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Questions related to Next Generation Sequencing
I have about 30 blood samples from people with inherited fructose intolerance who need to use the next generation sequencing technique. Is there a research center or person doing this test to work...
03 November 2020 3,655 3 View
I would like to isolate T cells from mice with inflammatory disease and perform single cell RNA sequencing and detect the cytokine mRNA profiles. do I need to stimulate T cells with PMA and...
31 October 2020 6,087 2 View
I am doing an analysis with transcriptome data and comparing the same with the Genomic data. More precisely, I am looking at mRNA results of a tumor sample without having the normal tumor samples...
27 October 2020 3,963 3 View
Dear all. We need to sample insects, store them upon collection and ship them internationally. Sampled will later be processed for DNA extraction and NGS sequencing. Keeping all this in mind, can...
26 October 2020 7,552 2 View
I am looking for opinions/recommendations of NGS Platforms (Illumina vs. BGI/MGI) from people that had opportunity to work on both hardware: MGISEQ-T7 and NovaSeq 6000 or analyze data from both....
05 October 2020 8,239 1 View
Dear all, we have been running multiple ddRAD libraries prepared by following the protocol of Petersen et al 2014 in our lab on the HiSeq2500 (SR 100) in the past couple of years. We pooled...
29 September 2020 2,514 1 View
Does anybody know how many reads are usually generated with Illumina NextSeq? For sequencing plasmid library (100-150 bp per read), for example.
28 September 2020 1,035 2 View
I am analyzing a fish gut (16S rRNA gene) microbiome dataset. I have some continuous variables (e.g. weight, blood cortisol levels) and want to see if there is any correlation between bacterial...
03 September 2020 7,037 3 View
Hi, I have problem with my libraries, I use ClenTag Small RNA Library Preparation Kit by Trilink. The material is RNA from plasma cells. I have already done this two years ago and everythink...
26 August 2020 8,657 1 View
I ordered 16S primers according to the earth microbiome website, however, the researchers added GCT to the end of the Forward primer Illumina 5' Adapter to affect the melting temperature of the...
14 August 2020 1,807 1 View
Hello everyone, What happens if I try to sequence with Iron torrent amplicons (eg of a marker gene) that are too long? By that I mean more than 500bp. We did try (not on purpose, we did not...
12 August 2020 582 3 View
I wanted to learn R and Python for genomics work and i have experience in using GUI platforms like Galaxy and CLC for NGS analysis. I am now looking to expand my knowledge in coding based NGS...
01 August 2020 6,814 9 View
Hello, In order to analyse NGS results, I looking for some software or tool to tabulate the entire genome of a bacteria. Thanks in advance
28 July 2020 9,979 5 View
what companies can provide Next generation sequencing services for free or at the lowest cost?
26 July 2020 6,704 3 View
I have one lane and samples from two experiments (RNA and ChIP). Is there an option to sequence them together? I am afraid that RNA samples will "eat" all the reads. Thank you for any suggestion!
22 July 2020 2,007 4 View
Hi. I received the fastq files for my ChIP-seq studies. We did 50 bp paired-end. I am new to the NGS. I used paired-end data from public files and usually, there were only two fastq files for...
14 July 2020 4,196 0 View
I have mutated a gene in the zebrafish and believe there is a phenotype in homozygous mutants, albeit a subtle one. I am able to pick out mutants at ~4--5 dpf based on a slight bend in their...
03 July 2020 1,794 3 View
Last night, the fridge (-20°C) in our laboratory didn't work well. It was not cooling and the temperature rose up to room temperature. The DNA ligase kept in that fridge. Nobody notices until next...
02 July 2020 3,345 0 View
Hi Dear colleagues I've got a FASTQ file that is produced using Thermofisher Ion S5 machine, I want to analyze this raw data using NIPTMer software: Main article: NIPTmer: Rapid k-mer-based...
28 June 2020 2,970 0 View
Hi We've got an Ion S5 System (Thermofisher NGS System) at our lab, but suddenly we lost the SSD's (for electrical problems) and now we need to re-install the ubutnu (server and client) and all...
10 June 2020 2,776 1 View
My ancestors originated in Lorrha and my father was born in Ballymacegan in 1900 and died in 2000. I am interested in the ruins of the old McAoghain Law School which was adjacent to the...
08 June 2020 7,927 0 View
Dear All, I am investigating a new mutagen and its effect on C. elegans DNA. Is it any strains of C. elegans that can help me with fast screening of C. elegans SNPs? Can anyone suggest another...
05 June 2020 5,572 0 View
Is there any treatments for this disease? A 11 months old child was just diagnosed with Schindler disease type 1. The parents are really concerned. There are only 20 cases in the world with this...
02 June 2020 646 0 View
I want to sequence the amplicons with two different library prep kits. 1. Nextera DNA Flex Library Prep. kit 2. QIAseq Ultralow Input Library Kit Can I use the libraries from both preparation...
01 June 2020 1,850 3 View