140 Questions 163 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sumit Bhowmick
Ethanediol mixed with conc. H2SO4 (98%) can be easily dehydrated to OH-CH=CH2 that is tuatomerized to CH3CHO (acetaldehyde) that can further undergo dehydrating polymerization in Sulfuric acid or...
09 March 2023 8,521 0 View
Nitration of anhydrous Ethanediol is done with Adding 65% Nitric acid with excess 98% sulfuric acid around 100 degrees C (adding one chemical drop by drop on mix of other two, allowing copious...
03 March 2023 1,709 2 View
Nitric acid is strong oxidizer- no doubt, but the -CH2- groups of citric acid would likely not be oxidized, and the OH group has no alpha-hydrogen nearbly to convert it to ketone. But, would the...
12 January 2023 6,913 1 View
This is an anectdotal experience- i mixed two brands of liquid handwash soap without adding any water, and the mixture surprisingly appears less viscous (I have not measured with any device, but...
12 January 2023 1,968 1 View
For binary phase diagrams, Liquidus is always above connecting straight line of m.p. of two pure components (hence convex upwards) and solidus is always below that line, and hence concave upwards....
20 November 2022 2,131 3 View
This claim is from https://www.totalmateria.com/page.aspx?ID=CheckArticle&site=kts&NM=122 Higher temperature is supposed to make deformation easy , right? then why is this trend happening as per...
21 October 2022 291 0 View
What is the speciality of manganese in terms of biogeochemical role that causes this very element to be chiefly concentated into nodues? It is not among top 10 most abundant elements on earth...
03 September 2022 717 1 View
This is likely to be alloy of Fe, Ni, Co and/or other REE, right? Or perhaps any well-controlled ferrimagnetic ceramic? How it has been fabricated? how the elements (and their ratio) have been chosen?
28 August 2022 3,366 0 View
Coal macerals, mainly Vitrinite, Liptinite and Inertinite comes from woody tissues, soft tissues and fungal/charcoalified of plant respectively. But unlike minerals they do not have any fixed...
20 July 2022 1,174 0 View
I do not mean overall conductivity of liquid/in-solution electrolytes. This question is actually related to silver halide-type compounds Do the factors include (and how they affect) Co-presence...
18 May 2022 2,195 4 View
It is said to be "trace" wherever I look for, but what is the typical order of magnitude? is it 0.001%, or 1% or in between? P.S.: What I have mentioned is of open unpacked fertilizer sold in...
13 May 2022 6,512 1 View
Dose it have anything to do with Fe-Mn Phase diagram? If yes, how? If not, then what is the mechanism?
11 May 2022 6,279 0 View
While reading electronic band structure, the horizontal axis consists of some Letters of latin and greek alphabet without any obvious pattern. It turns out that there letters corresponds to...
29 March 2022 7,561 2 View
See for example, Analysis of Structural State of 60/40 Brass Cartridge Case (... Usually strength and ductility cannot simultaneously increase unless some mechanism converts ductility-raising...
29 March 2022 4,375 3 View
That is, How many intermediate compounds would be possible, if any? would the phase diagram be Eutectic, Peritectic, Monotectic, Eutectoid, Peritectoid, Syntectic, Catatectic.... (of course,...
29 March 2022 5,446 1 View
Not Aerogel/porous structure/ architecture/microstructure altering (Gyroid/ Honeycomb/Metal lattice) structures are sought for. For solid elements, it is lithium, but for all solids, what is the...
22 February 2022 4,685 4 View
I am trying to find out XRD (Phases present) with Match3 software from XRD data of sand powder, but whenever quartz sands are nearly pure, these two phases are also shown to be present. Is it due...
19 January 2022 1,862 3 View
Overlapping particles edge' cannot be detected with most image analysis software. Thresholding distorts data of particle size when particles are unequally bright. Non-spherical-shaped particles...
14 December 2021 3,897 4 View
The spot is not the typical red/brown orange rust and simple scaling off layers, rather it is a formation of innumerable mm to cm sized depressed pits with flat black bottom. The rust also has...
13 December 2021 6,200 2 View
These two images are 1.15 mm wide. Both types of magnetic particles have been extracted from river sand- the rounded ones from construction sites and more irregular ones from dried-up riverbeds....
03 December 2021 7,713 3 View
while some ternary nitrate salt mixture can have melting point around 100 C, some ionic liquid can have melting point around 150 C. so, is there any such cutoff as it is asked ?
16 November 2021 2,145 1 View
W, Mo, Re, Os, V, Nb- these are common refractory metals, and I know of volatile oxides of W, Re, Mo and V. What about other metals? If this is the common trend, then why is this so? are the...
12 November 2021 2,040 4 View
Plain carbon steel with less than 0.5 percent carbon, when cut with a ceramic cutting disc, not only emits small sparks of metallic particles that are oxidized to incandescent glow, but also...
09 November 2021 8,241 1 View
The image is taken From Callister's Materials Science and Engineering. After glass transition, the polymer chains are mostly free to rotate and wiggle, but cannot slide past each other until...
22 August 2021 8,727 3 View
If there exists such relation, then why is this so? If such relation doesn't exist, than which molecular factors contribute to endurance limit of polymers? The image of Stress vs Fatigue cycle is...
22 August 2021 5,384 3 View
High-S, especially resulfurized steels are discouraged from Boriding. What can a 0.1% Sulfur (and 0.5% Mn in ~0.1%C steel with Minor Cr, W, Ni alloys, all below 0.5%) do harm to boriding layer? Is...
21 June 2021 7,759 2 View
The steel in question contains C~.1%, W, Mn, Cr, Ni 0.5% each, 0.04%P and .1% S. To surface harden this alloy (no way to change the bulk composition), either carburizing, nitriding or Boronizing...
13 June 2021 7,739 1 View
Any mild steel formulation would be good here. A carbon equivalent to bring effects of all other elements are highly preferred.
30 May 2021 3,251 4 View
In general, frequency of characteristic x-ray emanating from any certain element rises parabolically with Atomic Number, as per Moseley's law on X-ray. Lighter elements emit lower frequency...
30 May 2021 8,464 2 View
benzene C-C bond length is 1.39 angstrom, graphene 1.42 angstrom, so like an inscribed circle in a perfect hexagon, anything narrower than 1.20 or 1.229 angstrom diameter would suppose to pass...
28 May 2021 9,577 1 View
Usually metallic fluorosilicates are reacted with Ca/Na/K etc metal or alloys to obtain fluoride salts and silicon. But These metals are not very easily produced other than electrolysis. Is it...
23 April 2021 8,282 4 View
ASM recommends Creusot-Loire Equations to predict cooling rate to obtain some certain % of pearlite. bainite and/or martensite into steel (ASM handbook Vol.4- Heat treatment, Quantitative Aspects...
14 April 2021 7,181 0 View
For a given composition of low alloy steel, is there any formula to find out how much fraction of an alloying element would end up in ferrite and how much in pearlite if one starts from austenite...
04 April 2021 3,289 0 View
Suppose the approximate grain size, strength of matrix (without Grain boundary precipitates), strength of the precipitated chemical compound and weight fraction of the brittle precipitate is...
30 March 2021 5,488 1 View
Schaeffer diagram is a satisfactory method to predict stable and metastable phase of a steel with a given composition. Critical temperature (a3 and a1) variation with alloying is also provided in...
17 March 2021 7,826 1 View
Would P and S be added to Cr or Ni equivalent? When present at a low alloy (room temperature) ferritic steel, would they aid or hinder martensite formation? The steel composition is (all wt%) C=...
15 March 2021 3,620 3 View
The alloy database says on Cu alloying of Fe (http://www.steeldata.info/inclusions/demo/help/ferro.html#Cu) " The presence of more than 0.2% Cu in steel produces a characteristic checking on...
06 March 2021 4,810 1 View
It is oftentimes said to be a distinctive metallographic trait that differentiates a fully austenitic and a fully felly ferritic steel without etching that might distinguish between two. Why...
03 March 2021 1,166 2 View
(This statement is from wikipedia, BTW). What is so special about metallic bond that is limiting high-P low-T state of a matter (as long as individual atoms exist, not white dwarf of neutron star...
03 March 2021 3,814 2 View
As I was tweaking step-by-step OpenCalphad6 Macros step1.ocm involving phase and thermal property calculation of a High-speed steel, I could not incorporate more than 6 elements in the steel...
02 March 2021 9,246 1 View
Basic dendrite formation of metallic alloys are explained by thermal and constitutional degree of supercooling and most-supercooled band of liquid somewhat ahead of solidification front that...
31 January 2021 8,795 2 View
While CCS can be employed along with a conventional Carbon-efficient EAF steelmaking process (especially from iron ore) or even Hydrogen or hydrocarbon can bee passed through central electrode,...
31 January 2021 3,723 1 View
While surface roughness is an obvious factor, this is not what is exactly asked. Rather, periodic variation of exchange current density (of an electrode) with solution chemistry (of electrolyte)...
31 January 2021 5,210 5 View
While the magnetite particles are much above single-domain limit, they indeed form spike-like structure under strong magnetic field. Would not that be predominantly caused by aligning of...
31 January 2021 7,094 3 View
A huge amount of water is evaporated to cool down and solidify the liquid metal strands coming out of bottom of CCM mould. The steam contains significant latent and sensible heat energy, besides...
27 January 2021 3,759 4 View
When first order paraxial optics is expanded to third order optics (i.e. sin x~ x-x3/3! instead of sin x~x) , these 5 optical aberrations result in. What is the rigorous mathematical proof that,...
27 January 2021 8,965 4 View
Practically this is not at all necessary. But theoretically, would hydrous/hydrothermal synthesis be enough (like mix 1 mole alumina gel and 4 mole silica gel and gently heat) or would it require...
27 January 2021 6,717 3 View
This is my very first encounter with functional equation of this kind, and methods of series solution and differential equations are of not much help. The solution to this problem, or at least the...
26 January 2021 6,392 5 View
For a function, usually sign of second derivative (and if it is zero, even/odd index of higher order derivative whose numerical value is zero) is enough to detect whether the extreme point is...
26 January 2021 8,024 3 View
Anyone knowing metamorphic geology would know the sequence of mudrock to gneiss transformation and its intermediate steps, including mica formation and growth (slate, phyllite, schist) and...
26 January 2021 5,292 19 View
This transition phenomena of Globular to spray mode as voltage , and especially current is raised, is very commonly known to Manual Metal Arc Welding (MMAW) and Gas-Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)...
21 January 2021 8,218 2 View
Suppose one needs to find out room-temperature stable silicates chemical composition of a particular cation, suppose magnesium. Is there any rule to estimate which stoichiometric values of metal...
14 January 2021 7,627 4 View
What is edibility safety of fertilizer-grade Muriate of potash? Muriate of Potash (MOP) is essentially KCl with often red rust from iron oxides. In order to balance excess Na and deficit K...
26 December 2020 6,468 6 View
For a PbO-SiO2 glass, PbO is a network modifier for up to 30-40%, but it becomes a network former at higher concentration. Why? Is it related to oxidation state change of Pb, from 2 to 4, and...
17 November 2020 726 1 View
ferrite, cementite, austenite and martensite are enough to describe phase constituent of a vast number of steels. But has there been any extensive research on partition coefficient of impurities...
14 November 2020 10,018 4 View
The basics of electronic conductivity can be explained without inciting quantum mechanics or brillouin zone- simply by virtue of outermost free electrons of metallic elements (from electronic...
08 November 2020 3,390 1 View
There are large volume of handbooks that prescribe suitable etchant for a particular metal or ceramic, But their theoretical justification is hardly ever mentioned. Then, is it possible to...
01 November 2020 9,904 4 View
Wavelength of light is an obvious factor, but this is not my point of question Some specific questions are What can be molecular/atomic level mechanism behind temperature and density dependence of...
12 October 2020 555 8 View
ammonium chloride is said to convert solid oxides on metal surface to volatile chlorides (ammonia is a gas), but what about the Oxygen that is taken out of oxide? Does the "ammonium oxide" break...
28 September 2020 6,791 1 View
L'Huillier's theorem or calculation of spherical excess of "spherical triangle" formed between the unit vectors on unit sphere can find out the area, but how to explain this formula from purely...
24 September 2020 9,469 4 View
I want to know density of liquid soap/detergent-alcohol-water solution. Any ternary or pseudoternary description of components will be helpful. technically some sol-gel formation or colloidal...
20 September 2020 4,051 2 View
This is likely a question which is to be regarded idiotic by Metallurgists and Geologists alike, but I think such Characterization have never been tried. Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Na, K, Mg, Ti There are...
23 August 2020 5,393 1 View
This question is broken down to some more sophisticated questions How geometry (standing waves, normal modes of vibration), mechanical properties (young's modulus and resilience energy, density)...
31 May 2020 5,331 0 View
Suppose, fine white sand for foundation works ( mostly 0.2-0.5 mm size) is sieved; sand finer than a typical flour screen is screened out; and coarser than meshed plastic food-covering lid is also...
13 April 2020 652 0 View
Some rocks with appreciable amount of felsic and mafic minerals have been crushed. In order to melt the rock at low temperature and/or to leach water-soluble cations, either boric acid (H3BO3) or...
06 March 2020 9,747 1 View
Puffed rice, a common snack in south asia, is often manufactured with aid of fertilizer-grade urea, which i, think can physically do harm. This practice is highly controversial and often banned,...
25 January 2020 526 2 View
Far-infrared ceramic beads can emit infrared radiation ; but can not all object at nonzero absolute temperature emit blackbody radiation? What is special about these ceramic beads that are used in...
19 January 2020 7,047 1 View
some metal surfaces, rubbed against each other squeaks in a shrilling high frequency. Why? What is the role of surface roughness, friction factor, geometric shape, stress distribution,solid and...
01 January 2020 2,681 1 View
Consider a simple ionic compound or metal. What would be symmetry of its crystal structure under a given temperature and pressure? How and why free energy of crystal lattice with different...
01 January 2020 7,050 1 View
One can argue for thin-film interference of protective oxide film (that has varying thickness) that have been eroded-corroded to various thickness. But why does this pattern last long? Does oxide...
01 January 2020 5,985 1 View
Raoultian and henrian models linearize some nonlinear parameter, regular solution model introduce an \alpha factor for thermodynamic activity coefficient. Is it possible to derive parameters of...
01 January 2020 7,687 4 View
There is Hume-Rothery rule for metals, Pauling's rule to find out feasible crystal structure of ceramics, but is there any rule that deals with mutual solubility ceramics? What about complete...
01 January 2020 6,450 0 View
My idea is to slowly oxidize the aluminium chips in a mixture of water, ethanoic acid, potassium aluminium sulfate (copper dust catalyzed) with help of atmospheric air. What would be the required...
01 January 2020 1,015 2 View
For introductory chemistry textbooks, they occur simultaneously. But unless there is a direct transfer between charge species, (say between sodium atom and chlorine gas) especially in solution,...
01 January 2020 8,265 5 View
square of amplitude of quantum wave function refers to volumetric probability distribution of a quantum wave-particle. But what does the real and imaginary parts physically mean? or what does the...
01 January 2020 2,028 7 View
Would there be any special treatment be required to remove other impurities (like grape skin or pomace) from the sour grape juice? if potash and baking soda are used in non-stoichiometric amount,...
01 January 2020 7,660 0 View
If oscillating electromagnetic field, as per dictated by laws of Maxwell, Joule, Navier-Stokes (and Lorentz) holds, then for an unidirectional circulation of molten metal by electric field can...
30 December 2019 9,170 3 View
The liquid flow is incompressible, steady state and effect of mass transfer and voltization of liquid can be neglected. I am trying to start from vector form of Navier-stokes equation \rho D/Dt...
30 December 2019 2,640 2 View
suppose the fireclay is kaolin. the formation of metakaolin at about 600 C- can it be reverted? Progressive temperature rise causes spinel-like 2Al2O3.3SiO2 at about 950 C and mullite formation at...
30 December 2019 4,912 3 View
Mn is soluble in iron and so are solid solubility of their oxides. Si comes from clay and gangue, and also rocks that surrounds the iron ore. what about geological association of P and S with Fe?...
30 December 2019 7,326 1 View
Suppose high temperature (200-400 C) and pressure (1-20 atm). Will this process be an artificially accelerated weathering? rock/soil/and/clay of typical global surface composition may be assumed...
30 December 2019 8,828 2 View
Steel can have ferrite and pearlite, but they are microscopically distinguished only after etching. rolling of modern day steel sheets also do not have such watermark pattern in general. What...
30 December 2019 5,708 0 View
If experimentally such is done, what would be reactants and products? is it possible for lime and wustite rich BOF slag to feed int blast furnace if the pig iron contains low phosphorus?
30 December 2019 5,471 0 View
How entering of triiodide ion into starch coils change electronic structure of iodine? iodine is post-transitional element, so , can ligand field theory be applied here? How the electronic...
30 December 2019 6,785 3 View
Separate evolution of Pinnation on various distant spermatophyte clades possibly indicate a strong urge to convergent evolution of pinnation. Then why is it not universal? But still why this trend...
30 December 2019 5,356 3 View
I am a materials science (and metallurgy) student and geology enthusiast. Comparing these two subjects side by side, I have found out some interesting pattern. Ironmaking slag has 40-45% CaO,...
30 December 2019 3,426 3 View
Gangue or tailing content harmful effect are not asked. Is it safe to touch ash melting slag, blast furnace slag and steelmaking slag separately at cold state, if they are not too sharp-pointed?...
30 December 2019 3,956 1 View
graphite is less dense than molten iron, and steel has higher melting point than cast iron. is the way asked in question can provide satisfactory segregation? if yes, then how? (alloying and heat...
30 December 2019 924 0 View
I need to require heat generation and equalization methods that are implemented during various equilibration process (e.g.nvt,npt) . If i do not know about thermal behavior of boundary (e.g....
30 December 2019 6,174 0 View
Iron is 4th most abundant element of earth crust, and there are about 10-20% Fe or below iron minerals/rocks/sands/clays at huge quantity that cannot be leached by traditional means, like red...
30 December 2019 5,321 5 View
Suppose, the size distribution of some material particles are known. (e.g. sand, coke, salt etc.), and fractal dimension of particles (with respect to surface area and volume scaling across...
30 December 2019 1,468 0 View
Permanent magnetization of Magnetite or other minerals is not possible by earth's weak magnetic field and very low residual magnetism of natural minerals. So, some rare permanent-magnetized...
10 December 2019 8,972 0 View
All organs are not equally damaged by same amount of radiation dosage. But, on which basis equivalency is measured? (i..e 1 gray in this organ equals 10 sievert) Is it arbitrarily qualitative or...
21 November 2019 7,878 6 View
Please explain objects that are required on a day-to-day basis (e.g. GPS, and not Gravitational wave for general relativity;STM, and not entanglement for Quantum mechanics, Anisotropic stress...
21 November 2019 6,128 3 View
Any synthetic analogue of Hemoglobin or any other Xenobiological agents can be cited as example. Please provide links and references.
21 November 2019 9,073 4 View
Is transparency of organic compound crystal depends only on whether polymeric chain entanglement (disorderly arrangement) is on the order of wavelength of light or not? and whether the molecular...
21 November 2019 4,243 4 View
curves' curvature is simply radius of osculating circle inverted. A surfaces' curvature varies with orientation of plane that cuts the surface into curve-but at two orientations, curvature...
21 November 2019 5,311 2 View
For example, water surface depressed by putting floating needle on water, or feet of water strider insect, whose surface can be expressed by an equation
21 November 2019 7,360 2 View
Suppose avg. grain size, crystal structure, young's Modulus, fracture strength, velocity of sound and surface roughness of both the crushed crystals (before and after crushing ) and the crushing...
21 November 2019 4,613 2 View
I know reduction reaction of Silica with carbon, also principle of Zone refining or single-crystal generation process. I also heard of silicon chloride purification process,But I know not ore...
20 November 2019 1,017 4 View
Research on zinc extraction, sintering, and tuyere reinjection are ongoing, but what are its present industrial uses? (from Bangladeshi Steel mills, they are bought for about 0.3-0.4 $/kg)
20 November 2019 10,000 3 View
Rice husk ash is increasingly being used in silicon production for electronics, which is required to be cleaned off water soluble alkali (and alkaline earth, to some extent) oxides. In Agriculture...
20 November 2019 3,815 2 View
Please explain concisely, just like Nucleus can be cellular nucleus or atomic nucleus from perspective of biophysics
20 November 2019 7,737 3 View
Suppose lance leak in BOF, cooling water lining leak in induction furnace/EAF roof, or unsorted scrap containing perfume/aerosol cans/gas cylinders charged into furnace. Practices are paramountly...
17 November 2019 7,662 0 View
Which molecular properties cause oil rancidification other than unsaturated C-C bond? Does ester bond braking rancidification continue without moisture?
16 November 2019 6,193 1 View
Cast iron is metal, not ceramic. But it is brittle, and quite strong. What can be additives that can be added to increase its strength, corrosion resistance and high temperature stability so that...
16 November 2019 6,951 3 View
Usually explanation of glass transparency is given on its amorphous nature, and its short range order is of much smaller range of visible light. But crystallized glass do have lattice parameters...
16 November 2019 1,586 2 View
This can be a possible biological extraction method for iron ore extraction from the soil that would be too lean to be ore. as i know, bog iron deposits do not regularly correspond with location...
16 November 2019 2,510 1 View
Active vs. passive matrix is explained in popular science websites as simultaneous turning on-off, one row or one pixel at a time or power efficiency. But how are they related to "matrix" active...
16 November 2019 5,730 3 View
Ni in austenitic steel, is commonly said, imparts strength and stabilizes face centered cubic structure, and has less role to play in corrosion resistance. For Pure iron, alpha-iron is also...
16 November 2019 4,592 3 View
Endothermic reaction nature in presmelting stage requires thermal input in pre-reduction. If oxygen introduction for combustion heat generation is allowed, reduced iron ores will oxidized again....
16 November 2019 9,245 2 View
I am a materials science undergrad, interested to know the algorithms for numerical integration of equation of motion in computational materials science, like molecular dynamics. It is said that,...
13 November 2019 4,019 2 View
Damping of oscillation by interstitial atom movement through lattice shows a damping peak. Why the damping is frequency dependent, while interstitials transit from site to site, and restoring...
13 November 2019 7,756 1 View
From the following source ( https://image.slidesharecdn.com/01a-140115100256-phpapp01/95/inclusion-control-for-clean-steel-10-638.jpg?cb=1389780338 ) automotive steel sheets and line pipes can...
13 November 2019 7,491 4 View
Suppose, I require simulation of adding 0 to 10% carbon in steel with 0.01% interval and heating from 300K to 1800K and again cool to 300K with specified cooing rate, and dump whole...
13 November 2019 5,346 0 View
Is it possible to construct steel making furnaces, with three separate cases- Arcing of electric arc furnace with bath motion of induction furnace Electric arc furnace with top/bottom/combined...
13 November 2019 5,266 2 View
The misconception of Cloud-cloud collision is unable to show continuous triboelectric effect and charge differentiation of clouds. Rather, now charge exchange. Rather, wikipedia mentioned charge...
08 November 2019 9,383 2 View
Does Martensite form in all alloyed metals that are BCC at ambient and FCC at higher temperature, and can accept same alloying element in various interstices at both FCC and BCC structures? I know...
05 November 2019 9,512 3 View
Mercury can amalgamate both very active and very noble metals, with exception of Fe, Pt, W,Ta. Why and how Mercury can combine with such diverse array of metals but not these ones? Some answers...
05 November 2019 797 0 View
What are the Geo-physico-chemical steps and mechanisms to form animal and (rare) fungal fossils? how some organic chemical signature from the species (like Sterane from Cryogenian sponge)...
05 November 2019 1,284 2 View
What are the possible bio-geological and mineralogical sources of Na+ and Cl- ions in seawater ?(which minerals and geological event like major weathering events in Precambrian and Phanerozoic,...
05 November 2019 1,270 12 View
Why shape of an orbital calculated by solving schrodinger's equation on hydrogen atom is closely followed by other atoms, even when net force on an individual electron is no longer central and...
04 November 2019 9,914 2 View
using de broglie's formula, electron with a drift velocity of few mm/s has de broglie wavelength at radio or microwave frequency range. Does this have any significant implication. i.e....
04 November 2019 4,483 3 View
What are the causes and mechanisms of plastic deformation of ceramics, polymers, composites acros macro, micro and nano scales? how theses mechanisms can be compared with metal? please provide...
04 November 2019 3,893 3 View
what is mass-based and volume-based energy storage capacity of ATP and typical carbohydrates? Is it possible for an autotroph to be evolved/found that convert sunlight into energy of ATP, store...
04 November 2019 7,759 2 View
Magnetic particles, especially iron rust and magnetic fraction of placer deposits, although granular and dry, form spikes and troughs pointing directly to or away from (parallel to) magnetic...
31 October 2019 8,268 4 View
I had separated magnetic fraction of typical construction sand obtained from river. Being a Student from Bangladesh, I can readily infer the riverine sand to be source from eastern Himalayas...
31 October 2019 9,909 1 View
Octo-Alloy, also called Ashtadhatu, is a traditional alloy to produce religious idols, ornaments and sculptures in indian subcontinent. My question regarding the alloy is According to wikipedia,(...
30 October 2019 4,790 4 View
Has there been any extensive work on Bowen's reaction series for lava/magma fractional crystallization bases on rigorous thermodynamics and chemistry viewpoint? Please let me know if there is any...
03 October 2019 651 3 View
How Newton's law of motion can be derived from Schrodinger's equations? How velocity and acceleration expectation values can be calculated from Schrodinger's equation, like position expectation...
02 October 2019 2,702 3 View
Planetary interiors have pressure and temperature far different from surface, and both physics and chemistry takes unexpected turns on this region. Is there any good textbook or overview article...
01 October 2019 5,517 1 View
Does a superfluid have zero viscosity or zero surface tension or both? Does not zero surface tension guarantee creeping against gravity? if so, then why Wikipedia mentions only zero viscosity? (...
01 October 2019 3,032 6 View
in steel smelting reduction (SR), especially 2- stage SR, Oxygen bottom-blowing is necessary for bath smelting, so is top lancing. Precisely these two are required for basic oxygen steelmaking...
29 September 2019 6,838 0 View
My specific questions on bioinspired photonics include Are there specific diatom species that are more suitable for forming photonic crystals? what can be possible natural habitat for the...
26 September 2019 8,407 0 View
is there any major design difference in between smelting reduction (SR) Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) and steelmaking EAF? since present day EAF are capable of oxygen lancing or blowing like basic...
25 September 2019 9,152 1 View
is there any example of a ceramic that is ductile at its bulk form? if yes, then how is it possible? why ceramics' brittleness explained for dislocation immobility in terms of differently-charged...
22 September 2019 4,261 2 View
Is it true that mixing lime with sugar gives a sticky substance? if so, why? does it have anything to do with aldol condensation of claisen-schmidt condensation? to find out, I ran a small...
22 September 2019 2,821 0 View
(The image is taken from wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periodic_table_(crystal_structure) , and I claim no originality of creating the image) The reason of the following structures are...
01 January 1970 3,901 3 View
I have an idea to run some computational phase diagram codes on OpenCalphad , for a rather strange purpose ( see my question...
01 January 1970 9,195 1 View
For a complex alloy (suppose Al-Si-Mg-Fe-Cu) , there are multiple linked potential files available in interatomic potential repository, but only a single potential file suffices for...
01 January 1970 8,662 2 View