04 April 2021 3 9K Report


I would to ask if anyone knows whether the volume of buffer I resuspend a pellet in affects cell yield.


Scenario 1 : I resuspend my cell pellet in 50uL PBS (let's say there is some antibodies I am trying to incubate the cells with). Then I wash with 100uL PBS and centrifuge at a final volume of 150uL.

Scenario 2: I resuspend my cell pellet in 100uL PBS (incubate with antibodies) . Then I wash with 200ul PBS and centrifuge at a final volume of 300uL.

Scenario 3: I resuspend my cell pellet in 100uL PBS (incubate with antibodies) . Then I wash with 300ul PBS and centrifuge at a final volume of 400uL.

Scenario 4: I resuspend my cell pellet in 200ul PBS (incubate with antibodies). Then I wash with 300ul PBS and centrifuge at a final volume of 500uL.

In which scenario will I have greater cell yield and better pellet quality after centrifugation step is complete? I would like to lose as few cells as possible. I would like to know how people determine the buffer volume they resuspend their pellet in and the volume of buffer used for washes. I have noticed in multiple papers they go for higher volumes. Does higher volumes mean better cell yield ? I need to retain as many cells in the pellet as possible and lose few as possible during the wash and centrifugation. I think the volume you resuspend the pellet in and the volume in the centrifuge matters and I would ask your opinions on the best scenario to keep as many cells as possible.

Thank you.

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