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Questions related to Next Generation Sequencing
I am looking for explanation in the context of NGS variant calling pipeline
28 May 2020 1,093 1 View
We constructed Nb-phage display library derived from an LPS-immunized Indian desert camel and have recently subjected it to NGS using Illumina MiSeqTM platform. The raw data of NGS reads was...
25 May 2020 8,218 3 View
Hi, I am trying to align two protein sequences using MEGA so that I can then use the alignment for homology modelling. This is a new area to me however a bit of reading tells me that a good...
22 May 2020 3,963 5 View
Greetings! I am dealing with NGS data. I have a vcf file of the called SNPs. I want to do population diversity and differentiation analysis with it but unfortunately, I unable to do so though I...
13 May 2020 5,900 3 View
My group would like to perform sequencing through Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) in SARS-COV-2 isolates. However, although many groups have used this technique recently in their research, the...
29 April 2020 4,584 3 View
My team and I are currently trying to develop primers and probes for a multiplexed RT-qPCR assay. We were contemplating using the TaqMan QSY probes for quenching purposes, but are unsure if there...
24 April 2020 5,427 0 View
Yesterday I published "GCBS Bibliographies: Sources and Applications" on ResearchGate. However, I failed to request assistance in expanding the bibliography of applications. If you know of other...
16 April 2020 5,107 0 View
I saw this cross in an NGS video and photographed the screen, but I did not learn where this cross was found. Seems to me that it was found in some island. In Cuba there is one very much similar...
26 March 2020 2,415 2 View
Hello! I have tried to optimise my IHC protocol, but I still have positive cells in secondary antibody control sample (see picture attached) and now I'm thinking will anything help with that....
19 March 2020 6,993 5 View
I have been using a set of PaxGene tubes to collect blood samples from which I have been isolating cfDNA for NGS analysis. I need to collect more blood samples, but I noticed that the expiration...
10 March 2020 4,146 1 View
NGS data and I want to have multiple consensci based on those reads.
04 March 2020 6,527 1 View
what is the longest deletion or insertion that can be detected in next generation sequencing data analysis
27 February 2020 3,013 3 View
Hi all, I am using IDT capture probe to enrich the target region of tumor samples for sequencing. However, I found Skewed GC bias in NGS data, which resulted in poor capture uniformity and lower...
10 February 2020 3,628 2 View
I've completed a genomic DNA extraction using the ThermoFisher Yeast DNA extraction kit on some Basidiobolus ranarum fungal cells. Of note, before performing the ethanol wash for this protocol the...
10 February 2020 7,160 2 View
Our project objective is to investigate the genetic diversity of Palestinian date palm, cultivars. 6 primers were ordered, these primers were designed specifically for NGS analysis. DNA was...
07 February 2020 879 2 View
A NGS panel of truseq was performed, the SNP expected of CSN1S2, Ch 6, Position 87266177 are C/T, but we received A/G. There is an explain about that?
29 January 2020 1,274 2 View
I am planning to use a qualitative approach for it because of its linkage with contextual matters. However, people's perceptions (satisfaction) may be assessed by the closed questionnaire i.e....
18 January 2020 7,539 15 View
Dear all, Currently, I am processing a NGS data using cutadapt to remove 3p and 5p adapter sequences from reads. Normally, as I notice, the percentage of trimmed reads (reads with removed...
10 January 2020 8,373 3 View
Hi All, we have a bioinformatics challenge and we would love any help this community can offer. We have data from a target-enrichment experiment that was supposed to capture certain...
10 January 2020 1,055 3 View
I'm using Ambion's TURBO rDNase and I think I'm seeing degradation of my RNA. Why is that? Lane 1 = untreated RNA extract. 23s/16s intensity ratio = ~1.8 Lane 2 = ~0.5 ug of RNA, 37C for 30 min....
01 January 2020 3,957 2 View
I have localised a protein in Endoplasmic reticulum of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. I have tagged this protein with HA tag. Now i want to label this protein with anti-HA fluorescent antibody for FACS...
23 December 2019 5,857 2 View
I have a problem with adapters dimmers to perform an NGS. I would like to know how the best way to separate my library from the contaminant dimer. My library has approximately 200 bp and the...
22 November 2019 2,565 4 View
Species of the sea cucumbers belonging to the genus Thyone are notorious in eviciscerating their internal organs through the mouth when traumatised thereby losing their tentacles, calcareous ring...
19 November 2019 3,994 0 View
Hi All I start sing the software STAMP, My project is to compare two gut microbiota groups. I need to know what is the significant different between this tow group in family level. could you...
18 November 2019 2,766 2 View