67 Questions 1K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Stanley Wilkin
This is a constant when proofs are offered for monoamine hypothesis. I read an, on the surface, interesting, technical paper only to discover the data is about mice- although ostensibly the...
12 December 2018 3,984 0 View
Ok. An old question put out 200 years ago by Jean-Baptiste Say, and one usually answered with a 'no'. But can you make a reasonable try at arguing 'yes' strongly and convincingly?
08 August 2018 4,571 15 View
I came across this on my linked in site. The question really references the Student Centred Approach to teaching. The above concludes that the Golden Rule involves: Putting yourself in your...
08 August 2018 3,920 23 View
During the 2nd World War, President Roosevelt's Atlantic Charter had committed the USA to dismantling the British and French empires in Asia, although not to dismantling their own. Roosevelt had...
08 August 2018 7,878 10 View
Is madness just an idea developed as a consequence of the constitution of a prevailing notion of rationality, as Foucault examined in Madness and Civilisation. The development of Normalcy, an idea...
07 July 2018 2,431 7 View
Academic training is lengthy but often resolves into specific ways to present knowledge and information. This requires ability but does it require great ability. When I did my first degree I...
07 July 2018 9,149 14 View
Does their presence in host countries, usually in the West, aid the host countries or their own country more? Do millions of students learning and training in other countries aid globalisation? Do...
07 July 2018 3,313 17 View
How many believe a judgement or point of view simply because it comes from a professional or from someone endowed with intellectual or political (in its widest sense) authority? If you are told...
07 July 2018 7,449 5 View
Although intelligence is purveyed as a requisite quality how does it really help towards success, for example, happiness and quality of life. Is there something to be said for stupidity? Are...
07 July 2018 5,758 90 View
I wonder how many ever succeeded but remained big fish in a tiny pool, happy to be under half-lit lamps throwing occasional light on them and their work.
07 July 2018 1,641 1 View
A question that covers all forms of writing. There is a certain belief that self-publishing is a less credible form of publishing than being published by agencies such as universities, publishing...
06 June 2018 9,049 4 View
When I was young hardly anyone took degrees. Only the privileged went to university. Now it has become a necessity and rite of passage. Unfortunately, in the UK, with changes to the attainment of...
06 June 2018 9,057 47 View
A new theory advances the idea that learning to make tools, flintknapping, aided early human's development of language. Teaching the processes of flintknapping requires precise communication, its...
06 June 2018 4,383 10 View
I mean in prodigious quantities by doctors in the West, for all manner of problems otherwise easily dealt with. Valium now has been upgraded, in terms of danger, by the UK government. The affect...
05 May 2018 963 5 View
Many of my clients have told me that being on psychiatric drugs altered their personalities. They became violent, angry, overly sexed, unable to focus and paranoid.
05 May 2018 4,815 0 View
As part of his critique on capitalism, Marx made a number of interesting and persuasive points about human connectiveness and relationship with objects. To me, these seem as convincing as say...
05 May 2018 3,318 22 View
Marx's perceptions were surely influenced by Rousseau's writing and ideas, even if indirectly.
05 May 2018 5,971 2 View
Fasting can be done for slimming or religious purposes, with different motivations and expectations. There are other reasons, distinct at least from forced absence of food. But is doing so...
05 May 2018 2,116 10 View
There are now about 20 different organisations that rank world-wide universities. with mainly USA universities at the top- Does ranking in this fashion lead to more students attempting to enrol...
05 May 2018 6,302 5 View
I believe it is not to do with prevailing evidence but the power and influence of the medical profession. With other more convincing ideas around, why do you think society holds so strongly to...
05 May 2018 1,244 12 View
There are a number of such theories (Freud and Jung to name early ones) that sprung originally from German and Austrian universities, some concerned with understanding the mind others with...
05 May 2018 1,534 9 View
Ethics 101 (2005), John C. Maxwell holds that the Golden Rule should be accepted for: 1) being accepted by most people 2) is easy to understand 3) is a win-win philosophy (if held by others is...
04 April 2018 829 40 View
Do bad men make good philosophers? Heidegger was a Nazi follower from 1933 and never really recanted. The recent publication of his Black Notebooks indicate he was fiercely anti-Semitic. Some...
04 April 2018 4,281 11 View
A human brain has been created in a laboratory, mainly for research and harvesting purposes. There is growing evidence that computing systems are talking to each other. What happens when we are...
04 April 2018 7,062 3 View
Although I have a teaching qualification, it does not necessarily meet the level I teach. I was, like all lecturers in the UK, forced to take it. But would we really not benefit from taking...
04 April 2018 5,962 7 View
Serotonin is a hormone. The chemical name is 5-hydroxytryptamine and it is a monooamine neurotransmitter Biochemically, serotonin is derived from tryptophan a primary amino acid, and is a...
04 April 2018 3,371 16 View
As a way of teaching about god the Rev. Ransom Bethune Welch, an American professor, produced in 1876 (Modern Thought: Bibliotheca Sacra) a marvellous article presenting ideas on mind and his...
04 April 2018 2,528 14 View
I have several times here come across responses full of what seems to be erudite allusions to books and experts, but upon second reading appears devoid of the writer's own thoughts and ideas. I...
03 March 2018 4,720 1 View
I find that having deep knowledge in other disciplines throws light on my core intellectual disciplines, history, psychology, etc, making me more aware of limitations of thought. For others, this...
03 March 2018 5,336 8 View
The historical role of psychiatry has from its outset been one where only the physician interprets and decides. This, I have alluded to in various papers, is akin to the lord and liege...
03 March 2018 2,169 15 View
This is perhaps a contentious question and most will hopefully not come across it. Nevertheless, I a few years ago worked in private colleges, a new phenomenon at the time in the UK. I was shocked...
03 March 2018 3,977 12 View
Many teachers merely teach the curriculum possessing no outside knowledge of the subject. As they rarely research they don't need to perhaps, but does that mean that they are therefore...
03 March 2018 5,662 73 View
The way we view human motivation is new and difficult to find in earlier societies. Why? Montaigne instituted self-reflection, in effect an interior world. Was this the beginning of modern psychology?
02 February 2018 6,631 1 View
What evidence do we have that women make better, more positive politicians offering nurture (consider Margaret Thatcher), and more considered policies? I agree with the historical assertion that...
02 February 2018 1,755 19 View
I mean tribal in the widest sense, that is through shared betavioural traits, those who look and behave like us, leading to the forming of groups. America's often disastrous foreign policy has...
02 February 2018 8,943 13 View
It is difficult to think of many, except recently President Obama. Is it because of the tired old dichotomy between those who think and those who act? Is there any genuine reason why an academic...
02 February 2018 954 16 View
In the Uk, Napoleon is not necessarily regarded highly but for all the wrong reasons. Napoleon came close to changing completely 19th century Europe, and at one point appeared likely to impose...
02 February 2018 10,048 27 View
I do not want again to pre-empt answers.
02 February 2018 6,734 7 View
Most of those killed in the First World War were soldiers, mainly young men with undecided futures. Millions died in the various theatres, European, Americans, Indian, African. The world changed,...
02 February 2018 4,213 46 View
I suggest that because of his personality Hitler was doomed to lose the 2nd world war, whatever incompetence or ability the allies had shown.
01 January 2018 4,433 14 View
Few leaders act ethically, but act according to political necessity. Is that necessarily wrong except when leaders are actively corrupt or pursue violent ends? Isn't it important for leaders to...
01 January 2018 8,757 44 View
I guess I taught mine the value of reading, education, the written word, but also to be themselves. And you, what did you teach yours
01 January 2018 5,488 1 View
Recently an esteemed Oxbridge academic was attacked for simply raising and writing about the idea that European Empires had a positive as well as a negative effect? 60 Oxbridge academics signed a...
01 January 2018 4,774 3 View
I look back on my classical studies with some concern, as at the time I believed that there were only certain intellectual qualities being assessed. My lecturers for example knew nothing about...
01 January 2018 2,335 9 View
Einstein remains, over 50 years after his death, a significant icon but who would actually recognise Niels Bohr, whose contribution to physics was equally impressive? Bohr's ideas have actually...
01 January 2018 8,518 26 View
Writing has proved for several millennium a useful tool for communicating with both small and immense numbers of people through time. It has also given us literature, which pacifies, develops and...
01 January 2018 835 3 View
At the time the Americas were discovered by European states the pennisula was surrounded by powerful Moslem states and apparently infinite steppe-land limiting its economic and political progress...
01 January 2018 10,043 3 View
For over two centures Western states (in the majority) have developed representational government based upon concepts of freedom, indivuality and restraint of goverment powers and until recently...
11 November 2017 4,188 2 View
This once more is intended to encourage a critical, sceptical examination of our understanding of what literature is and if perhaps our perception of 'good' literature is actually formed by groups...
11 November 2017 7,527 2 View
The first civilisations (I leave this assertion open to challenge) of Mesopotamia/Egypt and further afield gave us so much providing templates for urban living today. Law Contracts Legalised...
11 November 2017 618 1 View
As originally an Ancient Historian and Classicist I remain hopelessly confounded by the continued belief in ancient Greek original genius (Eurocentricity, sure?) when it appears obvious that they...
10 October 2017 9,854 47 View
Although its in fact questionable if Norman Mailer was a Great Writer rather than simply an occasionally good one, but his final novel The Castle in the Forest, about Adolf Hitler and purportedly...
01 January 1970 2,181 17 View
Hitler had ordinary relationships with a number of people contrary to myth, as did Stalin. The historian, Ellie Cawthorne, points out he was politically psychopathic but there is no evidence he...
01 January 1970 2,901 6 View
Today, I have marked psychology papers, negotiated future freelance work, posted a poem, and written the first three pages of an essay. And you?
01 January 1970 10,086 15 View
This is of interest to me, as probably like many of you, some of my papers do better on other sites than on RG. I wonder why. I notice that those of my papers that have limited impact on RG are...
01 January 1970 537 0 View
Everything I publish here is published elsewhere and of course the impact is variable. What about your work?
01 January 1970 6,595 1 View
Rhyming verse is a relatively new invention. Do you think it adds to poetry or diminishes its power?
01 January 1970 9,953 11 View
Brexit in the UK was the result of a poorly judged referendum being called that was accepted as part of the democratic process. Since then the legislature has made every attempt, sometimes...
01 January 1970 5,003 35 View
At the beginning of the Republic Socrates pontificates on knowledge using Thrasymachus as a foil. I thought Thrasymachus' ideas were better. I thought Socrates' use of doctors and ship captains as...
01 January 1970 8,799 14 View
Delve into your own expertise. The idea that problems-they can be mathematic- are not being successfully unravelled is often dismissed in the belief that they will be answered in some distant...
01 January 1970 7,766 27 View
Although the modern view connects suicide with depression it is only one, probably minor reason. What other reasons could there be: social, political, relationship based in one form or another?
01 January 1970 6,958 20 View
Children Education
01 January 1970 9,077 1 View
Why in a relationship does one partner abuse another, physically or mentally? Or each abuse the other? Finding someone in a world of violence and negativity (not always) should create...
01 January 1970 4,431 11 View
By this question I do not mean the old debate on the plays being written by a variety of lords or Francis Bacon, people who actually demonstrated little writing ability or in Bacon's case a...
01 January 1970 10,012 2 View
In one of my present essays the best and most cutting edge work has been done in BBC history programmes involving innovative researchers, but if I was studying at universities I could not put...
01 January 1970 2,321 21 View
While I realise this is probably not realistic, it seems to me that some members can successfully put on teaching material here in order to help those unacquainted with deeply interesting and...
01 January 1970 8,421 82 View
01 January 1970 965 7 View