I have dozens of confocal images to process in Fiji. It is neither practical nor a productive use of my time to do them all out by hand, so I want to use a macro. However, I am fairly new to research; I only started a few months ago, so I don't have much experience writing macros in Fiji. What I'm doing is taking an image split into 3 channels, applying the grayscale LUT, and z-projecting to max intensity. Then I manually adjust brightness/contrast depending on the quality, merge channels, and stack to RGB. I also add a scale bar, but that I adjust manually i.e. 10 microns, 20 microns, etc.
Does anybody know if such a macro exists (i.e. in the Fiji user guide) or how to write such a macro? I have made one by using the record function, but that turned out to be inefficient because I had to change the file name every time I ran the macro. is there a way to get around this? Also, how would I incorporate into the macro the pauses when I have to make manual adjustments?