Hi. I received the fastq files for my ChIP-seq studies. We did 50 bp paired-end.
I am new to the NGS. I used paired-end data from public files and usually, there were only two fastq files for the two reads.
Now, I received the file. For one PE file, there are four fastq files. For example:
I"m now a bit confused about how to handle these 4 data.
I tried to do bowtie2 paired-end mapping for R1F as -1 and R1R as -2 but it seems not working.
Note that if files are specified using -1/-2, a file cannot
also be specified. Please run bowtie separately for mates and singles.
Error: Encountered internal Bowtie 2 exception (#1)
I"m also unsure about the use of Paired-end merge tools.