Dear Colleagues, what will you say about citing FIVE articles of a particular author in a single manuscript? Does that show the author (that was cited) is active or that the author (that cited) is lazy? Thanks.
yes you can cite. If the articles are published in same year then cite like (e.g Segun et al., 2010a,b,c,d,e) but if published in different year the cite them separately.
I think there are several possibilities here. The 2 you mentioned are certainly possibilities. In addition, the author may be very much influenced (believes in him/her too much or is coerced to cite) by the author he/she cited. Also that journal might be the best in that field such that most of relevant literature is in that journal only
I will first do a quick search and see if the author being cited five-times is an expert on the subject matter and has the most updated research. Otherwise the citing author may be doing so for other reasons-- laziness, in-love with author of five papers being cited, owes money to, hoping to impress, guess the other author to be a future peer-reviewer, other reasons?
There should not be any problem in citing five publications of an author or a group of authors in an article, provided that the cited five articles are all relevant to the article, wherein they are being cited.
This is most likely to indicate that the author /authors of those five cited papers have done extensive work earlier in the same involved field of research.
He/she may have worked hard and has studied every aspect of a particular area/event/problem. Sometime a researcher is working on an area or subjective and study that in detail. Therefore, it is important to seek guidance from such work, appreciate and cite that. There is no such restriction or law that has been violated.
I don't see any negative impact on another researcher.
There is nothing wrong in citing five articles of a particular author in single manuscript in the sense that if the articles in the part or if the five articles reflect the different topics in the line with the standing of a manuscript in such cases articles may be presented & for any articles for submission or in manuscript it always requires permission of an editor for their approval .
What’s the best way to acknowledge the work of colleagues who might have helped provide intellectual background for a particular study but who did not participate in the collection of the data or the preparation of the manuscript? And what of the lab head, whose ability to bring in money keeps the lights on and the rats fed?... For this I consider it normal and acceptable
i don't think its not good to cite an author five times in one paper because if the author is master in that particular field and its representation of work is very interesting, up-to date and in details that makes you completely satisfy than obviously you will cite his/her work. further, sometimes researcher do this activity for their mutual growth.
Sometimes an article in the form of an extended review reports on the latest research work in a field, then five authors, whose results and methods are thoroughly examined, are nothing special. However, if someone promises to look back at, say, the state of research in the last 10 years in his essay, he won't get along with five quotes or sources.
It might look odd, but I had a similar situation when I was writing my review article. One group of authors published articles that were of my particular interest for the that review. So I cited maybe more than 5 their papers.
I have never met them and they probably do not know for me either.
I add something to my last comment: Of course you can quote the same author with 5 different works in one text, and if you write a scientific biography, then you will quote some more articles or books from that author. If the author is to be honoured by chance with a commemorative publication, then it is normal that I quote the same author, the personality to be honoured, several times from his works. In normal research work, however, this happens very rarely or not at all.
I think it depends on the character quoted, if it is a person who produces knowledge very well founded, and is known, there would be no problem, because for example, you would use a sequence of projects of a long-term investigation
In an article, we cite authors to review what has already been known on the topic or in support of our arguments. The possibility of citing all the five articles occur very rarely. For example, if the author has been doing research for a pretty long time in a particular area , and has produced numerous research papers. Still, there is no meaning in citing similar papers.
Sometimes even one is overmuch. But if the author really did a lot in specific scientific field, then why not? The problem is not in the number of cites, but in accordance of these with the problem discussed in the article. As well as сompleteness of the consideration of this problem.
Why not? Sometimes eminent scientists have been working on particular field & they Are very active in publishing good research articles. If possible, we can cite all the relevant articles in our manuscript.
IF the author is an authority in that area and his/her expertise can not be query , then citing the author even ten times from different publications of the same field or area is allowed. Since the author is not doing it for favoritism or for other benefits.
Such a kind of excessive quotation is not ethical and does not contribute to the purpose. In my opinion, such authors are egotistical and lazy. It is not possible that there are no other works on this subject except so many authors. It is necessary to quote others, even if they have different opinions or results.
Opinions seem to differ quite widely on the question raised. I consider it unusual, i.e. only in some special cases possible and permissible, that a foreign author is quoted 5 times by me - and no other author.
I don't see an issue here. Perhaps the author cited is an expert in the field and has multiple publications all of which are relevant as references. This is especially true of certain narrow fields where there are not too many experts and a few dominate the field. It does not reflect badly on the researcher or the author cited.
There are few situations that would justify the citation of the same author in a research, or the high research expertise of the quoted author, or the quality of the research results of that author.
It is O.K. for review papers if we citing others more then 5 times. I agree also with Jelena.
I know that self-citation is not accounting in promotion to higher level of professorship. For me it is wrong to cited yourself many times in the same paper and I do not recommend more the 3 self-citation.
Due to space constraints (number of pages for a paper or book), we often find it difficult to explain some of the paper details that the author invokes. That is why self-citation are made to references of previously published papers. I do not see a big sin in it.
Dear Milan for the book I agree and it may be O.K., but for the scientific paper in high IF Journals it is not usually practice. It is one way of "self promotion" and it is better to cite and see what other researchers had done in that field. Maybe I am wrong, but let others denied or confirm that practice.
Five articles are very many if they come from different authors who have published new research results on the same subject at the same time. They are too few if I want to compare their findings or the new state of discussion with other authors.
According to me, it's very possible to refer to 5 articles/books/researches or more for a single author. It means that author is an authority and a distinguished reference in that particular area.