153 Questions 2K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Stanley Wilkin
The economic success of north Italian city states was accompanied by great art, which continued or functioned alongside a wealthy Catholic Church. The equal success experienced in the United...
23 October 2020 9,719 10 View
There has been greater concentration on the Medieval Middle Eastern and Central Asian Science but so far insufficient exploration of its roots and what it owes or does not owe to Islam. Few, if...
19 September 2020 1,319 4 View
The world has been locked in fear a long time. Does this demonstrate we have forgotten how to die and that even letting go of our elderly is too hard a task? Should we accept nature's desire for...
11 August 2020 1,000 14 View
aug 2 2020 The Sunday Times Magazine Although many of our nightmares about nuclear war have subsided, but does it still pose as big or a bigger genuine threat than climate change and pandemics?...
08 August 2020 8,534 5 View
In the TLS Antonio Melechi in The Sound of Blood Rushing, Exploring the experimental source of isolation examines self-enforced isolation (not interestingly enforced isolation of prisoners of all...
14 July 2020 6,741 0 View
For creative writers only. I had a student who although published abroad could not get published in the UK. Although her detective novel was published, she was told by a male agent that only male...
06 July 2020 2,091 41 View
If a new route is taken by foot, the first time someone walks the route it seems to take forever, the second time it seems shorter in terms of time, the third shorter still. This may not work if...
30 June 2020 5,921 6 View
Eventually this may apply also to technical subjects, but in history for example what is often taught is eurocentred. Surely it is time to stop that? Psychology and psychiatry are culturally...
16 June 2020 3,278 9 View
In the late 1920s the US War Department devised a plan to destroy the British Empire. American troops would invade Canada and the Caribbean to draw out the British Navy, which they then intended...
04 June 2020 4,558 4 View
Does it matter if Picasso was driven by destructive maschismo in his relationships, Oscar Wilde employed rent boys, Einstein was promiscuous (maybe) when heralding their different achievements?...
08 April 2020 1,579 6 View
https://www.livescience.com/66071-human-animal-hybrid-embryos.html?utm_source=ls-newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20190804-ls Turning mice into human beings, human beings into mice. To...
05 August 2019 1,290 0 View
The boy's intelligence grew naturally, without impediment. Only his motor facilities seemed impaired. Problems in the womb had caused it not to develop. The general view is that the cerebellum...
21 December 2018 3,028 0 View
The Indo-European languages are, in the classical model, supposed to have spread into India, the Middle East and Europe from parts of Central Asia producing many of the modern languages in those...
20 July 2018 4,392 8 View
We are as much part of the planet's ecosystem as the animals we strive to protect or eliminate. Many are dependent on our existence. In our rotting cities which animals would survive and multiply,...
08 July 2018 9,946 73 View
Academic training is lengthy but often resolves into specific ways to present knowledge and information. This requires ability but does it require great ability. When I did my first degree I...
07 July 2018 8,485 13 View
Are the Abrahamic religions really religions, that is concerned with spirituality and worship of a sacred phenomenon, or concerned mainly with politics and social control?
04 July 2018 9,597 60 View
Fine language now has no place in political argument, rhetorical devices despised, with playground insults now the name of the game, and both Trump and his opponents using gutter language, with...
25 June 2018 2,433 2 View
Mental health, reconstructed as illness, is perhaps merely a metaphor for the social inequality and difficulties of advancement all face to one degree or another. By concentrating on individual...
23 June 2018 3,371 8 View
Does it actually say anything at all? But many theories and essays have been produced on its results. This famous experiment focused on power, simulating prison conditions where some students...
18 June 2018 241 13 View
Explored in The Great Gatsby and Of Mice and Men, how has an understanding of the much-vaunted American Dream changed, and in the age of Trump what is it now?
28 May 2018 3,603 1 View
Slavery had a crucial economic function in the ancient world. Although wealth creation functioned on several levels production depended on slavery. In medieval times, it is possible that...
16 May 2018 9,876 5 View
Although this may require an obvious answer, many of my clients complain that this doesn't happen. In some instances normal conditions of confidentially can be broken, but the most common...
12 May 2018 9,224 2 View
Stanley Milgram set up several now famous experiments in the early 1960s to discover why so many people had obeyed orders in the 2nd World War to kill, torture and mutilate others. He especially...
06 May 2018 7,854 8 View
The weather of 1812, extremely and unusually cold, and of 1815, extremely humid, caused Napoleon's failure. Discuss.
11 April 2018 7,521 16 View
Serotonin is a hormone. The chemical name is 5-hydroxytryptamine and it is a monooamine neurotransmitter Biochemically, serotonin is derived from tryptophan a primary amino acid, and is a...
05 April 2018 9,216 15 View
By this I mean its belief in an Anglo-Saxon heritage when so many other important groups contributed. Isn't the USA as much a product of black culture as European for example, as there was parity...
29 March 2018 555 16 View
Many teachers merely teach the curriculum possessing no outside knowledge of the subject. As they rarely research they don't need to perhaps, but does that mean that they are therefore...
24 March 2018 5,512 72 View
There are many virtues in spiritual thinking, which nevertheless serves a psychological purpose, but religious ideas and thinking occupy another area of cognitive processes that seems distinctive...
22 March 2018 2,013 20 View
Is it better to engage in Real Politik (seen amongst other characteristics) as dealing with heads of states who torture and murder or keep to ideals? Isn't Real Politik itself an ideal...
19 March 2018 8,555 4 View
Was Khaldun a modernist ahead of his time or a man of his time? Did he influence European historians with his understanding or belief in the rise and fall of civilisations? Is the Muqaddimah a...
13 March 2018 6,249 3 View
Jared Diamond-Guns, Germs, and Steel-holds that Sumeria constructed modern civilisation into farming-war-state. Much of our present world comes from this Mesopotamian template. Do you agree?
07 March 2018 9,959 5 View
Mary, the mother of Jesus, hardly figures in the Gospels but takes a greater presence in the Qur'an. They do not resemble one another, nor play similar roles (Maryam occupies a symbolic role not...
26 February 2018 357 12 View
Given the shocking violence within Christian societies can we genuinely call the Christian religion pacifist. Has it, does it, betray its origins? What do the Christian texts actually say?
19 February 2018 2,329 10 View
OK-this is a huge question with many possible replies. Is it simply directional as physical phenomena suggests? No. I doubt if anyone believes that as we can visualise past experience through...
19 February 2018 5,268 9 View
According to many scientists dark energy makes up two thirds of the universe and creates or rather continues the universe's expansion. While there is evidence for Dark Matter is there another way...
15 February 2018 4,121 12 View
Gandhi chose civil-disobedience within a non-violent context to achieve political ends, but did what success he have come as the result of his methods functioning in law abiding societies?
15 February 2018 5,818 28 View
Britain has in the past 80 years produced a number of myths that confirm its identity, what it likes and projects/projected about itself. Many come from the 2nd World War: resilience against...
13 February 2018 2,996 22 View
Supposing in the future nations learn to co-operate more and political systems compromise, what will be the result: democracies, dictatorships, oligarchies (the most common form of government...
08 February 2018 7,931 10 View
What will cryptocurrencies do for economies as they are not attached to governments or banks but will largely be subject to internet demand and flow? Will they create greater wealth-if only for...
06 February 2018 2,411 3 View
This question involves looking at the effects of banking, invented by the Sumerians, on ancient economies in general as it involves not only the distribution of wealth but also increased...
06 February 2018 3,227 9 View
At the beginnings of agricultural societies a Great Goddess took centre stage (visible at Catalhoyuk), continued in evidence in the Sumerian goddess Inanna (who may have predated the Sumerian god...
30 January 2018 1,396 6 View
Few leaders act ethically, but act according to political necessity. Is that necessarily wrong except when leaders are actively corrupt or pursue violent ends? Isn't it important for leaders to...
27 January 2018 9,158 43 View
The wars between Persia and Greece are usually portrayed as a struggle between occident and orient, with Greek's defeat of Persia beginning the idea of Europe as separate from Asia, with its own...
19 January 2018 3,999 5 View
Previously UK's Chief Rabbi, Sir Jonathan Sacks, in A History of the World in 100 Objects. Neil macGregor. The British Museum 2012. Sacks was discussing the discovery in 1872 of the story of...
12 January 2018 552 16 View
This question strangely still evokes anxiety. It remains one invested with variable beliefs in cultural superiority (ie the primarcy of the Greeks), the central importance of Europeans, Asians,...
08 January 2018 2,931 25 View
In many ways, writing a novel, creating art, and scientific discovery seem to require different faculties, although clearly some attributes must be the same. In terms of intelligence (most IQ...
05 January 2018 1,948 7 View
Old theories of the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain have largely been dismissed by historians, that is the original British were wiped out and the land settled by invaders from Germany and...
04 January 2018 8,193 96 View
This is a continuously contested issue, which at present seems unlikely to be fully resolved. Were the Sea-People Greek or made up of peoples from further afield (Sardinia, for example), part of...
03 January 2018 9,038 16 View
It's always interested me that Freud's map of the mind reflects the Greek polis' ideas on civilised, rational thinking, self control and virtue being exclusive to cities (Superego/ego), and...
03 January 2018 8,719 9 View
In an article in London Review of Books (14 Dec 2017) Nick Richardson writes: There are so many signs that we're on the cusp of a new dark age. Religion is on the rise, as are the number of...
29 December 2017 516 68 View
Alexander's father Philip II created the Macedonian army and defeated the Greeks, dying as he prepared a force to invade Persia. Of course, he need not have succeeded but nevertheless Alexander...
16 November 2017 3,805 5 View
In my volunteer capacity helping those suffering medical abuse, I have come across apalling stories related to the prescription of psychotropic drugs. What are your experiences, as either...
15 November 2017 9,416 17 View
I recently read that a group of school children had achieved higher IQ measurements than Einstein, Stephen Hawkings and many other crucial figures in science and the humanities. Surely such...
28 October 2017 223 18 View
As an occasional teacher of classical, early modern and modern literature I am curious about the merits of literary canon. I often read work on internet sites, for example, that bears comparison...
24 October 2017 5,723 20 View
This example attached below was made between 11000 and 12000 BCE in present day Colombia and is a greater achievement than European efforts found so far. It is 8 miles long. So can this qualify...
01 January 1970 4,876 2 View
https://www.livescience.com/simulating-early-universe-inflation.html?utm_source=notification If Time is immense and how we now experience Time is no more than a flicker of light in a massive...
01 January 1970 5,842 33 View
Hitler had ordinary relationships with a number of people contrary to myth, as did Stalin. The historian, Ellie Cawthorne, points out he was politically psychopathic but there is no evidence he...
01 January 1970 1,986 6 View
Today, I have marked psychology papers, negotiated future freelance work, posted a poem, and written the first three pages of an essay. And you?
01 January 1970 8,755 13 View
Everything I publish here is published elsewhere and of course the impact is variable. What about your work?
01 January 1970 3,157 1 View
At the beginning of the Republic Socrates pontificates on knowledge using Thrasymachus as a foil. I thought Thrasymachus' ideas were better. I thought Socrates' use of doctors and ship captains as...
01 January 1970 9,646 13 View
Why in a relationship does one partner abuse another, physically or mentally? Or each abuse the other? Finding someone in a world of violence and negativity (not always) should create...
01 January 1970 3,694 10 View
Although the modern view connects suicide with depression it is only one, probably minor reason. What other reasons could there be: social, political, relationship based in one form or another?
01 January 1970 1,711 21 View
We claim ideas as if they were our own, but is it possible they belong to another class, another generation? Can you impose critical thinking on your own ideas?
01 January 1970 5,509 37 View
Brexit in the UK was the result of a poorly judged referendum being called that was accepted as part of the democratic process. Since then the legislature has made every attempt, sometimes...
01 January 1970 1,180 34 View
The bigger the lie the more it is believed. I suggest, those who embrace propaganda need to believe it as it fits an underlying reality, which, although false, underpins their lives. National...
01 January 1970 8,294 98 View
The term good/bad writer can easily be dismissed as many indifferent writers have interesting things to say. But the anonymity of writers later heralded is a given (or perhaps a literary myth?)....
01 January 1970 9,481 6 View
Decades ago under Margaret Thatcher the UK government took money off the very poor, those on benefits, in order to release the wealthy or well to do from excessive taxation. This gave the...
01 January 1970 8,128 15 View
Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister, has asserted that: 'The West has lost its monopoly over the globalisation process.' Have the liberal values of Western civilisation lost their power and...
01 January 1970 7,418 9 View
What are the causes of crime, and how can criminal behaviour be satisfactorily defined? Association theory: learned through the environment Atavistic theory Biology
01 January 1970 1,148 15 View
This has come to my notice recently, but it is something I was aware might be happening. Here you will find a message to me from --------- regarding Sergey Klyvov reporting that he 'likes to...
01 January 1970 4,898 3 View
One of these leaders is from South Africa, which recently sent weapons to Russia. Are their intentions clear?
01 January 1970 2,438 5 View
On the surface this looks like an unelected body of EU administrators interfering with an elected government. Will the EU turn into a large autocratic superpower? Should we be concerned?
01 January 1970 6,243 4 View
Below is a trawl through the ethnic identity through the ages of the UK. Some scientists hold it is probably even more varied as to type and skin...
01 January 1970 9,958 0 View
The USA, Russia and China all interfere or have interfered with smaller states: USA in the Americas and Far East: Russia in Europe and Middle East: China on an economic and technical fashion and...
01 January 1970 4,002 10 View
This is meant to elicit some reflections on Putin's practices, directed mainly towards a domestic audience. My claim is that it not only directs his actual programme, the protection of Putin and...
01 January 1970 4,138 2 View
Vasily Grossman, the brilliant Russian writer of the Second World War, in Life and Fate and Stalingrad (Third draft) poses three clear approaches to life and fate, leaving the reader to decide...
01 January 1970 2,234 4 View
This concerns the nature of power: He also said: Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or certainty...
01 January 1970 6,525 5 View
A British academic of African descent, Afua Hirsch, writes in World Histories about the row that ensued when she challenged the celebration of Horatio Nelson, the victor of Trafalgar in 1805,...
01 January 1970 1,812 23 View
Gossiping seems to be a fixed trait within all human communities. Is it just about passing information in narrative form about those known to us and others. Is it simply akin to violence, striking...
01 January 1970 2,761 1 View
As I believe religion is extremely dangerous as for example monotheisms have created an implausible set of values and modes of behaviour but I am more convinced by recent developments. For me, if...
01 January 1970 9,851 89 View
There are several ways of discussing this, through liberal concepts based on Western culture or through for example its seeming dichotomy of nationalism and ideology, religion and ethnicity. The...
01 January 1970 5,467 24 View
A version of homo sapiens, us, has been discovered in Morocco but although recognisable has a slightly different braincase. This has been dated to 300,000 BCE. Nevertheless, recent genetics has...
01 January 1970 8,140 3 View
In some of my recent papers, I have demonstrated a return to medieval tropes evident in Russia, the Middle East and indeed the USA, which has been expressed as a return to authoritarianism. I will...
01 January 1970 2,994 69 View
Is the world created upon 'balance of power' fading? Did these political system cause its own demise through state bossiness and the control and imposed limitations on weaker states. Although we...
01 January 1970 4,419 0 View
Psychology, according to Wundt, drew on definitions of human nature as distinct from prior religious interpretation, that human beings are neither bad nor good. Although thereby not conditioned or...
01 January 1970 1,221 99 View
Since the Ukrainian/Russo war began the tendency has been for some observers to say, albeit rhetorically, change will happen in Russia when its people know of the war crimes. But what if they...
01 January 1970 4,363 17 View
I will avoid describing the reasons too much to avoid an avalanche of trolls.
01 January 1970 1,332 3 View
The tactics and strategies of the present war appear to be an assemblage of previous ones, some ancient. Apart from the use of reality altering propaganda on one side there is a variation from...
01 January 1970 532 29 View
I particularly mean monotheisms, which are part of imperialist debate that rarely, if ever, get referenced. While Judaism occupies a territorial range subject to its own imperialist myths,...
01 January 1970 3,831 23 View
What if Bush and the USA had assumed the moral high ground? OK, Bush could not (not would not) have understood that as a choice, as I feel his identification with the US and its gungho reactions...
01 January 1970 4,331 14 View
Research has demonstrated that few talented people are sufficiently well known and revered-many songs have been composed, operas written (far more than people imagine) but the number of celebrated...
01 January 1970 8,899 28 View
The bringing of North Koreans into a conflict the Russian army has been unable to win breaks all civilised conventions and ensure genocide in Ukraine. NATO would still be reluctant to get involved...
01 January 1970 6,765 5 View
There is no evidence that Mecca existed, nor Muhammad, although the latter is debated. The Birmingham codices have been judged to have been written before the time of Muhammad, which is likely as...
01 January 1970 2,532 10 View
Putin looks to the past and has embraced medievalism (satanism), and he has given a prosperous company to one of his daughters who is now a billionaire. Nepotism has long been established, as well...
01 January 1970 2,050 0 View
Franz Fanon died in 1961 aged 36. A philosopher and psychiatrist he was one of the first, and still most important, black thinkers in the western world. He helped establish militancy as a means of...
01 January 1970 2,946 6 View
Intelligence emerged in homo sapiens by progression but the means it developed remains unclear let alone why. Some humility is required. Homo groups were preyed upon by a host of predators, many...
01 January 1970 1,184 3 View
Should doctors decide when we live and die? A case in the UK if a young woman, aged 19, who had a degenerating disease and expressed the desire to live as long as it was possible. The doctor's...
01 January 1970 3,881 0 View
This question proved difficult to word without getting the wrong response. I am here thinking of Merleau-Ponty and pushing back against the separation of mind-body, suggesting that we...
01 January 1970 1,322 29 View
I looked into my paper this morning and saw references to mental illness which even 50 years ago would not have been there. Nor would these unproven reflections on human behaviour appeared in...
01 January 1970 8,298 6 View
The two countries above long expressed a duality of power and cultural antithesis from the end of WW2, and although that was perhaps not a genuine description of global power then or now,...
01 January 1970 1,915 94 View
Did we kill all other species? Did we kill and eat all other humans? Around about 200,000 years ago there were perhaps 6 different human types around. Even by 40,000 years ago, a wink in time,...
01 January 1970 2,726 8 View
I am looking at two methods only and considering the benefits to the person and the problem. Revenge: this can be and usually is cathartic. Negative feelings about yourself and the world recede...
01 January 1970 8,062 1 View
Reading Bruce Chatwin's Songlines where he describes how the songlines work amongst the aborigines of Australia, creating a spiritual network of Australia based on individual totems and their...
01 January 1970 8,395 6 View
Canada according to Norimitsu Onsishi and Vjosa Isai ( New York Times, October 5) is becoming a battleground for Indians opposed to Modi and the government of Modi. In their view Modi represents...
01 January 1970 2,765 10 View
When human beings (homo sapiens) reached Australia all the huge marsupials there quickly (in relative terms) died off. When human beings reached the Americas, all the huge animals (giant sloth,...
01 January 1970 3,306 9 View
Don Quixote has alethic and aesthetic poles but does it not have more than that? Do great novels, plays, paintings, sculptures need other qualities to impress?
01 January 1970 5,818 6 View
Unless someone can come up with a good argument for the first of these, I will dispense with the issue of money paid. Although this is much more than what they would get in their civilian lives,...
01 January 1970 7,863 1 View
Should we stop listening to financial forecasts?
01 January 1970 4,474 18 View
The greater emergence of authoritarianism in politics and society? Authoritarian religions will gain greater political power? The influence of the US will substantially decline? America is...
01 January 1970 5,034 100 View
Is Putin turning Russia into an Eastern, Asian country? While the huge number whom he claims voted for him, impossible in a Western state, has no reality it can be seen in small Asian polities....
01 January 1970 4,212 13 View
A large number of species have died out, their disappearance we know has been down to human beings. The moa, dodo, so many others. But would the very landscape be different? What effects have...
01 January 1970 4,404 13 View
In co-operation with Russia, although most of their recent missile attacks failed on or just after take-over, will Iran use nuclear weapons against Israel. Iran has moved away from using its...
01 January 1970 3,944 8 View
If we consider tyrannies today, our greater knowledge of the use of power, was Shakespeare not just wrong but sentimental? Were we misled and are we paying for it now?
01 January 1970 424 5 View
If the new weaponry coming into Ukraine proves a tipping point, in line with the degradation of Russian society, how and when will Russia break up? Is the Eastern region the most vulnerable or...
01 January 1970 8,191 10 View
I owe my continued good health to my avoidance of doctors and hospitals. I suspect, but only suspect, that some connection to early deaths and medical treatment might be there, certainly as I am...
01 January 1970 9,451 18 View
A strange case, but are there others? Yozan Mosig, a psychology professor, in 2012 wrote and published a paper that declared that the famous battle of Zama that ended Hannibal's successful career...
01 January 1970 9,289 20 View
The sentence above are largely rhetorical and perhaps it would be fairer to ask how these attacks are reacted to. The British Library recently suffered a cyber attack by a criminal gang (I have...
01 January 1970 6,455 6 View
An article by Francis Fukuyama (FT Weekend) asserts that the above organisation claims a decline in quantity and quality over the past 18 years. He points the worst example as United States....
01 January 1970 2,129 49 View
I find that selective portions of Christianity are evident in the Qur'an, myths but not its ethics!
01 January 1970 5,223 4 View
People are entitled surely to express their sexuality as they choose and why thereby should it concern others? Yes, many religions express anger at such behaviour but in each case the religion is...
01 January 1970 6,674 72 View
Adultery can but not always cause deep distress to participants and those around them, but what role, if any, does it play? Marriages fray and having an alternate lover may, some say, allow a...
01 January 1970 1,283 19 View
Early civilisations, including Ethiopia, have been found in sub-Saharan Africa but dating back to early Christian times. I suspect little money and effort has been expended to find more within...
01 January 1970 7,314 2 View
Rimbaud ceased to write poetry when he was 21. Up to that point, some consider the poetry he wrote started off modern poetry. He wrote of subjects that few poets had touched on before-initiating...
01 January 1970 2,613 15 View
The recent American election has brought Trump to the fore again, a man under investigation for his last term in office, and throughout the world autocracies have climbed to the forefront, some...
01 January 1970 9,569 16 View
Let's say that writing and literature are not the same. They rarely look the same with different forms, paragraphs, settings and subject matter-introspective rather than appealing to surface...
01 January 1970 8,783 10 View
In offering this question I place myself within a position of prejudice. Although he has strategic sense I tend to believe that violent people, contrary to modern myths such as Hannibal Lector,...
01 January 1970 650 6 View
Just curious really, and also interested in the production of ideas. Einstein it is generally accepted stopped producing new ideas by middle-age, and Newton's achievements ended at the same point....
01 January 1970 2,190 86 View
As this is a long interview and I have a weak stomach, I have seen this in bits and bobs. Interestingly, Russian friends have told me he always talks like this, a rambling ahistorical flim-flam...
01 January 1970 6,336 3 View
Thomas L. Friedman identifies four politicians who are ideologically fixed on themselves and feel they are indispensable for the futures of their countries-Putin, Xi, Trump and Netanyahu. Each...
01 January 1970 449 7 View
The apparent length of time between the emergence of human beings (c 250,000 years ago) and human creativity, which today defines us, raises immense questions about human development and...
01 January 1970 545 22 View
We live in a changing world I suggest, in which the media, the means of providing messages/information, is the most important aspect of that change and has led to attacks on truth, or at least...
01 January 1970 925 0 View
The application of the above is essential in understanding monotheisms, that is their justification and effect on thinking. While believers consider these religions as proven and part of the...
01 January 1970 9,184 4 View
I have provided questions on I hope a great range of topics, but not any so far on one of my great loves-Literature. I know many of you share my love. This poem is considered the best of Rupert...
01 January 1970 1,581 10 View
What can those periods when our more intense perceptions are in abeyance, and we are merely flat screens, indicate about mind and our relationship with the external world? 'nature, who engages in...
01 January 1970 4,074 1 View
I am leaning towards a different construction of personality than that in psychology and psychiatry, believing both are top down and dependent on artificial notions. I have recently read East of...
01 January 1970 7,080 18 View
The Ukrainian War provides a disputation not only of reality but what is right, creating right as a reflection of war. In Russia, killing Ukrainians is preached as a moral duty. The Gaza/Israel...
01 January 1970 6,685 2 View
Wars and their consequences?
01 January 1970 3,400 3 View
Here are presented the results of the enquiry carried out by Herodotus of Halicarnassus. The purpose is to present the traces of human events from being erased by time, and to preserve the fame of...
01 January 1970 1,954 3 View
The minimisation of childhood trauma in favour of drug treatments is an appalling error. Bessel van der Kolk the leading expert on PTSD drags it back into medical focus. Can you still remember the...
01 January 1970 4,688 5 View
I have used non-belief rather than 'religion' as belief is really the problem. Belief makes people, it appears to me, comfortable, avoiding the nature of life and indeed death, unwilling to...
01 January 1970 7,083 12 View
Realpolitics was Kissinger's area of expertise although it is easy to find fault with his approach, certainly as both delusion and simplification, but Kissinger developed American policies of the...
01 January 1970 4,742 5 View
The Central Court (sic) has paved Trump's path to the Presidency and the USA no doubt will, or ok, might, retread the path to lunacy, Orban will be temporarily head of Europe, Macron is under...
01 January 1970 6,000 4 View
Europe as an autonomous region of the world has no cultural reality but involves much rewriting of history. Greece, the imagined birthplace of Europe, was an outpost of the Near East and Egypt,...
01 January 1970 2,168 7 View
While everything under monotheistic religions does not indicate hatred towards others, still much of it does. The problem here for me is that other and often older literature does not contain...
01 January 1970 5,188 42 View
The territorial concept of Communism seen in the USSR and other failed economies was not the original concept of this economic and political system, one established oddly for the benefit of a...
01 January 1970 6,884 20 View
Each moment we exist determines the previous moment we existed. Our degradation expresses evidence of its existence but perhaps not why it seems necessary, if indeed it is.
01 January 1970 4,241 2 View
Puton has long stated he is in a war against the West, originally expressed in Cyber Warfare, which China conditionally supports: Modi of India, an apprentice tyrant, has long expressed prejudice...
01 January 1970 2,169 4 View
The idea of Knower and Knowing has been developed by me elsewhere, but can be found examined by others. Usually they reflect public ideas such as psychology but these twin perceptions can be...
01 January 1970 904 6 View
I have been researching this for many years and studied psychotherapy in both London University and Middlesex. I have many papers on here and elsewhere, which examine the subject, I believe,...
01 January 1970 7,332 12 View
The life of Plato emerged from Laertius, writing in the 3rd century CE, 500 years after Plato's death. Laertius describes Plato as fighting in the Athenian army as a hoplite at Corinth and Tangara...
01 January 1970 7,493 4 View
Early Christianity (after 100 CE) functioned economically as a separate group within the Roman Empire and Catholocism is recognised for its extraordinary wealth: Islam was constructed by merchants...
01 January 1970 2,992 32 View
I struggle with neurology as producing genuine insights into human mental health, apart from those areas of possible degradation. Senility, affects on memory, brain damage, or areas where...
01 January 1970 1,985 5 View
This represents a long, indeed centuries old, debate as to where this major language group originated. Did it indeed originate in the Near East where modern urban culture began?
01 January 1970 160 69 View