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Questions related to DNA Sequencing
Hi, I am trying to test if one copy of a duplicated gene is under positive selection in 1 particular fish species. The other copy of the duplicated gene has been observed to be under positive...
05 September 2018 1,574 1 View
The partitions and models of DNA sequences are like that: DNA, coi_3 = 1 - 649\3; DNA, coi_1 = 2 - 650\3; DNA, coi_2 = 3 - 651\3; DNA, h3_3 = 652 - 994\3; DNA, h3_1 = 653 -...
27 August 2018 2,858 4 View
Does that mean transcription factor binding to a specific DNA sequence? How can I identify the proteins and where they bind?
24 August 2018 7,179 3 View
We are using SRELKA to identify somatic mutations from whole mitochondrial DNA sequencing data of paired peripheral blood /tumor samples. However, we have noticed that the somatic mutation list...
13 August 2018 1,568 2 View
I am trying to sequence a PCR product, the length is sufficient, it on agarose gel it gives nice, sharp band, without any smear or clouds of leftover oligos. Concentration measured on...
07 August 2018 5,153 3 View
Dear folks, I was wondering about the UTR region. As far as I understand, it is not in the DNA sequence and so is later added in the mRNA ( Am I right?). Who adds it? Is the RNA polymerase? There...
27 July 2018 6,415 3 View
Hello, I am starting a new project with DNA barcoding and I am not sure how to codify sequence DNA. In this project we are using the following molecular markers: rps16-trnk, rpl32-trnl and...
27 July 2018 5,925 2 View
I have done 16S rRNA sequencing for two actinobacteria isolates and when I tried the NCBI blast tool, I got hits for about 10 different species which are 100% identity, 100% query recovery and...
26 July 2018 6,081 3 View
Hello, I am currently trying to express the ECD of a transmembrane protein in E.coli. It has multiple disulphide bonds so I co-express it with DsbC and I use a Rosetta-Gami cell line. I was able...
24 July 2018 9,042 2 View
Sequence Submission, BOLD, DNA Barcoding
23 July 2018 5,227 4 View
Hello, I'd like to know your opinions on identifying fungal DNA sequences using the BLASTn with regards to Max Score, Total Score, Query Cover, E-value, and Identity match %? What are common...
07 July 2018 10,095 1 View
Hello, I recently tried to get the mRNA sequence of WIP1/PPM1D gene from NCBI, but it does not contain uracils. Therefore I thought the listed mRNA sequence was actually a cDNA. So I used BLAST to...
01 July 2018 652 1 View
The genome of S. cerevisiae was the first completely sequenced from a eukaryote. It was released in 1996. Life with 6000 Genes What kind of obstacles poses mitochondrial DNA for sequencing?
06 June 2018 9,792 3 View
Hello, concerning the Mitochondrial molecular markers COI and 16S rDNA, what is the difference between them and which one is the best to use to sequence invertebrate ? Thanks
05 June 2018 1,813 4 View
I have a couple chloroplast genomes deposited in GenBank where IR sequences are non-identical, but they should be. They might be sequencing and/or assembly errors. Is there a way to estimate this...
01 June 2018 4,026 1 View
Hi all, I'm trying to get proteins predicted from novel eukaryotic DNA sequences obtained from metagenomics. I guess protein prediction can be problematic from eukaryotic genomes.... WHAT ARE...
29 May 2018 7,841 4 View
The interpretation of most microbial meta-barcoding studies hinge on the behavior of the sequencing platforms. And, it seems to me that there is a philosophical divide amongst microbial...
26 May 2018 3,844 8 View
I am looking for a list or database of single copy human gene or DNA sequence.
26 May 2018 8,212 3 View
I have a specific DNA sequence which I could determine its location in a specific gene in the human genome. I wonder how can I know if it is located in a SNP region or no? And if it is in intron...
04 May 2018 4,787 4 View
I have fresh dried blood spots that i need to extract Plasmodium falciparum parasite DNA for analysis of Antimalarial drugs Resistance markers.I will sequence the DNA thus i required high quality...
25 April 2018 6,574 3 View
I want to find genes with Pfam domains, signal peptides and transmembrane helices in bacterial genome sequence obtained from de novo assembly. I figured out how find pfam domain using pfamscan in...
25 April 2018 2,776 1 View
Why is the recombinant protein using BL21 cells and pET32b+ vector, not having 109aa Trx Tag™ thioredoxin protein fused with it? I'm currently working with the expression vector pET32b+ (Novagen)....
21 April 2018 539 4 View
I want to identify homologous DNA sequences between mouse chicken, xenopus and zebrafish for a human non coding genomic regions. Any suggestion of which tool to use. I would prefer the one that...
04 April 2018 2,562 3 View
Hi All, I'm confused by mitochondrial rDNA and nuclear rDNA. Are they the same thing? If not, how different are they DNA sequence wise? Is there ITS region in mitochondrial rDNA? Any comments...
30 March 2018 479 5 View