I looked into my paper this morning and saw references to mental illness which even 50 years ago would not have been there. Nor would these unproven reflections on human behaviour appeared in novels or articles. I will here raise the likely position that we are being brainwashed by the medical profession in tandem with the drug companies. My investigations, through clients and reading, indicates that psychotropic drugs are dangerous and always have been. Claims of mental health in lieu of misunderstood behaviour, life stresses, have grown alongside the development of drugs and diagnosis which reflect each new drug invented or simply repackaged by the drug companies.
We have seen the multifarious affects of Russian propaganda in Russia and the world (strangely effective in the USA, no matter the warnings), establishing viewpoints and changing history, affecting attitudes, so why cannot the West be equally susceptible to propaganda-especially one arriving from an authoritative source (medical profession) which we fail to see?