Please have a look at the following scientific publications:
Common dietary supplements for weight loss
RB Saper, DM Eisenberg, RS Phillips - American family physician, 2004 - Citeseer
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Apple phytochemicals and their health benefits
J Boyer, RH Liu - Nutrition journal, 2004 -
and from the web:
Apple cider vinegar is high in beneficial minerals, particularly iron, calcium, copper and potassium, according to the Columbia University Health Services. Organic cider vinegar is higher in nutritive content than non-organic cider vinegar that has been pasteurized and filtered, removing much of the nutritional content. In addition to bolstering dietary mineral intake, cider vinegar aids digestion as its acidity helps break down food. Cider vinegar may negatively interact with certain medications, particularly blood thinners, so consult a physician before increasing your daily consumption of apple cider vinegar.