Gene regulation with miRNA: mechanisms, implications, techniques | Contact experts in microRNA to get answers
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Questions related to microRNA
Dear, I performed a multi-sequence alignment (MSA) with all the complete genome sequences of SARS-related viruses. I then used RNALalifold from the ViennaRNA package, with default parameters, to...
07 December 2020 1,921 3 View
For example, can we use the microRNAs involved in specific stress in a plant submitted on as a source for analysis of those microRNAs in other stresses? Thank you in advance for your...
01 December 2020 5,443 3 View
Performing pulsed Doppler ultrasound on a single thyroid artery (upper or lower; right or left) is it sufficient for the study of the mean sytolic peak in order to differentiate Graves' disease...
01 December 2020 4,149 3 View
I'm looking at wild horse populations and trying to map their relations. Ultimately I'd like to assess their relatedness and inbreeding coefficients. However, the most important component right...
30 November 2020 5,417 3 View
I will be isolating exosomes from plasma with Total Exosome Isolation Kit (Invitrogen). Will Isolate II RNA mini kit (Bioline) be appropriate for miRNA isolation from obtained exosomes? The...
27 November 2020 9,637 5 View
I have no prior knowledge of microRNAs and a member of my lab just started her project working on it. ive done primer designing before for my genes but it cant be applied to designing primers for...
24 November 2020 3,083 4 View
I'm trying to determine amount of RNA extracted from zebrafish embryos (using Qiagen micro kit) and whether it is sufficient for cDNA/qPCR. Based on nanodrop output I appear to have an ongoing...
24 November 2020 8,957 2 View
For example for an interaction study between a protein target.
23 November 2020 4,158 4 View
Hi! I would like to know what tools I could use to analyze interactions between a new lncRNA and possible protein/miRNA targets. The biggest problem I had to find such tools is that the RNA we...
21 November 2020 8,530 3 View
Hello everyone, I'm looking for miRNA expression level data (as measured by RNA-seq) in a specific tissue, but all papers I have consulted (and their relative supplemental material) do not report...
15 November 2020 9,925 2 View
Suppose we have given miRNA (that according to in silico analysis should bind to a specific sequence in RNA) that is labeled with a fluorescent dye (or is labeled otherwise) and we have isolated...
13 November 2020 5,349 1 View
I did some ribosomally depleted RNA-seq in rat brain. Does anyone have recommendations on how to quantify/compare small RNA expression between samples? I have used RNA STAR to map reads back to...
12 November 2020 5,544 1 View
Hi Chandni Bansal, first congratulations by your work. I have 3 questions: Have your checked its target AP2 for MIR172 in tomato plants as positive control of the technique Is the double mutant...
11 November 2020 1,324 0 View
I am going to buy GoTaq® 2-Step RT-qPCR System(Promega). This kit uses oligo(dT)15 primer for first-strand cDNA synthesis. I have to design primers for qPCR for 4 mature microRNAs(miR-21, miR-155,...
10 November 2020 9,401 3 View
Electrochemical microrna biosensor
02 November 2020 5,408 1 View
Please suggest portals to retrieve normalized-quantile expressions of micro-RNAs (in RPM).My aim is to construct a correlation plot between the gene of interest and microRNA. I searched in human...
29 October 2020 6,558 3 View
Hello! I'm new to bioinformatics and cancer databases. I was exploring cbioportal and analyzing coexpression of different genes through scatter plots. I noticed that the axis are labeled as " RSEM...
22 October 2020 7,423 2 View
Hi, I was reading the paper (MicroRNA Expression, Survival, and Response to Interferon in... ). In Table 1, I'm wondering how did the authors calculate a p-value of 0.29 for Age? The age in Table...
21 October 2020 2,503 5 View
We have been assessing miR-155 in RNA recovered from FFPE DLBCL samples. We found that using the TaqMan® standard Taqman miR kit, which require a separate RT reaction for every miR to be studied,...
19 October 2020 10,074 3 View
I have experimental evidence (qRT-PCR and WB) to suggest a miRNA downregulates a gene. To test if the regulation is direct I want to perform a luciferase reporter assay. So I designed a primer...
16 October 2020 7,782 4 View
Hello to all. I am performing a thesis on Cognitive disorder modeling in rats and the effect of Pharmacological Treatment on the disease and the expression of certain miRNAs. I am seeking...
15 October 2020 6,837 1 View
Dear researchers, I have ordered customized primers for ticks candidate miRNAs as these miRNAs are not available in any company. I have used a miRNA-specific MystiCq cDNA synthesis kit for cDNA...
15 October 2020 5,752 7 View
Because i isolate 5 ml of culture media without serum and i got 1.2 ng miRNA . And i need 70 ng minimum that we can do PCR
29 September 2020 6,027 4 View
I designed Primers for miRNAs using mirPrimer algorithm. However when l analysed them by Oligoanalyzer 3.1, it shows Primer-dimer and secondary structure formation. I request your suggestion...
20 September 2020 4,348 3 View