185 Questions 459 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Brad Jesness
Basic Psychology Research Preparation: Isn't the time/space(place) to look for specifics __when one knows the time/space they are in? It is proper contextualization (with a correct process and...
02 February 2020 9,729 3 View
Why is there a bias against inductive reasoning and in favor of deductive reasoning in the social sciences? First, to establish there IS a bias: It is OFTEN said (really as if it were a defining...
01 January 2020 8,407 5 View
Quick answer : NO (and why on Earth would you expect we are? (or that we on ourselves, by ourselves, naturally would be?
12 December 2019 2,388 1 View
What do we mean when we say an animal consciously and "actively" DOES something; we often do not have a real answer (that truly adds something) do we? Often, at least with humans, we speak of...
10 October 2019 3,558 2 View
Do we lack imagination for how great our imagination (representation of "things" INCLUDING ACROSS CIRCUMSTANCES/SITUATIONS ) can be? Why would this NOT be the case? There ARE profound reasons to...
09 September 2019 6,809 4 View
If humans are so "complex", is it always harder to understand human behavior [patterns] than to understand similarly functioning patterns in other animals? NO !! Of course not: we see as other...
05 May 2019 884 1 View
For one reason, and maybe a more direct one, it has to do with issues of the nature of visual working memory and visual long-term memory (very important, general issues). For a great Article on...
05 May 2019 1,008 5 View
What is the nature of fundamental requirements for one to conceive and develop General Artificial Intelligence (AGI)? I would think, at the core, would be a modeling of the great adaptations of...
05 May 2019 7,869 3 View
Many things ("behaviors") are 'explained' on sensorimotor bases (but THIS unable to be shown -- in any reasonable empirical way, directly OR indirectly); at this same time in Psychology, Piaget is...
05 May 2019 881 9 View
In phenomenology related to Psychology, I believe I have seen sets of related-similar circumstances, occurring in nature which contrasted (differed) seemingly only a single way. At least some of...
05 May 2019 4,719 2 View
Isn't grounding all interactions (& our understanding of particular interaction) best done by better understanding the Memories AS (being) EXPERIENCE ITSELF? I see this as one of the 2 consistent...
05 May 2019 811 5 View
What view of the environment do modern Psychology theories and research give us? I see it as very superficial (often vague ; more related to terminology or to concepts or to models THAN TO REAL...
02 February 2019 1,881 2 View
If Psychology continues (even thoughtlessly) with its baseless, unproven, and (actually) UNLIKELY-true (i.e. likely false) core assumptions, won't just a lot of very poor research be done and none...
02 February 2019 8,980 6 View
Are many/most "interdisciplinary" studies BAD 'science'? I think, perhaps, because their findings are not integratable except on basically the basis of intuition * (MUCH...
02 February 2019 4,333 1 View
Here is my proposal for an OVERALL, good, thorough definition which holds TRUE OF ALL LEGITIMATE SCIENCE: ALL science refers to the ability to replicate KEY OVERT OBSERVABLE circumstances and...
01 January 2019 6,843 6 View
I am thinking of Psychology researchers and theorists. Is it their duty to science to investigate the possibilities of important new tools and possible discoveries that involve empiricism at its...
01 January 2019 7,771 6 View
In the extensive essays on Ethogram Theory there is noting [in a sense] of the sufficiency of the simple types of associative learnings, for progress in what is known (for learning in-general);...
12 December 2018 8,296 0 View
To think about this, just realize that by the definitions (found) of the Memories they, operating together, ARE EXPERIENCE ITSELF. Now, look at the psychology research (much or most of it) and...
10 October 2018 3,789 2 View
Here is what I just now had to write to them: I noticed you changed "Contributions" under the Profile to "Research". ... Not all consider all Contributions as Research (in ANY regular sense)....
10 October 2018 5,239 0 View
Some of the requests for big answers (to basically the same set of related topics), again and again, are not fair to me. It often seems you are asking for BIG answers, when I have already written...
07 July 2018 9,341 0 View
If Ethogram Theory is correct and so MANY others have been so VERY wrong for so VERY LONG (and they will actually seem to have been quite stupid): Will there be enough crows on Earth for all the...
07 July 2018 8,412 0 View
I say a big "Yes" (big time, big time). And there is VERY LITTLE TO NOTHING to counter MOST of this phenomenon at all [(but, then again, you do have me)]. (For example (with some humor):...
07 July 2018 4,106 34 View
Why is it and how is it that we have great toleration for, and [in fact , often] great pleasure with/for, and satisfaction with, great "complexity" ? OFTEN, though we really can or [ maybe even ]...
07 July 2018 3,750 0 View
While a new theory with its Memories' capacities/natures/capabilities, _AND_ WITH realist innate guidance aspects coming into behavior patterns throughout ontogeny, may well be easiest to find and...
07 July 2018 2,311 0 View
I have recently obtained most-'reputable' textbooks in General Psychology, Personality Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Cognitive Science and I have seen: The ONLY theories represented...
07 July 2018 2,681 2 View
It seems to me that working memory (involving the episodic buffer AND some -- to all the types -- of the Memories) is constantly at work and is our very experience itself. Thus, I cannot see how...
07 July 2018 4,535 22 View
NOTE: when I ask this question I am asking if analytic philosophers ever analyze a whole theory in/of a separate, independent field of study (and not a "philosophical theory"; another NOTE: here I...
07 July 2018 5,369 0 View
I believe we need standards to look at psychology and "psychology" to not get confused or mislead or falsely enamored, and to have standards to see what Psychology views and approaches have good...
07 July 2018 4,448 1 View
Indeed: They use a bad set of unproven baseless assumptions (both the REALLY-bad guys and the relatively more acceptable -- but still unacceptable). They conjure up (in their "minds" with...
06 June 2018 4,418 5 View
Clearly. Yes. AND, this is because of baseless, unjustified, unproven and likely false core/"foundational" pseudo-'assumptions' which unreasonably constrain possibilities for explanation (and...
06 June 2018 9,622 0 View
Isn't it pure psychoticism to have the most fundamental unit of analysis of a presumed foundational behavior pattern of AN organism INCLUDE MORE THAN ONE ORGANISM'S BEHAVIOR necessarily (or really...
06 June 2018 3,007 3 View
Why do philosophers seem to think that EVERY WORD is a concept they can understand unto/by/as itself?? That is frankly and clearly STUPIDITY beyond belief. It is lack of contact with Reality....
06 June 2018 2,780 19 View
I was going to word the question in a longer version: "Neuroscience madness: what patterns in the brain can we look for if we have not tracked the development of behavior patterns and then know...
06 June 2018 9,724 0 View
Psychology AS A SCIENCE (as good as ANY other "natural" science) is the study of (1) ONLY behavior patterns, with at least SOME _MAJOR_ foundation(s) in/of OVERT, directly-observable behavior...
06 June 2018 9,919 3 View
Re: cognitive-developmental psychology: Is it a bad sign if one has only done ONE thing in her/his entire lifetime? This is basically, in part, a confession. If you knew how true the "one...
06 June 2018 9,880 7 View
Is there any foundation to executive and "meta" processes? OR, are they simply "self-evident" and seen "as measured"?? I can assure all that they are NOT rationally or logically REQUIRED for...
06 June 2018 8,285 2 View
I am still of the mind that it is possible to have a science of Psychology where the only things studied are behavior patterns and associated environmental aspects. AND: Key to this is finding...
06 June 2018 7,765 17 View
You can follow my ethology perspective and approach, or (I guess) start anew -- which would be quite foolish. Mine is the only REAL "game" around, that is perfectly clear; YOUR notion that...
05 May 2018 2,890 0 View
I, of course, say YES. But, also, there is a question of when (where/how, as well) that a containing system needs to be discovered. In the case of the more intangible psychology (like much of...
05 May 2018 8,938 0 View
No. Philosophers should not be concerned about what could be without, at some real and abiding "level" (way), being MORE than concerned with what IS -- they should (actually: MUST) discover * the...
05 May 2018 8,687 2 View
There have been several learning theorists now that speak of non-associative influences on learning. Here are some quotes from a few: (My important Comments follow the quotes, below.) QUOTES From...
05 May 2018 264 6 View
Yes, babies . [ Otherwise what are you doing? ; on what basis? Major confusionS are not apt to "sort themselves out". ] [ You cannot just "hack away" at "it" , because you must always refine...
05 May 2018 9,296 1 View
Is the final answer for understanding behavior in physical terms BRAIN ACTIVITY? Perhaps, eventually, this will indeed be part of a good understanding. BUT, brain activity DOES NOT (as seen)...
05 May 2018 4,551 2 View
The question I really wanted to "kick off" this thread: Why would local (times/spaces) -- any number considered singly (or reflected on afterward and/or considered together in ways -- but still as...
05 May 2018 3,492 7 View
[ Note: I am not finished with my studies of philosophy and may thus be partially ignorant. ] But, I have had some repeated impressions, and I have yet to see any "non-violators" (see qualitative...
04 April 2018 5,690 2 View
Is the following list the characteristics of the things which are the bases of psychological understandings for General Artificial Intelligence? The material, below, from...
04 April 2018 3,269 1 View
Let me elaborate a bit: Psychology Researchers and Theorists: If your findings and Theories aren't good and CLEAR (clearly and explicitly empirically-based and well-founded) enough for Artificial...
03 March 2018 1,421 3 View
NO, of course not, not even if it seems consistent with all we know. Relatedly: QUIT THINKING UP HYPOTHETICO-DEDUCTIVE SYSTEMS, to use. If this is what you do, and if such a way of thinking is...
03 March 2018 9,879 1 View
I can assure you my way is empirical and all major hypotheses are directly testable (via direct observation of overt behavior patterns). It is a viable approach, with all testable hypotheses, and...
03 March 2018 10,060 9 View
Re: A Human Ethogram: Its Scientific Acceptability and Importanc... Though many may not know about it: Piaget described TWO sorts of equilibration: one, a good balance between assimilation...
03 March 2018 1,988 1 View
WHAT? "Non-conscious perception": isn't that an oxymoron; isn't anything like that SENSATION?? NO. Such conclusions involve one believing he/she knows all the sorts of species-typical basic,...
03 March 2018 2,982 2 View
[ I understand that looking at evolutionary roots is ONE thing ethologists do, but that is much less important than the other aspects of ethology, i.e. than observation and seeking an ethogram....
02 February 2018 6,285 0 View
No. This notion or belief, and THAT is all it is, no matter what BIG impacts on thinking it has, and no matter what big effects such beliefs have in creating firm limitations on thinking (not...
02 February 2018 5,579 3 View
AWAY ! Unfortunately. Nowadays, proximate explanations are, at least almost always, in terms that are neurobiological, endocrinological, or molecular-genetic . There usually appears to be...
02 February 2018 1,138 2 View
I want to present you with a possible particular concrete example (instance) of a perceptual shift, i.e. the inception of a stage shift (in 'seeing' and [at first, very vaguely,] in some sense IN...
02 February 2018 1,679 2 View
Indeed. And, this is what I have tried to provide in the Project,...
02 February 2018 8,994 3 View
My "book", my complete COLLECTION of nearly all my essays here on researchgate, are now found DIRECTLY at Now the nearly complete collection of essays (RIGHT HERE) _B... ( essays related to...
01 January 2018 4,334 0 View
If only we could see ourselves, truly, "outside the box". The Answer to "the problem" is in the problem-response itself. The problem could be called "the philosophy of/for the lack of progress...
01 January 2018 6,331 0 View
I am sorry (truly) that, briefly, I am "back", but Psychology is so messed up that occasionally I have to more expressly comment on yet another aspect, especially if it is seen as basic or...
01 January 2018 8,672 7 View
Perhaps many would say: No, or not likely (since nothing much has changed in about 100 years). (Of course, you could "check me out"; my attempts at contributing may help; maybe others could and...
01 January 2018 1,141 2 View
Shouldn't I provide a shorter (or graduated) way to see what I am all about? Well, here is an attempt at that : I (myself) avoid (eschew?) defining anything, I have viewed attention as an...
01 January 2018 5,235 1 View
I have outlined a view of a total combination (no separation) between major sets of behaviors (actually behavior PATTERNS) AND that which is innate. This allows us to potentially come to actually...
01 January 2018 4,744 0 View
If we continue to be so literal and perpetuate this, won't we become the stupidest animal on the face of the Earth? --> Yes, we will.
01 January 2018 4,445 3 View
When someone who has been following you, decides not to, wouldn't it be nice if they were offered the opportunity to state the reason why they stopped following? (Of course, providing this...
12 December 2017 1,007 7 View
See my last Update to my " Human Ethology and Development (Ethogram Theory)" Project (in particular, it is classified as a Research Item) for most all of my researchgate posts (306 pages in a...
12 December 2017 3,110 0 View
Let me try to provide an answer by sharing a relevant essay I wrote to a friend. (This contains that "shortest description".) Let me answer "What is your definition of 'innate guidance'? " in...
12 December 2017 5,580 2 View
A new Yahoo Group: "A Human Ethogram": https://uk.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/humanethogram/info Towards A Human Ethogram: This group is about approaches that are 100% empirically-based & these...
12 December 2017 4,193 6 View
In the essays in all my Questions (asked) and Answers (given), here on researchgate, there is (in effect) a LONG book of related concepts and issues dealt with. You are welcome to read my...
11 November 2017 3,579 0 View
I am wondering: Do Analytical Philosophers basically just "fine-tune" concepts AFTER a major view has been accepted/adopted by psychology researchers/theorists? Do Analytical Philosophers ever...
11 November 2017 5,962 4 View
I would say: no. I have found that it is possible to "feel" (on a good basis) such a "match". And since behavior patterns and behavioral development through ontogeny ARE biological, your...
11 November 2017 1,699 0 View
Do modern developmental psychology theories reflect the possible richness of the 'environment' OR the rich, often subtle, behavioral response patterns? [ I have 'environment' in quotes because...
11 November 2017 8,175 4 View
There was an attempt previously to pose this important Question, but the writing needed editing and clarification, plus many ancillary remarks/extensions. The Question hopefully has been well put...
11 November 2017 8,728 6 View
Quoting Pei Wang in the 2012 masterwork Theoretical Foundations of Artificial General Intelligence: On a theory of real artificial intelligence: "... still a small number of AI researchers who...
11 November 2017 9,310 0 View
Let me ask it the longer way, which I really wanted and needed to: Have technologies, with the importance of, AND essentially the role of, a MICROSCOPE been developed which could be used for the...
11 November 2017 7,745 1 View
BIG OVERALL QUESTION: How would one outline the steps in their building of a model that at all points was consistent with what we know about memory? : IN PARTICULAR, I am talking about the...
11 November 2017 6,775 1 View
Can species-typical qualitative changes in learning (with ontogeny) be related to ANYTHING (distinct and directly observable in the environment and in the response) of the individual human? If...
11 November 2017 6,521 0 View
Does assuming the likelihood of cognitive stages make the empirical foundation of psychology (ontogeny) easier? [ And, stages/levels of cognition ARE NOT based on anything UNLIKELY -- in FACTS,...
11 November 2017 4,414 0 View
I would say the answer is clearly "yes", because of their insistence on actual physical activities (sensori-motor behaviors), literally being internalized, as the basis of thinking. This would...
10 October 2017 1,015 6 View
If you can't define a standard for empiricism in a field (pretty much "as a whole", i.e. an over-arching view), THEN how can anyone judge "how empirical" any [other] given perspective is? As...
10 October 2017 4,747 7 View
[ Of course, I will provide my own view, as one argument: Simply see my last Answer of earlier today under, the question...
10 October 2017 3,187 1 View
Doesn't the Artificial Intelligence field need TO WORK-IN developmental processes (ontogeny) IN THE true-intelligence emulators to understand and track the changing and hierarchical nature of...
10 October 2017 1,075 2 View
Normally, in psychology, one piece of research never means much; but hypothetically it could. If someone could show in one clear research project (with eye-tracking technology and...
10 October 2017 7,371 1 View
Here is how I would state the Question in a bit-longer form: Isn't a major central question of AI (and OF psychology)(and related to biology principles as well): How can "something" be (in much...
10 October 2017 6,188 2 View
My answer: Being able to reliability communicate, with relative ease, a correct and good summary of a lot (a rather large "amount" -- covering or "containing" much) of verifiable phenomenology...
10 October 2017 6,608 4 View
People who follow me (and I can't follow back): It would be extremely likely I would follow you back, if I could. Explanation, below. Importantly: PLEASE Message me and tell me about any of your...
09 September 2017 9,603 3 View
The very arguably VERY LIKELY real, not considered (but, in-fact, rejected out-of-hand, distinctly based on groundless/baseless BELIEFS): significant new innate guidance to learning emerging at...
09 September 2017 2,686 0 View
I should note: that I am talking about NEW aspects of behavior patterns (I have no argument with the idea that things-known can be "put together", though not in qualitatively new ways). Truly NEW...
09 September 2017 7,503 2 View
[ I shall concentrate on my science of interest (and what I know about) : psychology (cognitive-development psychology, in particular). Still, the principles I try to indicate should be of a...
09 September 2017 4,812 0 View
[ This is a thoroughly empirical cognitive-deveopmental approach to research and theory.] I have tried to conceive of what possible overt behavior-pattern aspects AND clearly observable...
09 September 2017 7,506 1 View
After writing one's central position paper(s), it seems to me that following that up by reading all the seemingly relevant posts HERE (all relevant content-wise and/or perspective-wise), and...
09 September 2017 2,488 0 View
If one presupposes (and that is what it is: presumption/belief, and not well established or well-founded assumption) that the development of each and all of the hierarchical levels of thinking...
09 September 2017 331 0 View
Yes. And, I could also give you the answer [as I indicated (or implied), elsewhere] that innate guidance for new types of learning just gives us new types of learning, and we still have all the...
09 September 2017 9,275 2 View
What is really central in real thinking (its development)? I say: special and especially important PROXIMATE causes that are, at necessary times (points in development (ontogeny)), observable. ...
09 September 2017 4,877 1 View
You can offer-up your views. Instead of repeating over 7 pages of my critiques, I will just let you know where they are: I have provided my feedback at the following locations: The critiques I...
09 September 2017 320 0 View
Here is my point of view as an ethologist: I think in terms of NO hierarchies (or "behavioral levels") which I have not seen the evidence of: the development of (AND in terms of directly...
09 September 2017 2,268 0 View
My partial answer: It would differ, because we would not want it to make needless or destructive errors, as it is refined. (This is my view, anyway; feel free to present other views.) Is building...
08 August 2017 5,816 31 View
Why do psychologists, etc. just keep making things up? You should outline a system of thought (and observation/action and/or a VIEWPOINT which will lead to observations, actions) that clearly...
08 August 2017 8,048 0 View
Each person is in a "box" (with respect to their thinking -- even me); isn't it important to recognize precisely what your "box" is? Your box may be more open or closed. Many need not only think...
08 August 2017 4,876 0 View
I say so. [Re: full, direct, proximate empirical grounding* (distinct, clear and replicable):] All science should be at least be clearly and beyond doubts pointing that way (i.e. at least clear...
08 August 2017 4,929 7 View
I submit that if Skinner was forced to/or came to accept major concepts related to cognition and cognitive development, AND had the new technologies (esp. eye-tracking) THEN he would happily see...
08 August 2017 6,645 2 View
I am presently doing my best to make SURE OF IT. For decades psychologists have shown themselves impervious to rationality and reasoning (and cannot even conceive of behavior in a truly...
06 June 2017 10,070 5 View
What clear (seen-the-same, agreed upon), fully empirically-based behavior PATTERNS can be DISCOVERED _AND_ how does one behavioral element in a pattern(s) DEFINE others (and vice versa)?["Clear"...
05 May 2017 1,428 1 View
If there are "forces at work" wanting to continue to have certain questions, at the expense of having a way to get important answers (related to these very questions), then this would be very...
05 May 2017 9,450 3 View
Isn't the only way to well understand resultant behaviors to "get ahead" of them? AND, wouldn't this necessarily have to do with better understanding PERCEPTION _AND_ THAT including any innately...
05 May 2017 9,150 2 View
Another, longer version of the question: Is hypothetical "social learning" (with no direct evidence) a major false "crutch" for NOT seeing the individual organism and major ways it encounters...
05 May 2017 3,105 5 View
I am finding it difficult to find readings I find beneficial by reviewing the listings on my RG Home page. Perhaps some of the people who follow me (and are reading this) could send me or direct...
04 April 2017 9,116 0 View
If the "journals" and other pressures keep producing nothing but psychologists doing junk, what hope is there? Most of the p
04 April 2017 1,556 11 View
Patterns (behavioral patterns) are an organismic thing. They are there and they are important: they contain all else that is important -- as they would in a biological organism (in ANY of its...
04 April 2017 8,070 0 View
Perhaps, the answer is "not very"; it may be advanced enough now. But, one may "lead a horse to water", but still it won't "drink". If one thinks the science of humans is possible and one...
03 March 2017 9,026 9 View
It seems often that philosophers are "hemmed in" by the 'parameters' of the views of psychologists OR is it the other way around? (or both)? (likely both). In any case, philosophers seem to only...
03 March 2017 7,407 18 View
I am asking because I see at least most of psychology as an embodiment of bad approaches: hinging clearly and mainly on intellectual speculations (heck, it seems as if philosophers do much of the...
03 March 2017 3,791 1 View
I am now going to go "out on a limb" and maximize my chances of looking stupid (if just because of omissions or editorial errors): (these standards are not meant to be unrealistic): Overview: If...
03 March 2017 1,296 1 View
There is a lot of popularity to embedded/embodied/enacted in new theorizing. What seems to be forgotten, in effect, is that it is fundamentally an individual [organism] 'embedded' in the...
03 March 2017 3,003 1 View
Why do "imaginable-that-it-can-happen because it is imaginable-that-it-could-happen" models seem so popular? My answer: desperation. To wit: We have more than one "imaginable-that-it-can-happen...
03 March 2017 9,769 2 View
[ This post is actually another negative critique of current embodied development 'theories' (also sometimes referred to as 'embedded' or enactive 'theories'). ] There are new 'theories' which...
03 March 2017 6,613 0 View
There seem to be so many pieces of research from basically unrelatable models or points of view; at least often, the results are hard to relate with/to other findings; the results certainly often...
02 February 2017 9,989 1 View
What other than "we stand on the shoulders of giants", and we look to find statistical significance, demonstrates actually knowing and taking responsibility for limitations? As you "stand on the...
02 February 2017 5,999 3 View
I will give my answer: Metacognition is like a view of the 'self' in the sense that there is evidence only that you necessarily (absolutely) need it for conventional social interactions (e.g....
02 February 2017 4,050 0 View
In my view, we owe it to ourselves, others (incl. other sentient beings), science and the Earth to have a full, real and justified perspective, so we can actually see ourselves completely,...
01 January 2017 6,389 0 View
Yep. RG is equating science with experiments. There may be those who like this, but experimentation is NOT THE ENTIRE SCIENTIFIC METHOD (and I would argue that experimentation is THE LEAST OF IT...
01 January 1970 4,199 9 View
If a very high % of higher ed. students think: "open my brain and just pour the knowledge in" we may be doomed in discovering things for bad sciences (with no one willing to look at whole systems...
01 January 1970 7,382 3 View
Why does no theory/view/perspective/approach make me think "it is amazing all the ways we are connected with so many aspects of our environment"? I think this does not happen because there are no...
01 January 1970 2,826 2 View
It has been quite a while since I have read such research, and more recently I have read only summaries: But, it seems to me, that results showing neuroscience correlates with some behaviors or...
01 January 1970 3,807 4 View
I must now, at least for a moment, speak more generally: FIRST: _YES_, I said DELUSION and meant it in its typical and serious meaning. We must curb clearly (when examined realistically and...
01 January 1970 4,636 2 View
I'll start by repeating the title, above: What psychologists have not yet realized is that eye-tracking technology, etc. ALLOWS FOR AN _OVERALL_ MORE EMPIRICAL APPROACH !! The new technologies...
01 January 1970 9,814 1 View
Everything must be clearly, and at the very least : in important ways tied to that which is real empiricism: DIRECT observation of most-relevant and major OVERT behavior patterns (including the...
01 January 1970 4,760 3 View
Sciences seek discoveries, NEW DISCOVERIES. Psychology tries to "put a round peg into a square hole". When fully explicated and explained (with many current, relevant examples given and...
01 January 1970 7,521 4 View
With so many permutations of so many diverse "things": the only way to provide a general alternative better view AND APPROACH will be WITH a full-fledged paradigm shift: What is offered must have...
01 January 1970 6,470 4 View
If you are in one of its fields & your view is that Psychology (in general (largely), usually, or [subjectively] "on-average") is a "jumble": how and why is this, in your view, and how can it be...
01 January 1970 7,001 3 View
Since Generalized AI has no human brain, they must be aware of all pertinent "external" behavior patterns and behavior pattern markers AND effective environmental aspects: Ethogram Theory with its...
01 January 1970 2,526 1 View
Much of this is quoted from elsewhere, but I think deserves its own thread: Kuhn, who I have always seen as having a only a partial (that is: just a "some-parts" understanding) of a paradigm,...
01 January 1970 6,265 2 View
A PARADIGM SHIFT in Psychology: A well-founded, well-justified perspective and approach & an approach with the BEST POSSIBLE concrete grounding is NECESSARY FOR AI (artificial intelligence) and...
01 January 1970 7,250 10 View
My view of, and approach to, cognitive development, including qualitative shifts (explained), could be understood, except for " ... BUT ...". If one could indeed rightfully leave one's...
01 January 1970 8,766 1 View
Simple, but ignored: What is good for General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) is good for Psychology (true understanding): this is SIMPLY (and this could not be more simple or clear) BECAUSE if the...
01 January 1970 9,389 9 View
We can no longer pick just "the most important thing"; RATHER making any field of human activity, in which you ARE personally much involved, empirically better will help not only that field but...
01 January 1970 3,860 2 View
Can anyone with great imagination "see" what I am pointing to in "A Human Ethogram ..." ? : In particular: I point to perceptual/attentional shifts as the manifestation of innate action patterns...
01 January 1970 4,878 0 View
Models and [ non-concrete * ] Mechanisms: Don't they seem to have the same problems with respect to actual phenomenology and what is real? Maybe they are temporarily necessary, but should be...
01 January 1970 6,685 3 View
For Physics: Instead of concentrating on, or even much looking at, the great predictions (e.g. nature of gravity ... and predicted consequences), let's look at parts THAT MAKE NO SENSE. (1)...
01 January 1970 8,802 33 View
One could argue that a much more empirical set of data, based on concrete and directly observable overt behavior patterns, detectable with eye-tracking technology, at key times, yet in "real...
01 January 1970 4,759 5 View
The following link is a good place to start (and it provides links to other writings):...
01 January 1970 7,698 1 View
That is the question, lover of life, lover of others, empiricist or scientist ; thus finding the actual sequences which are causation(s) (aka the proximate causes). Better and better 'seeing',...
01 January 1970 1,748 6 View
By the definitions *, the Memories comprise EXPERIENCE ITSELF: why not more research? I believe it is because of the prevalence of DUALISM in our societies: this leads to "it" (the Memories)...
01 January 1970 6,362 4 View
Eibl-Eibesfeldt's Ethology, the Biology of Behavior (second edition, 1975; in English) is a masterpiece in describing and summarizing classical ethology. That work, literally, gave me life. No...
01 January 1970 4,729 1 View
Re: New Note for Analytic Philosophers about what may be the NECESSARY NATURE of the correct perspective on the biology-of-behavior [patterns and systems] per se (behavioral science). This is...
01 January 1970 7,610 1 View
Can someone explain to me how "embodied" 'theory' explanations of the thinking of older children is not ridiculous? It seems needlessly constrained by analogies and strange things being posited...
01 January 1970 8,646 3 View
Ethogram Theory is the only way to understand personal phenomenological time and space as part(s) of major concepts * -- because, at its base, this theory relies on the Memories AS THEY ARE...
01 January 1970 6,262 1 View
It seems to me that you have shown that when a subject learns to do something, he uses that (which he has learned) again. What more is there to this and can you really demonstrate more? It seems...
01 January 1970 8,774 0 View
Is a human cognitive-developmental ethology/ethogram theory the only one that posits (at least at its inception) that we can discover everything? AND, does only it show all the things that really...
01 January 1970 9,591 0 View
It would be helpful for me, and likely others, to see a formal analysis of all the specific information and implicit (and explicit) conceptual [(structural)] knowledge (with effective...
01 January 1970 466 5 View
Have you realized and appreciated the likely problematic nature of the continued extreme dualism of 'learning' and innate factors? What if (as can be argued), in most significant instances it is...
01 January 1970 8,456 1 View
What can "straighten out" the mess that psychology is? I believe it is by coming to realize that SEVERAL basic assumptions (actually, just totally unproven beliefs) are incorrect and...
01 January 1970 390 3 View
I will address, JUST FROM THE STANDPOINT OF PSYCHOLOGY (i.e. behaviors and environmental aspects), ALONE, not only how robots can/will become conscious, but also how FULL artificial intelligence...
01 January 1970 2,147 1 View
There are, of course (correspondingly), "idiotic" Questions. And ridiculous speculations by-analogy (and by-analogy is always suspect). (An example of "Answers" by foundation-less and link-less...
01 January 1970 8,293 5 View
Not Psychology for Psychology, but open, tough, thorough, true, phenomenological empiricism: finding overt directly-observable patterns as the bases or foundations or clear beginnings of...
01 January 1970 940 2 View
Our thinking/representations can take and do take (and basically all, in effect, at once, phenomenologically) considerations of 4 truth-values: 1. A, 2. not A, 3. A and not A, 4. not A and...
01 January 1970 298 0 View
As one with a graduate degree in developmental psychology and as a long-time graduate student of cognitive psychology and cognitive science (and its theory, myself offering major critiques of...
01 January 1970 7,123 14 View
For example, with eye-tracking technology and computer-assisted data analysis, looking at numerous, extended sessions of real-time behavior: it is possible that IF THERE WAS A THEORY addressing...
01 January 1970 9,964 0 View
Since I have had to add a lot of behavioral specifications, I am compelled to ask: How bad are attempts at implementation of true/full artificial intelligence today and how are they bad? AI...
01 January 1970 434 5 View
What can one now accept except a new good core empirical theory, like my "A Human Ethogram ..." (NOW RESEARCHABLE, with new eye-tracking and computer analysis software). I contend it is...
01 January 1970 3,023 0 View
I'd say yes, unless you clearly have something "better" to do. (I am trying very hard to do the best I can on this problem.) [ For additional contributions I have not generally shared (publicly),...
01 January 1970 4,761 4 View
Why aren't you also looking for more "embedded-ness" in/with the environment? Really. Why? You can't just say "well, it does happen". HOW IS IT that real, concrete aspects of the environment are...
01 January 1970 4,024 7 View
Of course, I say (and have said): "Yes". Some of the major reasons are: (1) They cannot doubt major [pseudo-]'assumptions' that are very doubtful. (2) Related to (1), they cannot...
01 January 1970 2,822 1 View
How can you take or recommend a view or approach that will NEVER have any direct evidence? Embodiment has NO direct evidence for it (OR any direct evidence even clearly related to it) **, and...
01 January 1970 3,033 23 View
If one had a better assessment of animals' knowledge/representation/memory/experience would the concepts of metacognition and executive processes be necessary at all? Are those valid concepts?
01 January 1970 581 5 View
Think of what it would mean if there are: overall-important necessarily-seen (species-typical) behavioral achievements, and these are not only very important BUT also they would need explanation...
01 January 1970 5,765 1 View
Outside of infancy, it is at least largely nonsense, generated by stilted unimaginative psychologists with very poor bases and evidence for their theories. It is a fairy tale. Key required pieces...
01 January 1970 8,414 0 View
[ This essay ONLY addresses changes from evolution we can/could still see in behavior and is researchable -- provable or disprovable. ] Isn't it more than likely that evolutionary changes would...
01 January 1970 8,883 2 View
Why just sensori-motor? : How about at times (esp. later ages) also simply memory capacities working just with that which is perceptual (or perceptual/attentional) ? Forget imagining your own...
01 January 1970 3,352 4 View
I am looking for a critique of my list (in my answer, below) or for any significant additions you may have.
01 January 1970 7,164 6 View
Dear William M Baum I believe I have solved the philosophical realism problem at least with regard to ONTOGENY -- which is your concern; why start over? Really! There is no dualism in my...
01 January 1970 1,179 0 View
No more details need to be provided. You have only to read the Jan 26th "Human Ethology and Development" Project Update (in the LOG) and perhaps a few other updates to the "Human Ethology and...
01 January 1970 2,280 0 View
I have a Project on researchgate.net with a theoretical perspective that is consistent with evolution and biology AND is most certainly and thoroughly thinking about theory . It offers thoughtful...
01 January 1970 8,303 3 View
Isn't it true "embodied" 'theorists' and "META-cognition", etc. people just do not put 'enough stock' into the various memory capacities? AND THUS, they loose "track of" types of possible aspects...
01 January 1970 9,130 1 View
I think it is extremely important that it be seen that (and how) social development HINGES on individual developments which have occurred or are occurring, Without this part, psychology (of any...
01 January 1970 6,001 2 View
How do you see your Project, "Knowledge, Dexterity, and Attention" ( https://www.researchgate.net/project/Knowledge-Dexterity-and-Attention ), relating to the "Human Ethology and Development"...
01 January 1970 4,776 0 View
How confident can one be of a good cognitive-developmental ethological theory of human behavioral development? I cannot help but be very confident. In fact: I am wondering if I should fully and...
01 January 1970 760 8 View
Have you considered looking at things a different way: how about the role of context in the providing FOR attention in complementary interactions? --------------------- Let me elaborate: See my...
01 January 1970 1,431 1 View
[ RE-POSTED: IT DISAPPEARED FROM LIST and problems associating it with a Project ] Would you like to explore a perspective, a theory, that is as empirical as possible and yet also possible? That...
01 January 1970 3,981 3 View
When it comes to thinking, the deliberate (clear, conscious) parts of working memory are essentially the same (quantity-wise) as that of short-term memory: 7 + or - 2 "chunks". Now, there are...
01 January 1970 2,394 1 View
(see one of my last, previous posts for the perspective on Psychology)(not really much translation involved, in the following): The aspects of my perspective that are typically missing in AGI's...
01 January 1970 8,073 4 View
Yes, less reading, if students of Psychology simply require that ALL that they bother to read/read-about in this "discipline" should be that where behaviors are discussed clearly, and in clear...
01 January 1970 2,076 4 View
The nature and bases of abstract thought and processing can't continue to be unknown or confusing; we must relate each inception to key directly observable overt behavior patterns (and...
01 January 1970 3,418 2 View
At this point I will wait for a sign that you can "handle" it. I have provided sufficient guidance to the 1000 pages of essays, doing all can. You may put questions here (under this Discussion),...
01 January 1970 6,216 1 View
Let me say a bit more. A starting perspective MUST be core-observation _AND core-principle founded, and grounded on that which is minimally clearly related to directly observable overt...
01 January 1970 9,914 1 View
Editor/Co-author of my Collected Essays (on behavioral science) Needed I have approximately 1000 pages of essays on new, more-empirical perspectives for Psychology (esp. General Psychology and...
01 January 1970 232 3 View