52 Questions 1K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Olutosin Ademola Otekunrin
What is the conventional reporting style of writing a research article abstract for journal publication? Should it be in present tense way of reporting or reported speech?
04 April 2018 6,130 11 View
Dear RG experts, What are the ways young and aspiring researchers can learn how to write research proposals that can win research grants?
04 April 2018 3,587 27 View
Dear RG experts, How can academic reviewers and editors of journals really synergize to bring about good and credible academic research publications?
04 April 2018 8,041 19 View
Dear respected RG members, How can one really ensure that words or phrases used in paper title did not show up in the paper's keywords? In the instance where words or phrases used in the title are...
01 January 2018 8,462 28 View
Dear research expert, What is the standard for writing abstract of a scientific research paper for publication? Thank you
01 January 2018 5,772 58 View
Dear RG members, Do we have any information on journals that are free access with zero article publishing charge (APC)? Thank you for sharing. Olutosin
01 January 2018 8,853 26 View
Dear research experts, Is it always good for a title to reflect the methodology used in the research or it should not reflect in the title? What is the standard for this? Please feel free to share...
01 January 2018 3,919 39 View
Dear RG members, What are the basic tips in writing academic grant proposal? Thank you. Olutosin
01 January 2018 7,947 29 View
How can we build good synergy between reviewer of manuscript and the editor(s) of such journal publisher? Sometimes the editors are unaccessible especially in the aspect of feedbacks on the...
12 December 2017 8,106 6 View
Dear RG experts, Abstract of a manuscript: what is the total word count of an abstract in a paper publication? What is the acceptable way of writing abstract for paper publication. Thank you for...
12 December 2017 3,538 19 View
How important are the keywords in paper publications? How can it be chosen by the author(s)? Thank you Olutosin
12 December 2017 3,344 32 View
How can other nations (developed countries like France etc) help nations (e.g Fiji, among others) mitigate the adverse affect of climate change in these countries?
12 December 2017 700 11 View
Celebrating World Soil Day: December 5. What are the importance of healthy soil and how can we effectively advocate for sustainable management of soil resources? #worldsoilday# share your...
12 December 2017 7,646 12 View
As a young researcher in training, how can one make the best use of the relationship between himself and his supervisor(s)? How can this synergy between students and academic supervisors be...
12 December 2017 8,818 14 View
Just being curious, do you have any idea of Nobel laureate in Agriculture and their scientific contributions to the field of agriculture. Thank you for sharing your views. Olutosin
12 December 2017 5,181 6 View
What are possible ways in which teachers in all academic levels can really motivate their students in fully participating in the learning process? Thank you for sharing your views.
12 December 2017 5,138 11 View
How can we achieve maximum circulation of scientific information about conferences, grants and others among colleagues and friends? How can we be of help to other colleagues in disseminating vital...
12 December 2017 3,669 21 View
How can an author discover the DOI of his publications that did not have the DOI written or shown vividly on the publication. Thank you Olutosin
11 November 2017 6,446 14 View
Just out of curiosity about different ways research findings are reported especially in journal publications. Some may include recommendations emanating from such research findings while some...
11 November 2017 2,741 23 View
Education is the bedrock of every society that wants to be relevant in this modern. What is the percentage share of education sector in the total annual budget of your country? Is education sector...
11 November 2017 9,029 11 View
Dear RG experts, How can a researcher self achieve his research papers. Thank you Olutosin
11 November 2017 1,594 26 View
Dear esteemed RG researchers, Please, which date of obtaining a degree should be quoted in your academic résumé (CV)? Should it be the date you finished your final paper, date you submitted your...
11 November 2017 6,577 9 View
Invitations to review manuscripts for journal publication is a very sensitive and tedious task. Apart from maintaining the quality of scientific research findings by the reviewers and the...
10 October 2017 4,886 45 View
Statistical analysis output that gave a very low R square value, how can it be reported in the discussion section of a research work? Thank you
10 October 2017 2,000 1 View
It is worthy of note, which one would you prefer, publishing in journals that you know others in your field read or publish in journals with high impact factor? This can go along way in...
10 October 2017 6,413 23 View
What is your view on the services of professional editors of manuscripts around us. They always charge high fee for their services rendered. As high as 250USD.
10 October 2017 5,005 23 View
Dear respected RG experts, what can make a researcher on this platform still prefer to make his or her research item(s) unavailable for other members to have access to it? I have sent several...
10 October 2017 1,682 26 View
What are main importance of micro teaching in the field of education? Thank you for your time.
10 October 2017 9,771 7 View
Dear RG esteemed experts, I am just been curious about a question asked; " Is there any significant correlation between the number of citations a paper receives and the number of its...
10 October 2017 7,228 35 View
Just ruminating on the monumental development in the agricultural sectors of the developed economies in term of unmatched infrastructures, new agricultural technologies and modern innovations that...
10 October 2017 8,991 28 View
Can a paper that is not a review use only descriptive analysis as the only tool to analyse the research findings. Thank you Olutosin
10 October 2017 9,014 16 View
Considering the submission of research manuscript to a special issue of a journal. Does that create more visibility for the research findings. Thank you Olutosin
09 September 2017 2,599 19 View
Open access journals vs non-open access journals. Any advantages or disadvantages of these types of journal publications?
09 September 2017 3,438 99 View
Dear RG experts, In recent time, we heard of hurricanes-HARVEY and IRMA, also Mudslides, Tsunamis and other disastrous events in the world. Climate change issues are the major reasons behind all...
09 September 2017 6,797 8 View
Any advantages of publishing a review paper?
09 September 2017 8,970 0 View
Dear RG experts, Any possible links for young and early researchers in agriculture seeking grants/workshops or conferences opportunities. Thank you Olutosin
09 September 2017 3,040 5 View
Can we say governments, donors and foreign investors have under invested in African agriculture?
09 September 2017 2,770 2 View
How can one carefully choose your research paper's keywords?
09 September 2017 6,117 9 View
Thinking about self citation in research publications. Has citing your own work ever hurt your academic career? Your personal views are welcome. Thank you Olutosin
09 September 2017 2,415 21 View
If your name/ initial was misspelt or omitted in a journal already published. What can be done to correct the error? Thank you Olutosin
08 August 2017 5,339 9 View
New concepts in the area of education are Open Access and Open Education. What are your views about these concepts? Thank you. Olutosin
08 August 2017 1,122 4 View
Post harvest losses is one of the most challenging aspects of agricultural development. How can we minimize post harvest losses in order to boost our country's revenue base in the agricultural...
08 August 2017 5,411 36 View
Dear RG experts, How can the teaching and learning of agriculture or agriculture related subjects/courses attractive and appealing to the students in all academic levels. Thank you Olutosin
08 August 2017 2,902 12 View
In academic, we learn, relearn and unlearn sometimes. Just as a way of learning from the horse's mouth, what was your most important lesson learn on your way to obtaining your highest...
08 August 2017 6,889 9 View
Learning has no end in all spheres of life. What are the possible ways or circumstances a teacher can learn from his/ her student(s)? Thank you Olutosin
08 August 2017 7,591 25 View
Dear RG experts, Research findings are communicated in the academic domain through seminars, conferences, workshops and so on. How can a researcher deliver a good academic oral presentations at...
08 August 2017 785 18 View
Success has many friends while failure is an orphan. In the academic space, what are the parameters to measure success/ impact of a researcher? Thank you
07 July 2017 8,484 3 View
Considering the UN benchmark on education in annual budget of African countries in particular. Why it difficult for some African countries to fulfil this mandate? Any solutions in sight?
07 July 2017 665 1 View
Acknowledging the centrality of data in all fields of research, what are the focal impacts of data to the completion of a research findings? Also, which data can we refer to as "big data"? Thank...
07 July 2017 451 0 View
Human capital development is an essential indicator in judging the growth and development of a country. How important is it?
07 July 2017 6,949 21 View
Concise definition of economic growth and economic development. Interrelationship between the two concept in the context of the developing economies.
07 July 2017 7,534 12 View
Can we have more than one corresponding author for a particular published article? Please, kindly share your views on this. Thank you
01 January 1970 8,799 43 View