Can someone explain to me how "embodied" 'theory' explanations of the thinking of older children is not ridiculous?

It seems needlessly constrained by analogies and strange things being posited ("forced" on the 'theorists' by likely-false, unfounded, unproven "assumptions" -- actually presumptions); it is not credible empirically; the evidence is so indirect and/or weak it more disproves the theories rather than supports them.

Also, corresponding to the lack of direct empirical referents (proximate causes), there ends up being little apparent connection to, or embedness WITH, THE ENVIRONMENT. This supposed "other side of the coin" is barely discussed or well-referenced (in reality) at all.

It is obviously irrationally (by analogy) just taking Piaget's well-documented and excellent sensori-motor findings and 'generalizing' that (really just by analogy) unto cognitive activities supposedly engaged in by older children (the supposed and very unlikely "co-actions" with the mother for social learnings are some good examples of truly unlikely occurrences 'hypothesized' for 'learning') .

It seems to me that the main reasons for these 'theories' are irrationally self-limited people, who cannot think of anything else. The impressively elaborate (though contorted) thought of Peter Konig, while perhaps making an impressive thought structure, gains nothing in credibility by that complexity.  In fact, to me, if a simple conveyance of something is not even possible, then it indicates a serious lack of validity.

I HAVE proposed alternatives (which may seem "strange", but not for long -- because they are empirically reasonable (and biologically likely), with testable hypotheses, given new modern eye-tracking and computer analysis software; yet you still no doubt have to have a good solid background to know how/where/when to look.

[ If you know a lot of my postings, you know I am at "war" with psychology over fundamental assumptions and the ramifications of those.  I cite 6 or 7 likely false "assumptions" (presumptions) of psychology and describe more-likely, more credible, alternatives. Psychologists have neither successfully attacked my positions (very arguably more likely and more biologically-congruent) NOR have they in any credible ways defended their own positions -- in almost a year now. ]

If few people even read this, the most likely explanation is fear of the professors, powers that be "in the system" -- what else is new??  Here is the way you can tell if the status quo forces control you: do you read only what professors have you read or what they recommend?  SIMPLE.

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