The use of instrumentation and techniques for visualizing material and details that cannot be seen by the unaided eye. It is usually done by... | Contact experts in Microscopy to get answers
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Questions related to Microscopy
Hello, I need to ask about why DS value is decreasing when increasing molar ratio of reagent? First I would like to tell that I performed 5 synthesis of cellulose with vinyl laurate. The result of...
23 March 2021 4,028 3 View
Hey, I have done the Transmission Electron Microscopy of my phages and got nice images. Now i've classified my phages depending on their morphology. In many papers, i have seen they have measured...
14 March 2021 5,753 1 View
Can anyone identify what kind of Schistosome species this might be? Morphological features of cercariae and adults resemble Trichobilharzia, though I am fairly new to the field of parasitology...
26 February 2021 8,087 6 View
I am currently trying to stain for PI3KBeta in MDA-MB-231 cells. My current issue is that 1) beta stains all over the cell and 2) there is an increase in signal at the edge of the cell and this...
25 February 2021 8,905 1 View
Would you please let me to know about the methods for measurement of medullation and Kemp % on animal? My problem is that the wool sampling and sending to laboratory is not possible. So I would...
22 February 2021 7,582 4 View
I want to have a optical system where, I focus a beam onto the BFP of a microscope objective. Unfortunately, I always have a strong Back Reflection from the objective. Can anyone suggest me some...
19 January 2021 2,326 8 View
From examples I've seen online, brightfield has too-low contrast and phase contrast has large (diffraction?) halos that can look like noise.
16 January 2021 3,314 1 View
Hello every scientific explorers!! Recently, I have been interested in Interferometric Scattering (iSCAT) microscopy, the scattering-based imaging microscopy. One of the problems I am facing is...
28 December 2020 8,231 2 View
I am trying to develop a microscope for high resolution and good contrast imaging of micro and nanoparticles, but I am not sure which microscopy technique is appropriate.
17 December 2020 2,009 2 View
I am trying to run my cyanobacteria extracts in GCMS, but, the GCMS lab-solutions software is indicating that the MS communication hardware is not connected also showing code 0D80. What could be...
04 December 2020 4,426 4 View
I am working with some colleagues on historic FFPE sections from multiple sites that have been (unknowingly) cut onto different types of glass slide. We have used Thermo SuperFrost Plus...
10 November 2020 7,762 3 View
I'm looking for a protocol for doing fluoresence microscopy to see the mitochondria shape/AR, on PBMCs from human blood?
06 November 2020 9,035 3 View
I would like to determine the thickness of a liquid film floating (uniformly/non-uniformly) on another immiscible liquid. How to photograph the cross section of the film (in a non-invasive manner)...
04 November 2020 5,721 3 View
I am using a toluidine blue O preparation for staining different parts of wheat plants to observe a fungus growing in them. This works really well for lighter tissues of the plant! However, the...
28 October 2020 9,364 1 View
NA= Numerical Aperture
13 October 2020 2,694 2 View
The depth of field, decreases as the resolution of the lens is improved, since the criterion for “in focus” becomes more stringent.
13 October 2020 3,817 2 View
Can I use eosin yellow indicator, fuchsin acid for microscopy, methyl blue and fuchsin basic ofr the observation of marine Fungi?
08 September 2020 9,758 1 View
I am doing an ectoparasitic diversity survey of bats in Texas, United States. Any taxonomic keys that might help me morphologically identify specimens is helpful.
01 September 2020 1,665 2 View
Dear colleagues, We want to establish a reflective microscopy system with Kohler illumination using optical cage system. But we have no idea how to begin with. Could you please propose any...
27 August 2020 722 2 View
How do people usually measure bacterial interations? Thank you!
21 August 2020 7,627 3 View
High power pulsed laser diodes are portable and affordable, thus an ideal illumination source for photoacoustic imaging. However, these are available only in the near infrared range. Why these...
24 July 2020 8,249 2 View
I used pet16b vector to clone my gene of interest to further purify the protein .I added the fluorescent tag at the c-terminal for further microscopy. After cloning ,samples were sent to sequence...
16 July 2020 4,064 2 View
Could anyone suggest a cost-effective optical table with rigid support legs (other than one from Newport) to do some basic spectroscopy (PL) and microscopy (AFM)?
14 July 2020 6,490 1 View
I took a TEM image that consist of one unusual morphology of phages. did anyone observe this type of morphology that I attach below.
03 July 2020 1,356 4 View