55 Questions 745 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Nazaruddin Sinaga
Dear researchers, In solving the problem, by using the numerical method, we already understand that the selection of the grid size strongly influences the calculation result, so we must perform a...
05 July 2021 3,988 20 View
Dear respective researchers, I was asked by my institution to be vaccinated this week using the sinovac vaccine. However, from some of the information I got, this vaccine is not recommended for...
02 March 2021 8,174 6 View
If there is still potential, how long can this virus still be infected? Please give your comment. Thank you very much. Best regards.
24 December 2020 1,621 8 View
Dear scholars, If you have some literature about the theory of the movement of the earth and other planets, please inform me. Thank you very much. Kind regards, Nazaruddin Sinaga
05 January 2020 8,259 8 View
Is there a universal theory that explains the effect of free turbulence on the flow transition from laminar to turbulent? Please give your opinion here. Thank you very much.
17 December 2019 6,208 8 View
Which turbulence model is most suitable for numerical calculations of flow and heat transfer in annular finned tubes geometry?
17 December 2019 3,325 13 View
Can the expansion process in the steam compression cycle be used to produce useful power? If so, how do you make it?
14 December 2019 4,797 5 View
The amount of solar energy emitted to the earth is very large. Are there other ways to take solar energy other than through photo-cells and thermal?
09 December 2019 6,563 12 View
Technological developments in the field of solar-cell show efficiency improvements that are not very impressive. How much is he maximum efficiency that can be achieved by this device? Could it be...
09 December 2019 8,466 6 View
I will enhance the EER of home air conditioner. Is any body know about the highest EER of this equipment that have been achieved in the world? Your answer is very valuable for me. Thank you very...
23 November 2019 9,228 1 View
Bernoulli equation is very well-known equation and is very often used to analyze and design piping systems. But we know that in this equation there are at least 4 assumptions applied, namely: 1)...
19 July 2019 7,377 12 View
Dear scholars, For an engineering application, sometimes we do not want the existence of the transition flow from laminar to turbulent. Is there a method that can be used to eliminate the...
14 May 2019 9,330 7 View
Publishing papers in reputed international journals is not easy. The right strategy is needed to write and submit it. Please help to contribute suggestions so that our papers can always be...
09 May 2019 7,278 7 View
To carry out a study, it takes a lot of cost, time and energy. Does research always have an applicative value? Does every research have to be commercialized? Your suggestions and opinions are...
09 May 2019 8,109 17 View
Dear all, If we observe, there is a difference between laminar, transition and turbulent flow. One that we can find on a macro basis is about its stability. In laminar conditions, it can be seen...
04 May 2019 4,879 24 View
Prandtl number is a physical property of fluids. What is its physical meaning?
28 April 2019 9,930 19 View
In my country, Indonesia, the average velocity of win is rather low. What is the feasible velocity for a wind turbine to generate electricity?
14 April 2019 9,660 25 View
I have some difficulties in making constant temperature or constant heat flux on the wall of the pipe. Could anybod help me, please?
07 April 2019 4,047 19 View
"Researchers are used to being evaluated based on indices like the impact factors of the scientific journals in which they publish papers and their number of citations. A team of 14 natural...
01 January 1970 9,771 23 View
The price of fossil fuels has recently decreased significantly. If this price continues to decline, this fuel will become the preferred use, so that it can interfere with the development of...
01 January 1970 9,256 24 View
Air conditioning systems in a room will usually distribute air evenly throughout the room. If someone in the room has been infected with a virus, then this virus will more easily spread to other...
01 January 1970 4,358 57 View
If it can be realized there may not be a doctor who becomes a victim of care for patients infected with the deadly virus. Please share your comment and opinion here. Thanks in advance. Best Wishes.
01 January 1970 4,813 51 View
Please give your reply opinion. Thank you very much. Best Regards.
01 January 1970 6,877 91 View
What is your opinion about joint researches with other researchers form different countries? Thanks for your comments. Regards Nazar
01 January 1970 6,166 35 View
Please give your opinion. Thank you for your kind reply. Best wishes.
01 January 1970 8,811 4 View
Please give your opinion and comment. Thank you very much. Best regards.
01 January 1970 5,630 17 View
What changes might occur if the earth's temperature rises by an average of 5 centigrade? Please give your opinion. Thank you very much.
01 January 1970 7,795 8 View
Do you feel stressed while doing work? What do you do to reduce stress during your research work?
01 January 1970 6,489 12 View
One of the conditions for a PhD thesis is its novelty. This is very important, which aims to forge a doctoral candidate in order to find new research opportunities. Questions that appear in these...
01 January 1970 7,070 16 View
Because of COVID-19, we make online lectures to our students. How did you prepare the course, how about the student participation, how do you rate them, etc.... Please share your...
01 January 1970 2,010 94 View
In the final assessment of your student, which method of assessment do you choose: based on normal distribution or absolute value? Please give your comment. Thank you very much.
01 January 1970 9,889 12 View
The current Indonesian government, through the minister of education, newly appointed, plan to change the school duration at the basic and medium level. The provisions currently applicable for the...
01 January 1970 9,355 29 View
Are you very interested in becoming a keynote speaker in an international conference in your field? Please give your comments. Thank you very much.
01 January 1970 10,023 9 View
How much time should be given for a presentation at a scientific international conference? Please give your comments. Thank you very much.
01 January 1970 1,565 38 View
Dear kind and distinguished lecturer and scholars, Currently we are discussing an exciting and essential topic for all of us, namely about the plan to create an international organization for...
01 January 1970 8,043 3 View
Reynolds number is a very involved parameter we use in the flow and heat transfer problem. It is a non dimensional parameter. One of its physical meaning is the ratio of inertia force to viscous...
01 January 1970 2,289 40 View
What is your opinion if you are offered to buy data on research results that can be used to make scientific papers on your behalf?
01 January 1970 7,865 6 View
Dear respective researcher, I plan to publish several papers related to the pattern of the spread of the virus and its prevention in a closed room. The approach method that will be used is...
01 January 1970 9,275 5 View
Currently, research and applications for electric vehicles are being developed. - What is the vehicle industry's response to this reality? - What is the response of vehicle users to this issue?...
01 January 1970 3,369 9 View
The policies pursued by a country to protect its citizens from the transmission of the Covid-19 virus require a lot of money. Quite a lot of funds are spent on implementing this policy. When...
01 January 1970 2,121 9 View
Dear respective scholars, please give your reply. Thank you very much. Best regards, and take care of yourself and your family. Nazar
01 January 1970 1,671 28 View
Dear distinguished scholars, please give your reply. Thank you very much. Best Regards.
01 January 1970 6,794 56 View
To overcome the outbreak of the virus Convid-19 we need to know the character, nature, and behavior of this virus. If you have reliable information about this, please submit it in this forum....
01 January 1970 7,229 11 View
Reynolds number can be interpreted as the ratio between the viscous force and inertia force. If the characterization of the flow regime is sufficiently described only with this number, then the...
01 January 1970 9,139 61 View
What is the effect of turbulence level on the lift and drag forces of the wind turbine blade?
01 January 1970 6,193 8 View
What is the effect of turbulence on the lift force of an airplane that is flying?
01 January 1970 8,034 6 View
To date, no comprehensive method of predicting boundary layer transition is available in the literature. The existence of the Tollmien-Schlichting wave could describe the transition from laminar...
01 January 1970 5,633 58 View
What are the main criteria for becoming a full professor? Please give your comments here. Thank you very much. Kind regards, Nazar
01 January 1970 2,366 8 View
Women and men are created with various advantages and disadvantages. Is there really a difference between men and women in doing research and developing science?
01 January 1970 8,109 65 View
If a flow has an Intensity Turbulence in free-stream flow, can we determine it as turbulent flow?
01 January 1970 6,585 21 View
When we derive differential equations for flow, i.e. the mass, momentum, and energy conservations, we use Taylor's series to determine the relationship between the 2 points. Are there no other...
01 January 1970 3,954 14 View
With the limited ability of personal computers, it is often impossible to do numerical calculations because it involves a very large number of cells, for example, with 10 million cells. This...
01 January 1970 3,339 26 View
THE ONLY WAY TO DO GREAT WORK IS TO LO VE WHAT YOU DO " Quote by Steve Jobs. So, do you really love your job? Please give your reply. Thank you very much. Best wishes, Nazaruddin Sinaga
01 January 1970 3,332 72 View
In my country, the responsibilities of a lecturer are: 1) to give lectures to students; 2) conducted some researches; 3) implemented their knowledge to the society. We have some problems in doing...
01 January 1970 4,166 60 View
In solving fluid mechanics problem with numeric/computational methods, we are often faced with the geometric size. So the number of cells grids needed is huge. This result is in the inability of...
01 January 1970 4,392 2 View