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Questions related to RNA Extraction
Hi, I am a researcher working with renal cells treated with oxalate. I am facing problems when performing my western blot analysis as I found that results are not consistent. We perform western...
12 September 2022 7,206 0 View
I have collected skin swabs that are stored at -20 and would like to extract genomic DNA from them using the DNeasy blood and tissue kits and I am looking for tips and tricks to get the DNA from...
09 July 2022 3,570 0 View
I am currently working to optimize a Hybridization Chain Reaction (HCR) amplification protocol for my SARS-CoV-2 cDNA samples. The challenge I have is that the methods from published literature...
18 April 2022 4,662 0 View
We need to do our protein extractions in urea lysis buffer (recipe below) because SWI/SNF complex members bind very tightly to the DNA and won't show up on a western with just RIPA lysates. Is...
06 April 2022 2,196 2 View
I am currently air drying my e. elatior rhizomes and after checking on them today I noticed thay there were molds. Can I still save my samples? Can I put them in an oven or a food dehydrator for a...
05 February 2022 5,694 0 View
I want to create concentrated bacterial cells by centrifuging my overnight culture and washing them to make bacterial pellets. Then I need to store my pellets before submitting them for DNA...
21 January 2022 5,292 7 View
I am working with Co-expression network analysis using WGCNA. I am however unable to understand how to create the "trait data" input file for the WGCNA. I have four sample from 2 cultivars with 3...
10 August 2021 2,193 2 View
Hello together, I am trying to reactivate A. salmonicida ssp. salmonicida from a bead based kryo system for bacteria. I initially tried to move the bead directly to the Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA, at...
05 July 2021 2,336 4 View
Hello, I would to ask if anyone knows whether the volume of buffer I resuspend a pellet in affects cell yield. Example: Scenario 1 : I resuspend my cell pellet in 50uL PBS (let's say there is...
04 April 2021 8,692 3 View
Hello, I have a technical question for you. For RNA and DNA extraction, we use Quiagen kit with Trizol/thiocyanate de guanidine lysis. However, it's a bit long and we wanted to improve our...
15 December 2020 7,747 1 View
I wonder if having any consequence change the LB medium after bacterial transformation and to use any other enriched broth, for example, trypticase soy broth.
27 November 2020 3,679 3 View
I'm trying to test expression of a gene in sorted cells. I plan to extract RNA from sorted cells and to do RT-PCR (reverse transcription PCR). The problem is that from sorting, I can only collect...
22 November 2020 5,690 2 View
I need to analyze and quantify a lncRNA in plasma human samples. Please anyone could help me with the best protocol to the RNA extraction and also the quantification of lncRNA by qRTPCR? Thank...
28 September 2020 231 4 View
I have run my RNA sample in 1% agarose gel. 28s and 18s band are not that much strong. I want suggestions so that I can know if the RNA quality is good for my sample or not.
24 September 2020 1,080 20 View
Hey, I am planning to dissect rats and isolate Lung tissue samples to be stored in RNA stabilizer for later analysis. - Should I perform trandcardial perfusion by PBS ? - Is it necessary to...
22 September 2020 2,049 5 View
Hi there, I'm looking to compare the expression of a particular gene in fish brains across three developmental stages. My aim (as first step) is to use the entire brain for RNA isolation steps....
03 September 2020 7,326 3 View
Why we only consider TAN value in biofloc (as i read in most of the papers) to maintain the C:N ratio. Why not Nitrite and Nitrate values. Nitrate and Nitrite also contribute in Nitrogen content,...
12 August 2020 6,715 3 View
I want to do transcriptomic study on 5dpf zebrafish larvae. The larvae will be exposed to toxic to see the differential gene expression between control and exposed zebrafish. What is the best...
06 August 2020 4,254 4 View
Monarch® RNA Priming Buffer - any substitutes or Homemade Recipes? Qiagen Buffer RW1? We can't purchase this RNA Priming buffer because of the customs restrictions, so I am looking for any...
07 July 2020 4,353 2 View
Im using a Nucleic Acid Detection Kit for Multiplex Real Time RT-PCR. Its content is: - PCR Reaction Mix (Transcript II Multi probe one-step qRT-PCR SuperMix 1 UDG) - PCR Reverse Transcriptase...
29 June 2020 609 20 View
How biological materials (Animal carcasses, excrements) collected in field can be best stored for a later DNA and RNA extraction? what is the protocol to follwo and what are the storing...
26 April 2020 5,873 11 View
I wanted to know how to calculate RPS and CM% with detailed explanation of the same. I also wanted to know how do we express this data?
20 April 2020 2,189 0 View
Hello everyone, I want to measure the expression change of some mRNA, miRNA, and LncRNA at once under a specific condition. Since I am going to do relative quantification, is there any RNA...
23 March 2020 362 7 View
Hello I am working on a project where I need to extract RNA from my samples. For some reason, Nanodrop gives me values below [10 ng/uL] for almost all my samples, even though I saw a pellet in...
04 March 2020 965 4 View