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Questions related to Cancer Biology
AF2 may most strongly impact experimental determination of protein structure by multiple methods with possible benefits and negative impacts over time. Some areas may need to quickly pivot or...
14 December 2020 6,188 5 View
Hello Recently, I am curious to know about mechanisms of endometriosis and signaling pathways. I have a question about the difference between signaling pathways in benign tumors and malignant...
27 October 2020 4,114 6 View
Guanine-rich DNA sequences can fold into four-stranded, noncanonical secondary structures called G-quadruplexes (G4s). G4s were initially considered a structural curiosity, but recent evidence...
28 September 2020 9,277 6 View
What happens when we culture cancer epithelial cells in TCPS?. Is the cell present as epithelial or differentiate into mesenchymal cells?.
25 August 2020 9,298 2 View
There are several EMT markers in cancer, such as vimentin, n-cadherin, SNAIL, TWIST, ZEB etc. How do you decide which one to use?
14 June 2020 9,082 2 View
For example CD44 is a stem cell marker, whereas Vimentin is an EMT marker. Mesenchymal cells are called MSCs (Mesenchymal Stem Cells), then why are there different markers for stem cells and...
02 June 2020 2,784 5 View
Hi all, Does eosin stains collagen in IHCs in typical H&E staining? Please share your thoughts below as comments. Please add a reference if possible (much appreciated). Best, J.
23 May 2020 8,314 2 View
Hello Everyone, I have some questions related to a drug called Cobalt 2 chloride hexahydrate. I am currently preparing an experiment related to Hypoxia. I bought a drug called " Cobalt 2...
11 May 2020 4,991 4 View
Is it because we are trying to target these cells before they have a chance to divide??? I guess I don't understand the logic behind this.
01 January 2020 7,610 3 View
I'm focusing on the Ras/Raf/MapK/Erk pathway and I'm expecting to see both when I treat with a MEK inhibitor in pancreatic cell cancer line. While I dramatically reduced levels of pERK, there's...
01 January 2020 4,455 4 View
I have been imaging many z stacks of Drosophila mid/hindgut tumors using a leica confocal microscope. I'm wondering what the best way to quantify these tumors would be. They are GFP+. I know both...
12 December 2019 7,414 3 View
03 December 2019 4,714 3 View
Dear fellow researchers: I am working on osteosarcoma cells (U2OS) and am looking for ways to block TGF-Beta signaling pathway (towards Oct-4). Has anyone tried anything related to this...
19 August 2019 6,940 5 View
08 August 2019 4,438 6 View
Respected All, Curently using Chem Biodraw and Edraw max. Do you know any other software to draw cancer biology and pathway. waiting for reply
07 July 2019 8,823 2 View
I am culturing U266, a suspension cell line and run out of the untreated flask. Can I culture the suspension cells in treated flask?
05 May 2019 2,902 3 View
Hi, I am a student from China and major in chemical engineering in both undergrad and master stages. And I also have 2 years research experience about lipid chemistry in the US. I'm interested...
28 January 2019 3,378 2 View
PhD research topic
16 January 2019 3,693 1 View
01 January 2019 3,976 2 View
Dear All ... I hope this finds you well, I am from Ireland, I have got MSc in cancer biology and i would like to study PhD somewhere, I would be grateful if I could study under your...
10 October 2018 6,019 0 View
I have a idea to implementing to cancer biology.
10 October 2018 7,907 0 View
Dear Researchers, I am working with a PDCL cancer cells and I want to transfect GFP in the cells. I am using lipofectamine 2000 and I incubated it with the cells for 6 hour and seems to be good...
17 September 2018 6,065 3 View
Could someone tell me any specific cation which have a role to kill the tumor cells, without magnetic or photo-thermal use?
07 September 2018 1,360 3 View
I have read in an article on net that the inflammation and cancer both have interconnected functional relationship. Can you please explain it in a biological way?
07 July 2018 2,649 5 View