Aristotle dedicates a great chapter in his Nicomachean ethics to friendship as an important virtue. Does friendship among scientists still play a role today? Who can say of his own life as a scientist that friendship means a lot to him?
I would like to write my inner feeling frankly here, according to my experience and academic life:
An important element of the academic successes are largely influenced by the people around us such as friends and high-achieving academic performance depends on our atmosphere which we live, as we spend a lot of time in university therefore my answer to your nice question is 100% affected although our private life is also play an important role too, but a good friend can play the role of Motivator!
Dear Hein Thanks for this good question. yes i do agree that Friendship between scientist still play a huge role. once you are friends, you share your ideas freely and work together without personal difficulties. on my own friendship is long term investment, new ways of learning, and personality growth. Thanks
From my experience, friend ship in science is invaluable. Researchers that maintain long term friendships tend to engage in a broader variety of fields through collaborative efforts, which in turn give them new insights into their own research topics. The current, highly competitive structure of the academic landscape may make friendships seem less likely, but in ecology at least I've witnessed a lot of friendship based cooperative work.
Stephen Hawkings´and Roland Penrose's friendship is hardly ever discussed, but clearly was beneficial to both. They shared the Wolf Prize for physics in 1988 with their singularity theorems. Penrose has often seemed to me the more intellectually impressive of the two, having begun in pure mathematics, drawn to physics and then philosophy. It must be assumed that he deeply influenced the younger Hawkings, dealing with many of the same problems. Unlike Hawkings, Penrose made numerous discoveries and many cosmological phenomenon are named after him.
Probably the more innovative and remarkable mind of the two but without Hawkings' flair for publicity.
This is a very interesting question. If one accepts the classical understanding of friendship as promoting the excellences and virtues of both participants, and true friendship being only possible for wise people, then it would seem that friendship would improve the scientific capacities and achievements of real friends. Whether such a sort of friendship is possible today (or ever), is, perhaps, another relevant question. In addition to the example of Penrose and Hawking, I wondered if the example of the Marie and Pierre Curie might also fit?
My dear colleagues, in the meantime there are so many valuable answers arrived, I would like to react, in some cases going in details to a single participant of our discussion, in other cases more summarizing. Thank you in advance, Hein
Yes, friendship as a basis for communicating. We all know tough competition, harsh verbal abusive language due to different personalities and ideas, but nothing gets accomplished this way. Better start with a friendly attitude.
Dear Stanley, thanks for this tip, for me a big surprise, because I didn't think so famous people like Hawkings and Penrose. But here, too, the result of mutual friendship in scientific work has become so well-known that, irrespective of their fame, they naturally deserve to be named. I espeicially thought of our own biography as scientists. Here there are several opinions and theories, whether scientific improve creativity through closer emotional relationships with a friend who is also scientist. Especially in the field of creativity and scientific discoveries, the thesis has been held for a very long time that one is rather lonely with his discovery of a new knowledge. This brings me to the idea that it is a worthwhile task for scientific biography research to describe known, but also previously unknown scientific friendships more closely in their terms. It's not my area, but I think that would be very interesting - and I do not know if someone else has already done that job. Thank you for this suggestion, Hein
Dear Callixte, I am pleased that you confirm my assumption from your own experience that friendship among scientists may not always, but sometimes (or often) plays a very important role for your own scientific work, for the development of your own personality and for the insight that the appreciation of your own person is also confirmed by mutual appreciation with the person you are friends with.
I find it very positive that one can discuss in RG questions of humanity, for which usually in our lives there is no place to express them, but which are so important to us that we feel gratitude when they are addressed by a happy coincidence in RG. Best wishes, Hein.
Dear Mahesh, thank you for your answer. You say: It all depends on mutual faith, character and behavior. I find your answer greatly, because it indirectly expresses that you have a close friendship with another colleague. I am not sure whether this situation applies to very many of our colleagues on RG. But it's very reassuring when you say it. That is much hopeful. Thank you very much, Hein.
Dear Colleagues, I beg your pardon that I react with a collective answer to your friendly comments. They are a short confirmation that friendship is a good thin in scientific reasearch. However, the scarcity of the statement suggests to me that it does not imply an existing friendship, but the desire for such a friendship - combined with the view that cooperation in science and research is always a benefit. Of course, one can ask: Does this happen very often in our experience? I myself have a number of publications with friends and colleagues in my bibliography. Of course, this has always been good cooperation, but it was often a coincidence that such cooperation arose for objective or expedient reasons. This means that the term friendship can be interpreted very narrowly or very broadly. The further one grasps it, the more the chance grows that mere factual cooperation is already called friendship. We are free to use the term friendship. Thank you for your contribution, Hein
Dear, Michael, although your contribution is not about friendship in the narrower sense, I appreciate it very much. Because the basic attitude that we should have, when we start our work somewhere in an institute or workplace, is a relationship based on openness, trust and good social contacts. I agree with you in that. Thank you ver much, Hein
Dear Yehya, thanks for your valuabe contradiction to the opinion of most of your forerunners in this discussion. Your thesis is very important because a scientific discussion needs contradiction. Only then will the discussion be lively and rational. You say friendship in science is - usually - neither important nor is its role in the lives of scientists clear. A good thesis, because it is true that the whole field of friendship among scientists is still not to be explored. And you are absolutely right: one cannot give one or two examples of the friendship of well-known scientists as the everyday reality in which - as we have also said in our discussion - there is very often rivalry. Especially when they work at the same institute and few have the chance to advance in their careers.
So I would be happy if other participants commented on your thesis - approving or critical. Thank you very much, Hein
Dear Vera, thank you very much for commernting my question. If I'm right, your contribution is the only one that comes from a female scientist in this thread - so it's especially valuable just for that reason. But I am also pleased that you answer the question positively and consider friendship in science to be as something very valuable. The careers of scientists are often overshadowed by competitive thinking, which certainly also has a driving effect, but the majority, as far as I can judge, is seen as burdensome. In addition to friendship, there will certainly also be competitive thinking among female scientists when it comes to their own careers. However, I believe that the ways in which competitive pressure is processed vary according to gender. The same can apply to the friendship of female scientists. We really do not have enough research in this area to know more about. Thank you for your contribution.
Dear Nicholas, thank you for your judgement about phenomenon of friendship in academia and your high opinion about the importance of friendship in science. I would therefore like to emphasize your contribution, because it is likely that shared values - such as creating environmental responsibility - will create a special closeness between scientists involved in this field of research. Thank you, Hein
You gave your full approval to Stanley Wilkin's contribution, but I assume that you know not only the conditions of Indian universities, but also of other cultures. You may have noticed differences, perhaps also in our discussion, which go back to different cultural traditions when it comes to the phenomenon of friendship. Is it so? Thanks a lot, Hein.
I would like to write my inner feeling frankly here, according to my experience and academic life:
An important element of the academic successes are largely influenced by the people around us such as friends and high-achieving academic performance depends on our atmosphere which we live, as we spend a lot of time in university therefore my answer to your nice question is 100% affected although our private life is also play an important role too, but a good friend can play the role of Motivator!
riendship from the perspective of Aristotle: Aristotle believes that friendship is the feelings of mutual sympathy between a number of individuals in society, which are based on a similarity in tastes, and on the ten good and emotional participation, from Aristotle's view that friendship inherits a number of important things in life, Generosity, self-denial, and unconditional love. Aristotle has linked friendship with pure and complete happiness, which helps to define the relationship with oneself and with people in general, and especially with people of the same qualities. Aristotle said of friendship: No friends, even if it was for a roast His on everything else in the world). Aristotle's friendship with Aristotle is important in helping to protect man from wrongness, which is a special refuge for man when feeling sad or weak. Aristotle also expressed his opinion on the importance of friendship in society. He pointed out that once a true friendship based on love, Justice will spread throughout the world, he said: (When people love each other no longer need justice, but no matter how they are equal, they are indispensable for friendship, and that the fairest of what is found in the world without question is the justice that derives from kindness and love
Aristotle Department of friendship into three sections, namely: Utilitarian friendship: the value of which is determined by a particular benefit against that friendship, a temporary friendship and will end and cut off the consequent benefit. Friendship of pleasure: It appears only when the degree of joy and pleasure in the presence of other people, which are held quickly, and also quickly ends when the end of pleasure. Friendship of virtue: Friendship of virtue is one of the best types of friendship, and based on similar qualities and virtues between the two parties, and last longer
Friendship from the perspective of Ibn Muskawi ... affected by Aristotle and his views on friendship .... where he divided the friendship into three types: Friendship of benefit: It starts slowly, and then ends quickly after the desired benefit, and this type is special for the elderly. Friendship of pleasure: It begins quickly and ends quickly once the end of pleasure, because the pleasure is constantly changing, and this friendship is especially young. Friendship of virtue: friendship that begins quickly and ends slowly, and this friendship is one of the best species, was named in the name of friendship of the good guys.
thanks for your response. partnerships between man and woman are examples of cooperation, to stay with famous ones, marie and Pierre Curie and Olga and Jan Bures.By the way, if you read a book called women who earned the Nobel Prize you will see that none of them (until the publication time) had formal university apointments.
In my opinion, friendship between two researchers help in developing synergy for pursuing common research work and may bring excellence and lead to great innovation.
Both researchers need to have mutual trust, confidence, respect and acknowledgment of each other’s capabilities.
To Parisa Ziarati, I am so delighted about your contribution! It seems to me, that friendship und near co-working is for femaile researchers much more normal than for male. Furthermore it could be that friendship of scientists is a matter which is much more articulated (as a discussed subject matter) by man than by women who take it as normal to live in social contexts. But this is only an assessment. Thank you very much, Hein
Dear Djaafar Zemali: Great!!! What a surprise to note once more Aristotle with full interpretation of his big concern, but also to mention Ibn Muskawi, regarding friendship. Should everybody read!
I for myself have no nearer knowledge of Ibn Muskawi, but it is a pleasure for my to note the RG-project/question of Hazim Hashim Tahir in this context.
thank you for your answer, as far as I know we have treatises or books on woman in science, but I suppose, not about friendship of famous female scientists or Noble Prize women. What a inspiring discussion, thanks, Hein.
The German physics group of the early part of last century that made so many discoveries were surely a group of friends, in one way or another? The European physicists connected by the same pursuits were surely friends in one way or another too.
Stanley, indeed, but i confess: All I have here is Wikipedia knowledge and some forgotten memories when I read biographies of German physicists. The topic should be continued by more knowledgeable RG members. Of course, among those physicists who followed quantum theory and atomic theory, in Germany Ernst Heisenberg and Carl-Friedrich v. Weizsäcker, in Denmark Niels Bohr had closer connections. The famous meeting in Copenhagen in 1941, when it was about the construction of the atomic bomb, which the German Wehrmacht wanted but did not realize, was then under a different auspices and is still controversially discussed in Germany today.
Definitely true among mathematicians, letter-writing, especially in the 16th and 17th centuries. Today, I suspect heavy electronic correspondence among scientists in genetics.
Thank you very much, dear colleagues for your last answers. They make me thoughtful, and I learned something more. My ideas are the following:
1 I suppose in answering the question there are hidden somer differences of gender behavior, female scientists react in natural kind social and are more pro-friendship in academic teaching or research. In this way answered Jumoke Soyemi.
2 That doesn't mean that all women needs social narrow social contacts and relations in their academic work, but that there are more social needs than we find with male academics seems to me an important experience.
3 Special disciplines have more "community", worldwide, than others, and I imagine that this is the case, Dennis Mazur mentioned, for mathematicians (and Nazim Hassan confirmed this) , but it is also know with other high specialized groups in science and humanities.
4. Paul Olusegun Bankole stressed that there is an exchange of ideas, and two heads know more than only one. Interesting that my own experience this can confirm when the special areas of research and knowledge are not the same with the friend but somewhat different.
Dear Shibabrata Pattanayak, you gave two answers successively, therefore I should like to answer separate. Yes, I can endorse your answers also, but with another perspective. In my scientific career I was completely alone. I had own goals, to qualify at the same time in educational science as a teacher and in psychology as an emiprical researher, and with both qualifications I was successfull to become an assistent after examinations, at once at another university. This was luck, but in my career I was lonely or solitary, because other students in my social net had not such plans. And you are right, that the job at the university can have some aspects of competitive behavior, the higher your will come, the more - at last when you are able to become "full professor" and director of an institute. I had all the ambivalent experiences you hint. But I must also recommend: Remain open for friendship, she may come or not. I was happy to have lifelong friendships with two colleages in different countries. I must confess:
I wish every scientist such a cordial personal connection, for many years and decades, which is more often the occasion for traveling and encounters on conferences. The secret is: friendship is not mass-produced. You can spend time consuming only very few people. All the best, Hein
I think if you spend much time at work then friendship between two scientists play a role in their lives and scientific work but this also depends on several factors as described by our RG colleagues
Friendship with good scientific achievers is indeed a bridge to more successes in the scientific development. I have had many of these opportunities with some great academic friends globally!
Dear Dickson Adom, thank you very much for your comment. The same experience you mention I can confirm. We must see that friendship logically must limited to a few persons. But it is very valuable to have such relatrionship - and RG is a good platform for this. Greetings, HEIN
hi. friendship is a facilitating and scaffolding factor in human learning. by peer cooperation and correction, scholars can assist each other to approach their potential level easily. emotionally, we are motivated by peers having some common fields . it can be a factor of continuing friendly relation ship due to the commonality we have. in terms of the instructional role, peers can have a kind of collaboration giving each other some generous and valuable corrective feedbacks. best
thank you very much for your contribution. The thread doesn't die, is my impression, that means: It is an important topic in our life. In my career years I was single because my special kind of studying let no other people do the same. But in the last decades there developed so many valuable contacts and friendships, mostly with colleagues abroad. You are right, I think, it's a wonderful experience.
Would say, the technical means for such friendships have grown, but scientific people today are much more 'busy' than, for example, 50 years before. The accelerating path of carreer making overshadows the human chances for such mutual friendships, in terms of creative communication for better results.
“I went into the research sort of agnostic to the role of friendship,” says Chopik, assistant professor of psychology at Michigan State University. “But the really surprising thing was that, in a lot of ways, relationships with friends had a similar effect as those with family.
Hein, it depends what you mean by friendly of course, in my first case of Hawking and Penrose-deep and productive during their period of collaboration. My second choice-friendly perhaps rather than necessarily friendship (frequently meeting in social sense). They did meet frequently in conferences to talk through related problems.
Are intellectual types capable of the deep connectivity of others? Not sure.
I am encouraged in my conviction: Through the latest answers I have come to the conclusion that friendship plays an important role in science. The answers of all interested parties show this. On the other hand, of course, there are many things that could be destroyed by competitive behaviour and communication blockades of mutual willingness to communicate - between professors. Fortunately, I have not experienced this less beautiful side of academic life in my profession.
It enhances their learning capacity through cross fertilization of ideas. Also, there is an elation one derives working with a scientist or researcher of repute, which helps maintain a lasting relationship.
We could be satisfied that the discussed aspect of friendship between scientists are present in our counsciesness and can youse this positive impression as good ressource of feeling well in our social balances with other people.
A friend in need is a friend indeed can be applicable to two scientist who speak the same language of the science & both have a research outlook study & contributory observation can make a substantial progress not only in their friendship but also they may come out with their close discussion for their individual research program.