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Questions related to RNA Extraction
I am trying to perform trizol RNA extraction on mouse skin samples. After addition of chloroform for phase separation, the top aqueous layer remained very pink - I think from Trizol contamination....
21 December 2016 5,303 5 View
I have already tried different methods to extract RNA from yeast polysomal fractions, like phenol extraction-LiCl precipitation, or total RNA extraction kits (silica columns). In all cases I find...
15 December 2016 6,745 8 View
Hi, I needed to prepare water saturated phenol for RNA extraction. I did as following: liquefy crystal phenol at 60oC, then add 100ml of liquefied phenol to beaker and followed by adding equal...
15 December 2016 1,571 3 View
Hello Everyone, I am trying to extract RNA from Chlamydomonas (Cw92) using the traditional Trizol method. My RNA yield comes up really good around 900 to 1000 ng/ul. Even the 260/280 and 260/230...
14 December 2016 5,605 2 View
I can't find an article with a rough cell count of vaginal lavages so the Trizol datasheet isn't very helpful either. Any ideas?
13 December 2016 6,115 1 View
i am currently doing rna extraction by using trizol reagent. the concentration of rna that i got were around 120-160 ng/µl. The problem that i am having right now is the rna purity (A260/280) is...
12 December 2016 8,556 3 View
Presently, we are trying to isolation miRNA from oocytes. But miRNeasy is not working for isolation of miRNA from a pool of 25 oocytes. Why it is not working with us because we are using low...
09 December 2016 6,550 3 View
Hi all, I am trying to amplify naked mole rat CD44 from CDNA. Sequence of CD44 is taken from I want to amplify CD44 cDNA. The...
09 December 2016 5,145 4 View
09 December 2016 5,158 5 View
Hi every one! the mortar and pestle that used for cancer tissue grinding (homogenization) to isolate RNA can use for plant grinding and vice versa. and whats types of washing precaution take if we...
03 December 2016 4,936 3 View
Hi, I wanna ask about DNA and RNA pellet. I got the thin white spot at the bottom of the microtube. I assumed that this white spot "pellet" is a DNA pellet or a RNA pellet (ofc after I did DNA or...
02 December 2016 7,620 8 View
I am currently extracting RNA from whole wheat grains at different developmental stages using a CTAB extraction buffer containing: 2% CTAB, 2% PVP, 100mM Tris-Hcl , 25mM EDTA, 2M NaCL and 0.5g...
28 November 2016 1,771 4 View
Hello everybody, I have a question about the conservation of fish samples for a RNA extraction.More precisely, I have some juveniles and I need to extract good quality RNA from head and gonads. To...
24 November 2016 5,888 3 View
Should I keep repeating the extraction process. I am using Easy-REdBYF total RNA extraction kit. Are there any tips on improving conc.? 260/230 value is between 1.5 & 1.9.
24 November 2016 2,181 7 View
I am using Sigma DNase I (AMPD1) where I add 1 ul of each component(DNAse1, buffer and stop solution) to 8 ul of RNA in water (below is the link to the...
22 November 2016 3,347 2 View
Is there a lab researcher to do a RNA extraction from white blood cells to make a cDNA sequencing possible? I am trying to find out whether some unknown variants might cause changed protein function.
21 November 2016 4,639 2 View
Usually we do it with 6 embryos. Now for a lot of reasons we need to do RNA isolation and even Western blot with only a single embryo. Please kindly guide me with your notes. Thanks
16 November 2016 812 4 View
I've recently done an RNA extraction from mouse liver progenitor cells- on running my RNA samples on a gel, I noticed a distinct band above the 28S. Any ideas on what it may be? I don't think it's...
15 November 2016 8,973 2 View
There are papers that suggest that gDNA can be isolated from paxgene blood RNA tube. I am using Paxgene RNA extraction kit for extracting RNA. We are interested in isolating DNA also for some...
15 November 2016 1,990 3 View
Can you help me for RNA extraction from saliva sample? QUAgene company has a kit for RNA extraction from saliva but it is very expensive. I want another kit or method for RNA extraction from saliva .
14 November 2016 2,077 3 View
Hello. I am trying to optimize the culture conditions for a bacterial isolate that produces pigment on nutrient agar but not in nutrient broth. I have tried to increase the incubation time for...
09 November 2016 1,133 7 View
I am working with low (and expensive) amounts of tissue. Following a TRIzol extraction, I have got poor quality RNA and a low amount. I think that the main issue would be following the isopropanol...
05 November 2016 9,534 3 View
I am doing an IVT of guide DNA sequences. My template DNA is ~120 bp, but after the T7 promoter, there are only ~100bp. But after I do the IVT and run on a gel, I get two separate bands. I am...
04 November 2016 1,582 5 View
Extraction of RNA for detection of dengue and zika virus using RT-PCR, as what I know, RNA degrade easily. Is it necessary for us to extract from fresh sample/sample that kept in -80*C?
02 November 2016 5,068 2 View