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Questions related to DNA Sequencing
Good day, I will prepare ETS libraries for a number of samples and I heard that fosmids can aid in cloning numbers of short (35-40 bp) sequences. Is there anyone working/worked/will and know of...
11 November 2014 7,306 3 View
Recently, there are many works which use as material for their study (in general, comparative analysis of DNA sequences using Bayes, MPA or others) DNA sequences available in genebank. These...
11 November 2014 6,890 4 View
What are the freely available software / websites for this? For example, if I need to compare the six possible amino acid sequences for each polynucleotide sequences, how do I do it? Can anybody...
11 November 2014 7,484 2 View
I know we have different of models and methods in molecular clock, but I am not sure how many of them we have? (I need a classification of them.)
11 November 2014 3,909 2 View
I am looking for the nucleotide sequence of a particular gene in NCBI. But results obtained in large numbers and as predicted. Are sequences predicted to be trusted? How might one obtain these...
11 November 2014 7,868 4 View
How to determine the threshold for binary discremination in pyrosequencing methylation analysis (PMA)? As we known, pyrosequencing will refer continuous signal for DNA methylation in a specific...
11 November 2014 8,371 1 View
Can anyone help me with add ITS sequence in NCBI? I have almost 300 DNA sequence and I want believe that there are tools for do that. Thanks
10 October 2014 8,861 4 View
Hi, I've been amplifying part of the 18S gene from environmental samples in preparation for Illumina sequencing. We were using invitrogen's AccuPrime PCR kit. Everything was working even though...
10 October 2014 2,592 8 View
I am receiving sanger results but I can't do the conversion of the files with the free software that I downloaded from the internet (DNA Bander). I would really appreciate if someone could suggest...
10 October 2014 4,430 13 View
Hi All, I am looking to add 3 nucleotides to a position in my DNA sequence which won't disrupt the coding region but introduce a restriction site into it. Is there any way I can add 3 different...
10 October 2014 9,555 6 View
I am isolating okazaki fragments and want to prepare sequencing library from them. To this end I need to get rid of all the RNA nucleotides linked to the DNA (the RNA primer of the Okazaki...
10 October 2014 3,294 7 View
Don't be shy to answer. I'd really like to know what people think!
10 October 2014 5,503 0 View
I want to study "speed of evolution" and i need a simple and exact method that use in melocular clock.
10 October 2014 8,247 3 View
I am undertaking 16S amplicon microbiome characterization of fish gut using MiSeq. Just wondering if anybody has any similar experience in figuring out a required sequencing depth to achieve this...
10 October 2014 9,849 8 View
We have recently begun using the technology in the clinical setting and I would like to know if any issues relating to mutation calling have been encountered by others in this context.
10 October 2014 8,679 10 View
Hi all, How to make sequence (DNA) in equal size after doing alignment in Clustal X? Sequence need to be equal size for Arlequin. thanks,
09 September 2014 5,561 13 View
As we know well the genomic DNA is cleaved into nucleosomal sub units by CAD enzyme during Apoptosis .. If every part of genomic DNA is cleaved to 180bp (Nucleosomal sub unit) ,then how do we get...
09 September 2014 6,995 5 View
I want to genotype 300 specific SNPs (spans across multiple chromosomes) in about 600 human patients. What genotyping method should I use? The DNA is extracted from human blood, and I need very...
09 September 2014 6,554 12 View
Dear all, SEQC has published a nice paper to better improve our expectations about RNA-Seq data. I am wondering if SEQC would do a similar assessment for DNA-Seq such as somatic...
09 September 2014 2,245 2 View
I want to know more about several detailed applications of "Approximate and Parameterized string matching" such as in Biro-informatics, DNA Sequence etc.
09 September 2014 6,831 0 View
For the human genome, do you explain this with probability or is it empirically determined?
09 September 2014 9,292 6 View
In DGGE analysis Shannon index works on binary data. In my case, some of the distinct bands turn out representing the same identical bacterial species after sequencing.
09 September 2014 2,716 4 View
I sequenced new isolates of S. singaporensis collected from different islands here in the Philippines. A well known scientists who is also working on this told me that don't rely on the sequences...
09 September 2014 621 4 View
Hello,We prepared enriched NGS libraries by using in a solution capture with biotinylated DNA probes. I would like to have your advice on how to improve enrichment (which stringency...
09 September 2014 296 3 View