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Questions related to RNA Extraction
Hello everyone, this question has confused me for a while. I am trying to extract RNA from mice brain for RNA sequencing. However, I just noticed that the original protocol I followed recommend...
23 January 2019 5,919 2 View
Hy Everybody, I'm going mad with sealing HT-22 cells in patch clamp experiments. Cells were seaded in DMEM with 10% FBS, 1x Glutamax and penstrep on polyLlysine coated coverslips. - I've...
18 January 2019 6,748 2 View
I want to extract total RNA from pichia pastoris to evaluate the yeast transcriptome using RNA-Seq.
16 January 2019 9,783 1 View
Protocol content (NEB DNAse I reaction Protocol) : RNA: 10ug DNAse reaction buffer 1X 10ul DNAse (Rnase free) 1ul Nuclease free water 100 ul My question is; if I use this protocol after isolating...
12 January 2019 1,487 3 View
I am currently working on the meriofauna (63 - 2000 microns) on the calcareous algae Corallina officinalis in west Wales. I am at some sites turning up numerous spirorbids. This is a group new to...
09 January 2019 9,788 0 View
I am using stepone PLus machine and in excel sheet attached to my plate . i found effiency mentioned 1? what does this mean? iam quiet new to the device
06 January 2019 2,825 2 View
RNA extraction from laser microdissected FFPE tissues is markedly enhanced by sonication (paper below). However, I could only find a kit and protocol for Covaris sonicators. We only have a...
21 December 2018 3,061 1 View
I had to perform RNA extraction from the mice skin sample (shaved and hair removed tissue sample of about 1*1 cm square). For that I pulverized the tissue in liquid nitrogen pre-chilled mortar and...
21 December 2018 895 3 View
iam extracting RNA from brain tissues that are stored in -80 .should i get them all at same time from -80 which starting to homogenize some of them on ice or get few sames out of the -80 everynow...
23 November 2018 7,993 1 View
Hi All, I was wondering if anyone had recommendations , insights, comments, etc. on what they think is the best RNA extraction protocol for small tissues. By small, I mean the brain of a tadpole...
31 October 2018 8,067 4 View
I tried to extract plant virus (RNA genome) from ginger leaves but there are a lot of inhibitors when I come to cDNA and RT-PCR sometimes. I want to get expertise advice from those who worked with...
21 October 2018 7,521 4 View
I'm using the RNAzol for extracting total RNA from Gram-positive bacteria that have been harvested in the mid-exponential growth phase. However, we observed bacteria growth is extremely slow for...
18 October 2018 8,910 6 View
We are culturing cells inside a 3D PLGA electrospun scaffold. Currently, we are using Qiazol to isolate the RNA, and we found that the Qiazol dissolves the PLGA scaffold upon contact. And we also...
08 October 2018 1,427 4 View
Hi, I have a question about the 0.5 McFarland standard. In different websites I read that the for the 0.5 McFarland standard, the absorbance at a wavelength of 625 nm should be 0.08 to 0.13. I...
21 September 2018 5,708 1 View
Globally Malaria,dengue and chikungunya are now present where it was not in the past. Is this by climatic factors or others.
12 September 2018 5,591 18 View
I'll work with fecal samples and I want do a good storage for a good RNA extractions in other occasion, I want to know the ratio of fecal samples and RNAlater for a good storage.
11 September 2018 4,529 1 View
I'm trying to figure out how to create a dummy variable in STATA that is dependent on many variables in my dataset. Specifically, I want to create a new binary variable (CMC; 1= yes; 0 =no) where...
20 August 2018 7,708 0 View
Hi everyone, I am isolating RNA from pine cambium and am having problems getting clean pure RNA. If I use a miRvana kit I get around 10ng/ul RNA and 0,5 ng/ul DNA and by LiCl precipitation I get...
30 July 2018 547 2 View
I am trying detect a rna virus in stool samples. To extract the rna, I have been using qiagen viral rna extraction kit. From cultured viruses I had good results but all stool samples came out to...
28 July 2018 2,861 3 View
I have tried so many times to extract tRNA from Rose leaves and buds by pBiozol method. My intention is to have tRNA for experiments about miRNAs (as pBiozol can give tRNA with high concentration...
21 July 2018 6,331 18 View
Hi, I am having issues loading both the classifier model and rules from Cell profiler analyst into cell profiler in the filter object module. I created a pipeline where I identify my primary...
18 July 2018 8,437 3 View
Hi, I usually use sucrose lysis buffer ( 0.6 M sucrose, 0.02 M Tris base, 0.01 M MgCl2 and 2% triton) for RBCs lysis in DNA extraction. After initial RBCs lysis and washing, a pellet of WBCs is...
11 July 2018 5,549 2 View
I am trying different methods for my enrichment culture which contain lots of Fe(II) and Fe(III) minerals (oxidized from 10mM FeCl2). The amount of total cell numbers are around 104-105 cells/ml,...
15 June 2018 6,630 4 View
Hello everybody. Does anyone know if I could freeze my infected THP-1 macrophages before extracting RNA? The reason to do so would be that I would like to perform controls to check if the cell...
30 May 2018 9,882 2 View