What is the “nature of the scientific evidence” that ‘spices and herbs’ possess any of the following properties in humans?

1. Anti-carcinogenic?

2. Anti-inflammatory?

3. Anti-oxidant?

4. Anti-tumorigenic?

5. Cholesterol-lowering?

6. Cognition-affecting?

7. Glucose-lowering?

8. Mood-affecting?


A. What is the nature of this scientific evidence?

B. In what animal species does this scientific evidence exist, if any?

C. Are these “evidence claims” being expressed accurately in the scientific literature today?

D. Are these ”evidence claims” being expressed in the public information being presented on the Internet today?

E. If these “evidence claims” are not being expressed accurately, why not?

F. Who oversees the claims:

a. in the scientific literature, and/or

b. on the Internet?

Thank you in advance for you opinion(s) on any of the above questions.

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