 View
What are the "traits" of a productive researcher? -And when does one first begin to acquire the traits to become a productive researcher? --Childhood? --Primary school? --Secondary...
11 November 2017 886 9 View
I consider the "research process" containing specific stages: --hypothesis generation --population sampling --data collecting --data analysis --data interpretation --writing up the research...
11 November 2017 1,942 6 View
Why do "solo researchers" prefer to do research work "solo"? --Pure pursuit of research craft? --Preference for working alone? --Past bad experiences working with collaborator(s)? --Lack of...
11 November 2017 5,052 1 View
What are the nature of the study methodologies which suggest that "foods" can help the human brain "focus or concentrate" better? Are these randomized controlled trials, or just observational...
11 November 2017 509 2 View
Does examining the "history of a science" shed light on "future directions of that science"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
11 November 2017 2,362 15 View
When scientists leave academia for the world of business, what motivations may be sparking the move? Dennis Dennis Mazur
11 November 2017 7,224 3 View
Astrocyte dysfunction in the "mouse brain during sleep deprivation" is often taken as the explanatory model of "what goes on in the human brain during sleep deprivation"? From a research...
11 November 2017 8,051 0 View
How is "philosophy of science" defined today? Please comment on ; (1) theorists in the philosophy of science today, (2) the question(s) they are asking, and (3) the theories they are developing,...
11 November 2017 9,938 3 View
Has the "philosophy of science" contributed (1) to the "advancement of science in general" or (2) to the "advancement of a particular science"? Please specify what was the nature of the...
11 November 2017 3,789 3 View
What is "Nudge Theory" in Psychology and the Social Sciences? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 3,267 0 View
A new Alzheimer drug still under study has been found to give a protective effect to prevent dental caries by "increasing dentin". --What is dentin? --By what mechanism of action is this...
10 October 2017 2,066 1 View
Has a drug that is in the testing phase for Alzheimer disease also been found to be effective in preventing dental caries? If so, by what mechanism of action? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 9,494 2 View
How (mechanism of action?) do "statin" drugs cause "insulin resistance" in humans? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 7,087 2 View
10 October 2017 5,258 1 View
What does the term "neuroplasticity" in reference to the human brain mean? What are "specific example" of aspects of the human brain that retain elements of "neuroplasticity" as the human brain...
10 October 2017 7,937 4 View
Does exercise training "increase" the size of the human brain? If so, what area(s) of the human brain "increase" in size with exercise training? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 2,583 6 View
What is the brain's capacity for "cognitive reserve" and how can an individual build up his or her brain's "cognitive reserve" capacity? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 5,148 4 View
What happens in the human brain during a "panic attack"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 4,857 4 View
What is the mechanism of action by which "aerobic exercise" impacts "brain neurotransmitters" to relieve "depression" in human beings? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 8,216 0 View
Does the human brain have a "waste disposal system?" If so, where is it located? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 8,995 2 View
How does the "human nose" predict the brain health of the human being? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 9,930 0 View
What are "ischemia white matter changes" in the brain? --What causes them? --How do they relate to the "dementias"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 3,100 3 View
How is "brain efficiency" measured by "MRI"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 6,160 1 View
What are the signs of an "efficient" human brain? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 5,894 2 View
Is "daydreaming" a sign of a creative, smart, more efficient human brain? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 8,403 3 View
What type of "exercise" causes stress on the coronary arteries and increased coronary artery calcification? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 5,828 1 View
Why does "inhaled talcum powder" cause the development of lung cancer in some human beings? What is the mechanism of action? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 9,110 4 View
Can today's advertising and marketing of products fit into a theory of "ethical consumerism"? If so, how? If not, why not? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 8,029 3 View
What are the tenets of an "ethical consumerism"? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 9,103 0 View
In what type of environment do you prefer to conduct "your own research"? --solo? --collaborative? --competitive? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 8,976 14 View
If you are a researcher who prefers to conduct your research in an "competitive" work environment, do you prefer "weak competition" or "intense competition" and why? Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 1,127 5 View
Why does "aerobic fitness" (e.g., exercise to improve the heart) "spare" age-related loss of brain tissue during aging. Dennis Dennis Mazur
10 October 2017 2,685 5 View
Are all "descriptive theories" about human behavior in reality attempts to develop a "predictive theory" about how to estimate/predict future human behavior? Or are there reasons to develop a...
10 October 2017 3,554 3 View
Is "scientific knowledge" actually most of the times "a goal this is aimed for but seldom actually reached? New planets are continuing to be discovered. The genetic code is just beginning to be...
10 October 2017 9,253 2 View
Can caffeine slow the aging process by impacting genetic pathways in the human? In developing their scientific hypothesis, Furman et al (Nat Med. 2017 Feb; 23(2): 174–184. Published online 2017...
10 October 2017 9,869 3 View
Can omega-3 "capsules" to supplement a human'svdiet instead of fish and grains? Although fish/grains may be preferable, what if anything is lost in the "capsule supplementation" of...
10 October 2017 1,746 4 View
Researchers have recently shown in "cell studies" that "tomato extract" can slow the rate of "gastric cancer". What would be the mechanism of action? Dennis Dennis Mazur
09 September 2017 402 8 View
What is the role of "adenosine" in the human brain during sleep? Dennis Dennis Mazur
09 September 2017 4,071 0 View
Some sleep researchers today believe it is more important to get "enough sleep" than to get "enough exercise"? What is the reasoning and research underlying this belief? Dennis Dennis Mazur
09 September 2017 5,895 7 View
Are there programs to each prisoners (while in prison) to become teachers, e.g., in impoverished areas? I have read about programs in the U.S. where prisoners can be trained to be teachers in ESL...
09 September 2017 6,670 4 View
In terms of "scientific conceptions" of the "human mind", how many different types of "mental states" is the human mind capable of generating? PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE mental states under the...
06 June 2017 6,054 0 View
Is the growth of multi-authored papers in a field like economics a sign of "increasing cooperation" of economic researchers, or could it be occurring over the past ten years for other reasons?...
01 January 1970 384 2 View
Has anyone ever completed a study on the similarities and differences in the "statistical reporting requirements" among peer-reviewed scientific and/or medical journals? Dennis Dennis Mazur
01 January 1970 4,817 0 View
As a scientist and scientific writer, do you feel you do your best work in science in a competitive or non-competitive environment?
01 January 1970 4,308 4 View
How does the thinking of a genius differ from that of an average man or woman?
01 January 1970 6,646 19 View
From a point in your past say 10 years ago do you think you could see (predict) where you are in your career today?
01 January 1970 8,166 3 View
Does the thought of your own retirement frighten or relax you? Why?
01 January 1970 2,647 5 View
Is there a question that lurks in the back of the mind of a thoughtful peer-reviewed journal reader's mind regarding, say, a 40 authored paper? . . . What percent of what part of the paper...
01 January 1970 2,676 3 View
What are the different interpretations of the phrase "lost in thought"?
01 January 1970 241 9 View
Do these phrases mean the same things or different things? 1. Loss of ability to focus the mind. 2. Loss of ability to concentrate. 3. Wandering mind. 4. Loss of one's thought. 5. Lose one's...
01 January 1970 2,103 5 View
Do you think that "napping" (taking one or more "naps" per day) helps or hurts your healthth?
01 January 1970 6,261 8 View
What is the “nature of the scientific evidence” that ‘spices and herbs’ possess any of the following properties in humans? 1. Anti-carcinogenic? 2. Anti-inflammatory? 3. Anti-oxidant? 4....
01 January 1970 5,105 1 View
In your opinion as a scientist, which country has the best reporting of new scientific developments by journalists?
01 January 1970 2,157 0 View
Why do some students love math while others quite the opposite? How does parent's attitude and training impact their children's attitude and training?
01 January 1970 3,910 5 View
Scientifically speaking, what is "brain fog"?
01 January 1970 4,135 5 View
At your university, do older professors give up teaching or doing research to give younger professors a chance, or do they keep teaching or doing research because they are able too.
01 January 1970 8,548 22 View
Implanting "micro-chips" in human beings on a "voluntary basis" 1. Are there limits on what "micro-chips", if any, are to be voluntarily placed in human beings? 2. Who should set those limits of...
01 January 1970 8,558 0 View
How do you believe the children of your nature will react to robots as teachers or teaching assistants?
01 January 1970 8,690 7 View
How do you believe the children of your nation will react to robots as teachers or teaching assistants?
01 January 1970 2,168 9 View
Why is it difficult to define "Human Competency" in Medicine and Medical Research?
01 January 1970 2,535 7 View
What do you talk about in your manuscript when your data supports conclusions that are opposite of your study hypotheses?
01 January 1970 9,469 7 View
What are the "top 5 qualities" you would like to see in a scientific manuscript submitted to a peer-reviewed journal for consideration of publication and the editor asks you to review the...
01 January 1970 1,117 1 View
What does it mean to say that a survey instrument has been validated . . . so what?
01 January 1970 3,504 3 View
Does an individual have a "right" to define "happiness" in his or her own terms, or it is that right going to be taken away from him or her?
01 January 1970 1,891 10 View
How will robotics help the future of agriculture and farming in your country?
01 January 1970 8,689 5 View
What type of scientific writing do you like to do? And why? 1. Writing aboutthe history of science? 2. Writing scientific review articles (reviews of published scientific research)? 3....
01 January 1970 9,791 30 View
What eras in the history of science do you like to read or write about and why?
01 January 1970 6,382 19 View
Having speaking, writing, and reading knowledge of WHICH LANGUAGES, will best help himself or herself climb his or her career ladder the fastest over the next few years?
01 January 1970 2,959 8 View
Burnison, author of The Leadership Journey, uses the slogan "Fail fast; learn faster." What does this slogan mean to you? What type of "product development" is it characterizing?
01 January 1970 6,978 3 View
In what areas will robots be most useful to the peoples of your country? . . . --Agriculture --Art --Business --Education --Forestry --Government --Health --Law --Medicine --Music --Old...
01 January 1970 3,026 6 View
In your nation, will robots help teachers teach or take away teachers' jobs?
01 January 1970 6,836 23 View
Should a teacher be able to develop "hypotheses and theories" in the area(s) in which the teacher teaches? Why or why not?
01 January 1970 4,110 4 View
1. Hypothesis 2. Methods 3. Analysis 4, Problems the researchers-authors had in the research study
01 January 1970 4,171 5 View
There are multiple ways to assess (evaluate) Scientific Evidence. Within these evidence frameworks one can ask: How “shaky” is “flimsy evidence”? 0ne point and two questions: 1. Please give...
01 January 1970 8,516 5 View
MacDonald et al have evidence that daytime napping enhances visual working memory performance (Cohn Affect Behav Neurosci, 2018). What other types of memory performance are enhanced by daytime...
01 January 1970 1,758 3 View
In what areas of scientific research, are questionnaire studies most helpful and why?
01 January 1970 5,860 3 View
What is a "catchment area"? To what types of "scientific research" can the term be applied?
01 January 1970 6,612 3 View
In what sense(s) is scientific research ever "disseminated"?
01 January 1970 7,207 3 View
What are the purposes of "collegial" relationships in scientific research?
01 January 1970 1,273 1 View
Please assume the journal is a peer-reviewed scientific research journal.
01 January 1970 8,343 4 View
Is there any difference in meaning of the two terms "invention" and "innovation"?
01 January 1970 2,374 11 View
Which approach is more successful in developing an innovative new product: "trial and error" vs. "randomized controlled trials"? Why?
01 January 1970 8,171 4 View
01 January 1970 9,810 3 View
Do you believe that researchers truly try to change their approach to their methods or do they take a path of least resistance and continue their methods the same way they did in the past in their...
01 January 1970 3,807 6 View