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Questions related to Biomolecules
Can we measure the bulk composition of biomolecules present within an algal sample directly by placing its powdered form on a FT-IR spectroscopy stage? Or does it require a particular kind of...
31 January 2021 2,537 4 View
Insect cuticle plays control roles in reducing insecticide penetration into the insect's internal body. This cuticle possesses cuticular biomolecules such as proteins and hydrocarbons which maybe...
12 November 2020 6,544 1 View
I am working on a covid19 detection techniques so I wanted to find the value of dielectric constant of covid19 protein biomolecule.
01 October 2020 1,769 1 View
Is/are there some other factors than Thrombin that can be used for the polymerization of Fibrinogen? I need to polymerize Fibrinogen but do not want to use Thrombin for this process but could not...
23 July 2020 4,365 1 View
Hai everyone, Lets say i have a water droplet containing biomolecules. During evaporation of droplets through heating, is there any kind of biomolecules or salts which also evaporates along with...
21 July 2020 7,382 2 View
I have a question. If I try to study the effects of ozone in animal cell cultures' antioxidant activity by triggering a reactions with the cell's lipid molecules, how can I make sure the ozone...
14 April 2020 8,780 3 View
Hello RG community, currently I am trying to reach these goals on silicon surfaces for a microfludic project. I have used silanes like APTES in the past in order to get my si-surface hydrophobic...
23 March 2020 3,119 3 View
Apparently there is a belief that contaminated steam in the autoclave can contaminate your pipette tips while sterilizing them with biomolecules such as peptides and DNA, and that this can be a...
06 March 2020 1,625 3 View
Viruses can't replicate without host, and the so-called in-vitro virus culture actually cultures virus on bacterial biofilm or embryos. would viruses not replicate even if they are presented in a...
12 December 2019 7,567 1 View
All organs are not equally damaged by same amount of radiation dosage. But, on which basis equivalency is measured? (i..e 1 gray in this organ equals 10 sievert) Is it arbitrarily qualitative or...
21 November 2019 7,878 6 View
11 November 2019 2,503 6 View
Can Franz cell be used reversely to figure out how much of something (a biomolekyle) goes from the blod/tissue over the skin and out?? I have not been able to find a study that has done this, so...
11 November 2019 3,237 1 View
Could you offer me protocols for extracting antimicrobial biomolecules from bacteria? Thank you?
11 November 2019 7,690 7 View
1. How effective do you think cancer treatment methods are? Do you think anyone is really effective in restoring cell homeostasis? 2. It is planned to make a prototype of a vaccine, whose content...
10 October 2019 2,286 3 View
I have heard people commenting on usage of silica gel for desalting or flash columns in size exclusion chromatography for biomolecules. Can anyone explain on what could be the chromatographic...
18 September 2019 3,533 5 View
09 September 2019 10,101 6 View
nuclear factor kappa light chain enhancer of activated B cells which gives estimate of cytokine release, ultimately inflammation . Is there any diagnostic kit is available which can estimate its...
29 July 2019 2,011 5 View
When more than one biomolecules attempt to enter into a cell membrane at once (in a large quantity) does it impede the transfection process?
24 July 2019 4,299 2 View
07 July 2019 837 6 View
What are the reagents that can be used to kill bacterial cells in a culture or culture-supernatant without affecting the proteins (and other biomolecules) secreted by the bacteria?
05 May 2019 2,329 4 View
I have recently been working with Ga-68 labeled biomolecules and I have only 50% recovery from my borosilicate glass vial after the product has been dried at 50 degree C under a stream of nitrogen...
05 May 2019 9,069 3 View
02 May 2019 471 3 View
I would like to perform a systematic review about a specific biomolecule and its role in cancer. I want to follow a protocol, like PRISMA and Cochrane's handbook for systematic review and...
26 January 2019 8,930 3 View
In biochemical thermodynamics imaginary boundary is used to separate the system and surroundings
01 January 2019 9,591 0 View