05 February 2020 3 622 Report

Dear all,

I am trying to amplify a approx. 1700 bp DNA sequence by PCR, that I have amplified before by ddPCR. I recovered it as described by BioRad with chloroform. Concentrations were 0,5-3 ng/µL initially and I saw clear bands at the desired range on the agarose gel. At first I tried to amplify 2 µL of this product using the same primers as used for ddPCR. It did not work. In a new attempt I purified the recovered ddPCR product with ethanol precepitation or a clean-up filtration kit because we suspected inhibitors to block the reaction. Concentrations after purification were very similar to those measured before the purification. Again, I only could detect primer dimers in the PCR.

Does anyone have experience with amplifying a recovered ddPCR product?

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