Gene regulation with miRNA: mechanisms, implications, techniques | Contact experts in microRNA to get answers
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Questions related to microRNA
Need to sortout my differential expression gene list into various types of coding and noncoding RNAs (lnc RNA, SnoRNA,miRNA, piRNA etc.) of RNAseq? Please suggest me the database or methods to do...
10 July 2020 9,609 5 View
I investigate microRNAs in patients' cell-free plasma with cardiovascular diseases. I isolate with Qiagen miRneasy Serum/Plasma kit, apply miScript II RT Kit and then miScript SYBR Green PCR...
10 July 2020 3,028 0 View
What is the difference between housekeeping gene and reference gene?
06 July 2020 3,744 74 View
I have some miRNA-seq raw data and I need to search for miRNA:mRNA interaction networks. After doing a quick literature review, I found several tools including mirDeep2, mirArma-seq, and other...
03 July 2020 8,767 0 View
I want to use it as a referance for my IHC experiment.
02 July 2020 941 0 View
I am doing a fourth-corner (co-inertia on 3 matrices to evaluate relationships between two matrices) and the analysis is known to increase the occurrence of false positives (multiple comparison)....
17 June 2020 6,064 0 View
I have a sequence of miRNA and a large sequence of target mRNA of Arabidopsis and i want to find out the potential binding position of this miRNA within the mRNA sequence. Can anyone suggest/guide...
10 June 2020 7,890 4 View
Dear All, I study a protein coding gene called gene-A. The intron of this gene has 70-80% sequence identity with another region in the genome (where no protein coding gene exists). Let us call...
10 June 2020 2,710 0 View
I have been searching for reliable databases for siRNA and miRNA sequences but I am not sure which ones are the best currently ( updated ones).
19 May 2020 1,951 5 View
I am looking for the list of microRNAs involved in different subtypes of breast cancer (ER+, ER-, HER2+, HER2-, PR+, PR-). Any idea?
18 May 2020 10,131 1 View
Dear colleagues, Please share your experience in using the psiCHECK-2 vector (Promega) for luciferase assay. I have experience with pGL3 and pRL vectors before and I always got results that the...
18 May 2020 5,509 0 View
I am performing research on tomato seedling for which I need to measure the seedling height ( root length + shoot length ) and diameter. Is there any procedure we should follow to measure the root...
13 May 2020 639 1 View
I am doing transcription factors prediction for a miRNA. The pri-miRNA is located in the positive strand, but JASPAR showed the result with many TFs binding in the negative. I am wondering if...
08 May 2020 8,953 0 View
Hello, I want to use Ingenuity Pathway Analysis - QIAGEN to filter the biomarkers and identify the potential one, but this software is not freely available. Does someone suggest another free...
07 May 2020 3,581 0 View
I have some RNA seq fastq files and I would like to look at miRNAs and LncRNAs but I am not sure what I can use for the alignment to have both miRNAs and LncRNAs. I used TophatII to look at mRNAs,...
04 May 2020 7,576 3 View
I have a fast algorithm for clustering genes/microRNAs. It can take as input a huge frequency matrix A where the genes/microRNAs are on columns and some nucleotide sequences are on rows. A matrix...
13 April 2020 4,108 2 View
Hi I want to design miRNA targets and schematic of miRNA targets for microRNA. I need a great software. Does anyone has it? if you have any software, please could you give me? Best Regards Sevan
04 April 2020 9,113 2 View
Hello everyone. Currently, I am trying to perform relative quantification by RT-qPCR of two different antibody light chain transcripts that are both expressed by the same hybridoma line. At first...
30 March 2020 5,456 6 View
Hello I have used miRDeep2 to predict novel miRNAs in my small RNA datasets. The program generates a table with several columns like miRDeep2 score, estimated false positive, estimated true...
24 March 2020 840 2 View
Hi everyone, I'm trying to find tools/pipelines in order to do the analysis of miRNAs from RNA-seq data, but I'm overwhelmed by the amount of software available to do this. Do you know which tools...
16 March 2020 7,682 2 View
Hi, I have miRNA Seq data. I am trying to predict miRNA from this data. However, I have seen almost half of the reads belong to 19-22bp (sequence length distribution) and another peak is detected...
12 March 2020 463 1 View
Topics: 1) Coronary Physiology Assessment for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease 2) Non-coding RNAs in coronary artery disease: new and potential therapeutic targets 3)...
03 March 2020 299 4 View
We are studying on miRNA RT-QPCR. How can we detect mature miRNA quality without bioanalyzer? İs there any cheaper way to assess miRNA quality for miRNA enrichment protocol (this protocol enable to
26 February 2020 2,940 3 View
Hi, I need help from someone who has worked with exosome RNA (miRNAs) isolation. I'm working with MDA231 secreted exosomes but I have failed in isolate RNA from these vesicles. Usually I obtained...
20 February 2020 9,087 13 View