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Questions related to RNA Extraction
I am planning to use the Mobio Power Water RNA Extraction Kit (50) and am inquiring about the probable effects with a sample that has been through the RNEasy Protect Kit. The RNEasy protect kit is...
21 May 2018 9,195 3 View
I have some samples (few cells of ciliates) are preserved in RNAlater. So is there any problem if I start my work by adding lysis buffer for RNA extraction in my preserved samples stored in...
17 May 2018 8,641 3 View
Hi! I need to extract RNA from sorted immune cells using RNeasy Quiagen minikit , and having many samples I would process them approximately 2 hours after being sorted. Because of this delay, I...
11 May 2018 8,112 5 View
Hello, I need help in constructing my experiments in detecting the presence of a bacteria in my plants, via dna extraction I have 10 treatments, with 6 replicates and 5 plants unit per replicate,...
16 April 2018 5,553 3 View
I want to know the artificial gene or strain which can be use as a DNA/RNA extraction control, and will lead you to RT PCR testing for any viral DNA or RNA.
11 April 2018 8,508 4 View
I'm making nucleic acid extraction with Maxwell RSC equipment. But the purity 260/280 is not too high. I extract the nucleic acids from plasma samples. So I'd like to know if there's anyway to...
13 March 2018 5,166 4 View
Hello, For the project I am currently involved in, I am in need for a cheap, non-toxic, pH 7+, non-disruptive buffer for RNA stabilization of bacterial cells (applied to a large environmental...
05 March 2018 5,263 14 View
Does anyone use the 'SPLIT RNA Extraction Kit (lexogen)'" for heart tissue? It would be nice if you could share your experience. I means the data and some tips. Thanks! The linkage of the...
02 March 2018 2,185 3 View
Hello all, I want to collect Arabidopsis leaves samples exposed to different stress conditions, at different time points. I want to know instead of going for liq. nitrogen can i store my samples...
26 February 2018 9,958 2 View
Hi everybody, Im trying to isolate RNA from umbilical cord total tissue by nitrogen freezing and powdering and then Qiazol/Choloroform extraction. I have obtained good results with placental...
14 February 2018 3,896 4 View
I'm interested in isolating neutrophils from human whole blood for subsequent RNA extraction for downstream purposes like qPCR. Just wondering if anyone is willing to share their protocol/work...
02 February 2018 9,410 2 View
I would like to avoid grinding the tissue with liquid nitrogen and a pestle and mortar. Are there other ways to start RNA extraction from plant tissue stored in RNA later? Can it be freeze-dried...
01 February 2018 703 3 View
Dear all, attached are the images of a hydroid species collected from the east coast of India. Can anyone identify the species please? Only fragments of the animal was collected from a bottom...
24 January 2018 1,471 0 View
Hi dear colleagues, I work on altered expreeion profiles genes in bread wheat against mycotoxin of fusarium head blight.I need information about Sampling and RNA extraction from wheat spike. I'm...
07 January 2018 2,893 3 View
I am trying to extract RNA from the pseudo bulb part of a medicinal terrestrial orchid. although I got high quality RNA from leaf but while trying so from the pseudoibulb or rhizome I am facing...
28 December 2017 2,829 1 View
HIV RNA Extraction
15 December 2017 6,628 2 View
It is said that root sampling is a critical task to be done since it would influence the quality of your samples. I would like to ask for a root sampling procedure in rice which takes in to...
28 November 2017 9,975 3 View
The micro organism is anaplasma ovis, and it can't be cultured. I have purified anaplasma ovis stored in liquid nitrogen using glycerol stock. Kindly share the protocol and guide which kit give...
07 November 2017 3,618 2 View
Hi everyone, I would like to do correlation analysis qPCR (2^(-delta delta Cq)) vs RNA-seq data in terms of fold change. In my qPCR, I have two conditions and one housekeeping genes to be...
19 September 2017 1,889 4 View
I have frozen samples lysed in RLT buffer and I would like to use the Zymo kit to isolate RNA. May this affect the yield/purity of the extracted RNA? In principle, the composition of the RLT...
14 September 2017 2,708 2 View
Can anyone help me to identify these Antarctic serpulids at least until genus? I know the photos are not good but if anyone has any suggestion to have an idea, it will be great. Many thanks! Blanca
12 September 2017 9,076 0 View
Can anyone kindly tell me what amount of rice seedling leaves and root is required for isolation of good quantity of RNA ? Should I weigh the freshly chopped samples before homogenizing with lN2...
25 July 2017 288 8 View
hi i want to extract RNA from white blood cells for Real Time PCR and i need first increase white cells. i isolated buffy coat and cultured it with PHA for 72 h and then extracted RNA. but RNA...
23 July 2017 2,604 2 View
I was extracting RNA from honey bee midguts for qPCR using Trizol and my A260/280 values prior to cDNA generation are all around 2.5; my collaborator suspects Trizol contamination. Do you agree...
20 July 2017 527 3 View