103 Questions 234 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mostafa Elsersy
Can anyone here me with one biostatistics question. It is about finding the sample size from power analysis. I have the variables. Just need an assistance with the calculations.
13 February 2024 5,670 7 View
Someone was taking Daflon 500 mg (450 mg Diosmin, 50 mg Hesperidin) twice daily for her varicose veins. Now, the manufacturer makes Daflon 1000 mg (900 mg Diosmin, 100 mg Hesperidin). Now, the Q...
06 November 2022 5,614 4 View
Would you describe it as brown? And if so does this mean that purpura preceded this color? And what could be the differential diagnosis of this color?
18 January 2019 9,577 7 View
As a Pharmacist, which resource do you use to check whether the Excipients are safe for your patients or not? I have read in some references that Saccharin is hepatotoxic, and when I checked...
30 June 2018 9,183 3 View
What is the most appropriate term that I should use or search for when I want to know the consequences of not taking the medications prescribed for example " someone with perennial allergic...
28 April 2018 9,264 6 View
Is it after reaching the steady state concentration (3-5days) or it may take more days to reach the maximum effect for atrial fibrillation control?
20 April 2018 1,349 11 View
Aren't we suppose to see the peak effect after 4-5 half lives of the drug? After reaching the Css? I did view the drug monograph, and it states that the peak effect is seen after 6 hrs not after...
06 April 2018 7,229 7 View
I have read studies that showed benefit for those who have NAFLD, and ingest Curcumin but Unfortunately the COMMUNITY HERBAL MONOGRAPH ON CURCUMA LONGA L., RHIZOMA which is adopted by the...
26 February 2018 5,616 4 View
Which agent is the best for occasional use for someone who has NAFLD ? and why ?
23 February 2018 9,584 15 View
There are contradictory data, two references are attached. What would be your decision ? Recommend it or not ?
17 February 2018 5,268 6 View
Any paper or help that can assist with predicting the life course of primary vasculitis of the skin if left untreated ?
16 February 2018 6,052 5 View
Isn't Css the same as the plasma therapeutic level ? Because if so, in the case of Acetaminophen, just one dose of 500 mg would reach the Css, and there would be no need for 4-5 half life ? if...
11 February 2018 3,973 4 View
Do all drugs need to achieve the steady state concentration after 4-5 half life in order to see the therapeutic effect ? Doesn't ibuprofen produce its effect from a single dose without 4-5 half...
07 February 2018 7,355 17 View
Take this example (Bisoprolol is the mentioned example ) : assuming that 5 mg is the minimum effective dose dosing with 5 to 20 mg, and mean peak values range from 16 ng/mL at 5 mg to 70 ng/mL...
07 February 2018 4,358 3 View
Will they have the same magnitude of therapeutic effect ? Or do I have to check for bioequivalence studies before choosing the brand name ?
06 February 2018 3,013 11 View
Lets say drug X and drug Y possess the same active ingredient and dose...So my Q is, can all the brand names in the market be used as alternatives to each other with no worries of bioavailability...
06 February 2018 2,429 9 View
I have researched, and there are many available ways to manage cough in community pharmacy setting, so which resource or reference do you use ?
28 January 2018 3,108 12 View
I'd like to know the best published reference for differential diagnosis of cough ?
28 January 2018 5,803 3 View
This screenshot is from "Community Pharmacy Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment". I wonder How Postnasal drip is experienced by Adults only as shown in the image, and Allergy which is the cause of...
27 January 2018 3,071 2 View
May you help me with resources to find Daflon adverse reactions ?
26 January 2018 350 8 View
I have researched, and they are used interchangeably, so I'd like to know if there is any paper or article that can illustrate the difference between both on the molecular or cellular level ?
25 January 2018 1,697 3 View
As a community Pharmacist, which guideline or resource do you follow for differential diagnosis of common ailments like common cold, allergic rhinitis, and other mild cases ? As well as the...
17 January 2018 8,589 9 View
I think asking and formulating questions have a big impact on our lives, so I was wondering what techniques do you use to formulate your questions, and how much time you set for formulating the...
11 January 2018 5,209 6 View
I was wondering How do you utilize medicinal chemistry in your daily practice as a community Pharmacist ? or you are no longer utilizing it in any form in your daily practice ?
09 January 2018 3,870 15 View
Does medicinal chemistry in general or knowing the Pharmacophore to be specific will help in the practice of Pharmacists in community Pharmacy ? If so, may you give examples to illustrate this...
08 January 2018 3,425 6 View
Is it just you go check graded dose response curve for comparing different pharmaceutical agent ? Or there is another fast quick method ? Lets say you want to give the most available otc analgesic...
07 January 2018 5,512 9 View
I'd like to know the correct numbering of atoms within large heterocyclic molecule, and the nomenclature of parts of it, so when I select a portion of the compound I can know what is the IUPAC...
05 January 2018 7,514 13 View
In this scenario, I'm interested in Daflon (Trade name). Could misdiagnosis be harmful and turn the Pharmacological and therapeutic effect of a drug (Daflon) into an adverse reaction? We know that...
01 January 2018 9,513 2 View
What is your view on toxicology after being in the field? What principles do you see as the most important?
31 December 2017 866 4 View
According to the attached image, no therapeutic window is there with regard to diclofenac potassium, because the maximum tolerated dose ( 150 mg/day PO ) is the same as the minimum effective dose...
17 December 2017 8,906 11 View
Beta carotene 15 mg twice per day, and Daflon 500 and both failed to treat this rash. Medical history: Atrial Fibrillation Allergy related to temperature...
17 December 2017 5,840 27 View
Would you consider exceeding the "Maximum Dosage" section within websites as overdose? Or there could be overdose even within the normal therapeutic window?
16 December 2017 8,388 11 View
I'd like to know how far should I go with regard to the effect? For example, we know that bisoprolol reduce the heart rate, so, lets assume this is the only known effect that has been shown...
13 December 2017 6,851 8 View
What is the best online database for anatomy in order to interpret articles and visualize details in a good models?
03 December 2017 5,390 9 View
Beta carotene is said to be used with caution in those with some form of liver / renal impairment, but when I checked the metabolism of beta carotene, there is a portion which is converted into...
02 December 2017 3,943 13 View
How do you calculate?
28 November 2017 9,265 8 View
Cetirizine is more toxic than Bisoprolol according to hodge and sterner scale, and yet Cetirizine is available as OTC drug, and Bisoprolol is a prescription drug! Any insights?
24 November 2017 953 7 View
The maximum dose is 10 mg/day, so why let it available while having such narrow therapeutic window?
20 November 2017 4,353 14 View
Where can I find the toxic dose(Not the lethal dose) of Bisoprolol? What reference do you use? Do you rely on overdosage cases? And if so, can you give me any reference for the toxic dose of...
16 November 2017 3,199 3 View
We know that natural products aren't regulated by the FDA, so when checking the safety of natural products/Herbs, should I check for adverse reactions and toxic dose only? Or should I also check...
11 November 2017 7,994 4 View
I'm not sure why d they mention rare adverse reactions? Any idea, of what purpose does this serve? Like here in the case of Cetirizine
07 November 2017 4,695 5 View
So like the attached image. There should be a purpose behind mentioning rare adverse reactions, otherwise why they would mention it.
07 November 2017 363 3 View
Common ones only?
02 November 2017 1,780 18 View
In other words, which websites list the adverse reactions of the drugs instead of listing the adverse events (no causality established)? I know of https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/ which lists...
30 October 2017 6,516 8 View
Why most websites report frequency of adverse reactions of drugs(In terms of common, rare, etc..)? Does this indicate causal relationship? Like common adverse reactions is established to be...
27 October 2017 4,194 9 View
Reference that can list side effects according to cause & effect relationship, so I can know with certainty that this drug will be the cause of the side effect. Do you use Meyler's Side...
27 October 2017 4,725 10 View
or the drug could be harmful with no apparent adverse reactions and the bad effects appear after chronic use?
23 October 2017 2,406 7 View
How can I make sense of the side effects data of any drug with regard to safety? Will I have to check for the frequency of each Adverse reaction? Will I have to know which type this Adverse...
21 October 2017 3,311 2 View
How can I view the side effects of any drug and make sense of it, and gather some insights? Will I have to know the adverse drug reaction type? Or the frequency of the reaction?
20 October 2017 2,402 7 View
20 October 2017 1,505 2 View
Will classification of drugs adverse reactions into groups A, B, C, etc.. will give me insights into their safety and comparing their toxicity? Like here in the case of ibuprofen, classifying...
17 October 2017 7,164 7 View
When comparing the safety of two drugs, do you look for specific side effects/adverse reactions? Or you just look for LD50 to compare toxicity of both drugs?
16 October 2017 6,813 14 View
Which parameters are the most important and that I should check when comparing safety of two drugs?
06 October 2017 5,753 3 View
How should my study in Pharmacology be, to be an expert in Pharmacology? Read more experiments, study more mechanisms or what?
01 January 1970 2,081 5 View
Best resource available to check the ways of transmission of microbes, pathogenesis, and details about the microbe?
01 January 1970 799 12 View
Nearly 50,000 died of opioid overdose during 2018. What I want is, textbook or research paper that go deeper into these numbers and analyze them. Like, were all deaths attributed to overdose due...
01 January 1970 9,850 4 View
Statistics that I have found so far with regards to opioid overdose aren't differentiating between unintentional vs intentional overdose. Like this stat, which mentions about 50,000 deaths were...
01 January 1970 8,684 7 View
If I want to be up-to-date with the most recent public health info.like major outbreak, new intervention techniques, warnings, etc..which resources/websites do you recommend and I should check daily?
01 January 1970 8,584 20 View
Is there any website that can tell me when this adverse reaction will occur? For example, will this adverse reaction occur after repeated exposure? Or can occur after first dose? Or can be delayed?
01 January 1970 3,588 3 View
The operation (Vaginal Hysterectomy) took place 14 days ago, and she will undergo K.U.B scan (Radiology procedure) and she is wondering if taking castor oil (oral) will affect her negatively?
01 January 1970 3,783 2 View
When do you go the medical literature (primary - journal articles) instead of going to well known databases like Lexicomp, PDR, etc..with regard to adverse reactions/effects? Is it when you check...
01 January 1970 5,369 5 View
Medical History: 53 Y F, last degree prolapsed uterus presents with four ulcers, 2 on the surface of the uterus, one on the surface of cervix and another one (Can't recall the location). There is...
01 January 1970 3,374 10 View
When you prescribe a medication, what is your go-to-site/book/reference to check for adverse reactions? And what type of adverse reactions do you check? Is it type A adverse reactions only that...
01 January 1970 4,213 4 View
Excuse my naive experience in this area. Lets assume we have a patient with 2nd degree hemorrhoids, and we want to apply topical product to reduce the swelling of hemorrhoids, do we apply the...
01 January 1970 4,890 12 View
Extroverts tend to be friendly and remove barriers during communication unlike introverts who "keep others at a distance". Is there any scale that can measure verbal and non-verbal cues of...
01 January 1970 438 3 View
How can a patient safely taper off bisoprolol 2.5 mg who used it once daily? What schedule can he follow to taper off gradually? Any reference/paper/textbook for doing this?
01 January 1970 5,602 10 View
Any research paper or review that discuss pharmacological treatments for voice and speech disturbances that occur as a result of anxiety? For example stuttering, weak/trembling voice, etc.. as a...
01 January 1970 3,418 3 View
Am I getting this correct? Is Diosmin better than Rutin in the following parameters: Oedema, Oedema (mm), Heaviness, Paraesthesias and adverse events? Also, is Rutin better than Diosmin in the...
01 January 1970 6,368 1 View
Do you discount if a consumer ask for a discount? And if so by how much? And is there a difference between customers in terms of the discount strategy? When you answer, please support your answer...
01 January 1970 3,851 9 View
When I viewed the PK parameters of both warfarin and candesartan, I found that both medications have 99% plasma protein binding. I then went to check and confirm there will be PK interaction...
01 January 1970 3,698 4 View
What will happen if the patient used carbamide peroxide to remove earwax when there is dizziness? I know dizziness could indicate inner ear problem, but what if the patient used carbamide peroxide...
01 January 1970 861 4 View
For how long? Just 2-4 weeks? And is topical steroid necessary? Or it the patient can be on other medications without fearing complication? I.E does topical steroid prevent any serious...
01 January 1970 2,069 7 View
Does taking many medications make a load on the kidney, liver and stomach affecting them negatively?
01 January 1970 8,097 21 View
Do you consider this be thrombocytopenia?
01 January 1970 7,934 53 View
Is there any reference/Book/Software that shows only the pharmacokinetic parameters of all medications available? For example, if I want to know the absorption, metabolism of acetaminophen, I...
01 January 1970 2,533 5 View
If someone has been taking Candesartan 4 mg one tablet daily for a year and want to take Diclofenac 25 mg for occassional pain, How can I eliminate the interaction between both (Aside from...
01 January 1970 6,159 17 View
53 Y F has 3rd degree uterine prolapse associated with bladder prolapse (Will under hysterectomy) but there are some urological problems that arose on examination. Initially Right grade 2...
01 January 1970 8,951 6 View
65 Y male who underwent Prostatectomy (weighing about 85 gm - 70 CC) got a urinary tract infection (As shown in the images attached) following the operation.Bothersome Symptoms following the...
01 January 1970 9,811 7 View
The US abdomen and pelvis of 65 Years old male report says: Both kidneys are normal in size, shape and position. They show normal echogenicity with preserved interfaces and parenchymal thickness....
01 January 1970 4,500 4 View
Will you initiate Daflon with this list of medications or not? Medical History: Atrial Fibrillation (Managed with 2.5 mg bisoprolol once daily) Allergic Rhinitis (Managed with 10 mg cetirizine...
01 January 1970 3,555 7 View
In your opinion observe or treat this stone? Stone info.Non obstructing renal pelvic stone measuring 9 mm with mean density of 1300 HU, Radiopaque (K.U.B)- most likely calcium oxalate stone...
01 January 1970 6,721 19 View
53 Y Female was exposed to boiled water which fall on her abdomen. She left the burn untreated and scab formation occurred. TBSA expected 1-4% , probably superficial partial thickness burn. How...
01 January 1970 9,451 6 View
For example , Clindamycin 300 mg three time daily and Cefixime 400 mg once per day have the potential to cause liver injury or the likelihood is low? I read both monographs but can't make decision...
01 January 1970 6,610 15 View
How can I assess the medication effect on the liver? Should I check the frequency of the adverse event? And if common, go further by checking the mechanism and measures to minimize it? If so, what...
01 January 1970 1,426 8 View
The patient should consult which specialty if he wants to know, will he stop aspirin prior to the operation or not? Will he consult the Cardiologist, the surgeon or the anesthesiologist?
01 January 1970 9,156 24 View
Metronidazole 500mg/100ml Intravenous Infusion should be infused intravenously at an approximate rate of 5 ml/minute (or one bag infused over 20 to 60 minutes) ? Why this slow rate of infusion?
01 January 1970 8,359 8 View
If someone with allergic rhinitis developed epistaxis after using intranasal steroids (Fluticasone propionate) and Azelastine, what should be the correct action to be taken? Stop taking them until...
01 January 1970 2,927 13 View
Check the images (One of the images aren't so clear, so I marked the gases) The urologist ordered K.U.B to get more info. about renal stone and the examination was done twice, and in both, there...
01 January 1970 5,135 3 View
Should the patient fast for 12 hours and if so, does he have to drink to fill the bladder before the scan? History: Hydronephrosis Grade 2 (US examination)
01 January 1970 9,159 3 View
What is the evidence based protocol for tapering off topical Corticosteroids? And when to consider tapering off instead of discontinuing abruptly? After 2 months for example?
01 January 1970 726 7 View
4.5 half life are required in order for the medication to be eliminated from the body right? Thus in order for the cefipime to be eliminated from the body 2 days (t1/2= 12 hour)? I'm asking...
01 January 1970 1,194 3 View
If someone was taking Cefipime IM 1 gm/ 12 hours for 10 days (The course is supposed to be 14 days) for complicated urinary tract infection (Cystitis) then he suddenly stopped taking the...
01 January 1970 4,234 4 View
Do you use German comission E , USP, other resources? To check interactions, adverse reactions, etc..
01 January 1970 5,013 5 View
Does this report indicate any malignancy and what are your recommendations based on these reports? Transrectal Ultrasonography of the pelvis report: The prostate is enlarged weighing about 85 gm...
01 January 1970 1,491 15 View
What is the problem with the pre-mature cessation of anagen phase and going to the telogen phase if the HF is going to re-enter the anagen phase again?
01 January 1970 9,512 2 View
Can women have male pattern baldness and vice versa (males with female pattern baldness)? And if so, will treatment differ? Or treatment is tailored towards male or female regardless of the pattern?
01 January 1970 5,773 5 View
Can you support your claims by evidence/protocol? Do you instruct them to use the topical antibiotic for one month, 2 months?
01 January 1970 3,384 3 View
How would you score Daflon (Diosmin and Hesperidin) with regard to blood thinning effect? How would you rate it in comparison with Aspirin, Warfarin, other agents? I.E do you consider it to be...
01 January 1970 7,346 2 View
How is neomycin is precribed in second degree burn and it is contraindicated in broken skin because of the systemic absorption?!!
01 January 1970 4,080 3 View
Do you advocate bowel preparation and dietary restriction (Fasting overnight) prior to k.u.b?
01 January 1970 6,441 4 View
I have read weak evidence articles (Animal studies) that showed cytotoxicity and neurotoxicity of ingestion of castor oil and I was wondering is this idiosyncratic reaction or dose dependent...
01 January 1970 4,193 6 View
Do you consider Castor oil (15-60 ml) to be safe for ingestion for constipation (as an indication)? I read animal studies that showed cytotoxicity and neurotoxicity? What is your take on this?
01 January 1970 8,294 4 View
Right ureter is maked by gases, for further assessment by CT. What does the previous indicate and mean? Medical History: 53 Y Female with uterine prolapse.
01 January 1970 4,323 2 View