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Questions related to DNA Sequencing
Some times two plant species which are morphologically different have similar DNA sequences. What should be the final conclusion?
09 September 2019 1,822 7 View
I found a possible new species of bacteria. For the ITS DNA sequence, similarity to other bacteria of the genus ranges from 80 to 91%. Making a Neighboor-Joining tree with the ITS sequence, my...
19 August 2019 9,037 2 View
In Gene therepy the desired Gene copy is been replaced with viral dna sequence and introduced into human,results in editing the desired sequence into human dna,but this is risky as some times...
19 August 2019 5,196 2 View
I'm working on analysis of genetic diversity of P. vivax in Thailand by DNA sequencing using Illumina Miseq. Gene targets are polymorphic regions of PvMSP-1, PvAMA-1, PvCSP, and PvDBP (4 markers)....
14 August 2019 7,355 4 View
I need the DNA sequence pCP13 cosmid vector. I know that pCP13 was derived from pLAFR1 and have the DNA sequence for pLAFR1 but I don't know the sequence of the kanamycin resistance gene (or where...
30 July 2019 6,200 2 View
I have a sequence of DNA for an oncogene with a novel oncogenic mutation. I want to know how does this mutation affect the structure of the protein produced by that gene. What softwares can help...
24 July 2019 9,283 1 View
DNA fingerprinting is the one way of protecting our crop varieties. DNA sequence information can be utilized for the same purpose, But whole genome sequencing cannot be done for each variety. So,...
26 June 2019 3,199 2 View
Protection of varieties under IPR
19 June 2019 9,156 6 View
I have the SNP data within a 500kb region ~for 400 rice genotyeps. Some genotypes may have recombination events at this region, representing as successive SNP alteration. For example, the DNA...
11 June 2019 2,881 3 View
I wish to find out if HOMER tool can be used to predict the binding site of a transcription factor on a list of DNA sequences. Thank you in advance for your kind and helpful responses.
28 May 2019 8,763 3 View
Hi, I am planning to do Genotyping by sequencing (GBS) on Brassica. Our central lab have recently bought a 'miniseq (illumina)'. miniseq is capable of sequencing 2 × 150 bp read lengths. I am...
09 May 2019 9,865 3 View
Hi all, I want to express a ~100 bp single-stranded DNA sequences in E. coli. The project is to make a molecular beacon that has a ssDNA fragment making a hairpin that unfolds in response to a...
25 April 2019 948 2 View
Dear Sir/Madam, this is an e-mail that I am going to send to your attention. It is mandatory that you cancel from your web site our manuscript submitted to the journal Cells. The manuscript...
17 April 2019 1,749 1 View
Good day house. I am working on Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics of some organisms. Before conducting my Synonymous to Non Synonymous substitutions after Sanger Sequencing, I would need to...
09 April 2019 5,158 3 View
What are the advantages and disadvantages of mixing different species in a plate? when performing the techniques of: Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) Sequence-Based Genotyping (SBG) Restriction...
09 April 2019 2,059 1 View
Hi there, I've got these bacterial samples and were to extract DNA for posterior 16S DNA sequencing. I have two groups of samples: group A are isolates with nothing than bacteria cells (I hope =)...
08 April 2019 6,825 5 View
When sequencing a marker such as COI, sequences with different size of base pairs are obtained. After aligning the sequences, it is observed that some sequences extend in the 3'-direction and in...
28 March 2019 7,865 2 View
We are trying to use the P2A self-cleavage peptide to produce equimolar expression of 2 protein. However, we can't get the protein cleaved, we only detect the uncleaved product. The protein...
22 March 2019 7,900 3 View
Epigenetics is the study of heritable phenotype changes that do not involve alterations in the DNA sequence. Genetics involve with change of DNA sequence. Then what is more effecting.....
19 March 2019 4,063 7 View
We have discovered what could be a novel planarian in a unique, isolated aquatic environment. Preliminary COI sequencing and a BLAST search reveals only about 81% similarity to anything published....
13 March 2019 3,940 3 View
I have a list of DNA sequences which I assume are bound by proteins. Now, I would like to identify the proteins that bind to these DNA sequences. I imagine this should be (theoretically) possible...
20 February 2019 8,139 3 View
Hello guys, I have a bunch of DNA sequence for Parsimony analyses but not sure the software to use and the sequence format to prepare. Any help pls?
16 February 2019 6,403 2 View
Hello Everybody, I have extracted genomic DNA from 7 different bacterial species and pooled into a single solution (1ng from each ). After library preparation from the...
02 February 2019 2,265 3 View
I am going to monitor the localization of a membrane protein in Gram positive bacterium. I fused GFP to its C-terminal in the genomic DNA and DNA sequencing confirmed. But when I detect GFP signal...
30 January 2019 9,556 3 View