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Questions related to Cancer Cells
I am using IZON qEV2 columns to isolate exosomes from 100 ml of cancer cell conditioned medium. in NTA analysis I usually see concentration of 2x10^9 particles/ml. But when I proceed with this...
21 February 2021 7,104 3 View
Three days ago, i thawed Hela cancer cells from liquid nitrogen but until now they are still suspended in the media and very very low number of cells became attached to the tissue culture...
07 January 2021 6,752 4 View
I am currently growing BICR31 cancer cells for conditioned media collection, and as I passaged it I have seen many bubbles/vacuoles - like structures. Cells were healthy during the first split...
06 January 2021 2,571 5 View
I would like to sort from a fresh specimen of lung cancer Non-Small Lung Cancer cells and cancer-associated fibroblasts to establish two different cell cultures. Which markers should I use? Thank...
05 January 2021 8,182 3 View
Does Covid 19 enhance cancer occurrence and aggravating cancer prognosis too?
28 December 2020 7,873 5 View
Surgical plume or smoke are produced by use of electrocautery, laser and high energy devices during surgery. They may contain toxic materials including bacteria, virus and viable cancer cells....
26 November 2020 4,705 4 View
Dear all, I have been culturing cancer cells and I am wondering if there are good ways to calculate cell confluence using some apps?
10 November 2020 6,091 2 View
Please share the protocol for antigen uptake assay by cancer cells. I want to use Dextran-FITC to track the endocytosis by cancer cells. If anyone has the protocol or any suggestions kindly share.
26 October 2020 656 3 View
I am looking for a spheroid formation protocol that works well with MDA-231 breast cancer cells. I've been trying to use the Trevigen protocol (from Cat #: 3500-096-K, Page 1) and other methods...
11 October 2020 3,040 3 View
SiRNA for NEAT1 knockdown in breast cancer cells
06 October 2020 9,965 1 View
I want to know how we can precisely trace the lineage of cancer progression. Is it originate from the mutation of a Normal cell or a Stem cell? Is there any method available to precisely delineate...
15 September 2020 7,637 3 View
hello, I am doing western blot for cancer cell and my protein ladder diffused during running electrophoresis and the sample is disappear. also it takes too much time more than 3 hr for migration....
15 September 2020 5,292 4 View
The high rate of proliferation required of stem cells could produce genetic instability which may result in sporadic cancerous cells. Is there any research on this?
11 September 2020 3,868 1 View
Hello everyone. We have cultured MCF-7 cancer cells in microfluidics several times and incubated them for 24 hours, but as the nanomaterial passed through the cells, the cells moved and no cell...
06 September 2020 7,501 3 View
Dear colleagues, I am working on a research project to investigate the metastatic propagation of cancer cells, so I need to see the metastasis of these cells in-vivo. Can any help me to find an...
05 September 2020 7,897 3 View
Tumor mutational burden (TMB) is a measure of the number of gene mutations inside the cancer cells. TMB of a tumor sample is calculated by the number of non-synonymous somatic mutations per...
02 September 2020 4,721 1 View
I'm trying to make a experiment in which i use fibronectin as a surface coat, but the cells are from Rat (C6 glioma and endothelial cells) and the fibronectin we have here is from human. Can I mix...
24 August 2020 8,670 4 View
I will be working with two types of colon cancer stem cells and corresponding non-cancer stem cells. Preferably, we would like them to exploit either glycolysis or oxidative phosphorylation to a...
21 June 2020 9,552 3 View
I cannot find the IC50 value of 5-FU against HT-144 cancer cells, as determined via cytotoxicity analysis. I shall be thankful if someone help me with relevant literature.
16 June 2020 4,548 3 View
I want to be able to detect the presence of HCT-116 micrometstasis in mice by staining the tissue with HCT-116 specific marker.
15 June 2020 2,750 3 View
I have tested my drug on vero cell line as a normal cell line, and not only wasn't the drug toxic for it but also led to the cell growth after a certain concentration,while it had cytotoxic effect...
08 April 2020 2,562 6 View
I may need a standard procedure of storage
06 April 2020 332 3 View
Which is the best important innovations in field of nanoparticles technology In the twentieth century?, and What do think for their utilizing in Solar cells and Cancer cells applications?
26 March 2020 2,240 7 View
I wanted to know if we can store frozen cells in -80 C refrigerator. These cells are stored in liquid nitrogen tank (-200 C) as of now. But as liquid nitrogen vaporizes, we need to keep refilling...
24 March 2020 8,954 10 View