For how long? Just 2-4 weeks? And is topical steroid necessary? Or it the patient can be on other medications without fearing complication? I.E does topical steroid prevent any serious complications? Or just treat the symptoms like Erythema?
Dr.Santosh, I mean on the long term, is chronic inflammation dangerous to the skin, that is why corticosteroid is prescribed? To avoid complications of chronic skin inflammation?
Long term use of topic steroids is not recommended for stasis dermatitis. It can be used as a short course to reduce the inflamation. Treatment aimed to correct the hemodinamic abnormality in venous system responsable for skin changes is most important. Treatment plan also includes elastic and non-elastic compression and veno-active drugs.
in stasis dermatitis I do not use cortisone: I use ozone therapy, because ozone stimulates lymphatic drainage, improves microcirculation, disinfects and reduces inflammation, without side effects