95 Questions 181 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Muneeb Faiq
There are limited places/portals/magazines that publish unsolicited general philosophy essays. Could anyone guide me how can I get my essays published on regular basis? Thank you
07 July 2019 6,514 2 View
When we think, what do we do? Do we philosophize or exercise science? Neither, either or both? How is thinking not science and how is thinking an act of science? How is it philosophy and how not a...
07 July 2019 1,479 5 View
Why cant there be a journal dedicated to the field of medicine which does not yet have any experimental basis much like theoretical medicine?
07 July 2019 1,518 9 View
How is artificial intelligence same or different from what we conventionally call natural intelligence?
07 July 2019 3,526 6 View
What does it actually mean to exist? How is it different from non-existence? How can we be sure if something exists or does not exist? I have made a case that these questions are more fundamental...
05 May 2019 5,327 24 View
Are there any uses of illness or it is just all evil?
08 August 2018 3,353 1 View
Does "Sense of Humor" play any role in health and disease?
08 August 2018 4,700 5 View
How to publish a hypothesis without experimental data?
06 June 2018 5,398 8 View
What actually do we mean by speed of light? Is it a dimension of space (may be one dimension) of which certain units are traveled by a photon (or whatever a light particle, corpuscle, unit, means)...
06 June 2018 9,397 1 View
06 June 2018 5,037 6 View
Though Mesentery may be considered as a single entity all along the gut tube, but why is it called an organ? I don't see any reason for that. Neither is there any international body to come up...
06 June 2018 5,636 37 View
If mind is an organism, are thoughts its organs? what constitutes the cells and tissues then? Is a reductionist approach feasible here?
06 June 2018 1,957 0 View
What is the difference between Dye and Stain in Biological Experiments?
06 June 2018 1,216 2 View
Is "REALITY" a different concept in science and philosophy? Reality is not just a definition. What is it? And how does science and philosophy perceive it?
06 June 2018 1,747 0 View
Is there any formula to guide what statistical test to apply for what type of data? I mean a table with just two columns in which left column reveals the data type and right column reveals the...
06 June 2018 9,776 0 View
How do cells determine what size to grow to before dividing?
05 May 2018 7,341 0 View
What is the function of Alkaloids in living organisms which produce them? It is quite a mystery. We are not taught about it in our university syllabi. Are we missing a big chunk of biology?
05 May 2018 1,449 3 View
Clinical vs Biological Death; what are the differences and what is the interphase? Death Biology Clinical Evolution Physiology Legal death Physiological Death Psychological Death Emotional...
05 May 2018 8,838 1 View
Lamina Cribrosa is a tough membrane (actually a continuum of the sclera at the site of exit of optic nerve from the eye). Sclera is perforated here so that the nerve fibers assembling into the...
05 May 2018 6,645 8 View
I think both of these platforms (EndNote as well as Zotero) are good for referencing. Which one do you suggest?
05 May 2018 872 4 View
What are the important topics for a general easy to read book about health for laymen? What are the chapters What should such a book address? What are the unexplored areas on the subject? What is...
05 May 2018 8,301 2 View
Are there any good journals and magazines that publish scientific fiction?
05 May 2018 4,614 3 View
Which are the best publications that publish "Non-Fiction Prose" of science?
05 May 2018 9,933 0 View
Manuscripts that explain a hypothesis and methodology and experiment followed by results and interpretations are the mainstream culture. But is it absolutely necessary to conduct an experiment...
05 May 2018 5,507 6 View
Why is a Proof to Fermat's Last Theorem so Important? I have been observing an obsession in mathematicians. logicians and number theorists with providing a "Proof for Fermat's Last Theorem". Many...
05 May 2018 585 5 View
I am curious to know if there is a method t image expression of various genes in Human Brain realtime. Can some RNA probe (sequence specific RNA instrument) be designed to image a complimentary...
05 May 2018 4,570 1 View
It sure is an important question.
05 May 2018 10,147 0 View
Are the Euler–Mascheroni constant, π + e, π − e, πe, π/e, πe, π√2, ππ, eπ2, ln π, 2e, ee, Catalan's constant, or Khinchin's constant rational, algebraic irrational, or transcendental?
05 May 2018 8,734 2 View
Which of the two universities do better science? Have these university lost the glory they used to enjoy? Has Oxford and Cambridge university lost the academic excellence they used to...
05 May 2018 2,311 1 View
What is Genome resurrection?
05 May 2018 5,051 4 View
When Watson and Crick communicated the DNA structure paper to Nature in 1953, it was not peer reviewed. But the policy of Nature that time was to peer review the submitted manuscripts. The editor...
05 May 2018 9,074 3 View
Cotard's syndrome makes people think that they're dead. Hence this question?
05 May 2018 1,506 7 View
What is the biological function of sleep?
05 May 2018 1,546 5 View
What is the physiological and psychological function of aging?
05 May 2018 7,885 3 View
Is "Health" an ideal state or a range of states that mayor may not be perfectly fitting the WHO definition?
05 May 2018 7,989 3 View
Does acetylcholine play any role in Intraocular pressure?
05 May 2018 7,776 4 View
Does the horror movie "Evil Dead" portray what can be termed as a manifestation of "Alien Hand Syndrome"?
05 May 2018 5,560 0 View
What are the main causes that give rise to outliers in statistical analysis?
05 May 2018 1,764 10 View
Is impact factor of a journal more important than anything else? What is the role of relevance, readership, impact of your particular article etc?
05 May 2018 6,623 4 View
How is a probability updated when there is unanticipated new data?
05 May 2018 8,077 0 View
Brain Mind Psychology Consciousness Awareness Cognition
05 May 2018 7,799 5 View
How does the brain transfer sensory information into coherent percepts?
05 May 2018 9,087 2 View
The myelin in CNS is produced by Oligodendrocytes while it is produced by Schwann cells in the peripheral nerves. Does that make any difference? Are the two myelin types different? Why do we have...
05 May 2018 4,585 1 View
What does the selfish brain theory actually mean?
05 May 2018 5,650 2 View
How does mental stress cause Vascular Dysfunction?
05 May 2018 1,076 0 View
How to identify neurogenesis in adult human retina? Is there any good non-invasive method? This is an ethical, technical and tricky question which may give rise to important concepts. What...
05 May 2018 899 3 View
I am interested in any paradox so long as it is explained well. I will be particularly interested in paradoxes in Physiology and Medicine? are there...
05 May 2018 7,898 3 View
How and by what mechanism does the non-living matter assemble into a conglomeration we call life?
05 May 2018 7,995 0 View
In a situation where a myelinated neuron (at any location in the nervous system) gets demyelinated, what are the changes that occur in the neuron. May be there are three phasic changes....
05 May 2018 4,243 9 View
IN the light of modern science, it seems the vital force theory has now completely died down. This indicates we are, a living beings, just physics, chemistry and mathematics in a highly complex...
05 May 2018 4,833 28 View
As far as I know Einstein was never able to publish any peer reviewed paper. He once communicated a paper to a peer reviewed journal but his manuscript was rejected.
05 May 2018 8,910 7 View
What is the proper definition and objective measures of plagiarism. If I work on a disease and start my manuscript by defining the disease, it becomes really difficult to frame a definition when I...
05 May 2018 5,037 9 View
Are there any objective clinical parameters that measure Happiness? Is there any hormone or any biochemical index or signature?
05 May 2018 2,263 2 View
If you do an experiment and get a statistically significant result, and then repeat the same experiment and get a statistically significant result again. You may think that you have a better...
05 May 2018 9,882 2 View
Why is p-value called so? Why no X-value, Y-Value or any other name?
05 May 2018 747 2 View
Are there any rules when it comes to identifying outliers in statistical analyses?
05 May 2018 9,232 10 View
If not reason what else?
05 May 2018 10,075 1 View
The question simply wants a list of the things that a good researcher should have and also those things that a good researcher should not have.
05 May 2018 8,902 1 View
What is the identity of the dark matter?
05 May 2018 9,815 8 View
What is the definition of a neuron apart from being a cell of the central nervous system? A clear definition of neuron that sets it apart from other cell type unequivocally seems to be conundrum?...
05 May 2018 8,867 20 View
Is any disease characterized by shrinking of a cranial nerve?
05 May 2018 7,224 0 View
IT is a picture of the fundus. I am not sure about what is this indicative of and what landmarks should I take into consideration. I have acquired a lot of such images but I am not able to...
05 May 2018 10,137 11 View
What are the important landmarks to interpret OCTA images?
05 May 2018 6,574 2 View
Why do we have different fingerprints? What is functional and scientific/biological significance? And what is the mechanism of this difference?
05 May 2018 3,628 2 View
Genetics seems to have generated immense knowledge about various eye diseases. These findings include gene mutations, their effects, pattern of inheritancel etc. So, Is this the time to have...
05 May 2018 2,247 10 View
It is a conundrum. Why should meylin be produced by oligodendrocytes or schwwan calls rather than neurons themselves. It seems that Myelin is indispensible to neuronal function and should be the...
05 May 2018 8,099 3 View
I want to learn statistically through a conceptual outlook rather than just applying formulas. Are there any easy to read books that will help?
04 April 2018 9,675 5 View
The RG score or the researchgate score is calculated through some unknown algorithm. It is not proportional to the papers published and citations one earns on publications. Moreover, employers are...
04 April 2018 7,296 4 View
What is the best way to image the progression of Alzheimer's disease?
04 April 2018 913 2 View
Why was RNA first chosen as a genetic material over DNA?
04 April 2018 9,513 4 View
When can a sequence variation in DNA be termed as a mutation?
04 April 2018 8,066 9 View
How to identify Predatory Journals? It is important and serious problem.
04 April 2018 7,192 5 View
Researcher-1 conducted an experiment on X number of animals with apriori sample size calculation. Researcher-2 also did the same experiment with same number of animals but had not done any prior...
04 April 2018 9,976 4 View
Apriori sample size calculation is often thought to be the best approach. How would the results change if the sample size is calculated afterwards or just analysis done on the sample size on which...
04 April 2018 5,293 9 View
What are the required dos and don'ts in calculating a sample size? What formula should be used and what should be avoided?
04 April 2018 7,038 7 View
Though acetylecholine is the first neurotransmitter to be discovered, it has largely been ignored. I would appreciate if anybody sheds some light on "Brain Cholinergic Networks".
04 April 2018 7,163 2 View
I am looking for a schematic map of the acetylcholine system in the brain. May be the proper way to put it is to know a detailed list of structures rich in cholinergic neurons. If I get a complete...
04 April 2018 5,366 2 View
I want to measure oxidative stress/status in the brain in vivo (preferably in a non-invasive manner)?
04 April 2018 7,430 3 View
Glaucoma is characterized by the selective loss of Retinal Ganglion Cells. Can we just say that Glaucoma is a brain disease. If yes, What are the important justifications. If NO, why not?
04 April 2018 2,065 0 View
Can blood serve as a surrogate for brain gene expression pattern?
04 April 2018 1,132 3 View
I am looking for some reviews on acetylcholine imaging in the brain. Could anybody help me please?
04 April 2018 8,706 3 View
Why and how does the visual system consume most of the energy in the brain?
04 April 2018 3,914 1 View
Are there any good reviews about acetylcholine and citicoline brain imaging. I would love to read a few. I prefer full text articles.
04 April 2018 4,657 2 View
Is there any correlation between mental stress and acetylcholine signalling?
04 April 2018 9,161 2 View
How does stress affect trabecular meshwork integrity/structure? Is there a reason to think that psychological or mental stress may alter trabecular meshwork leading to elevation of intraocular...
04 April 2018 9,948 3 View
Ninhydrin stains aminoacids rapidly. Why dont we use Ninhydrin as a developer rather than commassie brilliant blue in SDS PAGE? wont that save time?
04 April 2018 552 3 View
What are the dos and don'ts of writing a paper for a high impact journal that will ensure editor's approval and favorable review by the reviewers.
04 April 2018 8,697 4 View
Why are neurons energetically expensive? Any reason apart from electric activity they have to maintain?
04 April 2018 2,213 1 View
I need a detailed step by step protocol.
04 April 2018 8,952 1 View
What is the difference between apoptosis and autophagy? They are both programmed and they both lead to cell death when switched on by some stimuli. To me it appears a useless classification.
04 April 2018 5,604 5 View
can retinoic acid signalling be an underlying etiology for Zika virus mediated Microcephaly?
04 April 2018 5,318 0 View
I always have this feeling that open angle and angle closure glaucoma are very much different than they are traditionally thought to be. Though it is obvious that the anterior chamber anatomy is...
04 April 2018 3,837 5 View
Since intraocular pressure elevation puts mechanical pressure on all the cell types in retina. Why then does it specifically kill the retinal ganglion cells when it should lead to pan-apotposis...
04 April 2018 2,531 8 View
http://www.the-philosopher.co.uk/2019/05/why-is-there-something-rather-than.html Three centuries back, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz argued, ‘The first question that should rightly be asked is,...
01 January 1970 7,642 2 View
I need to start a discussion about how is happiness related to health. I think we can discuss all the aspects (scientific, philosophical, religious, spiritual, economic, social) of this topic...
01 January 1970 3,837 8 View