68 Questions 2K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hein Retter
Since many days I get after successful uploading a file the message of RG-system in red color: "An error has occurred. Please try again!" The message did always appear after pressing the blue...
02 February 2019 6,335 12 View
You can also express your thoughts and feelings in a fitting proverb. I would be happy to discuss them here.
01 January 2019 5,870 15 View
Although I click things away, always anew a have been asked the same question, systematically I tested all possibilities to react. Every day comes this question anew. I am exhausted now. This is a...
10 October 2018 4,769 9 View
In former times there was it no problem to upload a 7,8 MB-file. I hope there exist a solution for such kind of problems.
08 August 2018 986 2 View
I should like to change an uploaded text, designed as conference paper in a preprint. To use EDIT and change the type doesn't work. the type doesn't change in "preprint" in the contribution...
08 August 2018 1,895 3 View
RG member are always called to publish your research work at once, preprint, much - this delivers scores. Where perspectives of excellent long-time research suppressed and young reserchers...
07 July 2018 8,799 5 View
I am stimulated by the running question in RG, how to deal with old faculty professors to live in harmony with them? That's the counter-question here. What do you think?
07 July 2018 3,660 11 View
Today we have a big discussion about predatory journals, fake conferences etc. The thesis that forms the background to the question asked here is: If you do good research, you shouldn't begin or...
07 July 2018 2,241 17 View
Since some days I get the message by clicking the blue answer field: An error occurred, operator can be used only with paginated fields or array Unfortunately I cannot close the answer message,...
07 July 2018 972 13 View
Aristotle dedicates a great chapter in his Nicomachean ethics to friendship as an important virtue. Does friendship among scientists still play a role today? Who can say of his own life as a...
06 June 2018 3,788 74 View
I often get annoyed when I see that a simple question asked in RG is given by another colleague only a link (or many links) instead of an answer. I think that's below the level of scientific...
06 June 2018 2,768 28 View
My urgent appeal is addressed to all RG members, but above all to the RG Help Center team. Please comment on the following call for help, express your solidarity with the affected RG member (R.)....
06 June 2018 10,072 0 View
"Stoner" is an impressing novel, every university teacher (and student) should have read. I met the book in Oslo in a Norwegian issue some years ago, the German issue came some weeks later - and...
04 April 2018 4,153 3 View
Daily newspapers report how simple it is for everyone to become richer than ever before by bitcoin trade. There exists a platform for this. You have only to invest a small sum - without any...
04 April 2018 7,417 2 View
Thankfulness is a wonderful border crossing feeling. Sometimes in an unexpected situationy our heart is filled with great joy or deep happy feeling, it might arise from a surprising event or...
04 April 2018 7,058 24 View
A democratic state wants equality of educational chances for all children. The guarantee for equality of education is given in the responsibility of the public school system all children have to...
03 March 2018 9,526 7 View
There has been a long discussion about drugs, fighting against drug trade and dealers in former years. We have to ask anew that question I asked: as the best weapon against drug-related death...
03 March 2018 7,715 0 View
The question is stimulated by decisions of our children regarding their vocation after school, in addition stimulated by a current discussion. In Germany are carrier prospects extremely...
03 March 2018 307 4 View
In modern society of gender equality young women can go the way to become a mother and to be a house wife lifelong, or, at the other side, to prefer gaining high degrees in the educational...
03 March 2018 8,091 29 View
In our modern world we tend to be flexible, adaptable, busy, successful. But sometimes we are witnesses of injustice against other people or we hear or read morally problematic assertions, also...
03 March 2018 1,931 3 View
RG is starting a survey asking members why they don't publish preprints. I think, in special cases it could be an advantage to publish a paper which is not ready and "mature" in all details. But...
02 February 2018 3,534 3 View
Last week I got a friendly invitation to be a speaker at the WORLD EDUCATION DAY 2018 in Jinan (China), Website: http://www.worldeduday.org/ It is an anniversary big meeting with many...
02 February 2018 6,348 9 View
The "Guardian" writes today about the current political situation in Germany: "Angela Merkel has taken a crucial step towards ending a four-month period of political uncertainty by reaching a...
02 February 2018 7,685 2 View
It is a real problem for me and I ask you friendly, give an advice how to solve the problem or tell your experience or tricks. It is said in RG -help center that only an uploaded article (not...
02 February 2018 5,440 2 View
When working on a historical project of 20th century (incl. Nazi rule) often I have to do with the question: Should be the focus of interpretation my own view as knowing what happened or should...
02 February 2018 9,647 18 View
I am angry about RG that the systems often suggests to recommend articles which are not readable in RG but need a special request to the author. That is inconvenient. The system gives only the...
11 November 2017 1,408 3 View
"In 2015, 54.1% of tertiary students (university students) in the EU-28 were women", says EUROSTAT. In some EU-States is the percent value much higher, in other lower. That means: in our time...
01 January 1970 3,808 11 View
There exists a real problem in my research work, I am working in a field of absolutely controversial discussion about current historical questions. I intend to enrich published books or book...
01 January 1970 4,109 5 View
It would be helpful for me more to know about the biography of A.B. Zalkind/Salkind (Арон Борисович Залкинд) was a Russian psychiatrist. He was a follower of Freud's psychoanalysis, undoubtedly...
01 January 1970 10,002 3 View
I am annoyed that old articles which are published more than 70 years in the past - collected by services like JSTOR - don't be free for downloading, So I ask you: Should we demand that at...
01 January 1970 4,433 39 View
There was much debate on happiness in the running RG discussions about several subject-matters, this regards the happy relationship to RG
01 January 1970 4,611 4 View
As an individual RG user, should one be able to request that the weekly score for one's own activity be omitted? I don't like the score. Because I am often interested in many questions, I spend a...
01 January 1970 6,739 10 View
It always takes quite a long time until I finally start writing an important essay, if I think I keep telling myself: You should actually start now. When I finally get started, I have so much to...
01 January 1970 9,344 35 View
This is the question whether we should think more of the people close to us for the "feast of love" to give them a gift to enjoy, or should we give the money to aid organizations that fight hunger...
01 January 1970 4,752 4 View
At the moment, experiments of this kind are being carried out in Finland. But there is also an association in Germany that gives the chance to receive an unconditional basic income of 1000 Euro...
01 January 1970 2,309 9 View
US-President Donald Trump today is described as a "demagogue", by one of the leading political US-scientists, Prof. Robert Reich. (See:...
01 January 1970 9,930 77 View
It's a personal problem of a politician who is not able to realize his plan with democratic rules - in my view, what do you think?
01 January 1970 1,317 3 View
One is compelled to look in the mirror on certain occasions in the routines of everyday life. In the morning when we get up, or in the evening when we go to sleep, or in an undressed state after a...
01 January 1970 904 22 View
One might think that in a world full of stress, the one who is able to do without the constant glance at the wristwatch is happy. Who can still do that today - and what are the reasons for living...
01 January 1970 3,526 16 View
It's my birthday today and that's why I'm asking this question. I know that every child looks forward to his or her birthday: the anticipation of gifts plays the main role. It is always a...
01 January 1970 9,328 12 View
If there is a precious but limited asset to distribute within a community, then we have to consider which principle should be applied to be fair. What do you think? Should the responsible leader...
01 January 1970 9,769 22 View
Some academics consider it useful, others consider it indispensable, to direct one's efforts towards achieving the highest possible score in RG. This means investing time in interactions that have...
01 January 1970 5,952 24 View
In particular India and China tend to reduce birth and socializing of the female gender. There are much other societies where stately policy and long tradition lead to remarkable social...
01 January 1970 7,508 15 View
Everybody talks about climate change! I would like to discuss where during the last 5 years in the world particularly bad or good changes have occurred, how they are changing our lives and what...
01 January 1970 5,483 26 View
Reconstruction of Ancient Two-Dimensional Objects Its not my special field, but a was asked to say my opinion. Hein Retter
01 January 1970 6,815 0 View
That's a question that has long moved me. It has to do with the cultural tradition, but also with the differently valued role of the beard for male attractiveness. Men and women can have different...
01 January 1970 5,669 18 View
"They always tell me: "Move!" That should be healthy. I like to counter proven advice, in particular it is interesting whether there are different experiences and opinions to a certain sport. or...
01 January 1970 4,925 14 View
The soccer world championships have begun. Hence my question. There may be reasons to answer the question in the affirmative. But the practical experience can be completely different. What is your...
01 January 1970 2,084 24 View
I have been stimulated by the quotation of a manager who said: The ideal of a manager is the man who knows exactly what he cannot do and chooses the right people for it. But also in a...
01 January 1970 3,873 34 View
Present and future developments in multilingual environments As interested layman in the question is my thesis that im many centres of multilingual environments the situation accompanied by...
01 January 1970 4,668 2 View
Should a child's upbringing mean that preferably only good, but not bad experiences are made by them? To avoid bad experiences mean that children preferable should have no frustration and...
01 January 1970 4,975 11 View
My wife is always very angry when I don't turn off the light after I leave a room in the evening - or when I don't close the hot water tap properly. She always says, "This is an unnecessary waste...
01 January 1970 8,509 33 View
Most cultures, especially Jewish, Christian, Islamic cultures, separate religious and sexual life sharply. Sex is sin. It is, they said, cause of the deprived nature of man. That is the belief of...
01 January 1970 4,347 11 View
Happy New Year! Like every year 2018 began in Germany and other European countries with gigantic, earsplitting fireworks, apparently happiness (nearly) overall, only some fire workers lost their...
01 January 1970 6,127 7 View
The question has to do with a running discussion about the secret of a happy marriage, so I asked an additional question, which didn't be discussed before.
01 January 1970 2,116 10 View
My mother could memorize a poem with 32 verses - and she could memorize many classical poems and quotations from famous dramas. She had learned all that at school. With 10-12 years children are...
01 January 1970 5,456 8 View
Unfortunately I am not a researcher at this field. But I am much interested in the experience of people who can answer the question.
01 January 1970 5,296 5 View
Some scientists are best motivated by good weather, others by bad weather to write a scientific paper. Some need a certain temperature - or are affected by their motivation due to excessive heat,...
01 January 1970 3,132 16 View
One can still understand that Dewey did not mention W.E.B. Du Bois and his term color line. What I don't understand is that all his interpreters then (in his lifetime) and now - 100 yeas later -...
01 January 1970 2,987 3 View
It's the first time I've experienced this - although I've been living in the same place for 40 years. Two neighbors are fighting - with words, but terrible threats. In this case,was the starting...
01 January 1970 6,324 5 View
Often the reason for a decline in trust is a gradual alienation of the partner, sometimes it is a culpable behavior or a conflict which, due to different assessment of a circumstance reason for...
01 January 1970 6,335 13 View
This is not only about tradition, but also about health.
01 January 1970 8,849 15 View
We know the research of neurobiology, which negates the opinion that the human being has a free will (and needs a free will for ethically relevant decisions) - posed by showing that our brain...
01 January 1970 7,515 5 View
There are so many bad things in the world. Is there only one ore are there more causes? Is it possible to define the evil without reference to a concrete situation?
01 January 1970 10,173 11 View
I just read in another RG thread that the subject "history" for the education of primary school teachers has recently been dropped (in a certain state). After having taken part in RG-discussions...
01 January 1970 6,852 6 View
Do women suffer more from competitive pressure than men - or is the opposite true that they cooperate better than men? An exchange of experiences would be interesting.
01 January 1970 1,108 3 View
Animal experiments are scientific experiments on or with living animals. We also speak of laboratory animals. The aims of animal experiments are to gain knowledge in basic research and to develop...
01 January 1970 1,175 2 View
I usually have bad luck with my questions at RG. Either they are too under-estimating for others or too complex, that's my guess. Just now I was studying John Dewey and his educational theory. I...
01 January 1970 4,275 32 View