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Questions related to ANSYS
Hello everyone, I want do co-simulation using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for evaluating the flow and ADAMS for evaluating the drive mechanism. Does ANSYS FLUENT couple with ADAMS for doing...
26 August 2021 2,847 5 View
Dear experts I have a hollow cylinder modeled in ANSYS APDL. I need to provide material properties which are in cylindrical coordinate as Er = 1000, Etheta = 2000 and Ez = 5000 with their...
25 August 2021 8,797 8 View
The pipe is not oriented with respect to any axis.
25 August 2021 1,754 4 View
I'm using ANSYS Workbench to analyze the vibrations of a beam subjected to vertical harmonic moving load, and I need to know how can I create this load in ANSYS. Any suggestions please?
21 August 2021 6,913 3 View
I am required to use Ansys to run a FEA on some tensile test specimens that I am also going to test experimentally using a universal a testing machine. So far I under stand that I need to model...
19 August 2021 4,731 3 View
In order to further my studies on suicide prevention, I question if there is a solid theoretical matrix to understand this phenomenon, in the Latin American reality. Given the evidence of...
18 August 2021 1,918 4 View
in my model I draw a box with dimension (1mm*0.2*mm8.48e-6mm). Before adding this box in my model , the simulation worked well, but now it has an error and stop simulation. I would appreciate it...
18 August 2021 9,299 5 View
after carrying out dynamic analysis solution on APDL ANSYS , is it possible to extract the mode shape matrix ? and how it can be done ?
10 August 2021 8,912 3 View
The working fluid is a multiphase one so that the air contains supercooled water droplets (i.e., the secondary phase). The problem is to accumulation of the secondary phase on a wall and then...
10 August 2021 8,601 2 View
I am trying to do transient analysis for water containing tankers using ANSYS APDL but i don't exactly know how to assign contact between fluid and structural shell so it can account fluid...
06 August 2021 3,891 2 View
Hello everyone! I would like to simulate an airflow over a pipe in Ansys Fluent. I want the flow at outlet of the pipe to be swirled. How can I define the Swirl flow at the exit of the...
06 August 2021 1,640 6 View
I am trying to apply a load, say 100N downwards in the y-direction on a node, but for some reason, Ansys APDL is showing me the following 2 warnings: - The NODAL LOAD label of is not part of the...
05 August 2021 272 4 View
Hi,I want to perform an analysis using cohesive zone model in ANSYS,the model is shown in the following picture. I want insert interface elements between two materials (the purple material and...
03 August 2021 3,127 1 View
I am trying to simulate response of structure with TLD using ANSYS APDL. I mesh the fluid volume and tanker so that they can have coincident nodes, merge the nodes, flagged on FSI for the...
01 August 2021 9,253 2 View
Hello, I have been trying to model the flow over a hollow cylinder (diameter = 24 mm) on ANSYS Fluent. Now most publications I come upon seems to work in a much lower Reynolds number range (below...
01 August 2021 1,758 3 View
I'm working on the simulation of thermal behavior of Ionanofluids, which is an ionic liquid-based-fluid in which nanoparticles were suspended to enhance the thermal performance. Multiple...
30 July 2021 6,383 2 View
hello all i simulated a geometry in ansys cfx, i want define thermal conductivity that is function of three variables,these variables are in an excel file in each time step, so ansys should read...
29 July 2021 6,181 3 View
For conformal Mesh In design modeller we make our all bodies to "form a new part" and the meshing is done conformal. For using space claim how to "form a new part" for multiple bodies for the...
27 July 2021 2,803 3 View
Can someone help me in modelling a nonlinear spring by defining a set of equations. The spring should obey the force-displacement behavior as per the equations
26 July 2021 4,938 2 View
Especially, in case of compressible flows with shocks and expansion and compression waves, is it a compulsion to go for FMG initialization?
24 July 2021 4,515 1 View
Hello, I am trying to account for amplitude damping of acoustic vibration of a polymer disc, using Ansys software. I am currently using Harmonic Acoustics module in Ansys, which seems to be the...
23 July 2021 2,977 1 View
I performed transient structural analysis on a shaft geometry as a result I got the amount of thermal deformations. shaft geometry has different diameters on the surface, how to calculate the...
23 July 2021 6,108 3 View
Hi, Do anyone know how to add a custom (Chemical as well as physical properties, such as, viscosity, density, ratio of solution, etc.) fluid type in ANSYS?
22 July 2021 2,668 3 View
I have already made a 3D printed PLA part using FDM method and now I want to do a FEA(FEM) simulation of tensile test. Can anyone guide me which software I must chose and what is the procedure?
21 July 2021 442 3 View