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Questions related to Quantitative RT-PCR
I subcutaneously performed implantation in rats and harvested the sample after 1, 2, 3, and 6 months. The implant is decellularized human skin. The procedure of how my lab did it was drawn in the...
16 January 2024 4,121 3 View
I'm wondering if lysozyme could also affect nucleases like RNase. My understanding is that lysozyme hydrolyses glycosidic bonds in bacterial cell walls, specifically between N-acetylmuramic acid...
07 December 2023 2,777 2 View
Hey guys. I have been working with a hypothetical protein that binds fatty acids (which we don't know what they are) and I can purify this protein without any major problems. Mass spectra as well...
05 December 2023 1,761 5 View
When the pump is turned on, the power LED would flash and the degasser LED would kept off. When the degasser control board is disconnected, and then turn on the power, the power LED can come on...
22 November 2023 2,193 0 View
i am conducting research in my univerity and im trying to figure out if there is an easier way of predicting a 1RM to estimate a 20-35% 1 RM for an exercise protocol. Any suggestions on how to do...
13 November 2023 4,233 1 View
I am working on the lipid, whose pdb file I have. While giving command gmx pdb2gmx for converting into gro format following error comes out, Fatal error: Residue 'KS7G' not found in residue...
01 November 2023 5,748 0 View
"Hello ResearchGate community! I'm a newcomer to the field of research and currently exploring potential research directions for my Ph.D. Among the options of cell cryopreservation, organoids, red...
23 October 2023 5,904 2 View
Many enzyme suppliers claim that RNase A cleaves both single and double-stranded RNA under low salt conditions. However, at higher salt concentrations, it's said to cleave only single-stranded...
16 October 2023 7,472 3 View
Currently I am trying to synthesis scaRNA20 using T7 promoter. How to design primers for T7 mediated scaRNA20 synthesis? And if the scaRNA is present in the minus strand where to which primer...
10 October 2023 4,169 2 View
Is there any RNA marker known for exosome that can be used as internal control in qRT-PCR for exosomal RNA
08 October 2023 3,244 0 View
Hi everyone, I am looking for a dye or other simple way to stain and to especifically detect neurons and glial cells in a Drosophila brain cell suspension. I realize that HRP could be a marker...
05 October 2023 933 0 View
An analogy to this is : For every individual, the sense of thirst starts at a different level. It depends on individual to individual. Similarly, there must be a baseline that the plant recognises...
30 September 2023 7,498 0 View
I am aware that my question seems a bit weird. But, is possible that the ozonation of a recalcitrant compound. increase the overall TOC? or can ozonation dissolved some components which result in...
23 September 2023 6,850 2 View
How does intraspecific relationship of individuals in a population affect the biotic community and interaction between biotic populations and abiotic factors in a community?
21 September 2023 6,017 0 View
How does the angle of sunlight affect the climate in different areas and how does the angle of the sunlight affect day and night?
20 September 2023 6,155 4 View
Hello all, Does anyone have experience in monitoring fatty acid oxydation in living cells using commercial kits (abcam, FAOblue) ? Is there any trick to allow FAO detection (glucose, serum...
14 September 2023 4,979 0 View
Hi Everyone! Does anyone know if the Plant miRNA Encyclopedia database (PmiREN, website has changed? Since the link that has always been published no longer works. Thank you :)
13 September 2023 2,720 0 View
As the pig prostate (our animal model) is relatively difficult to access for an ablation procedure, we'd like to use a proxy organ.
04 September 2023 4,811 0 View
Can the solubility of a solute be increased by heating the solution and why does increasing temperature increase the rate of reaction?
03 September 2023 3,824 0 View
Dear professors and colleagues I would like to get your opinion on the following figure: 1- I made a ligation for the specific 200bp insert to vector and that exact location shows misreading in...
25 August 2023 6,617 2 View
How do microorganisms play an important role in keeping the environment clean and functional role and position of a species within a community?
20 August 2023 5,873 0 View
I am facing a problem getting good quality RNA; if anybody suggests me, It would be great.
09 August 2023 5,145 2 View
A quantitative RT PCR assay was performed with a panel of low, weak, medium and high positive and negative members in one batch for 5 days at 3 different (sites, machines and operator). How to...
07 August 2023 9,095 0 View
intra -IRV longs ring md^2
23 July 2023 3,183 0 View