A deoxyribonucleotide polymer that is the primary genetic material of all cells. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms normally contain DNA in a... | Contact experts in DNA to get answers
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Questions related to DNA
Why the number of secondary depressions on existing chromosomes varies?
16 November 2020 9,877 3 View
According to france-acouphenes.org, a french association aiming at informing the public about tinnitus, fluoxetine has been associated with hear loss. Though tinnitus associated with fluoxetine...
16 November 2020 1,040 6 View
09 November 2020 6,984 3 View
I would like to know whether some specific biomolecules will also evaporate and form vapors along with solvent vaporization. If so, what kind of biomolecules?
20 October 2020 5,841 7 View
Hi, I am working on the relationship between tissue damage repair and cell pyroptosis. The cell model I used were THP-1(human) and BMDM (mouse). This is the way I use to induce THP-1 cell...
14 October 2020 1,577 0 View
Hello i'm studying sequence relationship between species of fungal isolates. I find it difficult to establish which phylogenetic tree analysis is required (rooted or unrooted tree). Need some...
07 October 2020 7,615 4 View
Is 8th week the earliest week where we can determine the fetal sex ?
06 October 2020 9,756 9 View
Hello, I am trying to measure the area of my scratch for wound healing using ImageJ. I have a large amount of images, so tracing the scratch manually is not a good option. I have tried...
01 October 2020 1,006 3 View
Textbooks suggest that there S2, S3, and S4 regions of the spinal cord contain preganglionic nulcei in the anterior grey horn. However, there is no grey horn in the sacral region, as the cord...
27 September 2020 7,855 3 View
I get a fungal culture on a liquid medium (czapeck). When i try to recuperate spores, they couldn't be separated from mycelium.
25 September 2020 7,022 6 View
What is the general consensus on one vs. two-tailed hypothesis testing in planned contrasts? I have a repeated measures mixed design. The study consists of three groups (A, B, C) and we have three...
18 September 2020 8,313 12 View
Researchers around the world are doing their best to perform experiments but when they want to publish their research work in gold open access journals, APC will stand infront of them like a wall....
17 September 2020 4,144 10 View
I am preparing CTAB buffer and I read that addition of PVP (Polyvinylpyrrolidone) helps to remove phenolic compounds. Most of the times in protocols there is no additional information about...
06 September 2020 7,765 4 View
I am working on MSCs culture and to normalise the data, I am doing Picogreen DNA quantification. However, the total amount of DNA is downgraded by 30% when I repeated the quantification using...
27 August 2020 5,309 2 View
I have some plasmids with sacB. Ecoli carrying these plasmids seems slow even on standard LB without sucrose. I sequenced the plasmids and everything seems normal. Normally I have nice colonies...
23 August 2020 3,452 3 View
Normally, ecoli miniprep cultures are grown for around 12-18 hours at 37C. However, due to my schedule, I won't be able to harvest the cultures for >24 hours. I think >24 hours is too long to...
18 August 2020 8,031 6 View
I have been dealing with Feeding Ecology of Fishes for the past 4-5 years and have a fairly large dataset of 17 species with a total of nearly 1000 guts. Of course, Anova analysis of diet...
18 August 2020 8,550 4 View
I am using TissueLyser LT to extract DNA from plant tissue ( without using liquid nitrogen cause it's not available ) but I do not know how much time is required? I did this in 6 minutes at 50HZ...
16 August 2020 9,443 7 View
What would be the acceptable CV% and SD for copy number results between stool samples in qPCR (same group)? I am evaluating different bacteria (E.coli, Lactobacillus, etc.) using the absolute...
07 August 2020 8,286 4 View
Dear, Can anyone help me on editing property of component in Aspen plus? Recently I'm trying to edit component NaNO3, molecular weight to 90.794, heat capacity to 145.27 KJ/kmol.k. and mass...
23 July 2020 1,967 0 View
I am working on nonlinear materials. I wrote the program in Matlab. Unfortunately, I couldn't drew diagrams about bistability in 1D Photonic Crystals with nonlinear defect. Plase let me know...
14 July 2020 5,026 0 View
Hello, I have dozens of confocal images to process in Fiji. It is neither practical nor a productive use of my time to do them all out by hand, so I want to use a macro. However, I am fairly new...
13 July 2020 7,554 2 View
What is a good statistical test to investigate how frequency distribution responses are influenced by more than one predictor variable? Can this be done within the multiple linear regression or...
06 July 2020 6,731 0 View
Hi. I want to do (renal) denervation to mice. So, I searched for some protocols and those said: "use 10% phenol". But I don't know what I have to use exactly. Do I have to use powder phenol for...
19 June 2020 3,330 0 View