42 Questions 2K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Segun Michael Abegunde
Why do you think most intelligent graduating students don't want to become teachers?
03 March 2019 7,165 96 View
Fighting for independence here and there even within brothers to form independent countries. Political interference from the developed countries for personal gain while many developing want to...
03 March 2019 886 90 View
Sky looks perfect: The sunset, the sunshine, the light, the darkness and the colour. If you could have the chance to change/re-create the sky, what would you change?
03 March 2019 4,880 56 View
Why so difficult for Researcher to find reliable cures for HIV and cancer despite latest advancement in technology? Years after years, research after research, and with the recent advancement in...
03 March 2019 4,299 34 View
Can someone connect me with a good Statistician/someone with vast experience in data analysis? I need someone to work with as a Collaborator. Thanks.
02 February 2019 2,050 22 View
It is an end of year - a period to sit, think and make a plan for the way forward. Can you highlight the best way to evaluate ourselves? Thanks.
12 December 2018 8,215 41 View
My main academic goal among others coming into 2018 was to publish in Elsevier/Science direct hosted journal in 2018. After 5 publications this year with other journals (good but not target), I...
12 December 2018 8,835 70 View
Dear respected Colleagues, your candid opinion is required on this. Do you think world would be safer without politics (cause of major war) and science (cause of major environmental issues)?. Thanks.
12 December 2018 8,982 78 View
Dear Colleagues, How does End of Year/Festive period affect your Teaching and Research job?
12 December 2018 8,808 74 View
Politicians are found with propaganda, deceit and theories/principles on papers that are not obtainable in the real world. Changing our mentality within the family, society will definitely...
11 November 2018 4,347 33 View
Academic jobs involve teaching, research, administrative, playing a counselor's role and more. Some duties are well pronounced and some are not. What do you think is the most difficult part of...
11 November 2018 1,175 53 View
In the process of discharging our duties as Academics, we come across different people: parents, students, supervisors/examiners, board members, members of the management team and CEO (career and...
11 November 2018 5,071 88 View
Unsafe Act and Unsafe Condition are two reasons for accident to occur. How can we avoid the two?
11 November 2018 9,973 82 View
A lot to do with foreign colleagues but still not clear on the guideline and mode of work. How can collaboration between researchers living in different countries be made perfect and produce a...
11 November 2018 3,018 92 View
Four Reviewers and all advised to publish after minor correction. But each of the reviewers suggested over 20 publications (personal publications) with the language "YOU MUST CITE THE...
10 October 2018 9,605 89 View
Sometimes we go into research for many reasons but my question is who benefit most from a given publication? Th Author: regarding his/her career? Industrial world? Other Researchers? Or the Host...
10 October 2018 5,969 94 View
Dear Colleagues, what will you say about citing FIVE articles of a particular author in a single manuscript? Does that show the author (that was cited) is active or that the author (that cited) is...
10 October 2018 5,194 61 View
A typical manuscript has the Introduction, the Methodology, the Result, the Discussion and the Conclusion sections. What is the most difficult part to develop in manuscript? Thanks.
10 October 2018 3,659 93 View
No matter how strong or happy we appear to be, we all have our weaknesses - a time will don't always wish for. How do you manage such time/day and come out to be stronger? Your response will...
10 October 2018 6,823 61 View
Dear colleagues, we have articles in form of original Research, review articles, short reports or letters, case studies and methodologies. By my understanding, review article is a review of...
10 October 2018 7,117 72 View
Sometimes some leaders rule as if they are strangers in the countries they oversee, their actions, policies and even their responses to issues proved that. You as an academic - a link between the...
09 September 2018 7,323 96 View
People pretend to be what they are not especially on social media. They hide who they really are but pretend to be someone else. Every one want to be seen nice. Do you think they do that to be a...
09 September 2018 6,485 67 View
Dear colleagues, the words smart, intelligent and good student are common heard in this profession, but how do they differ? Thanks.
09 September 2018 3,017 3 View
Today, dollar as a currency is accepted for trade throughout the world. To pay for conferences, publications, textbooks and other essential materials, it has to be through dollar even for...
09 September 2018 6,668 28 View
Dear Colleagues, I know publishing in multidisciplinary journal helps to reach a larger audience while publishing in specialized journal may improve the quality of the article because of expert...
09 September 2018 8,305 78 View
These days, we have several occasions where students at undergraduate levels are older than the teacher. Do you see anything wrong in this? Do you think age should play a major role in teaching...
09 September 2018 8,073 94 View
The issue of multiple submission of manuscript to different journals has gotten to a level that need to be addressed. Some editors keep manuscript for months without communicating the author even...
09 September 2018 2,911 63 View
Without doubt, RG has been a place of refuge, an archive, a study room for researchers where you learn every day. To be candid, do you also see it a place of healthy competition for scores?
09 September 2018 8,924 88 View
We are brought together by our profession but relationship of members could go beyond that. Have you met any of your RG colleagues for collaboration or otherwise especially those from other...
09 September 2018 2,838 70 View
The politicians and the general public strongly believe academics are arrogant, self-centred, egocentric and stingy set of people who are only good for vocabulary and criticism. I was even in a...
07 July 2018 4,392 90 View
Dear respected colleagues, kindly let me know your opinion on a single author paper. What does it reflect? Does single author paper good for the field and the researcher? Does it show the...
07 July 2018 7,301 87 View
Improved technology (Instrument) has undoubtedly overtake the use of traditional (classical) method of analysis in research for convenience, reliability of result, speed and stress free. But...
07 July 2018 6,524 11 View
Dear respected colleagues, I did SEM analysis of a recently synthesized material from plant seed and I obtained this SEM picture. What do you think was responsible for the tissue-like in this SEM...
07 July 2018 4,124 3 View
I have been eager to know why Academics/Researchers are less appreciated. Today, Politicians, Musicians, Comedians, Athletes even Manufacturers and others take all the glory and they are more...
07 July 2018 8,529 25 View
Some articles on RG are written in languages apart from English, some are even shared personally with me but can't understand the language. Google would have been the best for the conversion but...
07 July 2018 7,546 14 View
It is now a common practice by publishers to send out article for review free of charge. Even those who charge as high as $600 per article do the same. Do you think it is ideal to request for...
06 June 2018 3,047 30 View
Journals that do not demand for processing charges seem to lay more emphasis on peer review and take a lot of time during the process while those with publication charge are faster. Which of these...
06 June 2018 7,943 6 View
Most journals don't demand for recommendation and it can hardly be seen in publications. Anything wrong to include recommendations to appreciate others who contributed to the success of the...
06 June 2018 2,018 22 View
Whose duty is it to synthesize and characterize materials? This day, it is difficult to differentiate the job of a chemist from a material engineer especially in the field of nanotechnology. Do...
06 June 2018 9,238 2 View
Pride has been defined as a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements. Some fields, research areas and schools are found to have one or limited number of...
06 June 2018 5,498 9 View
Some respected senior colleagues are used to going into classes and teach extensively to deliver a lecture full of substance but without joke or smile thereby make the class less lecturers-student...
06 June 2018 4,819 28 View
We are always encourage to upload and update an ongoing research work on RG including preprint but am worried. I posted an ongoing research work sometimes ago and a colleague told me to remove it...
05 May 2018 3,951 10 View