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Questions related to Cancer Cells
Good afternoon. I have some concerns regarding my gating strategy for a phagocytic assay. Here is the experimental setup : I incubated mouse bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDM) with B16F10-GFP...
19 March 2020 8,978 3 View
I am testing compounds on the patient's primary cancer cells as well as a cell line. Generally, I see better activity in cell lines compared to primary cells. Surprisingly I am seeing the...
19 March 2020 600 3 View
I am working with prostate cancer cells, i want to know who is presently working with PCa cell lines in viro and in vivo in kolkata.any leeds will of great help.
08 March 2020 8,014 1 View
Hey guys. I am reading a great article (Ross, D. T.; Perou, C. M. Dis. Markers 2001, 17, 99–109), and am trying to figure out the genetic footprints and differences between 2 tumor cell lines....
26 February 2020 3,812 1 View
I want to measure the number of cells that died following addition of Tcells to the cancer cell spheroids with and without checkpoint inhibitors. I prefer a 96 well plate format. Since both the...
26 February 2020 503 4 View
Hi everyone, I am currently using the hanging drop method to generate spheroids of PC-3 prostate cancer cells. I would like to know if anyone has a detailed protocol I can use to fix these...
20 February 2020 2,877 1 View
Was quantifying clinical chemotherapeutic efficacy with FDG (radioactive glucose). This general read of metabolism a good match for highly metabolically active cancer cells. However, some...
19 February 2020 6,968 1 View
Hi, everyone. first, i'm so sorry about i can't use English well...:( I research cancer cells and i culture breast cancel cell Sk-br-3. I use RPMI-1640, 5% FBS, 1% penicillin, streptomycin and...
12 February 2020 5,904 3 View
hi everybody, i have some troubles with chemokines and cell proliferation. Different papers evidence that CXCL8 (but also CXCL12, CCL2 and other chemokines) are able to promote cancer cell...
04 February 2020 370 4 View
We are checking cancer cell death by activated PBMCs in a co-culture system. We specifically want to analyze the markers (Caspases, PI3K/mTor/AKT, BAX BCL2 and several other markers) using...
31 January 2020 7,882 2 View
I am just curious to know what will happen if Tcells and cancer cells that are not HLA matched are co-culture together? Will the Cancer cells die due to allo reaction (GVHD) or will there be no...
28 January 2020 3,073 2 View
It thus needs to be biocompatible and should not interfere with free radical production (redox insensitive). Many thanks!
13 January 2020 6,816 3 View
I'm doing western blot to detect LRRC8A protein which is extracted from colon cancer cell HCT116, unfortunately, I could not find a good result. Does anyone have an idea or advice?
22 November 2019 2,196 3 View
I want to increase chromatin compaction of cancer cell and to see the function of interested gene in this process. Is there any method to make it?
20 November 2019 6,135 1 View
we aim to assess apoptotic (AI) vis mitotic(MI) indecies in chemotheraputically treated breast cancer cell samples. we aim to assess the prognostic significance of AI and MI.
18 November 2019 1,356 5 View
Rapid and effective differentiation between normal and cancer cells is an important challenge for the diagnosis and treatment of tumors. So, Could you suggest highly sensitive and specific tools...
13 November 2019 1,354 2 View
Hi, I have studied in small molecule which decrease phosphorylation of STAT3 in cancer cells. I found that this small molecule decrease entirely the phosphorylation of STAT3 in 5 minutes. But...
03 November 2019 6,337 1 View
Several G- bacteria including Salmonella Typhimurium and E coli, have been engineered to treat cancers. One of the main things been found is that those bacteria can specifically colonize tumor...
31 October 2019 6,281 2 View
I am trying to test whether two drugs have synergy in inhibiting cancer cells using SynergyFinder. I would like to know how one should interpret the results after the syngergy score is...
30 October 2019 4,950 1 View
I am working on the well studied glucosidase - cancer relationship. During the work I have come across that beta-glucosidase is less abundant in cancer cells nevertheless human cytoplasm where...
23 October 2019 5,510 2 View
Good Afternoon, I understand that the zinc transporter proteins (ZIP7 and ZIP10) are both present in healthy and diseased cells. I learnt that zinc uptake is elevated in malignant cells...
10 October 2019 5,265 3 View
My plan is to isolate immature myeloid cells (IMCs) from the spleen and to expand them into MDSCs with IL-6 and GM-CSF supplemented media. I have successfully isolated splenocytes from...
04 October 2019 298 3 View
I like to know the possible markers of metabolism in cancer cells such as in monitoring glycolytic, extracellular acidification and oxygen consumption rates, effected by treatment with an extract.
26 September 2019 783 3 View
I am new to western bloting, i need to isolate protein ( bcl2/ bax/ nf kappa b/ caspase) by western blotting from breast cancer cells, i will use ripa buffer with protease inhibitor cocktail , do...
10 September 2019 2,663 2 View