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Questions related to DNA Sequencing
When I try to submit DNA sequences to NCBI, they ask clarification of sequences having internal stop codon. How to edit/ remove them.
04 July 2020 6,804 2 View
i recently got my dna sequence results, i performed a blast for the sequence on NCBI, did alignment with aliview and constructed a phylogenetic tree but i encountered some issues. 1. with similar...
23 May 2020 10,014 3 View
Hi All, I am working on developing a computational model to find protein coding and non-coding regions of COVID-19 DNA sequences. To test my model, I need CDS information of COVID-19 DNA...
01 May 2020 4,358 7 View
I already have the sequences of a DNA, (PCR product), sequenced from the forward and reverse primers, so how can i generate a contig sequence by using the Bioedit ?
29 April 2020 9,412 4 View
Hi everyone? I'm doing my thesis about Promoter regions in some jasmonate genes on cassava (M. esculenta). I have any questions about the DNA cloninig... Is possible lose some pair bases (bp) of...
26 April 2020 7,410 3 View
I am interested in sequencing the phages present in environmental samples (bioreators, seawater, soil...) using long reads from Oxford Nanopore sequencing. I would like to know if anyone has been...
07 April 2020 3,094 1 View
I would like to create a sequence logo from my variant frequency (short 15bp DNA sequence). So it's not the normal alignment of several sequences but only ONE single sequence where I would like to...
01 April 2020 1,571 8 View
More specifically, if my protein (transcription factor: TF) is known, the binding site is also known. I have a couple of TF mutants and want to quantitatively measure the differences in binding...
01 April 2020 4,923 2 View
we know there is conserved DNA binding domain, but no information was available about exactly what DNA sequence it might be recognizing. How would we identify the DNA sequence this protein might...
29 March 2020 8,388 3 View
If i sequence the same sample twice (two different illumina runs): sequencing depth of 10 sequencing depth of 20 can I claim a sequencing depth of 30? Seems counterintuitive to me but I haven't...
23 March 2020 1,057 5 View
What is DNA sequencing ? DNA has the code for a person. The code comes from the father and the mother. But how can we read this code?
18 March 2020 9,514 5 View
Hello, I am looking for an alternative for Seqeuncher since our license is running out and wanted to see what people's opinion are for Sanger sequence editing. I know there are a lot out there,...
10 February 2020 3,937 1 View
Dear all, I am trying to amplify a approx. 1700 bp DNA sequence by PCR, that I have amplified before by ddPCR. I recovered it as described by BioRad with chloroform. Concentrations were 0,5-3...
05 February 2020 626 3 View
The microalgal ITS region has about 600 base pairs in total. Are 400 bases enough to identify the genus of the organism? Can it be used to hint at the specie too? I am getting 97% query cover and...
19 January 2020 2,530 3 View
our team is conducting research on "the hybrid threat" (exotic species X native species) on the biodiversity of endogenous aquatic species. But we are on molecular biology. we ask colleagues in...
17 January 2020 5,890 2 View
My genes interest is EntA in E.coli. I want to find genes with similar function like EntA in any members of Bacteroides and Firmicutes. I need the DNA sequence of EntA-like genes in these phyla.
02 January 2020 2,509 1 View
I have to send my sample for metagenomics sequencing but my genomic DNA shows up a clear band with thin and long smear. It looks like my sample has degraded but I'm not sure. I read somewhere that...
16 December 2019 341 3 View
I already found the human chromosome DNA sequence from the ensemble browser .But the problem is in that sequence it shows some N terms are coming top , bottom and in the middle .Without N terms...
13 December 2019 7,388 4 View
I am seaqrching for a tool that can align exon and intron sequences to a template DNA sequence without disrupting any of the short sequences. I remember that DNAStar was able to do this. Does...
13 December 2019 9,147 3 View
Dear all, I am synthesizing a nematode gene for reexpression in human cells and functional characterization (not for protein expression/purification). What are the pros and cons of codon...
05 November 2019 2,603 2 View
Dear Sir/Mam , I have one problem in my research work, I am trying to align 4.5MB large DNA sequence. Could any one suggest any tool for pairwise alignment of this...
02 November 2019 8,718 3 View
I am looking for a good company in DNA sequencing in order to urge my students to cooperate with them and send their research projects to them.
12 October 2019 5,672 1 View
I have recently identified SNPs in DNA sequences of some human genes responsible for a disease. I want to check if there is any change in the protein sequence as well as function. Are there any...
30 September 2019 2,217 3 View
Hi, I am looking into methods to extract DNA from fish tissue. Our lab has used the glassmilk approach in the past but recently switched to using Chelex. I was wondering if anyone knew of any...
25 September 2019 7,606 1 View