In academic, we learn, relearn and unlearn sometimes. Just as a way of learning from the horse's mouth, what was your most important lesson learn on your way to obtaining your highest degree?
To be critical. Being critical does not necessarily mean being negative (although it can be negative sometimes). In essence being critical means, and I ask this of all my doctoral students, a willingness to challenge and to question the evidence that people give for claims that they make. For me higher level research has to be less about simply accepting, or giving, personal opinions and/or beliefs and more about moving towards a research, evidence-based, paradigm.
In any area of academic qualification person should keep his cat eye observation for his career areas . As we know knowledge is power & there is no limit & in this line whatever we have achieved we should observe the other areas in the line with our qualification with may come out as helpful for our career .
Besides regular reading ,practice of magazine which now days have come out in the hands of the person who are interested in his career brand . Last but not the least in our present time quite well training program within an outside also appear in the center place where according to our requirement one can take advantage of the same .
I believe you with this practice may serve the lesson for our career development .
You ask the following: what is the most important lesson you learnt on your way to obtaining your highest degree?
In the process of getting my PhH, I learnt two main lessons:
(1) One's academic achievement is, say, 90 percent due to work or transpiration, and only 10 percent is due to inspiration. In this vein, Einstein once remarked that is only in dictionnaires that the word success comes first than the word work.
(2) I became aware that the more I know the more I have to know. This reminds me of Sócrates idea that the only thing he knew was that he knew nothing,
I really appreciate your wealth of wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Teaching the younger researchers to challenge the status quo and be pacesetter in our chosen career.
My amount to this question must be modest. The one thing is: to learn, to learn, to learn - by experience, by reading, by getting e feeling of the approprateness of the methodical approach to solve a problem, a third aspect is to adapt your beviour on situational conditions but to conradict arguments or common understanding if you are sure there are good reaseons to so.
In my own experience, patience, tenacity and respect for the people around and depending on the unfailing grace of God. Those are the things I learnt on my way to obtaining my degrees over the years.