To answer part of the question, please check out my article on drug-induced liver disease (under Risk Factors)-
Thanks Dr.Donna, I have read it. From your clinical experience, any of these medications can affect the liver or there is low likelihood of causing so?
We must look to prescribe as little drugs as possible to manga well all the problems and to get a good relationship between risk/benefit for all patients
This problem is especially actual in aged persons. Prescribing antiviral or antibiotics you need to check prescriptions of cardiolog or any other specialist to evoid side effects of incompatible mixtures.
More medications metabolized and eliminated via liver function. In gastric aspects, exist two routes for damage of gastric mucosa, such as topic and systemic efect. I m dacord with Chumak that must to have attention for interaction of drugs in the shows of damage in these two organs.
Polypharmacy, a word with multiple definitions, both qualitative and other quantitative, is increasingly a topic of greater clinical importance, and which is being investigated throughout the world. Especially the need to deprescribe medications in geriatric patients. To encourage discussion, and contribute to the question, I wish to share the following manuscript.
Article Prescripción inapropiada en adultos mayores: Una mirada desd...
Polypharmacy is particularly a problem in a lot of the elderly patients that we see. We commonly prescribe medications to treat complications of side-effects of other medications and I regularly see people coming into hospital on 15+ medications a lot of which are either no longer appropriate or in fact doing more harm.
Despite, polypharmacy are highly associated with negative effect at different body organs like, stomach, liver kidney, the severity mainly depends on the type of polypharmacy drugs given, nature of patients like, elderly, pediatrics, pregnancies, presence of type of comorbidity in a single patients, dose of each drugs, frequency of each drugs in polypharmacy, duration of drugs given for patients, dosage form of drugs. Not only poly pharmacy drugs but also a single drugs can have negative effect at different organs mainly liver(major organ of metabolism) kidney( major organ of execration) and stomach. As principle the lower the no of drugs given, the less side effect we expect irrespective of different factors.