A deoxyribonucleotide polymer that is the primary genetic material of all cells. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms normally contain DNA in a... | Contact experts in DNA to get answers
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Questions related to DNA
Hi all, We're doing a Ribodepletion using the Illumina Ribo-Zero Plus rRNA Depletion Kit but did not realise we had to buy RNA clean up beads (Duh). Has anyone used AMpure XP beads for RNA...
03 June 2020 8,461 4 View
what is the Idea of MRI? What are the differences between their relaxation times T1 and T2? How a superparamagnet is used for enhancing the contrast in imaging? what are the challenges for doing...
24 May 2020 672 1 View
I am curious if there exist any bioinformatics tools that can predict changes in secondary structure for proteins and/or nucleic acids. For instance, say a C-terminal loop on a protein reorganizes...
20 May 2020 2,146 8 View
I'm collecting data on dominant frequency for all tetrapods (birds, mammals, lepidosaurs, frogs, testudines, crocodiles) and I'm looking for big databases Thanks in advance!
18 May 2020 5,657 0 View
Greetings all I am looking for a way to search for specific gene(s) expression levels in an environmental transcriptome data posted on MG-RAST. If anyone has expertise in doing such it would be...
10 May 2020 2,537 0 View
Dear ALL I hope all are safe during this Covid-19 Pandemic and may god recover all from this epidemic at the earliest. What is the significance of CD4 and CD8 count on Rumninat productivity? what...
04 May 2020 3,499 0 View
As we know STRING is a very good tool for the Protein-Protein interaction analysis. But we can analyze only 2000 protein. if it is more than 2000, is there any tool for PPI analysis.
20 April 2020 8,266 2 View
Hi guys, Am defining monocyte subsets. And classifying then to classical, intermediate and non classical. But when i am gatting non classical the CD14 expression seems smear up negative. What i...
16 April 2020 3,890 0 View
approximately, how much the body weight could increase per week in the mouse?
14 April 2020 1,087 0 View
We have quadruplicates for mitochondria copy number multiplex PCR. ND1 representing the mitochondrial DNA and RNAse P being our reference. Equation for mitoCN= (2^(ND1 Ct-RNAseP Ct)) *...
02 April 2020 3,942 0 View
Phosphoric acid, when free in solution, is a triprotic acid with pKa1 = 2.2, pKa2 = 7.2, and pKa3 = 12.4. But most of the phosphate groups in DNA and RNA molecules participate in phosphodiester...
24 March 2020 5,110 15 View
Why a canonical AMBER simulation of DNA doesn't include dangling 5' phosphate? So, if I want to simulate an oligomer of length N bp, then it will have 2N bases but 2(N-1) phosphate when standard...
23 March 2020 6,274 3 View
Dear colleagues, I saw that studies usually assume a pressure difference of 1 Pa between inside and outside the building as a reference value in "real condition" (when air infiltration is driven...
23 March 2020 2,533 3 View
I want to do NMR for my G-quadruplex forming Oligonucleotides in presence of a specific metal ion. Our lab is new to this topic and no one in our lab has experienced about this.I have tried using...
18 March 2020 8,493 2 View
Dear researcher, I am extracting DNA from IV plants which contain a lot of phenolic compounds and secondary metabolites, due to which the DNA extracted always contains impurities (I tried several...
06 March 2020 5,098 5 View
Hello, I'm currently working on DNA extraction from E. coli suspended in PBS. I'm working with concentrations ranging from 102 CFU/mL to 105 CFU/mL (and 108 CFU/mL as a positive control) and I...
03 March 2020 7,638 14 View
I am struggling to find a quantitative method for nerve functionality in skin biopsies. Would it be possible to quantify neuropeptides/ACh as a direct relation to nerve functionality (taking into...
24 February 2020 6,487 0 View
Hello everybody, --just a brief intro about the background of my question-- I have to analyse the gut microbiome of a marine fish through whole metagenome sequencing. Going through literature, I...
19 February 2020 8,585 1 View
Hi, I ran 100ng of gDNA on a 0.7% agarose gel at 80V for 45min in 1XTAE buffer which was made fresh from a 50X stock which was produced 3 days ago. The samples were loaded in wells 3 and 5 where...
18 February 2020 8,703 3 View
More established data on IVCM imaging with patients receiving rhNGF / cenegermin for NK? Evaluating the use of autologous serum tears within a scleral lens vs. topical application over time on...
11 February 2020 802 2 View
Dear colleagues, I hope for your help. We have two samples of DNA purified by different ways. The one (black) has a 260/280 ratio equaled 1,935, its 260/230 ratio is 2,488 For the second (blue)...
02 February 2020 8,289 3 View
I'm planning on substituting my media with a balanced mix of nucleosides. Any advice on concentrations or supplier?
15 January 2020 9,340 3 View
Hi everybody, I am struggling to get the TOP flash assay to work using 293T cells. I have tried adding 10 ug of recombinant Wnt3a as positive control and also using Wnt3a conditioned media but I...
15 January 2020 8,569 9 View
A mathematical model of temperature-dependent sex determination of crocodile eggs
10 January 2020 2,359 7 View