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Questions related to Medicine
Safety awareness on construction Site is very critical for site workers which they are always openly risk for the accident.
01 June 2023 1,922 1 View
Dear scientist, We are currently working with iPSCs and their differentiation into pancreatic B-cells. We have noticed that after thawing, the growth and expansion rate of iPSCs has not been...
28 September 2021 8,166 3 View
As medical advances are made in the care of patients with chronic diseases including those with (ESRD), patients are not only experiencing increasing life expectancy but also bearing the burden of...
30 April 2021 3,657 11 View
Preference in terms of the scientific aspect
01 March 2021 1,178 2 View
Blockchain-as-a-Service(BaaS) in the fields of medicine, economics or other fields?
03 February 2021 3,922 1 View
Hello, My research work focuses on the use of NLP and voice recognition for the medical emergency assistance. So I would appreciate it if you suggest me some contributions that could be done in...
28 January 2021 3,227 3 View
I'm looking for an excel sheet to calculate the STS Score. From the website Does anyone have a worksheet to calculate the STS Score?
26 January 2021 1,440 4 View
Bacteriophages very effective against infections. Many of them such as anti-Staphylococcus or anti-Streptococcal widely used in practical medicine. Some bacteriophages can be oncolytic and...
04 January 2021 5,033 1 View
What is the better option to improve immunity ? Medicine or diet ? As per Ayurveda, Oja is the Bala (~immunity) which is originated by the Ahara which further nourishes Rasa, Rakta etc Dhatu and...
22 December 2020 4,712 10 View
Hi there, I am eager to hear from researchers or clinicians who have used n-of-1 studies for the above purposes. They seem to offer advantages over many other study designs, particularly for when...
27 October 2020 613 5 View
I had a few students help me with a simple but time-consuming task. The data they helped with will be used in a scientific paper. The students are part of the Student Research Program (SRP) at my...
12 October 2020 4,786 12 View
the gut related diseases like White feaces, white muscle, white gut are doing much damage to shrimp by retarding growth and increasing FCR and eventually heavy losses. is there any medicine or...
08 October 2020 5,480 3 View
Ayurveda, TM of India, advises to avoid Curd intake in diseases that have Kapha dosha predominance like Diabetes, Respiratory problems; in diseases arising out of Raktha dusti (Blood tissue...
04 October 2020 1,026 1 View
The homoeopathic medicine consist minerals in it and the same nutrients are essential for the growth and development of the plant. So I asked myself whether the homoeopathic medicine useful for...
20 September 2020 8,634 10 View
I am trying to make a nano-emulsion to convert a cancer medicine into its more bioavailable form following guidance from this patent But I made...
18 September 2020 9,458 1 View
Does an oral & Maxillofacial Medicine specialist or physician have experience prescribing buspirone to a patient with SSRIs-related bruxism?
10 September 2020 6,240 4 View
I am looking forward to designing a Printed Electronics circuit for Pill Reminder/ Medicine Reminder. The circuit is printed on the back of the medicine stip. I found some interesting circuit...
27 August 2020 3,028 4 View
I understand vaguely that the first author is supposed to be the one who "did the most work", but what counts as "work" in this comparison? Does "most" mean "more than all the other coauthors...
27 July 2020 4,127 95 View
Empirical use of non-harmful drugs for patients is superior to evidence-based medicine ... or not Does anyone use famotidine in COVID?
08 July 2020 9,897 5 View
How to remove toxic heavy metal traces like mercury, lead, cadmium etc. from solid herbal material or food material? is there any specific methodology or technique to remove metal traces from...
07 July 2020 4,689 3 View
I am starting a systemic review. And it's my first one. I have figured out the PICO and search keywords. I am overwhelming with massive results from different search engine. They contains...
06 July 2020 3,552 9 View
Throughout the world many scientists/researchers, globally hard working to develop relevant drugs/medicines for the treatment of COVID19. Can anyone tell, if there is development, regarding?
22 June 2020 5,721 1 View
EBM suggests that doctors should avoid prescribing treatments that do not have sufficient or strong evidence in their favor. Decisions made backed only by expert opinions and supported by...
03 June 2020 3,921 2 View
I need two mammography datasets sourced by different counties or institutions where images are similar to each other. I'm reading the International evaluation of an AI system for breast cancer...
31 May 2020 6,323 3 View